def interp(self, timein, method='linear', timeformat='%Y%m%d.%H%M%S', axis=-1): """ Interpolate the data onto an equally spaced vector timein is either: (3x1 tuple) - (tstart,tend,dt) tstart and tend - string with format 'yyyymmdd.HHMMSS' or datetime vector method - method passed to interp1d - use 'nearest' to preserve masking in gap regions """ # Create the time vector try: tstart = timein[0] tend = timein[1] dt = timein[2] tnew = othertime.TimeVector(tstart, tend, dt, timeformat=timeformat) except: tnew = timein dt = (tnew[1] - tnew[0]).total_seconds() if method == 'nearest': # Nearest neighbour doesn't use interp1d to preserve mask self._evenly_dist_data(dt) tnew, output = self.subset(tnew[0], tnew[-1]) else: t = othertime.SecondsSince(tnew, basetime=self.basetime) # Don't include nan points if self.ndim > 1: # Interpolate multidimensional arrays without a mask F = interpolate.interp1d(self.tsec,self.y,kind=method,axis=axis,\ bounds_error=False,fill_value=0) output = F(t) else: #mask = np.isnan(self.y) == False mask = ~self.y.mask F = interpolate.interp1d(self.tsec[mask],self.y[mask],kind=method,axis=axis,\ bounds_error=False,fill_value=0) output = F(t) return tnew, output
def getTime(self,timeinfo): """ Get the particle time step info """ self.dt = timeinfo[2] self.time_track = othertime.TimeVector(timeinfo[0],timeinfo[1],timeinfo[2],timeformat ='%Y%m%d.%H%M%S') self.time_track_sec = othertime.SecondsSince(self.time_track) self.time_sec = othertime.SecondsSince(self.time) self.time_index = -9999
def __init__(self, x, y, z, timeinfo, tformat='%Y%m%d.%H%M%S', **kwargs): metfile.__init__(self, mode='create') self.x = x self.y = y self.z = z self.time =\ otime.TimeVector(timeinfo[0],timeinfo[1],timeinfo[2],timeformat=tformat) self.nctime = otime.SecondsSince(self.time) self.varnames = [ 'Uwind', 'Vwind', 'Tair', 'Pair', 'RH', 'rain', 'cloud' ] # Update all of the metdata objects for vv in self.varnames: self.updateMetData(self[vv])
def getAllTime(stationID, vartype, timestart, timeend): """Wrapper function to grab data for extened time periods in chunks""" # Get the start and end times - can only extract 4-day chunks timeList = [] # #tnow = timestart #while tnow <= timeend: # timeList.append(tnow) # tnow += timedelta(days=4) timeList = othertime.TimeVector(timestart, timeend, 4 * 86400., istimestr=False) k = 0 for t1s, t2s in zip(timeList[0:-1], timeList[1:]): t1 = datetime.strftime(t1s, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ') t2 = datetime.strftime(t2s, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ') print('Extracting dates %s to %s' % (t1, t2)) # generate the url string target_url = '' + vartype + '&offering=urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NOS.CO-OPS:' + stationID + '&responseFormat=text%2Fcsv&eventTime=' + t1 + '/' + t2 # Get the data datatmp = getObsfromURL(target_url) # append the data if k == 0 and len(datatmp) > 1: data = datatmp k += 1 elif k > 0 and len(datatmp) > 1: for vv in list(data.keys()): data[vv] += datatmp[vv] try: return data except: return []
def runmpi(ncfile, outfile, tstart, tend, dt, dtout, x, y, z, agepoly=None, method='nearest', is3D=False): # Generate a list of tuples for the time info timevec = othertime.TimeVector(tstart, tend, dtout, timeformat='%Y%m%d.%H%M%S') timevec_sec = othertime.SecondsSince(timevec) timeinfos = [] for ii in range(timevec.shape[0] - 1): if ii == 0: timestart = datetime.strftime(timevec[ii], '%Y%m%d.%H%M%S') else: timestart = datetime.strftime(timevec[ii] + timedelta(seconds=dt), '%Y%m%d.%H%M%S') timeend = datetime.strftime(timevec[ii + 1], '%Y%m%d.%H%M%S') timeinfos.append((timestart, timeend, dt)) # Initialise the particle tracking object print('Initialising the particle tracking object on processor: %d...' % (comm.rank)) sun = SunTrack(ncfile, interp_method='mesh', interp_meshmethod=method, is3D=is3D) # Initialise the age values if not agepoly == None: calcage = True else: calcage = False age = None agemax = None # On rank = 0 only if comm.rank == 0: n = int(x.shape[0]) # Check if the number of processes divides eveny into the array length rem = np.mod(n, size) if rem == 0: #length of each process's portion of the original vector local_n = np.array([n / size]) else: print('Padding array with extra values...') nextra = size - rem xpad = np.zeros((nextra, )) x = np.hstack((x, xpad)) y = np.hstack((y, xpad)) z = np.hstack((z, xpad)) n = n + nextra local_n = np.array([n / size]) print('Size of original vector = %d\nSize of split vector = %d' % (n, local_n)) if calcage: age = np.zeros_like(x) agemax = np.zeros_like(x) # Initialise the output netcdf file sun.initParticleNC(outfile, n, age=calcage) else: x = None y = None z = None local_n = np.array([0]) if calcage: age = None agemax = None comm.Barrier() t_start = MPI.Wtime() # Broadcast the particle tracking object everywhere #sun = comm.bcast(sun, root=0) # !! Doesn't work for this object !! # Scatter the x,y,z locations up amongst all processors #communicate local array size to all processes comm.Bcast(local_n, root=0) #initialize the local particle arrays as numpy arrays x_local = np.zeros(local_n) y_local = np.zeros(local_n) z_local = np.zeros(local_n) if calcage: age_local = np.zeros(local_n) agemax_local = np.zeros(local_n) #divide up vectors comm.Scatter(x, x_local, root=0) comm.Scatter(y, y_local, root=0) comm.Scatter(z, z_local, root=0) if calcage: comm.Scatter(age, age_local, root=0) comm.Scatter(agemax, agemax_local, root=0) else: age_local = None agemax_local = None ### # Testing plot of particle positions ### #if comm.rank ==0: # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # plt.figure # plt.plot(x_local,y_local,'.') # #comm.Barrier() ### # Write out the initial location to netcdf if comm.rank == 0: sun.writeParticleNC(outfile, x, y, z, timevec_sec[0], 0, age=age, agemax=agemax) comm.Barrier() ### # ... Call the particle tracking module on each processor for ii, timeinfo in enumerate(timeinfos): if comm.rank == 0: sun(x_local, y_local, z_local, timeinfo, agepoly=agepoly, age=age_local, agemax=agemax_local, verbose=True) else: sun(x_local, y_local, z_local, timeinfo, agepoly=agepoly, age=age_local, agemax=agemax_local, verbose=False) # Send the particles back to their main array comm.Barrier() comm.Gather(sun.particles['X'], x, root=0) comm.Gather(sun.particles['Y'], y, root=0) comm.Gather(sun.particles['Z'], z, root=0) if calcage: comm.Gather(sun.particles['age'], age, root=0) comm.Gather(sun.particles['agemax'], agemax, root=0) # Write the output to a netcdf file if comm.rank == 0: sun.writeParticleNC(outfile, x, y, z, sun.time_track_sec[-1], ii + 1, age=age, agemax=agemax) comm.Barrier() t_diff = MPI.Wtime() - t_start ### Stop stopwatch ### if comm.rank == 0: print(78 * '=' + '\n' + 78 * '=') print('Completed particle tracking using %d cores in %6.2f seconds.' % (comm.size, t_diff)) print(78 * '=' + '\n' + 78 * '=')