def _read_customers(self, path): """ read customer from path and add to self._customers """ try: for cust_id, cust_name in file_reader(path, 2, sep=",", header=True): if cust_id in self._customers: print(f'customer id already there {cust_id}') else: self._customers[cust_id] = Customer(cust_id, cust_name) except ValueError as err: print(err)
def _read_products(self, path): """read product file""" try: for prod_id, store_id, prod_name in file_reader(path, 3, sep="|", header=False): if prod_id in self._products: print(f"product id already exists {prod_id}") else: self._stores[store_id].add_productname(prod_id, prod_name) except ValueError as err: print(err)
def _read_stores(self, path): """read store file""" try: for store_id, store_name in file_reader(path, 2, sep="*", header=True): if store_id in self._stores: print(f"Store id already there {store_id}") else: self._stores[store_id] = Store(store_id, store_name) except ValueError as err: print(err)
def _read_inventory(self, path): """read inventory file""" try: for store_id, available_quantity, product_id in file_reader(path, 3, sep="|", header=True): if store_id in self._stores: self._stores[store_id].add_inventory(available_quantity, product_id) else: print(f"Warning: Store id does not exists {store_id}") except ValueError as err: print(err)
def read_instructors(self, path): try: for cwid, name, dept in file_reader(path, 3, sep="\t", header=False): if cwid in self._instructors: print(f"already exists {cwid}") else: self._instructors[cwid] = Instructor(cwid, name, dept) except ValueError as err: print(err)
def read_students(self, path): try: for cwid, name, major in file_reader(path, 3, sep="\t", header=False): if cwid in self._students: print(f"ALready exists {cwid}") else: self._students[cwid] = Student(cwid, name, major) except ValueError as err: print(err)
def read_majors(self, path): """read the majors from major.txt""" try: for major, flag, course in file_reader(path, 3, sep='\t', header=False): if major in self._majors: self._majors[major].add_course(flag, course) else: self._majors[major] = Major(major) self._majors[major].add_course(flag, course) except ValueError as err: print(err)
def read_students(self, path): """read the students.txt""" try: for cwid, name, major in file_reader(path, 3, sep="\t", header=False): if cwid in self._students: print(f"{cwid} is already there") else: self._students[cwid] = Student(cwid, name, major, self._majors[major]) except ValueError as err: print(err)
def _read_transactions(self, path): """read transaction file""" try: for cust_id, quantity, prod_id, store_id in file_reader(path, 4, sep="|", header=True): if cust_id in self._customers: available_product = self._stores[store_id].available_product(prod_id) self._customers[cust_id].add_quantity(self._stores[store_id]._product_name[prod_id], quantity if int(quantity) < available_product else available_product) else: print(f"Warning: Customer Id {cust_id} does not exist") if store_id in self._stores: self._stores[store_id].update_inv(prod_id, quantity, self._customers[cust_id]._name) else: print(f"Warning: Store Id {store_id} does not exist") except ValueError as err: print(err)
def read_grades(self, path): """read the file grades.txt""" try: for student_cwid, course, grade, instructor_cwid in file_reader( path, 4, sep='\t', header=False): if student_cwid in self._students: self._students[student_cwid].add_course(course, grade) else: print( f"Warning: Student cwid {student_cwid} doesnt exist in students file" ) if instructor_cwid in self._instructors: self._instructors[instructor_cwid].add_course( course) # using the instructor cwid as key else: print( f"Warning: instructor cwid {instructor_cwid} doesnt exist in instructor file" ) except ValueError as erf: print(erf)