def list_file(self, name_tuple_prefix, max_files=None): path_prefix = self._get_key_prefix(name_tuple_prefix) for obj in islice(oss2.ObjectIteratorV2(self.bucket), 1): print(obj.key) if max_files is None: iter = oss2.ObjectIteratorV2(self.bucket, prefix=path_prefix) else: iter = islice( oss2.ObjectIteratorV2(self.bucket, prefix=path_prefix), max_files) return map(lambda obj: self._get_name_tuple(obj.key), iter)
async def _get_aqua_pic(): ''' Return a fiexed url. ''' _prefix = '?x-oss-process=image/auto-orient,1/quality,q_100/format,jpg' rule_picture_id = re.compile(Auth.bucket_endpoint+Auth.prefix+'/'+'(.*)') if not AquaPicture.shuffled_list or (time.time()-44.5*600 > AquaPicture.last_shuffle_time): AquaPicture.last_shuffle_time = time.time() # shuffle aqua pic list for obj in oss2.ObjectIteratorV2(Auth.bucket, prefix=Auth.prefix): AquaPicture.shuffled_list.append(Auth.bucket_endpoint+str(obj.key)) del AquaPicture.shuffled_list[0] # delete [0] because it`s path random.shuffle(AquaPicture.shuffled_list) picture_id = re.match(rule_picture_id, AquaPicture.shuffled_list[0])[1] if AquaPicture.shuffled_list[0][-3:] == "gif": _url = AquaPicture.shuffled_list[0] del AquaPicture.shuffled_list[0] return _url, picture_id else: _url = AquaPicture.shuffled_list[0]+_prefix del AquaPicture.shuffled_list[0] return _url, picture_id
async def statsAqua(session) -> None: picture_count = 0 # idk how to count this :( , function len() doesn`t work for _ in oss2.ObjectIteratorV2(Auth.bucket, prefix=Auth.prefix): picture_count += 1 __text = "挖藕! 现在有{0}张夸图!".format(picture_count) _msg = { "type": "text", "data": { "text": __text } } await session.send(_msg)
def oss_scandir(dirname: path_type): dirname = stringify_path(dirname) if not dirname.endswith("/"): dirname = dirname + "/" bucket, key, access_key_id, access_key_secret, end_point = parse_osspath( dirname) oss_bucket = _get_oss_bucket(bucket, access_key_id, access_key_secret, end_point) dirname_set = set() for obj in oss2.ObjectIteratorV2(oss_bucket, prefix=key): rel_path = obj.key[len(key):] try: inside_dirname, inside_filename = rel_path.split("/", 1) except ValueError: inside_dirname = None inside_filename = rel_path if inside_dirname is not None: if inside_dirname in dirname_set: continue dirname_set.add(inside_dirname) yield OSSFileEntry( os.path.join(dirname, inside_dirname), is_dir=True, is_file=False, stat={ "name": os.path.join(dirname, inside_dirname), "type": "directory", "size": 0, "modified_time": -1, }, ) else: yield OSSFileEntry( os.path.join(dirname, inside_filename), is_dir=False, is_file=True, stat={ "name": os.path.join(dirname, inside_filename), "type": "file", "size": obj.size, "modified_time": obj.last_modified, }, )
def ls(self, path: path_type) -> List[path_type]: file_list = [] file_entry = oc.OSSFileEntry(path) if not file_entry.is_dir(): raise OSError("ls for file is not supported") else: bucket, key, access_key_id, access_key_secret, end_point \ = oc.parse_osspath(path) oss_bucket = oss2.Bucket(auth=oss2.Auth( access_key_id=access_key_id, access_key_secret=access_key_secret), endpoint=end_point, bucket_name=bucket, connect_timeout=_oss_time_out) for obj in oss2.ObjectIteratorV2(oss_bucket, prefix=key): if obj.key.endswith('/'): continue obj_path = rf"oss://{bucket}/{obj.key}" file_list.append(obj_path) return file_list
def oss_isdir(path: path_type): """ OSS has no concept of directories, but we define a ossurl is dir, When there is at least one object at the ossurl that is the prefix(end with char "/"), it is considered as a directory. """ dirname = stringify_path(path) if not dirname.endswith("/"): dirname = dirname + "/" bucket, key, access_key_id, access_key_secret, end_point = parse_osspath( dirname) oss_bucket = _get_oss_bucket(bucket, access_key_id, access_key_secret, end_point) isdir = False for obj in oss2.ObjectIteratorV2(oss_bucket, prefix=key, max_keys=2): if obj.key == key: continue isdir = True break return isdir
with open(rebuild_file, 'r') as FOBJ: new_sha = json.load(FOBJ) with open('sha256-old.json', 'r') as FOBJ: old_sha = json.load(FOBJ) dif = new_sha.keys() - old_sha.keys() with open('sha256.diff', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as FOBJ: for i in iter(dif): FOBJ.write(i + '\n') if __name__ == '__main__': sha256_to_files = {} err_files = [] r_oss = OssOperation() for obj in oss2.ObjectIteratorV2(bucket, prefix=config.remote_base_dir): obj = obj.key if obj[-1] == '/': # 判断obj为文件夹。 continue sha256 = get_remote_sha256(obj) if not sha256: err_files.append(obj) else: sha256_to_files[obj[11:]] = sha256 with open(rebuild_file, 'w') as fobj: json.dump(sha256_to_files, fobj) r_oss.encrypt_and_upload_files(rebuild_file, "sha256/%s.json" % config.remote_base_dir[:-1], compare_sha256_before_uploading=True, storage_class='Standard') print(err_files) print("无sha256的文件总数:" + str(len(err_files))) if config.SCT_Send_Key: sct_push("[rebuild-sha256]重建完成", "#### sha256.json已重建完成,请登录服务器检查")
import oss2 from oss_utils.bucket import learn_oss_bucket, my_secret, my_key, endpoint, bucket_name authv2 = oss2.AuthV2(my_key, my_secret) bucketv2 = oss2.Bucket(authv2, endpoint, bucket_name) bucketv2.put_object("05232055.txt", b"abcdef05232055") it = oss2.ObjectIteratorV2(bucketv2) non_archived_small_files = [] for o in it: if o.size < 1024 * 1024 and o.storage_class == "Standard": filename = o.key non_archived_small_files.append(filename) result = bucketv2.get_object(filename) print(