Esempio n. 1
def frame_progress(self, length, width=None, symbol="#"):
    """ Draw (lazy) progress bar for the    DataFrame:
    >>> f = DataFrame ( ... )
    >>> p = f.ProgressBar  ( 1000 ) ## number of elements!
    >>> ....

    cnt = self.Count()
    if not isatty(): return cnt

    left = "[ "
    right = " ]"

    minw = len(left) + len(right) + 3 + 1 + 1 + 1
    length = length if isinstance(length,
                                  integer_types) and 0 < length else len(self)
    width = width if isinstance(
        width, integer_types) and 10 + minw <= width else terminal_size()[1]

    width = max(10, width - minw)

    nchunks = max(250, width + 1)
    csize, rr = divmod(length, nchunks)
    if rr: nchunks += 1

    symbol = allright(symbol)

    fun = Ostap.Utils.frame_progress(nchunks, width, symbol, ' ', left, right)
    cnt.OnPartialResultSlot(csize, fun)

    return cnt
Esempio n. 2
def frame_progress(self, length, width=None, symbol="#"):
    """ Draw (lazy) progress bar for the    DataFrame:
    >>> f = DataFrame ( ... )
    >>> p = f.ProgressBar  ( 1000 ) ## number of elements!
    >>> ....

    cnt = self.Count()
    if not isatty(): return cnt

    length = length if isinstance(length,
                                  integer_types) and 0 < length else len(self)
    width = width if isinstance(
        width, integer_types) and 10 < width else terminal_size()[1]

    if width < 16: width = 16
    nchunks = width - 14
    csize = max(int(length / nchunks), 1)

    left = "[ "
    right = " ]"
    symbol = allright(symbol)

    fun = Ostap.Utils.frame_progress(csize, nchunks, symbol, ' ', left, right)
    cnt.OnPartialResultSlot(csize, fun)

    return cnt
Esempio n. 3
def table(rows, title='', prefix=''):
    """Format the list of rows as a  table.
    - Each row is a sequence of column cells.
    - The first row defines the column headers.

    When terminaltables package is accessible,
    use it to get nice pretty tables, otherwise use some
    home-made primitive replacement 
    - see
    - see

    >>> table_data = [
    ...   ( 'Name'  , 'Occupation' , 'Note' ) ,
    ...   ( 'Alice' , '?'          , '---'  ) ,
    ...   ( 'Bob'   , 'unemployed' , ''     ) ]
    >>> t = table ( table_data , 'Title' )
    >>> print (t)

    from ostap.utils.basic import isatty

    title = allright(decolorize(title))
    if rows:
        rows = list(rows)
        header_row = rows[0]
        header_row = [infostr(decolorize(c)) for c in header_row]
        rows[0] = header_row
        rows = tuple(rows)

    if terminaltables and isatty():

        table_instance = terminaltables.SingleTable(rows, title)
        table_instance.justify_columns[0] = 'left'
        table_instance.justify_columns[2] = 'right'
        return add_prefix(table_instance.table, prefix)

    elif terminaltables:

        title = allright(title)
        table_instance = terminaltables.AsciiTable(rows, title)
        table_instance.justify_columns[0] = 'left'
        table_instance.justify_columns[2] = 'right'
        t = table_instance.table
        return add_prefix(table_instance.table, prefix)

    ## use the local replacement
    return the_table(rows, title, prefix)
Esempio n. 4
def table(rows,
    """Format the list of rows as a  table.
    - Each row is a sequence of column cells.
    - The first row defines the column headers.

    When terminaltables package is accessible,
    use it to get nice pretty tables, otherwise use some
    home-made primitive replacement 
    - see
    - see

    >>> table_data = [
    ...   ( 'Name'  , 'Occupation' , 'Note' ) ,
    ...   ( 'Alice' , '?'          , '---'  ) ,
    ...   ( 'Bob'   , 'unemployed' , ''     ) ]
    >>> t = table ( table_data , 'Title' )
    >>> print (t)

    from ostap.utils.basic import isatty

    title = allright(decolorize(title))
    if rows:
        rows = list(rows)
        header_row = rows[0]
        header_row = [infostr(decolorize(c)) for c in header_row]
        rows[0] = header_row
        rows = tuple(rows)

    rows = [list(row) for row in rows]

    if not terminaltables:

        ## use the local replacement
        return the_table(rows, title, prefix, alignment=alignment)

    if isatty():

        title = allright(title)
        table_instance = terminaltables.SingleTable(rows, title)


        title = allright(title)
        table_instance = terminaltables.AsciiTable(rows, title)

    cw = table_instance.column_widths
    nc = len(cw)

    wraps = [i for (i, a) in enumerate(alignment) if a in wrapped]

    if wraps:
        from terminaltables.width_and_alignment import max_dimensions
        widths = max_dimensions(table_instance.table_data,
        widths = sum(l for (i, l) in enumerate(widths) if not i in wraps)
        widths += nc + 1 + len(prefix) + 4 + 2 * len(wraps)
        _, w = terminal_size()
        ww = w - widths
        ww, _ = divmod(ww, len(wraps))

        if 12 < ww and ww < wrap_width: wrap_width = ww
        elif 12 < ww and wrap_width <= 0: wrap_width = ww

        if wrap_width < 12: wrap_width = max_width

    nw = len(wraps)

    for i, a in zip(range(nc), alignment):
        if a and isinstance(a, str):
            al = a.lower()
            if al in left: table_instance.justify_columns[i] = 'left'
            elif al in right: table_instance.justify_columns[i] = 'right'
            elif al in center: table_instance.justify_columns[i] = 'center'
            elif al in wrapped:
                maxw = table_instance.column_max_width(i)
                if 15 < wrap_width * nw < maxw:
                    maxw = (wrap_width - 3) * nw if 1 < nw else wrap_width
                if maxw < 15:
                    maxw = (wrap_width - 3) * nw if 1 < nw else wrap_width
                if maxw < 15:
                    maxw = (max_width - 3) * nw if 1 < nw else max_width
                width = maxw / nw if 1 < nw else maxw
                for l, line in enumerate(table_instance.table_data):
                    if width < len(line[i]):
                        table_instance.table_data[l][i] = textwrap.fill(
                            indent + line[i], wrap_width)

    return add_prefix(table_instance.table, prefix)
Esempio n. 5
def the_table(rows, title='', prefix=''):
    """Format the list of rows as a  table (home-made primitive) 
    - Each row is a sequence of column cells.
    - The first row defines the column headers.
    >>> table_data = [
    ...   ( 'Name'  , 'Occupation' , 'Note' ) ,
    ...   ( 'Alice' , '?'          , '---'  ) ,
    ...   ( 'Bob'   , 'unemployed' , ''     ) ]
    >>> t = the_table ( table_data , 'Title' )
    >>> print (t)
    ## calculate the number of columns
    nc = 0
    for row in rows:
        nc = max(nc, len(row))

    ## calculate the maximum width for columns
    widths = {}
    for row in rows:
        cols = [c for c in row]
        while len(cols) < nc:
        for i, c in enumerate(cols):
            if not i in widths: widths[i] = 1
            widths[i] = max(widths[i], len(decolorize(c)))

    totwidth = 0
    for c in widths:
        totwidth += widths[c]
    totwidth += (nc - 1) * 3
    if totwidth < len(title):
        delta = 1 + (len(title) - totwidth) // nc
        for c in widths:
            widths[c] += delta

    hformats = ["{:^%d}" % widths[c] for c in range(nc)]
    rformats = [" {:^%d} " % widths[c] for c in range(nc)]

    # the first column is left  adjusted
    rformats[0] = rformats[0].replace('^', '<')
    # the last column  is right adjusted
    rformats[-1] = rformats[-1].replace('^', '>')

    seps = ['-' * (widths[c] + 2) for c in range(nc)]
    sepline = '+' + "+".join(seps) + '+'

    table = []
    if title:
        sline = '+' + '-' * (len(sepline) - 2) + '+'
        tfmt = "{:^%d}" % (len(sepline) - 4)
        t = '| ' + allright(tfmt.format(decolorize(title))) + ' |'

    for i, row in enumerate(rows):

        cols = [c for c in row]
        while len(cols) < nc:

        if 0 == i:
            table.append('| ' + ' | '.join([
                for (f, i) in zip(hformats, cols)
            ]) + ' |')
            table.append('|' + '|'.join(
                 for (f, i) in zip(rformats, cols)]) + '|')


    return prefix + ('\n' + prefix).join(table) if prefix else '\n'.join(table)
Esempio n. 6
def _rfr_table_ ( r , title = '' , prefix = '' , more_vars = {} ) :
    """ print RooFitResult  as a table
    >>> result = ...
    >>> result.table() 

    from  ostap.fitting.utils    import fit_status, cov_qual
    rows = []

    ##  1. fit status
    status = r.status() 
    if status :
        row = attention ( 'Status' )  , '' , attention ( fit_status ( status ) ) , '' 
        rows.append ( row )
    else :
        row = 'Status'                , '' , allright  ( fit_status ( status ) ) , '' 
        rows.append ( row )

    ## 2. minumum NLL
    s , n = pretty_float ( r.minNll() )
    if n : n = '[10^%+d]' % n
    else : n = '' 

    rows.append ( ( "Minimized FCN/NLL value"    , n , '  ' + s , '' ) )

    s , n = pretty_float ( r.edm () )
    if n : n = '[10^%+d]' % n
    else : n = '' 

    rows.append ( ( 'Estimated distance to minimum' , n , '  ' + s , '' ) )
    cq = r.covQual()
    cn = '' 
    if  -1 == cq :
        cn = cov_qual  ( cq ) 
    elif 3 == cq :
        cn = allright  ( cov_qual ( cq ) )
    elif cq in (  0 , 1 , 2 ) :
        cn = attention ( cov_qual ( cq ) )
    else :
        cn = cov_qual  ( cq ) 
    rows.append ( ( 'Covariance matrix quality'     , '' , '  ' + cn , '' ) )
    for i in  range ( r.numStatusHistory() ) :
        label =  r.statusLabelHistory ( i )
        code  =  r.statusCodeHistory  ( i )
        row   =  'Status: %s '% label   , '' ,             '%d' % code             
        if not code in ( 0 , -1 ) :
            row = attention  ( row [ 0 ] ) , row [ 1 ] , '   ' + attention ( row [ 2 ] ) , '' 
        else    :
            row =              row [ 0 ]   , row [ 1 ] , '   ' + allright  ( row [ 2 ] ) , ''
        rows.append ( row )

    nbadnll = r.numInvalidNLL()
    if 0 < nbadnll :
        rows.append ( ( 'Invalid FCN/NLL evaluations' , '' , '  %d' % nbadnll , '' ) )

    with_globcorr = not ( (6,24) <= root_info < (6,28) )

    if with_globcorr : rows = [ ( '', 'Unit', 'Value' , 'Global/max correlation [%]') ] + rows
    else             : rows = [ ( '', 'Unit', 'Value' , 'Max correlation [%]') ] + rows

    pars_all   = r.params ( float_only = False )
    pars_float = r.params ( float_only = True  )

    ## constant/fix parameters 
    crows = [] 
    for p in pars_all :

        if p in pars_float : continue 
        v , a = pars_all [ p ]

        s , n = pretty_float  ( v.value()  ) 

        if n : n = '[10^%+d]' % n
        else : n = '' 
        row = p , n , '  ' + s + ' (fix)' , ''  
        crows.append ( row ) 

    ## floating parameters
    max_corr = False
    frows    = []
    for p in pars_float :

        v , a = pars_float [ p ]

        if not a.hasAsymError() :
            s , n = pretty_ve  ( v ) 
        else :
            s , n = pretty_2ve (  a.getVal() , a.getAsymErrorHi() , a.getAsymErrorLo() )

        if n : n = '[10^%+d]' % n
        else : n = '' 

        if 0 <= cq and 1 < len ( pars_float ) :

            mxr , mxv = r.max_cor    ( p )

            if with_globcorr :
                gc = -1.0 
                gc    = r.globalCorr ( p ) if 3 == cq else -1.00
                if 0 <= gc :  cc = '% +5.1f/(% +5.1f,%s)' % ( gc*100 , mxr*100   , mxv )
                else       :  cc = '% +5.1f : %-s'        % (          mxr * 100 , mxv )                
                if 0.95 < abs ( mxr ) or 0.95 < gc : cc = attention ( cc )

            else :
                cc = '% +5.1f : %-s'  % ( mxr * 100 , mxv )                
                if 0.95 < abs ( mxr ) : cc = attention ( cc )

                max_corr = True

            row = p , n , s , cc
        else :
            row = p , n , s
        frows.append ( row ) 

    ## more parameters
    mrows = []
    for p in sorted ( more_vars ) :

        func  = more_vars [ p ]
        v     = func ( r )
        s , n = pretty_ve  ( v ) 
        if n : n = '[10^%+d]' % n
        else : n = '' 

        cc = 'derived'
        row = p , n , s , cc
        mrows.append ( row ) 


    all = rows + crows + frows + mrows  

    import ostap.logger.table as T

    return T.table ( all , title = title if title else r.GetTitle() , prefix = prefix , alignment = 'llll' )
Esempio n. 7
def makeWeights(
        compare=None,  ## comparison function 
        delta=0.01,  ## delta for ``mean''  weight variation
        minmax=0.03,  ## delta for ``minmax'' weight variation
        power=None,  ## auto-determination
        debug=True,  ## save intermediate information in DB
        make_plots=False,  ## make plots 
    """The main  function: perform one re-weighting iteration 
    and reweight ``MC''-data set to looks as ``data''(reference) dataset
    >>> results = makeWeights (
    ... dataset           , ## data source to be  reweighted (DataSet, TTree, abstract source)
    ... plots             , ## reweighting plots
    ... database          , ## datadabse to store/update reweigting results
    ... delta             , ## stopping criteria for `mean`    weight variation
    ... minmax            , ## stopping criteria for `min/max` weight variation
    ... power             , ## effective power to apply to the weigths
    ... debug      = True , ## store debuig information in database
    ... make_plots = True , ## produce useful comparison plots
    ... tag        = 'RW' ) ## tag for better printout
    If `make_plots = False`,  it returns the tuple of active reweitings:
    >>> active        = makeWeights ( ... , make_plots = False , ... )
    Otherwise it also returns list of comparison plots 
    >>> active, cmp_plots = makeWeights ( ... , make_plots = True  , ... )
    >>> for item in  cmp_plots :
    ...    what    = item.what
    ...    hdata   =
    ...    hmc     =
    ...    hweight = item.weight
    If no more rewighting iteratios required, <code>active</code> is an empty tuple 

    assert 0 < delta, "makeWeights(%s): Invalid value for ``delta''  %s" % (
        tag, delta)
    assert 0 < minmax, "makeWeights(%s): Invalid value for ``minmax'' %s" % (
        tag, minmax)

    from ostap.logger.colorized import allright, attention, infostr
    from ostap.utils.basic import isatty

    nplots = len(plots)
    ## if 1 < nplots :
    ##     import  math
    ##     fudge_factor = math.sqrt ( 1.0 / max ( 2.0 , nplots -  1.0 ) )
    ##     delta   = delta  * fudge_factor
    ##     minmax  = minmax * fudge_factor

    ## list of plots to compare
    cmp_plots = []
    ## reweighting summary table
    header = ('Reweighting', 'wmin/wmax', 'OK?', 'wrms[%]', 'OK?', 'chi2/ndf',
              'ww', 'exp')

    rows = {}
    save_to_db = []
    ## number of active plots for reweighting
    for wplot in plots:

        what = wplot.what  ## variable/function to plot/compare
        how =  ## weight and/or additional cuts
        address = wplot.address  ## address in database
        hdata0 =  ## original "DATA" object
        hmc0 = wplot.mc_histo  ## original "MC"   histogram
        ww = wplot.w  ## relative weight
        projector = wplot.projector  ## projector for MC data
        ignore = wplot.ignore  ## ignore for weigtht building?
        # normalize the data
        hdata = hdata0
        if isinstance(hdata, ROOT.TH1): hdata = hdata.density()

        # =====================================================================
        ## make a plot on (MC) data with the weight
        # =====================================================================
        hmc0 = projector(dataset, hmc0, what, how)

        st = hmc0.stat()
        mnmx = st.minmax()
        if iszero(mnmx[0]):
            logger.warning("%s: statistic goes to zero %s/``%s''" %
                           (tag, st, address))
        elif mnmx[0] <= 0:
            logger.warning("%s: statistic is negative  %s/``%s''" %
                           (tag, st, address))

        # =====================================================================
        ## normalize MC
        # =====================================================================
        hmc = hmc0.density()

        # =====================================================================
        ## calculate  the reweighting factor : a bit conservative (?)
        #  this is the only important line
        # =====================================================================

        #  try to exploit finer binning if/when possible
        hboth = isinstance(hmc, ROOT.TH1) and isinstance(hdata, ROOT.TH1)

        if   hboth and 1 == hmc.dim () and 1 == hdata.dim () and \
               len ( hmc ) >= len( hdata ) :
            w = (1.0 / hmc) * hdata  ## NB!
        elif hboth and 2 == hmc.dim () and 2 == hdata.dim () and \
                 ( hmc.binsx() >= hdata.binsx() ) and \
                 ( hmc.binsy() >= hdata.binsy() ) :
            w = (1.0 / hmc) * hdata  ## NB!
        elif hboth and 3 == hmc.dim () and 3 == hdata.dim () and \
                 ( hmc.binsx() >= hdata.binsx() ) and \
                 ( hmc.binsy() >= hdata.binsy() ) and \
                 ( hmc.binsz() >= hdata.binsz() ) :
            w = (1.0 / hmc) * hdata  ## NB!
            w = hdata / hmc  ## NB!

        # =====================================================================
        ## scale & get the statistics of weights
        w /= w.stat().mean().value()
        cnt = w.stat()
        mnw, mxw = cnt.minmax()
        wvar = cnt.rms() / cnt.mean()
        good1 = wvar.value() <= delta
        good2 = abs(mxw - mnw) <= minmax
        good = good1 and good2  ## small variance?

        c2ndf = 0
        for i in w:
            c2ndf += w[i].chi2(1.0)
        c2ndf /= (len(w) - 1)

        ## build  the row in the summary table
        row = address  ,  \
              '%-5.3f/%5.3f' % ( cnt.minmax()[0]    , cnt.minmax()[1] ) , \
              allright ( '+' ) if good2 else attention ( '-' ) , \
              (wvar * 100).toString('%6.2f+-%-6.2f') , \
              allright ( '+' ) if good1 else attention ( '-' ) , '%6.2f' % c2ndf

        ## make plots at the start of  each iteration?
        if make_plots:
            item = ComparisonPlot(what, hdata, hmc, w)

        row = tuple(list(row) + ['%4.3f' % ww if 1 != ww else ''])

        rows[address] = row

        ## make decision based on the variance of weights
        mnw, mxw = cnt.minmax()
        if (not good) and (not ignore):  ## small variance?
            save_to_db.append((address, ww, hdata0, hmc0, hdata, hmc, w))

        # =====================================================================
        ## make a comparison (if needed)
        # =====================================================================
        if compare: compare(hdata0, hmc0, address)

    active = tuple([p[0] for p in save_to_db])
    nactive = len(active)

    if power and callable(power):
        eff_exp = power(nactive)
    elif isinstance(power, num_types) and 0 < power <= 1.5:
        eff_exp = 1.0 * power
    elif 1 == nactive and 1 < len(plots):
        eff_exp = 0.95
    elif 1 == nactive:
        eff_exp = 1.00
        eff_exp = 1.10 / max(nactive, 1)

    while database and save_to_db:

        entry = save_to_db.pop()

        address, ww, hd0, hm0, hd, hm, weight = entry

        cnt = weight.stat()
        mnw, mxw = cnt.minmax()

        ## avoid too large or too small  weights
        for i in weight:
            w = weight[i]
            if w.value() < 0.5:
                weight[i] = VE(0.5, w.cov2())
            elif w.value() > 2.0:
                weight[i] = VE(2.0, w.cov2())

        if 1 < nactive and 1 != ww:
            eff_exp *= ww
  "%s: apply ``effective exponent'' of %.3f for ``%s''" %
                        (tag, eff_exp, address))

        if 1 != eff_exp and 0 < eff_exp:
            weight = weight**eff_exp
            row = list(rows[address])
            row.append('%4.3f' % eff_exp)
            rows[address] = tuple(row)

        with as db:

            db[address] = db.get(address, []) + [weight]

            if debug:
                addr = address + ':REWEIGHTING'
                db[addr] = db.get(addr, []) + list(entry[2:])

        del hd0, hm0, hd, hm, weight, entry

    table = [header]
    for row in rows:

    import ostap.logger.table as Table
        '%s, active:#%d \n%s ' %
        (tag, nactive,
         Table.table(table, title=tag, prefix='# ', alignment='lccccccc')))

    cmp_plots = tuple(cmp_plots)
    return (active, cmp_plots) if make_plots else active
Esempio n. 8
def _fit_table_ ( rfit , title = '' , prefix = '' ) :
    """Print <code>TFitResult</code> as a table
    from  ostap.fitting.utils    import fit_status, cov_qual
    from ostap.logger.colorized  import attention, allright
    from ostap.logger.utils      import pretty_float, pretty_ve, pretty_2ve, fmt_pretty_ve 
    header = ( '', 'Unit' , 'Value' )

    rows = []

    ##  0. minimized type
    row = "Minimizer Type" , '' , rfit.MinimizerType() 
    rows.append ( row )

    ##  0. minimized type
    v = rfit.IsValid()
    if v : row = "Valid"   , '' , 'True'
    else : row = "Valid"   , '' , attention ( 'False') 
    rows.append ( row )
    ##  1. fit status
    status = rfit.Status() 
    if status :
        row = attention ( 'Status' )  , '' , attention ( fit_status ( status ) ) 
        rows.append ( row )
    else :
        row =             'Status' , '' , allright ( fit_status ( status ) )   
        rows.append ( row )

    ## 4. covariance status
    cq = rfit.CovMatrixStatus() 
    cn = '' 
    if  -1 == cq              : cn = cov_qual  ( cq ) 
    elif 3 == cq              : cn = allright  ( cov_qual ( cq ) )
    elif cq in (  0 , 1 , 2 ) : cn = attention ( cov_qual ( cq ) )
    else                      : cn = cov_qual  ( cq )         
    rows.append ( ( 'Covariance matrix quality'     , '' , '  ' + cn  ) )

    ## 3-6. chi2,nDoF,chi2/nDoF,minFCN
    chi2 = rfit.Chi2 () 
    s , n = pretty_float ( chi2 )
    if n : n = '[10^%+d]' % n
    else : n = '' 
    rows.append ( ( "Chi2"       , n , '  ' + s ) )
    ndf = rfit.Ndf()
    rows.append ( ( "nDoF"       , '' , '  ' + '%d' % ndf   ) )
    c2ndf = rfit.Chi2 () /  ndf  
    s , n = pretty_float ( c2ndf  )
    if n : n = '[10^%+d]' % n
    else : n = '' 
    rows.append ( ( "Chi2/nDoF"  , n , '  ' + s   ) )
    minfcn = rfit.MinFcnValue() 
    s , n = pretty_float ( minfcn  )
    if n : n = '[10^%+d]' % n
    else : n = '' 
    rows.append ( ( "Minimal FCN"  , n , '  ' + s   ) )

    ## 7.Probability in %[%]
    prob = rfit.Prob() / 100
    rows.append ( ( "Probability"  , '[%]' , '  %5.3e' % prob ) )

    ## 8. distrance to minimum 
    edm  = rfit.Edm()
    s , n = pretty_float ( edm  )
    if n : n = '[10^%+d]' % n
    else : n = '' 
    rows.append ( ( "Estimated distance to minimum" , n , '  ' + s ) )

    ncalls = rfit.NCalls()
    rows.append ( ( "FCN calls" , '' , '  ' + '%d' % ncalls  ) )
    has_minos = False
    for i in rfit :
        if not rfit.HasMinosError( i ) : continue 
        has_minos = True

    if has_minos :
        rows   = [ row + ('','','') for row in rows ]
        header = header + ( 'neg-minos' , 'pos-minos' , 'Global corr.' )   
    else         :
        rows = [ row + ('',)      for row in rows ] 
        header = header + ( 'Global corr.' , )   

    for i in rfit :
        pname  = rfit.GetParameterName ( i )
        value  = rfit.Value            ( i )  
        fixed  = rfit.IsParameterFixed ( i )
        fmte = '' 
        if fixed :
            v = value
            s  , n = pretty_float ( v )
            s = s + '(fixed)'
            nv = n
        else :
            error = rfit.Error ( i )
            v     = VE ( value , error * error )
            fmt , fmtv , fmte , n = fmt_pretty_ve  ( v )
            s = fmt % ( value / 10**n , error / 10**n )
            nv = n 
        if n : n = '[10^%+d]' % n
        else : n = '' 
        pname = "%-2d: %s"% ( i , pname )

        row = pname , n , '  ' + s             
        if not fixed and rfit.HasMinosError( i ) :
            if fmte : 
                error_low  = fmte   % ( rfit.LowerError ( i ) / 10**nv ) 
                error_up   = fmte   % ( rfit.UpperError ( i ) / 10**nv )
            else : 
                error_low  = "%+8g" % ( rfit.LowerError ( i ) / 10**nv ) 
                error_up   = "%+8g" % ( rfit.UpperError ( i ) / 10**nv ) 
        else :
            error_low  = '' 
            error_up   = '' 

        if has_minos  :
            row  = row  + ( error_low , error_up )

        gcc    = rfit.GlobalCC         ( i ) * 100 
        gcc  = '%+5.1f%%' % gcc
        row = row + ( gcc, )
        rows.append ( row ) 
    if not title :  title = rfit.GetTitle()
    import ostap.logger.table as T

    rows  = [ header ] + rows  

    return T.table ( rows , title = title , prefix = prefix )
Esempio n. 9
from   ostap.core.meta_info   import root_info
from   ostap.logger.colorized import allright, attention 
# =============================================================================
# logging 
# =============================================================================
from ostap.logger.logger      import getLogger 
if '__main__' ==  __name__ : logger = getLogger( 'ostap.fitting.minuit' )
else                       : logger = getLogger( __name__ )
# =============================================================================
logger.debug ( 'Some useful decorations for (T)Minuit functions')
# =============================================================================
partypes = integer_types
# =============================================================================
## return codes from MINUIT commands
return_codes = {
    0  : allright  ( 'command executed normally'                         ) ,
    1  : attention ( 'command is blank, ignored'                         ) ,
    2  : attention ( 'command line unreadable, ignored'                  ) ,
    3  : attention ( 'unknown command, ignored'                          ) ,
    4  : attention ( 'abnormal termination (e.g., MIGRAD not converged)' ),
    5  : 'command is a request to read PARAMETER definitions' , 
    6  : "'SET INPUT' command"   ,
    7  : "'SET TITLE' command"   ,
    8  : "'SET COVAR' command"   ,
    9  : 'reserved'              ,
    10 : 'END command'           ,
    11 : 'EXIT or STOP command'  ,
    12 : 'RETURN command'        ,
# =============================================================================
## get the parameter from (T)Minuit
Esempio n. 10
    def build_bar(self):
        """Figure new percent complete, and rebuild the bar string base on self.amount.
        diff = float(self.amount - self.min)
        done = (diff / float(self.span)) * 100.0
        percent_done = int(round(done))

        # figure the proper number of 'character' make up the bar
        all_full = self.width - 2
        num_hashes = int(round((percent_done * all_full) / 100))

        if 100 <= done and self.__end is None:
            self.__end = time.time()

        if self.__end is None and num_hashes == self._hashes: return False

        eta = ''
        leta = len(eta)
        if self.__end is None and 6 < num_hashes and 1 < done:
            now = time.time()
            feta = int((100 - done) * (now - self.__start) / done)
            h, _ = divmod(feta, 3600)
            m, s = divmod(feta - h * 3600, 60)
            if h: eta = 'ETA %02d:%02d:%02d ' % (h, m, s)
            elif m: eta = 'ETA %02d:%02d ' % (m, s)
            elif s >= 1: eta = 'ETA %02d ' % s
            leta = len(eta)
        elif (not self.__end is None) and 5 < num_hashes:
            now = self.__end
            feta = int(now - self.__start)
            h, _ = divmod(feta, 3600)
            m, s = divmod(feta - h * 3600, 60)
            if h: eta = '%02d:%02d:%02d ' % (h, m, s)
            elif m: eta = '%02d:%02d ' % (m, s)
            elif s >= 1: eta = '%ds ' % s
            leta = len(eta)

        if self.mode == 'dynamic':
            # build a progress bar with self.char (to create a dynamic bar
            # where the percent string moves along with the bar progress.

            if eta and leta < num_hashes:
       = allright(eta + self.char * (num_hashes - leta))
       = allright(self.char * num_hashes)
            # build a progress bar with self.char and spaces (to create a
            # fixed bar (the percent string doesn't move)
            if eta and leta + 1 < num_hashes:
       = allright(eta + self.char *
                                    (num_hashes - leta)) + ' ' * (all_full -
       = allright(
                    self.char * num_hashes) + ' ' * (all_full - num_hashes)

        percent_str = str(percent_done) + "%" = '[ ' + + ' ] ' + infostr(percent_str)

        self._hashes = num_hashes
        self._done = done

        return True
Esempio n. 11
        self.silent = True

    def __enter__(self):
        return self

    def __exit__(self, *_):

    def __del__(self):

# =============================================================================
_bar_ = (allright('Running ... | ') + '\r', allright('Running ... / ') + '\r',
         allright('Running ... - ') + '\r', allright('Running ... \\ ') + '\r')
_lbar = len(_bar_)
_done_ = infostr('Done            %-d') + '\n'

# =============================================================================
## @class RunningBar
#  - RunningBar
#  @code
#  with RunningBar () as bar :
#    for i in xrange(2000) :
#           ...
#           bar += 1
#  @endcode
#  With helper function:
Esempio n. 12
def makeWeights(
        compare=None,  ## comparison function 
        delta=0.001,  ## delta for ``mean''  weight variation
        minmax=0.05,  ## delta for ``minmax'' weight variation
        power=0,  ## auto-determination
        debug=True,  ## save intermediate information in DB

    assert 0 < delta, "makeWeights(%s): Invalid value for ``delta''  %s" % (
        tag, delta)
    assert 0 < minmax, "makeWeights(%s): Invalid value for ``minmax'' %s" % (
        tag, minmax)

    from ostap.logger.colorized import allright, attention, infostr
    from ostap.utils.basic import isatty

    power = power if power >= 1 else len(plots)

    nplots = len(plots)
    if 1 < nplots:
        import math
        fudge_factor = math.sqrt(1.0 / max(2.0, nplots - 1.0))
        delta = delta * fudge_factor
        minmax = minmax * fudge_factor

    save_to_db = []
    ## number of active plots for reweighting
    for wplot in plots:

        what = wplot.what  ## variable/function to plot/compare
        how =  ## weight and/or additional cuts
        address = wplot.address  ## address in database
        hdata0 =  ## original "DATA" object
        hmc0 = wplot.mc_histo  ## original "MC"   histogram
        ww = wplot.w  ## relative weight
        # normailze the data
        hdata = hdata0
        if isinstance(hdata, ROOT.TH1): hdata = hdata.density()

        # =====================================================================
        ## make a plot on (MC) data with the weight
        # =====================================================================
        dataset.project(hmc0, what, how)

        st = hmc0.stat()
        mnmx = st.minmax()
        if iszero(mnmx[0]):
            logger.warning("Reweighting: statistic goes to zero %s/``%s''" %
                           (st, address))

        # =====================================================================
        ## normalize MC
        # =====================================================================
        hmc = hmc0.density()

        # =====================================================================
        ## calculate  the reweighting factor : a bit conservative (?)
        #  this is the only important line
        # =====================================================================

        #  try to exploit finer binning if/when possible
        if   isinstance ( hmc   , ( ROOT.TH1F , ROOT.TH1D ) ) and \
           isinstance ( hdata , ( ROOT.TH1F , ROOT.TH1D ) )   and \
           len ( hmc ) >= len( hdata )                        :
            w = (1.0 / hmc) * hdata  ## NB!
            ## elif isinstance ( hmc   , ( ROOT.TH2F , ROOT.TH2D ) ) and \
            ##    isinstance ( hdata , ( ROOT.TH2F , ROOT.TH2D ) )   and \
            ##    len ( hmc.GetXaxis() ) >= len( hdata.GetXaxis () ) and \
            ##    len ( hmc.GetYaxis() ) >= len( hdata.GetYaxis () ) : w = ( 1.0 / hmc ) * hdata ## NB!
            ## elif isinstance ( hmc   , ( ROOT.TH3F , ROOT.TH3D ) ) and \
            ##    isinstance ( hdata , ( ROOT.TH3F , ROOT.TH3D ) )   and \
            ##    len ( hmc.GetXaxis() ) >= len( hdata.GetXaxis () ) and \
            ##    len ( hmc.GetYaxis() ) >= len( hdata.GetYaxis () ) and \
            ##    len ( hmc.GetZaxis() ) >= len( hdata.GetZaxis () ) : w = ( 1.0 / hmc ) * hdata ## NB!
            w = hdata / hmc  ## NB!

        # =====================================================================
        ## scale & get the statistics of weights
        w /= w.stat().mean().value()
        cnt = w.stat()
        mnw, mxw = cnt.minmax()
        wvar = cnt.rms() / cnt.mean()
        good1 = wvar.value() <= delta
        good2 = abs(mxw - mnw) <= minmax
        good = good1 and good2  ## small variance?
        afunc1 = allright if good1 else attention
        afunc2 = allright if good2 else attention
        message = "%s: %24s:" % (tag, address)
        message += ' ' + 'mean=%12s' % cnt.mean().toString('(%4.2f+-%4.2f)')
        message += ' ' + afunc2('min/max=%-5.3f/%5.3f' %
                                (cnt.minmax()[0], cnt.minmax()[1]))
        message += ' ' + afunc1('rms=%s[%%]' %
                                (wvar * 100).toString('(%4.2f+-%4.2f)'))
        ## make decision based on the variance of weights
        mnw, mxw = cnt.minmax()
        if good:  ## small variance?
            message = "%s: No more reweights for %s" % (tag, address)
            message += ' ' + allright("min/max/rms=%+3.1f/%+3.1f/%3.1f[%%]" %
                                      ((mnw - 1) * 100,
                                       (mxw - 1) * 100, 100 * wvar))
            del w, hdata, hmc
            save_to_db.append((address, ww, hdata0, hmc0, hdata, hmc, w))
        # =====================================================================
        ## make a comparison (if needed)
        # =====================================================================
        if compare: compare(hdata0, hmc0, address)

    ## for single reweighting
    ## if 1 == nplots : power = 1

    ## if power != nplots :
    # ( "%s: ``power'' is %g/#%d"  % ( tag , power , nplots  ) )

    active = [p[0] for p in save_to_db]
    all = [p.address for p in plots]
    for i, a in enumerate(all):
        if a in active:
            if isatty(): all[i] = attention(a)
            else: all[i] = '*' + a + '*'
            if isatty(): all[i] = allright(a)"%s: reweights are: %s" % (tag, (', '.join(all))))

    ## if len ( active ) != nplots :
    ##    if database and save_to_db :
    ##        power += ( nplots - len ( active ) )
    ##  ("%s: ``power'' is changed to %g" %  ( tag , power ) )

    nactive = len(active)
    while database and save_to_db:

        entry = save_to_db.pop()

        address, ww, hd0, hm0, hd, hm, weight = entry

        ## eff_exp = 1.0  / power
        ## eff_exp = 0.95 / ( 1.0 * nactive ) ** 0.5

        cnt = weight.stat()
        mnw, mxw = cnt.minmax()

        if 0.95 < mnw and mxw < 1.05:
            eff_exp = 0.75 if 1 < nactive else 1.50
        elif 0.90 < mnw and mxw < 1.10:
            eff_exp = 0.70 if 1 < nactive else 1.30
        elif 0.80 < mnw and mxw < 1.20:
            eff_exp = 0.65 if 1 < nactive else 1.25
        elif 0.70 < mnw and mxw < 1.30:
            eff_exp = 0.60 if 1 < nactive else 1.15
        elif 0.50 < mnw and mxw < 1.50:
            eff_exp = 0.55 if 1 < nactive else 1.10
            eff_exp = 0.50 if 1 < nactive else 1.0

        ## print 'effective exponent is:', eff_exp , address , mnw , mxw , (1.0/mnw)*mnw**eff_exp , (1.0/mxw)*mxw**eff_exp

        if 1 < nactive and 1 != ww:
            eff_exp *= ww
  "%s: apply ``effective exponent'' of %.3f for ``%s''" %
                        (tag, eff_exp, address))

        if 1 != eff_exp and 0 < eff_exp:
            weight = weight**eff_exp

        ## print 'WEIGHT stat', eff_exp, weight.stat()

        ## hmmmm... needed ? yes!
        #if 1 < power : weight = weight ** ( 1.0 / power )

        ## relative importance
        #if 1 != ww :
        #  ("%s: apply ``relative importance factor'' of %.3g for ``'%s'" % ( tag , ww , address ) )
        #    weight = weight ** ww

        with as db:

            db[address] = db.get(address, []) + [weight]

            if debug:
                addr = address + ':REWEIGHTING'
                db[addr] = db.get(addr, []) + list(entry[2:])

        del hd0, hm0, hd, hm, weight, entry

    return active
Esempio n. 13
## variables to be used in MC-dataset
variables = [
    Variable('x', 'x-var', 0, 20),
    Variable('y', 'y-var', 0, 15),
selector = SelectorWithVars(variables,
                            '0<x && x<20 && 0<y && y<20',
mctree.process(selector, silent=True)
mcds_ =  ## dataset
# =============================================================================
## start reweighting iterations:
for iter in range(1, maxIter + 1):

    tag = 'Reweighting iteration #%d' % iter

    with timing(tag + ': prepare MC-dataset:', logger=logger):
        # =========================================================================
        ## 0) The weighter object
        weighter = Weight(dbname, weightings)

        # =========================================================================
        ## 1a) create new "weighted" mcdataset
        mcds = mcds_.Clone()

    with timing(tag + ': add weight to MC-dataset', logger=logger):
        ## 1b) add  "weight" variable to dataset
        mcds.add_reweighting(weighter, name='weight')
        if 1 == iter % 10: + ' MCDATA:\n%s') % mcds)
Esempio n. 14
def the_table(rows,
    """Format the list of rows as a  table (home-made primitive) 
    - Each row is a sequence of column cells.
    - The first row defines the column headers.
    >>> table_data = [
    ...   ( 'Name'  , 'Occupation' , 'Note' ) ,
    ...   ( 'Alice' , '?'          , '---'  ) ,
    ...   ( 'Bob'   , 'unemployed' , ''     ) ]
    >>> t = the_table ( table_data , 'Title' )
    >>> print (t)
    ## calculate the number of columns

    rows = list(rows)

    nc = 0
    for row in rows:
        nc = max(nc, len(row))

    wraps = []
    for i, a in zip(range(nc), alignment):
        if a and isinstance(a, str):
            al = a.lower()
            if al in left: pass
            elif al in right: pass
            elif al in wrapped: wraps.append(i)

    ## calculate the maximum width for columns
    widths = {}
    for k, row in enumerate(rows):
        cols = [c for c in row]
        while len(cols) < nc:
        for i, c in enumerate(cols):
            if not i in widths: widths[i] = 1
            widths[i] = max(widths[i], len(decolorize(c)))
        cols = tuple(cols)
        rows[k] = cols

    ## play with wrapped columns
    while wraps:

        twidth = 1 + len(prefix)

        for k in widths:
            if not k in wraps:
                twidth += widths[k] + 2
                twidth += nc + 1
        _, w = terminal_size()
        if w <= twidth: break

        nw = len(wraps)
        ww = (w - twidth) - 2 * nw
        ww, _ = divmod(ww, nw)

        if 12 < wrap_width and wrap_width < ww:
            ww = wrap_width

        if ww < 15: break

        lw = len(wraps)
        wraps = [i for i in wraps if ww <= widths[i]]

        if len(wraps) == lw: break

    for i in wraps:
        widths[i] = min(ww, widths[i])

    hformats = ["{:^%d}" % widths[c] for c in range(nc)]
    rformats = [" {:^%d} " % widths[c] for c in range(nc)]

    for i, a in zip(range(nc), alignment):
        if a and isinstance(a, str):
            al = a.lower()
            if al in left or al in wrapped:
                hformats[i] = hformats[i].replace('^', '<')
                rformats[i] = rformats[i].replace('^', '<')
            elif al in right:
                hformats[i] = hformats[i].replace('^', '>')
                rformats[i] = rformats[i].replace('^', '>')

    if wraps:
        rows_ = rows
        rows = []
        for row in rows_:
            cells = []
            for i, c in enumerate(row):
                if i in wraps and wrap_width < len(c):
                    cells.append(textwrap.wrap(indent + c, widths[i]))
            nr = 0
            for c in cells:
                nr = max(nr, len(c))

            for l in cells:
                while len(l) < nr:
                    l.insert(0, '')

            for r in range(nr):
                new_row = []
                for i, c in enumerate(cells):
                    lc = len(c)
                    if r < lc: new_row.append(c[r])
                    else: new_row.append('')

    totwidth = 0
    for c in widths:
        totwidth += widths[c]
    totwidth += (nc - 1) * 3
    if totwidth < len(title):
        delta = 1 + (len(title) - totwidth) // nc
        for c in widths:
            widths[c] += delta

    seps = ['-' * (widths[c] + 2) for c in range(nc)]
    sepline = '+' + "+".join(seps) + '+'

    table = []
    if title:
        sline = '+' + '-' * (len(sepline) - 2) + '+'
        tfmt = "{:^%d}" % (len(sepline) - 4)
        t = '| ' + allright(tfmt.format(decolorize(title))) + ' |'

    for i, row in enumerate(rows):

        cols = [c for c in row]
        while len(cols) < nc:

        if 0 == i:
            table.append('| ' + ' | '.join([
                for (f, i) in zip(hformats, cols)
            ]) + ' |')
            table.append('|' + '|'.join(
                 for (f, i) in zip(rformats, cols)]) + '|')


    return prefix + ('\n' + prefix).join(table) if prefix else '\n'.join(table)
Esempio n. 15
def _mn_table_ ( self , title =  '' , prefix = '' ) :
    """Build parameter table from (T)Minuit
    header = ( 'Parameter' , '' , 'Value' )
    rows   = [] 

    from ostap.fitting.utils import fit_status  , cov_qual
    from ostap.logger.utils  import pretty_float, pretty_ve, pretty_2ve 

    status = self.GetStatus()
    if status :
        status = fit_status ( status ) 
        row = '  Status' , '' , status 
        rows.append ( row )

    stat   = _mn_stat_ (  self )

    istat  = stat.pop ( 'ISTAT'  , None )
    if not istat is None : 
        cq = ''
        if   -1 == istat             : cq =              cov_qual ( istat )
        elif  3 == istat             : cq = allright   ( cov_qual ( istat ) )
        elif  istat in ( 0 , 1 , 2 ) : cq = attentiont ( cov_qual ( istat ) )
        else                         : cq =              cov_qual ( istat )
        row = 'Covariance matrix quality' , '' , cq 
        rows.append  ( row ) 
    fmin   = stat.pop ( 'FMIN'   , None )
    if not fmin is None :
        s , n = pretty_float ( fmin ) 
        if n : n = '[10^%+d]' % n
        else : n = '' 
        row = 'Minimized FCN value' ,  n , s  
        rows.append ( row ) 
    fedm   = stat.pop ( 'FEDM'   , None )
    if not fedm is None :
        s , n = pretty_float ( fedm ) 
        if n : n = '[10^%+d]' % n
        else : n = '' 
        row = 'Estimated distance to minimum' ,  n , s 
        rows.append ( row ) 
    errdef = stat.pop ( 'ERRDEF' , None ) 
    ## needed ? 

    has_limits = False
    has_minos  = False

    val  = ctypes.c_double ( 0 )
    err  = ctypes.c_double ( 0 )
    low  = ctypes.c_double ( 0 ) 
    high = ctypes.c_double ( 0 ) 
    idx  = ctypes.c_int    ( 0 )
    dct_pars  = {} 
    ## loop over all parameters 
    for i in  self :
        name = ROOT.TString() 
        self.mnpout ( i , name , val , err , low , high , idx )
        if not 0 <= idx.value : continue
        dct = {}
        dct [ 'name' ] = '%-2d: %s' % ( i , str ( name ).strip() ) 
        dct [ 'value'] = val.value
        if low.value < high.value :
            dct [ 'low' ] = low .value
            dct [ 'high'] = high.value
            has_limits = True 
        if 0 <= err.value :
            dct [ 'error' ] = err.value
            mn_plus , mn_minus = _mn_minerr_ ( self , str ( name ) )
            if 0 < mn_plus or mn_minus < 0 :
                dct [ 'minos+' ] = mn_plus 
                dct [ 'minos-' ] = mn_minus 
                has_minos = True 
        dct_pars[ i ] = dct

    if has_minos :
        ## some parameters have MINOS errors, add columns
        header = ( header ) + ( 'neg-minos' , 'pos-minos' ) 
        rows   = [ r + ( '','' ) for r in rows ] 
    if has_limits :
        ## some parameters have LIMITS, add columns 
        header = ( header ) + ( 'low limit' , 'high limit' ) 
        rows   = [ r + ( '','' ) for r in rows ]         

    for p in dct_pars :
        pdict  = dct_pars [ p ]

        row = []
        row.append ( pdict.pop ( 'name' )      )
        value =      pdict.pop ( 'value'       )
        error =      pdict.pop ( 'error', None ) 

        if error is None :
            s , n = pretty_float ( value )
            s = "%s(fixed)" % s
        else :
            s , n = pretty_ve    ( VE ( value , error * error ) )

        if n : row.append ( '[10^%+d]' % n ) 
        else : row.append ( '' )

        row.append ( s )
        if has_minos :
            mn_plus  = pdict.pop ( 'minos+' , None ) 
            mn_minus = pdict.pop ( 'minos-' , None )
            if mn_plus  is None : mn_plus  = ''
            else                : mn_plus  = '%8f' % ( mn_plus   * 10** n )
            if mn_minus is None : mn_minus = ''
            else                : mn_minus = '%8f' % ( mn_minus  * 10** n )

            row.append ( mn_minus )  
            row.append ( mn_plus  )  

        if has_limits :
            low  = pdict.pop ( 'low'  , None ) 
            high = pdict.pop ( 'high' , None )
            if low  is None : low  = ''
            else            : low  = '%8f' %  ( low  * 10 ** n ) 
            if high is None : high = ''
            else            : high = '%8f' %  ( high * 10 ** n ) 
            row.append ( low ) 
            row.append ( high )
        row = tuple ( row )
        rows.append ( row ) 
    rows = [ header ] + rows
    from  ostap.logger.table import  table

    return   table ( rows ,  title = title  , prefix = prefix ) 
Esempio n. 16
# =============================================================================
## variables to be used in MC-dataset
variables = [
    Variable('x', 'x-var', 0, 20),
    Variable('y', 'y-var', 0, 15),
selector = SelectorWithVars(variables,
                            '0<x && x<20 && 0<y && y<20',
mctree.process(selector, silent=True)
mcds_ =  ## dataset
# =============================================================================
## start reweighting iterations:
for iter in range(1, maxIter + 1):'Reweighting iteration %d ' % iter))

    with timing('Prepare MC-dataset:', logger=logger):
        # =========================================================================
        ## 0) The weighter object
        weighter = Weight(dbname, weightings)

        # =========================================================================
        ## 1a) create new "weighted" mcdataset
        mcds = mcds_.Clone()

    with timing('Add weight to MC-dataset', logger=logger):
        ## 1b) add  "weight" variable to dataset
        mcds.add_reweighting(weighter, name='weight')'MCDATA:\n%s' % mcds)
Esempio n. 17
def _rfr_table_(r, title='', prefix=''):
    """ print RooFitResult  as a table
    >>> result = ...
    >>> result.table() 

    from ostap.fitting.utils import fit_status, cov_qual
    rows = []
    if r.status():
        row = attention(' Status'), '', attention(fit_status(r.status())), ''

    s, n = pretty_float(r.minNll())
    if n: n = '[10^%+d]' % n
    else: n = ''

    rows.append(("Minimized FCN/NLL value", n, '  ' + s, ''))

    s, n = pretty_float(r.edm())
    if n: n = '[10^%+d]' % n
    else: n = ''

    rows.append(('Estimated distance to minimum', n, '  ' + s, ''))

    cq = r.covQual()
    cn = ''
    if -1 == cq:
        cn = cov_qual(cq)
    elif 3 == cq:
        cn = allright(cov_qual(cq))
    elif cq in (0, 1, 2):
        cn = attention(cov_qual(cq))
        cn = cov_qual(cq)

    rows.append(('Covariance matrix quality', '', '  ' + cn, ''))

    for i in range(r.numStatusHistory()):
        label = r.statusLabelHistory(i)
        code = r.statusCodeHistory(i)
        row = 'Status: %s ' % label, '', '%d' % code
        if not code in (0, -1):
            row = attention(row[0]), row[1], '   ' + attention(row[2]), ''
            row = row[0], row[1], '   ' + allright(row[2]), ''

    nbadnll = r.numInvalidNLL()
    if 0 < nbadnll:
        rows.append(('Invalid FCN/NLL evaluations', '', '  %d' % nbadnll, ''))

    rows = [('', 'Unit', 'Value', 'Global/max correlation')] + rows

    pars_all = r.params(float_only=False)
    pars_float = r.params(float_only=True)

    ## constant/fix parameters
    crows = []
    for p in pars_all:
        if p in pars_float: continue
        v, a = pars_all[p]

        s, n = pretty_float(v.value())

        if n: n = '[10^%+d]' % n
        else: n = ''
        row = p, n, '  ' + s, ''

    ## floating parameters
    frows = []
    for p in pars_float:
        v, a = pars_float[p]

        if not a.hasAsymError():
            s, n = pretty_ve(v)
            s, n = pretty_2ve(a.getVal(), a.getAsymErrorHi(),

        if n: n = '[10^%+d]' % n
        else: n = ''

        cc = 'Not available'
        if 0 <= cq:
            mxr, mxv = r.max_cor(p)
            gc = r.globalCorr(p)

            cc = '%+5.3f/(%+5.3f,%s)' % (gc, mxr, mxv)
            if 0.95 < abs(gc) or 0.95 < abs(mxr): cc = attention(cc)

        row = p, n, s, cc


    all = rows + crows + frows

    import ostap.logger.table as T

    all = T.align_column(all, 0, 'left')
    all = T.align_column(all, 1, 'left')
    all = T.align_column(all, 2, 'left')
    all = T.align_column(all, 3, 'left')

    for l in range(len(rows), len(all)):
        line = all[l]
        line = list(line)
        line[0] = allright(line[0])
        all[l] = tuple(line)

    if title:
        return T.table(all, title=title, prefix=prefix)
        return T.table(all, title=r.GetTitle(), prefix=prefix)