class base_map_geological_zone(geo_model.GeoModel): _name="base_map.geological_zone" _columns={ 'name':fields.char('Geological Zone',size=256), 'code':fields.char('Code',size=128), 'shape':fields.geo_multi_polygon('Shape'), }
class base_map_district(geo_model.GeoModel): _name="base_map.district" _columns = { 'name':fields.char('District Name',size=256), 'code':fields.char('District Code',size=256), 'shape':fields.geo_multi_polygon('Shape'), }
class base_map_sub_district(geo_model.GeoModel): _name="base_map.sub_district" _columns={ 'shape':fields.geo_multi_polygon('Shape'), 'code':fields.char('Code',size=256), 'name':fields.char('Name',size=256), 'classification':fields.integer('Classification'), }
class ocs_sub_district(geo_model.GeoModel): """ Contains geografic information about especific territories """ _name = 'ocs.sub_district' _order = 'name asc' _columns= { 'name' : fields.char('Sub District Name :',size=150, help='Sub-District name'), 'code' : fields.char('Territory Code :',size=150,help='Territory Code'), 'geo_polygon':fields.geo_multi_polygon('Geometry'), }
class ocs_neighborhood(geo_model.GeoModel): """Contains geographic information about all towns in the city""" _name = 'ocs.neighborhood' _order = 'name asc' _columns = { 'code': fields.char('Neighborhood Code',size=30,help='Identify a Cadastral Code'), 'name': fields.char('Neighborhood Name', size = 128), 'geo_polygon':fields.geo_multi_polygon('Geometry'), }
class base_map_micro_seismicity(geo_model.GeoModel): _name="base_map.micro_seismicity" _columns={ 'zone_name':fields.char('Zone Name',size=128), 'colour':fields.char('Colour', size=128), 'micr_measure1':fields.float('Measure 1'), 'micr_measure2':fields.float('Measure 2'), 'shape':fields.geo_multi_polygon('Shape'), }
class base_map_neighborhood(geo_model.GeoModel): """Contains geographic information about all neighborhoods in the city""" _name = 'base_map.neighborhood' _order = 'name asc' _columns = { 'code': fields.char('Neighborhood Code',size=30,help='Identify a Neighborhood Code'), 'name': fields.char('Neighborhood Name', size = 128), 'shape':fields.geo_multi_polygon('Geometry'), }
class urban_pavement_roadway(geo_model.GeoModel): """ Roadway Base Polygon """ _name="urban_pavement.roadway" _columns={ 'shape':fields.geo_multi_polygon('Coordinate'), 'id':fields.integer('Polygon ID'), 'ric':fields.integer('Rodway Idenfication Code'),#CIV Codigo de Identificacion de la Via 'create_date''Create Date'), 'adherence':fields.float('Adherence',digits=(12,6)), }
class base_map_cadastral_zone(geo_model.GeoModel): """ This layer must be re-factored """ _name="base_map.cadastral_zone" _columns={ 'name':fields.char('Name',size=256), 'code':fields.char('Code',size=128), 'alt_code':fields.char('Alternative Code',size=128), 'start_date''Create Date'), 'update_0''First Update'), 'update_1''Second Update'), 'update_2''Third Update'), 'update_3''Fourth Update'), 'zone_code':fields.char('Zone Code', size=128), 'shape':fields.geo_multi_polygon('Shape'), }
class ocs_district(geo_model.GeoModel): """ Contaihow to delete a field from parent class openerpns geografic information about localities""" _name = 'ocs.district' _order = 'name asc' _columns = { 'code': fields.char('District Code',size=30), 'name': fields.char('District Name',size=20), 'geo_polygon':fields.geo_multi_polygon('Geometry'), } def neighborhood_ids(self, cr, uid, id, default=None, context=None): """Return a list with neighborhoods from the district uses a postgis query """ #neighborhoods = self.pool.get('ocs.neighborhood').geo_search(cr, uid, geo_domain=[('geo_polygon', 'geo_intersect', {'ocs.district.geo_polygon': []})]) query = 'SELECT DISTINCT( FROM ocs_neighborhood AS n, ocs_district AS d ' \ "WHERE intersects(n.geo_polygon, d.geo_polygon) = TRUE AND = {0};".format(id[0]) cr.execute(query) n_ids = [] for n_id in cr.fetchall(): n_ids.append(n_id[0]) return n_ids
class urban_bridge_structure_element_value(geo_model.GeoModel): """ EAV Value Definition for elements of Structure """ _name = "urban_bridge.structure_element_value" _columns = { 'element_id': fields.many2one('urban_bridge.structure_element', 'Element', ondelete="cascade"), 'element_attribute_id': fields.many2one('urban_bridge.structure_element_attribute', 'Attribute'), 'value_integer': fields.integer('Integer'), 'value_char': fields.char('Char', size=256), 'value_date':'Date'), 'value_datetime': fields.datetime('Date Time'), 'value_text': fields.text('Text'), 'value_float': fields.float('Float'), 'value_bool': fields.boolean('Boolean'), 'value_binary': fields.binary('Photo'), 'value_selection': fields.char('Selection', size=10), 'value_point': fields.geo_multi_point('Shape Point'), 'value_line': fields.geo_multi_line('Shape Line'), 'value_polygon': fields.geo_multi_polygon('Shape Polygon'), }
class NPA(geo_model.GeoModel): """GEO OSV SAMPLE""" def _get_ZIP_total_sales(self, cursor, uid, ids, name, args, context=None): """Return the total of the invoiced sales for this npa""" to_return = {} if not ids: return {} if not isinstance(ids, list): ids = [ids] inv_obj = self.pool.get('account.invoice') mach_obj = self.pool.get('geoengine.demo.automatic.retailing.machine') for zip_id in ids: res = mach_obj.geo_search(cursor, uid, domain=[], geo_domain=[('the_point', 'geo_intersect', { '': [('id', '=', zip_id)] })]) if res: cursor.execute( "SELECT sum(total_sales) from" " geoengine_demo_automatic_retailing_machine where id in %s;", (tuple(res), )) res = cursor.fetchone() if res: to_return[zip_id] = res[0] or 0.0 else: to_return[zip_id] = 0.0 else: to_return[zip_id] = 0.0 return to_return _name = "" _columns = { 'priority': fields.integer('Priority'), 'name': fields.char('ZIP', size=64, required=True), 'city': fields.char('City', size=64, required=True), 'the_geom': fields.geo_multi_polygon('NPA Shape'), 'total_sales': fields.function(_get_ZIP_total_sales, method=True, string='Spatial! Total Sales', type='float'), } _defaults = {'priority': lambda *x: 100} def name_get(self, cursor, uid, ids, context=None): res = [] for r in self.browse(cursor, uid, ids): res.append((, u"%s %s" % (, return res def test_func(self, cursor, uid, ids): """Test function only use for devel. TO DELETE""" print 'a = self.browse(cursor, uid, 1)' a = self.browse(cursor, uid, 1) print 'print' print print 'a.the_geom.area' print a.the_geom.area print 'shape_a = wktloads(a.the_geom.wkt)' shape_a = wktloads(a.the_geom.wkt) print 'tmp1 = Polygon([(0, 0), (1, 1), (1, 0)])' tmp1 = Polygon([(0, 0), (1, 1), (1, 0)]) print 'Polygon([(3, 0), (4, 1), (4, 0)])' tmp2 = Polygon([(3, 0), (4, 1), (4, 0)]) print 'shape_b = MultiPolygon([tmp1, tmp2])' shape_b = MultiPolygon([tmp1, tmp2]) print "a.write({'the_geom':shape_b})" a.write({'the_geom': shape_b}) print "self.browse(cursor, uid, 1)" a = self.browse(cursor, uid, 1) print "print a.the_geom.wkt" print a.the_geom.wkt print "a.write({'the_geom':shape_b})" a.write({'the_geom': shape_b}) print "a = self.browse(cursor, uid, 1)" a = self.browse(cursor, uid, 1) print "print a.the_geom" print a.the_geom print "a.write({'the_geom':shape_b.wkt})" a.write({'the_geom': shape_b.wkt}) print "a = self.browse(cursor, uid, 1)" a = self.browse(cursor, uid, 1) print "print a.the_geom.wkt" print a.the_geom.wkt print "a.write({'the_geom':geojson.dumps(shape_a)})" a.write({'the_geom': geojson.dumps(shape_a)}) print "a = self.browse(cursor, uid, 1)" a = self.browse(cursor, uid, 1) print "print a.the_geom.wkt" print a.the_geom.wkt b = self.create(cursor, uid, { 'name': '1100', 'city': 'lausanne', 'the_geom': a.the_geom }) b = self.browse(cursor, uid, b) #self.unlink(cursor, uid, []) view_id = self.pool.get('ir.ui.view').search( cursor, uid, [('model', '=', ''), ('type', '=', 'geoengine')])[0] import pprint pprint.pprint( self.fields_view_get(cursor, uid, view_id=view_id, view_type='geoengine', context=None, toolbar=False, submenu=False)) import pprint pprint.pprint( self.fields_view_get(cursor, uid, view_id=False, view_type='geoengine', context=None, toolbar=False, submenu=False)) print self.geo_search(cursor, uid, domain=[('name', 'ilike', 'Lausanne')], geo_domain=[('the_geom', 'geo_greater', Polygon([(3, 0), (4, 1), (4, 0)]))]) print self.geo_search(cursor, uid, domain=[('name', 'ilike', 'Lausanne')], geo_domain=[('the_geom', 'geo_greater', 0)]) print self.geo_search( cursor, uid, domain=[('name', 'ilike', 'Lausanne')], geo_domain=[('the_geom', 'geo_intersect', { 'geoengine.demo.automatic.retailing.machine.the_point': [] })]) print self.geo_search( cursor, uid, domain=[('name', 'ilike', 'Lausanne')], geo_domain=[('the_geom', 'geo_intersect', { 'geoengine.demo.automatic.retailing.machine.the_point': [('name', '!=', 'Vallorbe')] })]) return True
class urban_bridge_bridge(geo_model.GeoModel): """ Bridge Infraestructure Data """ def _get_district(self, cr, uid, ids, fieldname, arg, context=None): res = {} #Este bloque try es porque a veces los datos vienen con inconsistencia topológica y se pretende evitar que deje de funcionar #la página cuando se manda el query, en ves de eso mejor que siga funcionando y deje un log de eventos for bridge in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context): try: geom = bridge.shape.wkt districts = "" if geom != False: if bridge.shape.is_valid: query = "SELECT name FROM base_map_district WHERE st_intersects(shape,st_geomfromtext('{0}',900913)) = true".format( geom) cr.execute(query) for row in cr.fetchall(): districts = row[0] + "," + districts res[] = districts except Exception as e: _logger.debug("Geoprocessing error: {0}".format(e)) res[] = "" return res def _get_sub_district(self, cr, uid, ids, fieldname, arg, context=None): res = {} for bridge in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context): try: geom = bridge.shape sub_districts = "" if geom != False: if bridge.shape.is_valid: query = "SELECT name FROM base_map_sub_district WHERE st_intersects(shape,st_geomfromtext('{0}',900913)) = true".format( geom) cr.execute(query) for row in cr.fetchall(): sub_districts = row[0] + "," + sub_districts res[] = sub_districts except Exception as ex: _logger.debug("Geoprocessing error: {0}".format(ex)) res[] = "" return res def _get_cadastral_zone(self, cr, uid, ids, fieldname, arg, context=None): res = {} for bridge in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context): try: cad_zone = "" geom = bridge.shape if bridge.shape.is_valid: if (geom != False): query = "SELECT name FROM base_map_cadastral_zone WHERE st_intersects(shape,st_geomfromtext('{0}',900913)) = true".format( geom) cr.execute(query) for row in cr.fetchall(): cad_zone = row[0] + "," + cad_zone res[] = cad_zone except Exception as e: _logger.debug("Geoprocessing error: {0}".format(e)) res[] = "" return res def _get_micro_seismicity(self, cr, uid, ids, fieldname, arg, context=None): res = {} for bridge in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context): try: micr_seism = "" geom = bridge.shape if geom != False: if bridge.shape.is_valid: query = "SELECT zone_name,micr_measure1 FROM base_map_micro_seismicity WHERE st_intersects(shape,st_geomfromtext('{0}',900913)) = true".format( geom) cr.execute(query) for row in cr.fetchall(): micr_seism = row[0] + "-" + str( row[1]) + "," + micr_seism res[] = micr_seism except Exception as ex: _logger.debug("Geoprocessing error: {0}".format(ex)) res[] = "" return res def _get_area(self, cr, uid, ids, fieldname, arg, context=None): res = {} for bridge in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context): try: bridge_id = spatial_ref_sys = self.pool.get( 'ir.config_parameter').get_param( cr, uid, 'urban_bridge.local_spatial_reference', default='', context=context) query = """ select st_area(pmagna) as area from ( select st_transform(shape,%s) as pmagna from urban_bridge_bridge where id = %s ) as t1 """ cr.execute(query, (spatial_ref_sys, bridge_id)) area = 0.0 for row in cr.fetchall(): #Crear un diccionario para almacenar areas por if row[0] != None: area = float(row[0]) res[] = area except Exception as e: _logger.debug("Geoprocessing error: {0}".format(e)) res[] = "" return res def _get_perimeter(self, cr, uid, ids, fieldname, arg, context=None): res = {} for bridge in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context): try: bridge_id = spatial_ref_sys = self.pool.get( 'ir.config_parameter').get_param( cr, uid, 'urban_bridge.local_spatial_reference', default='', context=context) query = """ select st_perimeter(pmagna) as area from ( select st_transform(shape,%s) as pmagna from urban_bridge_bridge where id = %s ) as t1 """ cr.execute(query, (spatial_ref_sys, bridge_id)) perimeter = 0.0 for row in cr.fetchall(): #Crear un diccionario para almacenar areas por if row[0] != None: perimeter = float(row[0]) res[] = perimeter except Exception as e: _logger.debug("Geoprocessing error: {0}".format(e)) res[] = "" return res def web_service_save(self, cr, uid, data, context=None): #1.Check Geography Type-- and translate to multipoly #Geography come in geojsCheckliston try: jgeometry = data["shape"] geography = asShape(jgeometry) shape = "" if geography.geom_type == "Polygon": mpoly = MultiPolygon([geography]) shape = mpoly.wkt else: shape = geography.wkt data["shape"] = shape #Check date if (data.has_key("construction_date")): construction_date = datetime.strptime( data["construction_date"], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") data["contruction_date"] = str( except Exception as e: print e #2. Read Category Type if (data.has_key("structure_type")): structure_type_ids = self.pool.get( "urban_bridge.structure_type").search( cr, uid, [('code', '=', data["structure_type"])]) if structure_type_ids.__len__() == 0: return {'result': 'Error, Structure Type Code Not defined!'} else: data["structure_type"] = structure_type_ids[0] #3. Check if bridge_code Exist if does not exist then create, if exist update from code -- search_result_ids = [] if data.has_key("code"): search_result_ids =, uid, [('code', '=', data["code"])]) try: if search_result_ids.__len__() == 0: #Create id_bridge = self.create(cr, uid, data) return {"result": "Insertion success ", "id": id_bridge} else: #If Update, only update Geography self.write(cr, uid, search_result_ids[0], {"shape": data["shape"]}) return { "result": "Geometry Update success! attributes does not modified!", "id": search_result_ids[0] } except Exception as e: print e return {"result": "Save Failed!"} _name = "urban_bridge.bridge" _columns = { 'shape': fields.geo_multi_polygon('Shape', help="Shape"), 'code': fields.char('Bridge Code', size=128, help="Bridge Code"), 'name': fields.char('Identifier', size=128, help="Identifier"), 'classification': fields.selection([('PPC', 'PPC'), ('PPE', 'PPE'), ('PVC', 'PVC'), ('PVE', 'PVE')], 'Bridge Classification'), 'structure_type': fields.many2one('urban_bridge.structure_type', 'Bridge Type', required=True), 'address': fields.char('Bridge Address', size=256), 'last_address': fields.char('Last Address', size=256), 'construction_date':'Construction Date'), 'inventory_date':'Inventory Date'), 'length': fields.float('Total Length'), 'width': fields.float('Total Width'), 'superstructure_area': fields.float('Bridge Super-Structure Area'), 'vertical_gauge': fields.float('Vertical Gauge'), 'horizontal_gauge': fields.float('Horizontal Gauge'), 'design_load_capacity': fields.float('Design Load Capacity'), 'level': fields.selection([('-2', '-2'), ('-1', '-1'), ('0', '0'), ('1', '1'), ('2', '2'), ('3', '3'), ('4', '4')], 'Bridge Level'), 'structure_material': fields.many2one('urban_bridge.structure_material', 'Structure Materials'), 'design_load_code': fields.many2one('urban_bridge.design_load_code', 'Design Load Code'), 'photo': fields.binary('Photo'), 'geological_zone': fields.many2one('base_map.geological_zone', 'Geological Zone'), 'district': fields.function(_get_district, string='Districts', method=True, type="char"), 'sub_district': fields.function(_get_sub_district, string='Sub Districts', method=True, type="char"), 'cadastral_zone': fields.function(_get_cadastral_zone, string="Cadastral Zone", method=True, type="char"), 'micro_seismicity': fields.function(_get_micro_seismicity, string="Micro-Seismicity", method=True, type="char"), 'calc_area': fields.function(_get_area, string="Calculated Area", method=True, type="float"), 'calc_perimeter': fields.function(_get_perimeter, string="Calculated Perimeter", method=True, type="float"), 'elements': fields.one2many('urban_bridge.structure_element', 'bridge_id', 'Elements'), 'survey_id': fields.one2many('urban_bridge.inspection_survey', 'bridge_id', 'Inspection Survey'), 'state': fields.selection([('draft', 'Draft'), ('updated', 'Updated'), ('maintenance', 'Maintenance'), ('warranty', 'Warranty')], 'State'), } _sql_contraints = [ ('cc_bridge_code_unique', 'unique(code)', '¡Bridge Code must be unique!'), ]