Esempio n. 1
    def treatFile ( self, the_file ) :
        """Add the file to TChain

        ## suppress Warning/Error messages from ROOT 
        from ostap.logger.utils import rootError
        with rootError() :

            ## new temporary chani/tree 
            tree  = ROOT.TChain ( self.chain_name )
            tree.Add ( the_file )

            ok = len ( tree ) 
            if  ok :
                if self.check and self.files :
                    chain = self.chain 
                    self.check_trees ( chain , tree , the_file )
                    del chain
                Files.treatFile  ( self  ,        the_file )
            else : 
                self.__bad_files.add ( the_file )
                if not self.silent : 
                    logger.warning ( "No/empty chain  '%s' in file '%s'" % ( self.chain_name , the_file ) )
            del tree
Esempio n. 2
 def getLumi ( self ):
     """Get the luminosity
     ## suppress Warning/Error messages from ROOT 
     from ostap.logger.utils import rootError
     with rootError() :
         from   ostap.contrib.lhcb.lumi import getLumi
         return getLumi ( self.chain2  )
Esempio n. 3
def _make_dataset_(tree,
    """Create the dataset from the tree
    >>> tree = ...
    >>> ds = tree.make_dataset ( [ 'px , 'py' , 'pz' ] ) 
    import ostap.trees.cuts
    import ostap.fitting.roofit

    cuts = ROOT.TCut(selection)
    varset = ROOT.RooArgSet()
    for v in variables:

        if isinstance(v, str): v = Variable(v)
        elif isinstance(v, (tuple, list)): v = Variable(*v)
        elif isinstance(v, dict): v = Variable(**v)

        assert isinstance(
            v, Variable), "Can't create Variable from %s/%s" % (v, type(v))
        assert v.trivial, "Variable %s is not ``trivial''" %
        assert hasattr(tree,
             , "Tree/Chain has no branch ``%s''" %

        mn, mx = v.minmax
        if _minv < mn: cuts &= "%.16g <= %s" % (mn,
        if _maxv > mx: cuts &= "%s <= %.16g" % (, mx)

    if not name:
        from ostap.core.core import dsID
        name = '%s_%s' % (dsID(), tree.GetName())
    if not title: title = '%s/%s' % (name, tree.GetTitle())

    total = len(tree)
    processed = tree.statVar('1', selection).nEntries()
    skipped = tree.statVar('1', str(cuts)).nEntries()

    stat = total, processed, processed - skipped

    from ostap.logger.utils import rooSilent, rootError
    with rooSilent(ROOT.RooFit.ERROR, True):
        with rootError(ROOT.kWarning):
            ds = ROOT.RooDataSet(name, title, tree, varset, str(cuts))

    if not silent:
        from ostap.logger.logger import attention
        skipped = 'Skipped:%d' % stat[2]
        skipped = '/' + attention(skipped) if stat[2] else ''
            'make_dataset: Events Total:%d/Processed:%s%s CUTS: "%s"\n# %s' %
            (stat[0], stat[1], skipped, selection, ds))

    return ds, stat
Esempio n. 4
 def getLumi ( self ):
     """Get the luminosity
     ## suppress Warning/Error messages from ROOT 
     with rootError() :
         try :
             return getLumi ( self.chain2  )
         except ImportError :
             logger.error('DataAndLumi:getLumi is not available!')
             return -1.e+6
Esempio n. 5
    def treatFile ( self, the_file ) :
        """Add the file to TChain
        ## suppress Warning/Error messages from ROOT 
        from ostap.logger.utils import rootError
        with rootError() :
            tree1 = ROOT.TChain ( self.chain1_name  )
            tree1.Add ( the_file )
            tree2 = ROOT.TChain ( self.chain2_name  )
            tree2.Add ( the_file )

            ok1 = len ( tree1 )
            if self.check and self.files1 and ok1 :
                chain1 = self.chain1 
                self.check_trees ( tree1 , chain1 , the_file )
                del chain1
            ok2 = len ( tree2 )            
            if self.check and self.files2 and ok2 :
                chain2 = self.chain2 
                self.check_trees ( tree2 , chain2 , the_file )
                del chain2
            if  ok1 and ok2      :
                Files.treatFile ( self , the_file ) 
            elif ok2 :
                self.bad_files1.add ( the_file  )
                if not self.silent : 
                    logger.warning ( "No/empty chain1 '%s'      in file '%s'" % ( self.chain1_name , the_file ) )

            elif ok1 :
                self.bad_files2.add ( the_file )
                if not self.silent : 
                    logger.warning ( "No/empty chain2 '%s'      in file '%s'" % ( self.chain2_name , the_file ) ) 

            else :
                self.bad_files1.add ( the_file )
                self.bad_files2.add ( the_file )
                if not self.silent :                 
                    logger.warning ( "No/empty chains '%s'/'%s' in file '%s'" % ( self.chain1_name ,
                                                                                  self.chain2_name , the_file ) )
            del tree1
            del tree2
Esempio n. 6
    def treatFile(self, the_file):
        """Add the file to TChain
        Files.treatFile(self, the_file)

        ## suppress Warning/Error messages from ROOT
        from ostap.logger.utils import rootError
        with rootError():

            tmp = ROOT.TChain(self.chain.GetName())

            ##if 0 < tmp.GetEntries() and 0 < tmp.GetEntry(0) : self.chain.Add ( the_file )
            if 0 < tmp.GetEntries(): self.chain.Add(the_file)
                logger.warning("No/empty chain '%s' in file '%s'" %
                               (self.chain.GetName(), the_file))
Esempio n. 7
    def treatFile(self, the_file):
        """Add the file to TChain
        ## suppress Warning/Error messages from ROOT
        from ostap.logger.utils import rootError
        with rootError():

            tmp1 = ROOT.TChain(self.chain.GetName())

            if tmp1:
                Files.treatFile(self, the_file)
                if not self.silent:
                    logger.warning("No/empty chain  '%s' in file '%s'" %
                                   (self.chain.GetName(), the_file))
Esempio n. 8
    def treatFile(self, the_file):
        """Add the file to TChain

        ## suppress Warning/Error messages from ROOT
        from ostap.logger.utils import rootError
        with rootError():

            tmp1 = ROOT.TChain(self.chain.GetName())
            tmp2 = ROOT.TChain(self.chain2.GetName())

            if tmp1: self.check_trees(tmp1, self.chain, the_file)
            if tmp2: self.check_trees(tmp2, self.chain2, the_file)

            if tmp1 and tmp2:
                Files.treatFile(self, the_file)
            elif tmp2 and not tmp1 and self.missing1st:
                if not self.silent:
                    logger.warning("No/empty chain1 '%s'      in file '%s'" %
                                   (self.chain.GetName(), the_file))
            elif tmp1 and not tmp2 and self.missing2nd:
                if not self.silent:
                    logger.warning("No/empty chain2 '%s'      in file '%s'" %
                                   (self.chain2.GetName(), the_file))
                self.set_files(self.files + (the_file, ))
                if not self.silent:
                    logger.warning("No/empty chains '%s'/'%s' in file '%s'" %
                                    self.chain2.GetName(), the_file))
Esempio n. 9
def _load_macro_ ( macro , silent = True ) :
    """Load ROOT macro"""
    logger.debug  ("Try to load macro '%s'" % macro )
    if silent :
        from ostap.logger.utils import rootError
        with rootError() : sc = ROOT.gROOT.LoadMacro ( macro )
    else :
        sc = ROOT.gROOT.LoadMacro ( macro )
    if sc :
        # - Interactive mode: print traceback and continue
        if arguments.batch :
            raise RuntimeError ( 'Failure to load macro "%s" code:%d' % ( macro , sc ) )
        else :
            logger.error       ('Failure to load macro "%s" code:%d' % ( macro , sc ) )
            return False
    logger.debug ("Loaded macro   '%s'" % macro )
    del sc
    return True
Esempio n. 10
def valid_formula ( expression , varset ) :

    expression = expression.strip()
    if not expression : return True
    if isinstance  ( varset  , ROOT.RooArgSet ) :
        vlst = ROOT.RooArgList()
        for v in varset : vlst.add ( v  )
        result = valid_formula ( expression , vlst )
        del vlst
        return result

    assert isinstance ( varset  , ROOT.RooArgList ), 'Invalid type %s' % type (varset)
    from ostap.logger.utils import rooSilent, rootError  
    with rooSilent ( ROOT.RooFit.FATAL + 1 , True ) :
        with rootError( ROOT.kError + 1 ) :
            _f = ROOT.RooFormulaVar( '' , expression , varset )
            fok = _f.ok ()
            del _f
    return fok
Esempio n. 11
def make_dataset ( tree , variables , selection = '' , name = '' , title = '' , silent = False ) :
    """Create the dataset from the tree
    >>> tree = ...
    >>> ds = tree.make_dataset ( [ 'px , 'py' , 'pz' ] ) 
    import ostap.trees.cuts
    import ostap.fitting.roofit

    varset   = ROOT.RooArgSet()
    vars     = set()

    formulas  = []
    selection = str ( selection ) if isinstance ( selection , ROOT.TCut ) else selection  
    selection = selection.strip() if isinstance ( selection , str       ) else selection 
    cuts = [ selection ] if selection else [] 
    for v in variables :

        if   isinstance  ( v , str              ) : vv = Variable (   v )
        elif isinstance  ( v , ROOT.RooRealVar  ) : vv = Variable (   v )
        elif isinstance  ( v , ( tuple , list ) ) : vv = Variable (  *v )
        elif isinstance  ( v , dict             ) : vv = Variable ( **v )
        elif isinstance  ( v , Variable         ) : vv = v 
        else :
            logger.error("Do not know how to treat the variable %s/%s, skip it" % ( v , type ( v ) ) )

        if vv.trivial and == vv.formula : 
            assert hasattr  ( tree , ) , "Tree/Chain has no branch ``%s''" %
            assert hasattr  ( tree , ) , "Tree/Chain has no branch ``%s''" %
            varset.add  ( vv.var )
            vars.add ( vv )
        elif vv.formula :
            formulas.append ( vv )
        else :
            logger.error("Do not know how to treat the variable %s, skip it" % )
        mn , mx = vv.minmax
        if _minv < mn : cuts.append ( "(%.16g <= %s)" % ( mn      , ) ) 
        if _maxv > mx : cuts.append ( "(%s <= %.16g)" % ( , mx      ) )

    cuts = ROOT.TCut(' && '.join(cuts) ) if cuts else ROOT.TCut() 

    ## extended varset
    stor    = set() 
    varsete = ROOT.RooArgSet()
    for v in varset : varsete.add ( v )

    expressions = [ f.formula for f in formulas ]
    if selection : expressions.append ( selection ) 
    if expressions :

        tt = None 
        if isinstance ( tree , ROOT.TChain ) :
            nf = len ( tree.files() )
            for i in range ( nf ) :
                tt = tree[i]
                if tt : break 
        if not tt : tt = tree

        from   ostap.core.core import fID
        for expression in expressions : 
            tf   = Ostap.Formula ( fID () , str ( expression ) , tt )
            assert tf.ok() , 'Invalid formula %s' % expression 
            i    = 0 
            leaf = tf.GetLeaf( i )
            while leaf :
                lname = leaf.GetName()
                if not lname in varsete :
                    v = Variable ( lname )
                    varsete.add  ( v.var )
                    stor.add ( v ) 
                i   += 1
                leaf = tf.GetLeaf( i )                    
            del tf 
    if not name :
        from ostap.core.core import dsID 
        name = '%s_%s' % ( dsID() , tree.GetName() )
    if not title : title = '%s/%s' % ( name , tree.GetTitle() )

    total     = len ( tree )
    processed = tree.statVar ( '1' , selection    ).nEntries()
    skipped   = tree.statVar ( '1' , str ( cuts ) ).nEntries() 

    stat = total, processed , processed - skipped

    from ostap.logger.utils import rooSilent, rootError  
    with rooSilent ( ROOT.RooFit.ERROR  , True ) :
        with rootError( ROOT.kWarning ) :
            ds = ROOT.RooDataSet ( name  , title , tree , varsete , str( cuts ) )
            varsete = ds.get()
    ## add complex expressions 
    if formulas :
        # a
        vset   = ds.get()
        vlst = ROOT.RooArgList()
        for v in vset : vlst.add ( v )

        fcols = ROOT.RooArgList() 
        ffs   = []
        fcuts = [] 
        for f in formulas :            
            fv = ROOT.RooFormulaVar ( , f.description , f.formula , vlst )
            assert fv.ok() , 'Invalid formula: %s' % f.formula 
            ffs.append ( fv )
            fcols.add  ( fv )
            mn , mx = f.minmax            
            if _minv < mn : fcuts.append ( "(%.16g <= %s)" % ( mn      , ) )
            if _maxv > mx : fcuts.append ( "(%s <= %.16g)" % ( , mx      ) )

        ds.addColumns ( fcols )
        ##  apply cuts (if any) for the  complex expressions 
        if fcuts :
            fcuts = [ '(%s)' % f for f in fcuts ]
            fcuts = ' && '.join ( fcuts )
            _vars = ds.get()
            ds1 = ROOT.RooDataSet ( dsID() , ds.title , ds , _vars , fcuts ) 
            del ds
            ds = ds1
            varsete = ds.get()
        nvars = ROOT.RooArgSet()
        for v in varset   : nvars.add ( v     )
        for v in formulas : nvars.add ( v.var )
        varset  = nvars 
        varsete = ds.get() 
    ##  remove all temporary variables  
    if len ( varset ) != len ( varsete ) :
        ds1 = ds.reduce ( varset )
        del ds
        ds = ds1
    if not silent : 
        skipped = 'Skipped:%d' % stat[2]
        skipped = '/' + attention ( skipped ) if stat[2] else '' (
            'make_dataset: Events Total:%d/Processed:%s%s CUTS: "%s"\n# %s' % (
            stat[0] ,
            stat[1] ,
            skipped ,
            selection  , ds ) )            
    return ds , stat 
Esempio n. 12
def getLumi(data, *args):
    """Get lumi :
    >>> l1 = getLumi ( 'myfile.root' )
    >>> l2 = getLumi ( tree  )
    >>> l3 = getLumi ( chain )
    >>> l4 = getLumi ( file  )
    >>> l5 = getLumi ( [ any sequence of above ]  )
    if args:
        data = [data]
        for a in args:
        return getLumi(data)

    if isinstance(data, str):
        ## expand the actual file name
        data = os.path.expandvars(data)
        data = os.path.expanduser(data)
        data = os.path.expandvars(data)
        data = os.path.expandvars(data)

            tree = ROOT.TChain(lumi_tree)
            return getLumi(tree)
            logger.error('Unable to get lumi/1 for %s' % data)
            return VE()

    if isinstance(data, ROOT.TFile):
            tree = data.Get(lumi_tree)
            return getLumi(tree)
            logger.error('Unable to get lumi/2 for %s' % data.GetName())
            return VE()

    if isinstance(data, ROOT.TTree):

        ## try :
        with rootError():  ## suppress errors from ROOT

            ## if hasattr ( data , 'pstatVar' ) :
            ##    stat = data.pstatVar ( [ lumi , lumi_err ] , lumi_cuts , chunk_size = -1 , max_files = 10 )
            ## else  :
            stat = data.statVar([lumi, lumi_err], lumi_cuts)

            s1 = stat[lumi]
            s2 = stat[lumi_err]
            return VE(s1.sum(), s2.sum()**2)

        ##except :
        ##    logger.error('Unable to get lumi/3 for %s' % data.GetName() )
        ##    return VE()

    l = VE()
    for i in data:
        k = getLumi(i)
        ## @attention: linear addition of uncertainties:
        l = VE(l.value() + k.value(), (l.error() + k.error())**2)

    return l
Esempio n. 13
def getLumi ( data , *args ) :
    """Get lumi :
    >>> l1 = getLumi ( 'myfile.root' )
    >>> l2 = getLumi ( tree  )
    >>> l3 = getLumi ( chain )
    >>> l4 = getLumi ( file  )
    >>> l5 = getLumi ( [ any sequence of above ]  )
    tree_name = 'GetIntegratedLuminosity/LumiTuple'
    from   ostap.core.core      import VE, hID
    import ostap.trees.trees 
    if args :
        data = [ data ]
        for a in args : data.append ( a )
        return getLumi ( data ) 
    if isinstance ( data , str ) :
        ## expand the actual file name
        import os 
        data = os.path.expandvars ( data )
        data = os.path.expanduser ( data )
        data = os.path.expandvars ( data )
        data = os.path.expandvars ( data )
        try :    
            tree = ROOT.TChain ( tree_name ) 
            tree.Add ( data )   
            lumi = getLumi ( tree )
            return lumi
        except :
            logger.error('Unable to get lumi(1) for %s' % data )
            return VE()
    if isinstance ( data , ROOT.TFile ) :
        try :
            tree = data.Get( tree_name ) 
            return getLumi ( tree ) 
            logger.error('Unable to get lumi(2) for %s' % data.GetName() )
            return VE()
    if isinstance ( data , ROOT.TTree ) :

        ## print data
        from ostap.logger.utils import rootError 
            with rootError() : ## suppress errors from ROOT
                ## @attention here we are using sumVar! 
                l1 = data.sumVar ( '1.0*IntegratedLuminosity+0.0*IntegratedLuminosityErr' , '0<=IntegratedLuminosity' )
                l2 = data.sumVar ( '1.0*IntegratedLuminosity+1.0*IntegratedLuminosityErr' , '0<=IntegratedLuminosity' )
                l3 = data.sumVar ( '1.0*IntegratedLuminosity-1.0*IntegratedLuminosityErr' , '0<=IntegratedLuminosity' )            
                l1.setError ( 0.5 * abs ( l2.value () - l3.value () ) )
                l0 = data.sumVar ( 'IntegratedLuminosity' , '0 >IntegratedLuminosity'      )
                if 0 != l0.value() : logger.error( 'Something weird happens with Lumi/1: %s' % l0 )  
                l0 = data.sumVar ( 'IntegratedLuminosity' , 'IntegratedLuminosity>100000'  )
                if 0 != l0.value() : logger.error( 'Something weird happens with Lumi/2: %s' % l0 )  
                l0 = data.sumVar ( 'IntegratedLuminosity' , '0>IntegratedLuminosityErr'    )
                if 0 != l0.value() : logger.error( 'Something weird happens with Lumi/3: %s' % l0 )  
                return l1
        except :
            logger.error('Unable to get lumi(3) for %s' % data.GetName() )
            return VE()
    l = VE() 
    for i in data :
        k = getLumi ( i )
        ## @attention: linear addition of uncertainties: 
        l = VE ( l.value() + k.value() , ( l.error() + k.error () ) ** 2 ) 

    return l 
Esempio n. 14
def getLumi(data, *args):
    """Get lumi :
    >>> l1 = getLumi ( 'myfile.root' )
    >>> l2 = getLumi ( tree  )
    >>> l3 = getLumi ( chain )
    >>> l4 = getLumi ( file  )
    >>> l5 = getLumi ( [ any sequence of above ]  )
    if args:
        data = [data]
        for a in args:
        return getLumi(data)

    if isinstance(data, str):
        ## expand the actual file name
        data = os.path.expandvars(data)
        data = os.path.expanduser(data)
        data = os.path.expandvars(data)
        data = os.path.expandvars(data)

            tree = ROOT.TChain(lumi_tree)
            return getLumi(tree)
            logger.error('Unable to get lumi/1 for %s' % data)
            return VE()

    if isinstance(data, ROOT.TFile):
            tree = data.Get(lumi_tree)
            return getLumi(tree)
            logger.error('Unable to get lumi/2 for %s' % data.GetName())
            return VE()

    if isinstance(data, ROOT.TTree):

        ## try :
        with rootError():  ## suppress errors from ROOT

            ## if ( 6 , 25 ) < root_info :

            ##     ## use DataFrames. It is faster here?  not sure....

            ##     from ostap.frame.frames import DataFrame , frame_statVars
            ##     frame = DataFrame ( data )
            ##     stat  = frame_statVars ( frame , [ lumi , lumi_err ] , lumi_cuts )

            ## else :

            stat = data.statVar([lumi, lumi_err], lumi_cuts)

            s1 = stat[lumi]
            s2 = stat[lumi_err]
            return VE(s1.sum(), s2.sum()**2)

        ##except :
        ##    logger.error('Unable to get lumi/3 for %s' % data.GetName() )
        ##    return VE()

    l = VE()
    for i in data:
        k = getLumi(i)
        ## @attention: linear addition of uncertainties:
        l = VE(l.value() + k.value(), (l.error() + k.error())**2)

    return l