def update(self, accountid): account = self.__own_account(accountid) if not account: self.notfound( 'Nonexistent account cannot be modified (or you do not own it)') if 'name' in self.args: = self.args['name'] if 'currency' in self.args: # Do not update currency if account has transactions if not models.TransactionAccount.query.filter( models.TransactionAccount.account == account ).count(): currency = core.Currency.query.filter( db.and_( core.Currency.isocode == self.args['currency'], db.or_( core.Currency.owner_username == self.username, core.Currency.owner_username == None ) ) ).first() if currency: account.currency = currency if 'start_balance' in self.args: account.start_balance = Decimal(self.args['start_balance']) self.add_to_response('totalbalance') db.session.commit() return account.as_dict(self.username)
def delete_everything(username): """Delete all data except user preferences""" # Transaction # -> TransactionAccount and TransactionCategory deleted by cascade transaction.Transaction.query.filter( transaction.Transaction.owner_username == username).delete() # Category transaction.Category.query.filter( transaction.Category.owner_username == username).delete() # Account # ... first get all accounts for the user... accountowners = transaction.AccountOwner.query.filter( transaction.AccountOwner.owner_username == username).all() # ... then delete all "AccountOwner" links for the user... transaction.AccountOwner.query.filter( transaction.AccountOwner.owner_username == username).delete() # ... and delete only accounts which do not have user associated... deleteaccounts = [] for accountowner in accountowners: if not transaction.AccountOwner.query.filter( transaction.AccountOwner.account_id == accountowner.account_id).first(): deleteaccounts.append( == accountowner.account_id) if deleteaccounts: transaction.Account.query.filter(db.or_(*deleteaccounts)).delete() # Currency core.Currency.query.filter( core.Currency.owner_username == username).delete() # XXX TransactionAccounts are not deleted : problem with SQLite # Commit deletes db.session.commit()
def __search(self, substring): """Search on parts of the users name or on exact email address""" if len(substring) < 3: self.badrequest('Please give at least 3 characters') if '@' in substring: corresponding_rows = models.User.query.join( models.UserEmail ).filter( models.UserEmail.email_address == substring, models.UserEmail.confirmation == 'OK' ) else: substring=u'%{0}%'.format(substring) corresponding_rows = models.User.query.filter( db.and_( models.User.username != self.username, db.or_(,,, ) ) ) return [u.as_dict() for u in corresponding_rows.all()]
def create(self): if not ('currency' in self.args and 'name' in self.args): self.badrequest("Please provide category name and currency") if 'parent' in self.args: parent = self.__own_category(self.args['parent']) if not parent: self.badrequest("This parent category does not exist") else: parent = None currency = core.Currency.query.filter( db.and_( core.Currency.isocode == self.args['currency'], db.or_( core.Currency.owner_username == self.username, core.Currency.owner_username == None ) ) ).first() if not currency: self.badrequest("This currency does not exist") category = models.Category( owner_username=self.username, parent=parent, currency=currency, name=self.args['name'] ) db.session.add(category) db.session.commit() return category.as_dict(self.username)
def list(self): currencies = models.Currency.query.filter( db.or_( models.Currency.owner_username == self.username, models.Currency.owner_username == None, )) return [c.as_dict() for c in currencies]
def create(self): if not ( 'currency' in self.args and 'name' in self.args and 'start_balance' in self.args ): self.badrequest( "Please provide the account name, currency and start balance") currency = core.Currency.query.filter( db.and_( core.Currency.isocode == self.args['currency'], db.or_( core.Currency.owner_username == self.username, core.Currency.owner_username == None ) ) ).first() if not currency: self.badrequest("This currency does not exist") name = self.args['name'] start_balance = self.args['start_balance'] a = models.Account( name=name, currency=currency, start_balance=start_balance ) ao = models.AccountOwner(account=a, owner_username=self.username) db.session.add_all((a, ao)) db.session.commit() self.add_to_response('totalbalance') return a.as_dict(self.username)
def list(self): currencies = models.Currency.query.filter( db.or_( models.Currency.owner_username == self.username, models.Currency.owner_username == None, ) ) return [c.as_dict() for c in currencies]
def __own_currency(self, isocode): return models.Currency.query.filter( db.and_( models.Currency.isocode == isocode, db.or_( models.Currency.owner_username == self.username, models.Currency.owner_username == None, )))
def __own_currency(self, isocode): return models.Currency.query.filter( db.and_( models.Currency.isocode == isocode, db.or_( models.Currency.owner_username == self.username, models.Currency.owner_username == None, ) ) )
def rate(username, fromisocode, toisocode): if fromisocode == toisocode: return 1 # Request the currencies fromcurrency = core.Currency.query.filter( db.and_( core.Currency.isocode == fromisocode, db.or_(core.Currency.owner_username == username, core.Currency.owner_username == None), ) ).first() tocurrency = core.Currency.query.filter( db.and_( core.Currency.isocode == toisocode, db.or_(core.Currency.owner_username == username, core.Currency.owner_username == None), ) ).first() if not fromcurrency or not tocurrency: return None # Both currencies are globally defined if (fromcurrency.rate is None) and (tocurrency.rate is None): return exchangerate.getrate(fromcurrency.isocode, tocurrency.isocode) # Both currencies are user-defined elif (fromcurrency.rate is not None) and (tocurrency.rate is not None): return tocurrency.rate / fromcurrency.rate # Mixed user-defined / globally defined rates else: preferred_isocode = core.User.query.filter(core.User.username == username).one().preferred_currency.isocode # From a user-defined currency to a globally defined currency if (fromcurrency.rate is not None) and (tocurrency.rate is None): target_rate = exchangerate.getrate(preferred_isocode, tocurrency.isocode) if fromcurrency.rate == 0: return 0 return target_rate / fromcurrency.rate if (fromcurrency.rate is None) and (tocurrency.rate is not None): source_rate = exchangerate.getrate(preferred_isocode, fromcurrency.isocode) if tocurrency.rate == 0: return 0 return tocurrency.rate / source_rate
def update(self, categoryid): category = self.__own_category(categoryid) if not category: self.notfound( 'Nonexistent category cannot be modified (or you do not own it)') if 'name' in self.args: = self.args['name'] if 'currency' in self.args: currency = core.Currency.query.filter( db.and_( core.Currency.isocode == self.args['currency'], db.or_( core.Currency.owner_username == self.username, core.Currency.owner_username == None ) ) ).first() if currency: rate = helpers.rate( self.username, category.currency.isocode, currency.isocode ) category.currency = currency for tc in models.TransactionCategory.query.filter( models.TransactionCategory.category == category ).all(): tc.category_amount = tc.category_amount * rate if 'parent' in self.args: if self.args['parent'] == 'NONE': category.parent_id = None else: parent = self.__own_category(self.args['parent']) if not parent: self.badrequest("This parent category does not exist") if category.contains_category( self.badrequest( "The parent is already a child of this category") if != category.parent_id: allparents = set([, category.parent_id] + \ parent.all_parents_ids()) if category.parent_id: allparents.update(category.parent.all_parents_ids()) for parentid in allparents: if parentid: self.add_to_response('categoriesbalance', parentid) category.parent = parent db.session.commit() return category.as_dict(self.username)
def category_filter(value): def subcategories(categoryid, categorylist): for cat in models.Category.query.filter( models.Category.parent_id == categoryid ): categorylist.append( categorylist = subcategories(, categorylist) return categorylist categorylist = subcategories(value, [ int(value) ]) return [ == models.TransactionCategory.transaction_id, db.or_(*[ models.TransactionCategory.category_id == value \ for value in categorylist ]) ]
def update(self, categoryid): category = self.__own_category(categoryid) if not category: self.notfound( 'Nonexistent category cannot be modified (or you do not own it)' ) if 'name' in self.args: = self.args['name'] if 'currency' in self.args: currency = core.Currency.query.filter( db.and_( core.Currency.isocode == self.args['currency'], db.or_(core.Currency.owner_username == self.username, core.Currency.owner_username == None))).first() if currency: rate = helpers.rate(self.username, category.currency.isocode, currency.isocode) category.currency = currency for tc in models.TransactionCategory.query.filter( models.TransactionCategory.category == category).all(): tc.category_amount = tc.category_amount * rate if 'parent' in self.args: if self.args['parent'] == 'NONE': category.parent_id = None else: parent = self.__own_category(self.args['parent']) if not parent: self.badrequest("This parent category does not exist") if category.contains_category( self.badrequest( "The parent is already a child of this category") if != category.parent_id: allparents = set([, category.parent_id] + \ parent.all_parents_ids()) if category.parent_id: allparents.update(category.parent.all_parents_ids()) for parentid in allparents: if parentid: self.add_to_response('categoriesbalance', parentid) category.parent = parent db.session.commit() return category.as_dict(self.username)
def delete_everything(username): """Delete all data except user preferences""" # Transaction # -> TransactionAccount and TransactionCategory deleted by cascade transaction.Transaction.query.filter( transaction.Transaction.owner_username == username ).delete() # Category transaction.Category.query.filter( transaction.Category.owner_username == username ).delete() # Account # ... first get all accounts for the user... accountowners = transaction.AccountOwner.query.filter( transaction.AccountOwner.owner_username == username ).all() # ... then delete all "AccountOwner" links for the user... transaction.AccountOwner.query.filter( transaction.AccountOwner.owner_username == username ).delete() # ... and delete only accounts which do not have user associated... deleteaccounts = [] for accountowner in accountowners: if not transaction.AccountOwner.query.filter( transaction.AccountOwner.account_id == accountowner.account_id ).first(): deleteaccounts.append( == accountowner.account_id ) if deleteaccounts: transaction.Account.query.filter( db.or_(*deleteaccounts) ).delete() # Currency core.Currency.query.filter( core.Currency.owner_username == username ).delete() # XXX TransactionAccounts are not deleted : problem with SQLite # Commit deletes db.session.commit()
def create(self): if not ('currency' in self.args and 'name' in self.args): self.badrequest("Please provide category name and currency") if 'parent' in self.args: parent = self.__own_category(self.args['parent']) if not parent: self.badrequest("This parent category does not exist") else: parent = None currency = core.Currency.query.filter( db.and_( core.Currency.isocode == self.args['currency'], db.or_(core.Currency.owner_username == self.username, core.Currency.owner_username == None))).first() if not currency: self.badrequest("This currency does not exist") category = models.Category(owner_username=self.username, parent=parent, currency=currency, name=self.args['name']) db.session.add(category) db.session.commit() return category.as_dict(self.username)
def create(self): if not ( 'currency' in self.args and \ 'date' in self.args and \ 'description' in self.args and \ 'amount' in self.args ): self.badrequest( "Please provide transaction description, currency, amount and date") # First, create the transaction object currency = core.Currency.query.filter( db.and_( core.Currency.isocode == self.args['currency'], db.or_( core.Currency.owner_username == self.username, core.Currency.owner_username == None ) ) ).first() if not currency: self.badrequest("This currency does not exist") date = helpers.date_from_string(self.args['date']) if not date: self.badrequest("This date cannot be understood") description = self.args['description'] if 'original_description' in self.args: original_description = self.args['original_description'] else: original_description = description transaction = models.Transaction( owner_username = self.username, description = description, original_description = original_description, amount = self.args['amount'], currency = currency, date = date ) db.session.add(transaction) # Next, create the links from the transaction to its accounts if 'accounts' in self.args: accounts = json.loads(self.args['accounts']) for accountdata in accounts: transaction_accounts = [] if 'amount' in accountdata: # If no amount is specified, do not associate the account accountobject = models.Account.query.options( db.joinedload(models.Account.account_owners) ).filter( db.and_( == accountdata['account'], models.AccountOwner.owner_username == self.username, ) ).first() if accountobject: ta = models.TransactionAccount( transaction = transaction, account = accountobject, amount = accountdata['amount'], verified = False ) db.session.add(ta) self.add_to_response('accountbalance', accountdata['account']) self.add_to_response('totalbalance') # Next, create the links from the transaction to its categories if 'categories' in self.args: categories = json.loads(self.args['categories']) for categorydata in categories: transaction_categories = [] if 'transaction_amount' in categorydata and \ 'category_amount' in categorydata: # If no amount is specified, do not associate the category categoryobject = models.Category.query.options( db.joinedload(models.Category.currency) ).filter( db.and_( == categorydata['category'], models.Category.owner_username == self.username, ) ).first() if categoryobject: tc = models.TransactionCategory( transaction = transaction, category = categoryobject, transaction_amount = categorydata['transaction_amount'], category_amount = categorydata['category_amount'] ) db.session.add(tc) self.add_to_response('categoriesbalance', categorydata['category']) # Commit everything... db.session.commit() return transaction.as_dict(self.username)
def update(self, transactionid): transaction = self.__own_transaction(transactionid) if not transaction: self.notfound( 'Nonexistent transaction cannot be modified (or you do not own it)') # First, modifications on the Transaction object itself if 'description' in self.args: desc = self.args['description'] if desc.strip() == '': transaction.description = transaction.original_description else: transaction.description = desc if 'amount' in self.args: transaction.amount = self.args['amount'] if 'currency' in self.args: currency = core.Currency.query.filter( db.and_( core.Currency.isocode == self.args['currency'], db.or_( core.Currency.owner_username == self.username, core.Currency.owner_username == None ) ) ).first() if currency: transaction.currency = currency if 'date' in self.args: date = helpers.date_from_string(self.args['date']) if date: = date # Next, update accounts if 'accounts' in self.args: existing_accounts = dict([ta.as_tuple() for ta in transaction.transaction_accounts]) new_accounts_data = json.loads(self.args['accounts']) for account_data in new_accounts_data: if 'amount' in account_data and 'account' in account_data: amount = account_data['amount'] accountid = account_data['account'] if accountid in existing_accounts.keys(): # Account already linked... if existing_accounts[accountid] != amount: # ...but the amount is different ta = models.TransactionAccount.query.filter(db.and_( models.TransactionAccount.transaction == transaction, models.TransactionAccount.account_id == accountid )).one() ta.amount = amount ta.verified = False self.add_to_response('accountbalance', accountid) existing_accounts.pop(accountid) else: # Account is not already linked # Verify the account is owned by the user accountobject = models.Account.query.options( db.joinedload(models.Account.account_owners) ).filter( db.and_( == accountid, models.AccountOwner.owner_username == self.username ) ).first() if accountobject: ta = models.TransactionAccount( transaction = transaction, account = accountobject, amount = amount, verified = False ) self.add_to_response('accountbalance', accountid) db.session.add(ta) # All accounts to keep have been poped out from "existing_accounts" # Delete all links remaining from this transaction to accounts for accountid in existing_accounts.keys(): ta = models.TransactionAccount.query.filter(db.and_( models.TransactionAccount.transaction == transaction, models.TransactionAccount.account_id == accountid )).one() self.add_to_response('accountbalance', accountid) db.session.delete(ta) self.add_to_response('totalbalance') # Then, update categories if 'categories' in self.args: existing_categories = dict([tc.as_tuple() for tc in transaction.transaction_categories]) new_categories_data = json.loads(self.args['categories']) for category_data in new_categories_data: if 'transaction_amount' in category_data and \ 'category_amount' in category_data and \ 'category' in category_data: transaction_amount = category_data['transaction_amount'] category_amount = category_data['category_amount'] categoryid = category_data['category'] if categoryid in existing_categories.keys(): # Category already linked... if existing_categories[categoryid]['category_amount'] \ != category_amount: # ...but the amount is different tc = models.TransactionCategory.query.filter(db.and_( models.TransactionCategory.transaction == transaction, models.TransactionCategory.category_id == categoryid )).one() tc.transaction_amount = transaction_amount tc.category_amount = category_amount tc.verified = False self.add_to_response('categoriesbalance', categoryid) existing_categories.pop(categoryid) else: # Category is not already linked # Verify the category is owned by the user categoryobject = models.Category.query.filter( db.and_( == categoryid, models.Category.owner_username == self.username ) ).first() if categoryobject: tc = models.TransactionCategory( transaction = transaction, category = categoryobject, transaction_amount = transaction_amount, category_amount = category_amount ) self.add_to_response('categoriesbalance', categoryid) db.session.add(tc) # All categories to keep have been poped out from # "existing_categories" # Delete all links remaining from this transaction to categories for categoryid in existing_categories.keys(): tc = models.TransactionCategory.query.filter(db.and_( models.TransactionCategory.transaction == transaction, models.TransactionCategory.category_id == categoryid )).one() self.add_to_response('categoriesbalance', categoryid) db.session.delete(tc) db.session.commit() return transaction.as_dict(self.username)