Esempio n. 1
    def _pred_sig(self, theta, phi, beta, lambda1, lambda2):
        The predicted signal for a particular setting of the parameters

        Q = np.array([[lambda1, 0, 0], [0, lambda2, 0], [0, 0, lambda2]])

        # If for some reason this is not symmetrical, then something is wrong
        # (in all likelihood, this means that the optimization process is
        # trying out some crazy value, such as nan). In that case, abort and
        # return a nan:
        if not np.allclose(Q.T, Q):
            return np.nan

        response_function = ozt.Tensor(Q, self.bvecs[:, self.b_idx],
                                       self.bvals[:, self.b_idx])

        # Convert theta and phi to cartesian coordinates:
        x, y, z = geo.sphere2cart(1, theta, phi)
        bvec = [x, y, z]
        evals, evecs = response_function.decompose

        rot_tensor = ozt.tensor_from_eigs(
            evecs * ozu.calculate_rotation(bvec, evecs[0]), evals,
            self.bvecs[:, self.b_idx], self.bvals[:, self.b_idx])

        iso_sig = np.exp(-self.bvals[self.b_idx][0] * lambda1)
        tensor_sig = rot_tensor.predicted_signal(1)

        return beta * iso_sig + (1 - beta) * tensor_sig
    def _pred_sig(self, theta, phi, beta, lambda1, lambda2):
        The predicted signal for a particular setting of the parameters

        Q = np.array([[lambda1, 0, 0],
                      [0, lambda2, 0],
                      [0, 0, lambda2]])

        # If for some reason this is not symmetrical, then something is wrong
        # (in all likelihood, this means that the optimization process is
        # trying out some crazy value, such as nan). In that case, abort and
        # return a nan:
        if not np.allclose(Q.T, Q):
            return np.nan
        response_function = ozt.Tensor(Q,
        # Convert theta and phi to cartesian coordinates:
        x,y,z = geo.sphere2cart(1, theta, phi)
        bvec = [x,y,z]
        evals, evecs = response_function.decompose

        rot_tensor = ozt.tensor_from_eigs(
            evecs * ozu.calculate_rotation(bvec, evecs[0]),
            evals, self.bvecs[:,self.b_idx], self.bvals[:,self.b_idx])

        iso_sig = np.exp(-self.bvals[self.b_idx][0] * lambda1)
        tensor_sig =  rot_tensor.predicted_signal(1)

        return beta * iso_sig + (1-beta) * tensor_sig
Esempio n. 3
def rotate_to_vector(vector, evals, evecs, bvecs, bvals):
    Rotate the tensor to align with the input vector and return another
    Tensor class instance with that rotation (and the original

    vector: A unit length 3-vector

    evals: The eigen-values of the tensor to rotate

    evecs: The corresponding eigen-vectors of the tensor to rotate.

    bvecs, bvals: inputs to create the new Tensor (presumably these are taken
    from the Tensor from which you got evals and evecs, but doesn't have to

    Tensor class instance rotated to the input vector.
    e1 = evecs[0]
    rot_tensor_e =, e1), evecs)
    return tensor_from_eigs(rot_tensor_e, evals, bvecs, bvals)
Esempio n. 4
def rotate_to_vector(vector, evals, evecs, bvecs, bvals):
    Rotate the tensor to align with the input vector and return another
    Tensor class instance with that rotation (and the original

    vector: A unit length 3-vector

    evals: The eigen-values of the tensor to rotate

    evecs: The corresponding eigen-vectors of the tensor to rotate.

    bvecs, bvals: inputs to create the new Tensor (presumably these are taken
    from the Tensor from which you got evals and evecs, but doesn't have to

    Tensor class instance rotated to the input vector.
    e1 = evecs[0]
    rot_tensor_e =, e1), evecs)
    return tensor_from_eigs(rot_tensor_e, evals, bvecs, bvals)
Esempio n. 5
def subsample(bvecs, n_dirs, elec_points=None):

    Generate a sub-sample of size n of directions from the provided bvecs

    bvecs: int array (n by 3), a set of cartesian coordinates for a set of
    n_dirs: int, how many bvecs to sub-sample from this set. 
    elec_points: optional, a set of points read from the camino points, using
    Jones (2003) algorithm for electro-static repulsion
    [x,y,z]: The coordinates of the sub-sample
    bvec_idx: The indices into the original bvecs that would give this
    Directions are chosen from the camino-generated electro-static repulsion
    points in the directory camino_pts.

    if elec_points is None:
        # We need a n by 3 here:
        xyz = ozu.get_camino_pts(n_dirs).T
        xyz = elec_points.copy()
    # Rotate all the points to align with the seed, the bvec relative to which
    # all the rest are chosen (lots going on in this one line):
    new_points = np.array(bvecs *
                              bvecs[np.ceil(np.random.rand() *

    sample_bvecs = np.zeros((3, n_dirs))
    bvec_idx = []
    for vec in xrange(n_dirs):
        this = new_points[vec]
        delta = np.zeros(bvecs.shape[0])
        for j in xrange(bvecs.shape[0]):
            delta[j] = ozu.vector_angle(this, bvecs[j])

        this_idx = np.where(delta==np.min(delta))
        sample_bvecs[:, vec] = bvecs[this_idx]

    return sample_bvecs, np.array(bvec_idx).squeeze()
Esempio n. 6
 def _tensor_helper(self, theta, phi):
         This code is used in all three error functions, so we write it out
         only once here
     # Convert to cartesian coordinates:
     x, y, z = geo.sphere2cart(1, theta, phi)
     bvec = [x, y, z]
     # decompose is an auto-attr of the tensor object, so is only run once
     # and then cached:
     evals, evecs = self.response_function.decompose
     rot = ozu.calculate_rotation(bvec, evecs[0])
     rot_evecs = evecs * rot
     rot_tensor = ozt.tensor_from_eigs(rot_evecs, evals,
                                       self.bvecs[:, self.b_idx],
     return rot_tensor
Esempio n. 7
 def _tensor_helper(self, theta, phi):
         This code is used in all three error functions, so we write it out
         only once here
         # Convert to cartesian coordinates:
         x,y,z = geo.sphere2cart(1, theta, phi)
         bvec = [x,y,z]
         # decompose is an auto-attr of the tensor object, so is only run once
         # and then cached:
         evals, evecs = self.response_function.decompose
         rot = ozu.calculate_rotation(bvec, evecs[0])
         rot_evecs = evecs * rot
         rot_tensor = ozt.tensor_from_eigs(rot_evecs,
         return rot_tensor
Esempio n. 8
    def rotations(self):
        Calculate the response function for alignment with each one of the
        b vectors
        out = []
        for idx, bvec in enumerate(self.bvecs.T):
            rot = ozu.calculate_rotation(bvec, [1, 0, 0])
            bvecs = np.asarray(, self.bvecs)).squeeze()
            r, theta, phi = geo.cart2sphere(bvecs[0], bvecs[1], bvecs[2])

            sph_harm_set = []
            degree = 0
            for order in np.arange(0, 2 * self.n_coeffs, 2):
                sph_harm_set.append(np.real(sph_harm(degree, order, theta, phi)))

            sph_harm_set = np.array(sph_harm_set)
            out.append(, sph_harm_set))

        return np.array(out)
Esempio n. 9
    def rotations(self):
        Calculate the response function for alignment with each one of the
        b vectors
        out = []
        for idx, bvec in enumerate(self.bvecs.T):
            rot = ozu.calculate_rotation(bvec, [1, 0, 0])
            bvecs = np.asarray(, self.bvecs)).squeeze()
            r, theta, phi = geo.cart2sphere(bvecs[0], bvecs[1], bvecs[2])

            sph_harm_set = []
            degree = 0
            for order in np.arange(0, 2 * self.n_coeffs, 2):
                    np.real(sph_harm(degree, order, theta, phi)))

            sph_harm_set = np.array(sph_harm_set)
            out.append(, sph_harm_set))

        return np.array(out)
Esempio n. 10
def subsample(bvecs, n_dirs, elec_points=None):

    Generate a sub-sample of size n of directions from the provided bvecs

    bvecs: int array (n by 3), a set of cartesian coordinates for a set of
    n_dirs: int, how many bvecs to sub-sample from this set. 
    elec_points: optional, a set of points read from the camino points, using
    Jones (2003) algorithm for electro-static repulsion
    [x,y,z]: The coordinates of the sub-sample
    bvec_idx: The indices into the original bvecs that would give this
    Directions are chosen from the camino-generated electro-static repulsion
    points in the directory camino_pts.

    if elec_points is None:
        # We need a n by 3 here:
        xyz = ozu.get_camino_pts(n_dirs).T
        xyz = elec_points.copy()
    # Rotate all the points to align with the seed, the bvec relative to which
    # all the rest are chosen (lots going on in this one line):
    rot_to_first = ozu.calculate_rotation(
                              bvecs[:, np.ceil(np.random.randint(xyz.shape[0]))],

    new_points =, bvecs).T

    sample_bvecs = np.zeros((3, n_dirs))
    bvec_idx = []

    potential_indices = np.arange(bvecs.shape[-1])
    for vec in xrange(n_dirs):
        this = new_points[vec]
        delta = np.zeros(potential_indices.shape)
        for j in range(delta.shape[0]):
            delta[j] = ozu.vector_angle(this, bvecs[:, j])

        this_idx = np.where(delta==np.min(delta))
        sample_bvecs[:, vec] = np.squeeze(bvecs[:, this_idx])

        # Remove bvecs that you've used, so that you don't have them more than
        # once: 
        bvecs = np.hstack([bvecs[:, :this_idx[0]],bvecs[:, this_idx[0]+1:]])
        potential_indices = np.hstack([potential_indices[:this_idx[0]],
    return sample_bvecs, np.array(bvec_idx).squeeze()
Esempio n. 11
def subsample(bvecs, n_dirs, elec_points=None):

    Generate a sub-sample of size n of directions from the provided bvecs

    bvecs: int array (n by 3), a set of cartesian coordinates for a set of
    n_dirs: int, how many bvecs to sub-sample from this set. 
    elec_points: optional, a set of points read from the camino points, using
    Jones (2003) algorithm for electro-static repulsion
    [x,y,z]: The coordinates of the sub-sample
    bvec_idx: The indices into the original bvecs that would give this
    Directions are chosen from the camino-generated electro-static repulsion
    points in the directory camino_pts.


    if elec_points is None:
        # We need a n by 3 here:
        xyz = ozu.get_camino_pts(n_dirs).T
        xyz = elec_points.copy()

    # Rotate all the points to align with the seed, the bvec relative to which
    # all the rest are chosen (lots going on in this one line):
    rot_to_first = ozu.calculate_rotation(
        bvecs[:, np.ceil(np.random.randint(xyz.shape[0]))], xyz[0])

    new_points =, bvecs).T

    sample_bvecs = np.zeros((3, n_dirs))
    bvec_idx = []

    potential_indices = np.arange(bvecs.shape[-1])
    for vec in xrange(n_dirs):
        this = new_points[vec]
        delta = np.zeros(potential_indices.shape)
        for j in range(delta.shape[0]):
            delta[j] = ozu.vector_angle(this, bvecs[:, j])

        this_idx = np.where(delta == np.min(delta))

        sample_bvecs[:, vec] = np.squeeze(bvecs[:, this_idx])

        # Remove bvecs that you've used, so that you don't have them more than
        # once:
        bvecs = np.hstack([bvecs[:, :this_idx[0]], bvecs[:, this_idx[0] + 1:]])
        potential_indices = np.hstack([
            potential_indices[this_idx[0] + 1:]

    return sample_bvecs, np.array(bvec_idx).squeeze()