Esempio n. 1
    def _perform_add_event(self, response_sequence):
        Given a sequence of functions that take an intent and returns a
        response (or raises an exception), perform :func:`add_event` and
        return the result.
        log = object()
        eff = add_event(self.event, 'tid', 'ord', log)
        uid = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'

        svrq = service_request(
            headers={'content-type': ['application/vnd.rackspace.atom+json']},
            data=self._get_request('INFO', uid, 'tid'),

        seq = [
            (TenantScope(mock.ANY, 'tid'),

        return perform_sequence(seq, eff)
Esempio n. 2
def collect_metrics(reactor, config, log, client=None, authenticator=None,
    Start collecting the metrics

    :param reactor: Twisted reactor
    :param dict config: Configuration got from file containing all info
        needed to collect metrics
    :param :class:`silverberg.client.CQLClient` client:
        Optional cassandra client. A new client will be created
        if this is not given and disconnected before returing
    :param :class:`otter.auth.IAuthenticator` authenticator:
        Optional authenticator. A new authenticator will be created
        if this is not given
    :param bool _print: Should debug messages be printed to stdout?

    :return: :class:`Deferred` fired with ``list`` of `GroupMetrics`
    _client = client or connect_cass_servers(reactor, config['cassandra'])
    authenticator = authenticator or generate_authenticator(reactor,
    store = CassScalingGroupCollection(_client, reactor, 1000)
    dispatcher = get_dispatcher(reactor, authenticator, log,
                                get_service_configs(config), store)

    # calculate metrics on launch_server and non-paused groups
    groups = yield perform(dispatcher, Effect(GetAllValidGroups()))
    groups = [
        g for g in groups
        if json.loads(g["launch_config"]).get("type") == "launch_server" and
        (not g.get("paused", False))]
    tenanted_groups = groupby(lambda g: g["tenantId"], groups)
    group_metrics = yield get_all_metrics(
        dispatcher, tenanted_groups, log, _print=_print)

    # Add to cloud metrics
    metr_conf = config.get("metrics", None)
    if metr_conf is not None:
        eff = add_to_cloud_metrics(
            metr_conf['ttl'], config['region'], group_metrics,
            len(tenanted_groups), config, log, _print)
        eff = Effect(TenantScope(eff, metr_conf['tenant_id']))
        yield perform(dispatcher, eff)
        log.msg('added to cloud metrics')
        if _print:
            print('added to cloud metrics')
    if _print:
        group_metrics.sort(key=lambda g: abs(g.desired - g.actual),
        print('groups sorted as per divergence')
        print('\n'.join(map(str, group_metrics)))

    # Disconnect only if we created the client
    if not client:
        yield _client.disconnect()

Esempio n. 3
 def test_tenant_scope(self):
     """The :obj:`TenantScope` performer passes through to child effects."""
     # This is not testing much, but at least that it calls
     # perform_tenant_scope in a vaguely working manner. There are
     # more specific TenantScope performer tests in otter.test.test_http
     dispatcher = get_full_dispatcher(*([None] * 8))
     scope = TenantScope(Effect(Constant('foo')), 1)
     eff = Effect(scope)
     self.assertEqual(sync_perform(dispatcher, eff), 'foo')
Esempio n. 4
def convergence_remove_server_from_group(log, transaction_id, server_id,
                                         replace, purge, group, state):
    Remove a specific server from the group, optionally decrementing the
    desired capacity.

    The server may just be scheduled for deletion, or it may be evicted from
    the group by removing otter-specific metdata from the server.

    :param log: A bound logger
    :param bytes trans_id: The transaction id for this operation.
    :param bytes server_id: The id of the server to be removed.
    :param bool replace: Should the server be replaced?
    :param bool purge: Should the server be deleted from Nova?
    :param group: The scaling group to remove a server from.
    :type group: :class:`~otter.models.interface.IScalingGroup`
    :param state: The current state of the group.
    :type state: :class:`~otter.models.interface.GroupState`

    :return: The updated state.
    :rtype: Effect of :class:`~otter.models.interface.GroupState`

    :raise: :class:`CannotDeleteServerBelowMinError` if the server cannot
        be deleted without replacement, and :class:`ServerNotFoundError` if
        there is no such server to be deleted.
    effects = [_is_server_in_group(group, server_id)]
    if not replace:
        effects.append(_can_scale_down(group, server_id))

    # the (possibly) two checks can happen in parallel, but we want
    # ServerNotFoundError to take precedence over
    # CannotDeleteServerBelowMinError
    both_checks = yield parallel_all_errors(effects)
    for is_error, result in both_checks:
        if is_error:

    # Remove the server
    if purge:
        eff = set_nova_metadata_item(server_id, *DRAINING_METADATA)
        eff = Effect(
    yield Effect(
            retry_effect(eff, retry_times(3), exponential_backoff_interval(2)),

    if not replace:
        yield do_return(assoc_obj(state, desired=state.desired - 1))
        yield do_return(state)
Esempio n. 5
 def test_perform_service_request(self):
     Performing a :obj:`TenantScope` when it contains a
     :obj:`ServiceRequest` concretizes the :obj:`ServiceRequest` into a
     :obj:`Request` as per :func:`concretize_service_request`.
     ereq = service_request(ServiceType.CLOUD_SERVERS, 'GET', 'servers')
     tscope = TenantScope(ereq, 1)
         sync_perform(self.dispatcher, Effect(tscope)),
         ('concretized', self.authenticator, self.log, self.service_configs,
          self.throttler, 1, ereq.intent))
Esempio n. 6
    def test_performs_tenant_scope(self, deferred_lock_run):
        :func:`perform_tenant_scope` performs :obj:`TenantScope`, and uses the
        default throttler
        # We want to ensure
        # 1. the TenantScope can be performed
        # 2. the ServiceRequest is run within a lock, since it matches the
        #    default throttling policy

            "cloud_client": {
                "throttling": {
                    "create_server_delay": 1,
                    "delete_server_delay": 0.4
        self.addCleanup(set_config_data, {})
        clock = Clock()
        authenticator = object()
        log = object()
        dispatcher = get_cloud_client_dispatcher(clock, authenticator, log,
        svcreq = service_request(ServiceType.CLOUD_SERVERS, 'POST', 'servers')
        tscope = TenantScope(tenant_id='111', effect=svcreq)

        def run(f, *args, **kwargs):
            result = f(*args, **kwargs)
            result.addCallback(lambda x: (x[0], assoc(x[1], 'locked', True)))
            return result

        deferred_lock_run.side_effect = run

        response = stub_pure_response({}, 200)
        seq = SequenceDispatcher([
                          log=log), lambda i: ('token', fake_service_catalog)),
                     log=log), lambda i: response),

        disp = ComposedDispatcher([seq, dispatcher])
        with seq.consume():
            result = perform(disp, Effect(tscope))
            self.assertEqual(self.successResultOf(result), (response[0], {
                'locked': True
Esempio n. 7
 def test_perform_srvreq_nested(self):
     Concretizing of :obj:`ServiceRequest` effects happens even when they
     are not directly passed as the TenantScope's toplevel Effect, but also
     when they are returned from callbacks down the line.
     ereq = service_request(ServiceType.CLOUD_SERVERS, 'GET', 'servers')
     eff = Effect(Constant("foo")).on(lambda r: ereq)
     tscope = TenantScope(eff, 1)
         sync_perform(self.dispatcher, Effect(tscope)),
         ('concretized', self.authenticator, self.log, self.service_configs,
          self.throttler, 1, ereq.intent))
Esempio n. 8
def _generic_rcv3_request(operation, request_bag, lb_id, server_id):
    Perform a generic RCv3 bulk operation on a single (lb, server) pair.

    :param callable operation: RCv3 function to perform on (lb, server) pair.
    :param request_bag: An object with a bunch of useful data on it.
    :param str lb_id: The id of the RCv3 load balancer to act on.
    :param str server_id: The Nova server id to act on.
    :return: A deferred that will fire when the request has been performed,
        firing with the parsed result of the request, or :data:`None` if the
        request has no body.
    eff = operation(pset([(lb_id, server_id)]))
    scoped = Effect(TenantScope(eff, request_bag.tenant_id))
    return perform(request_bag.dispatcher, scoped)
Esempio n. 9
def group_steps(group):
    Return Effect of list of steps that would be performed on the group
    if convergence is triggered on it with desired=actual
    now_dt = yield Effect(Func(datetime.utcnow))
    all_data_eff = convergence_exec_data(group["tenantId"], group["groupId"],
                                         now_dt, get_executor)
    all_data = yield Effect(TenantScope(all_data_eff, group["tenantId"]))
    (executor, scaling_group, group_state, desired_group_state,
     resources) = all_data
    desired_group_state.desired = len(resources['servers'])
    steps = executor.plan(desired_group_state, datetime_to_epoch(now_dt), 3600,
    yield do_return(steps)
Esempio n. 10
 def converge(tenant_id, group_id, dirty_flag):
     stat = yield Effect(GetStat(dirty_flag))
     # If the node disappeared, ignore it. `stat` will be None here if the
     # divergent flag was discovered only after the group is removed from
     # currently_converging, but before the divergent flag is deleted, and
     # then the deletion happens, and then our GetStat happens. This
     # basically means it happens when one convergence is starting as
     # another one for the same group is ending.
     if stat is None:
         yield msg('converge-divergent-flag-disappeared', znode=dirty_flag)
         eff = converge_one_group(currently_converging, recently_converged,
                                  waiting, tenant_id, group_id,
                                  stat.version, build_timeout,
                                  limited_retry_iterations, step_limits)
         result = yield Effect(TenantScope(eff, tenant_id))
         yield do_return(result)
Esempio n. 11
def add_event(event, admin_tenant_id, region, log):
    Add event to cloud feeds
    event, error, timestamp, event_tenant_id, event_id = sanitize_event(event)
    req = prepare_request(request_format, event, error, timestamp, region,
                          event_tenant_id, event_id)

    eff = retry_effect(
        publish_autoscale_event(req, log=log),
            lambda f: (not f.check(APIError) or
                       f.value.code < 400 or
                       f.value.code >= 500),
    return Effect(TenantScope(tenant_id=admin_tenant_id, effect=eff))
Esempio n. 12
def _is_server_in_group(group, server_id):
    Given a group and server ID, determines if the server is a member of
    the group.  If it isn't, it raises a :class:`ServerNotFoundError`.
        response, server_info = yield Effect(
                retry_effect(get_server_details(server_id), retry_times(3),
    except NoSuchServerError:
        raise ServerNotFoundError(group.tenant_id, group.uuid, server_id)

    group_id = group_id_from_metadata(
        get_in(('server', 'metadata'), server_info, {}))

    if group_id != group.uuid:
        raise ServerNotFoundError(group.tenant_id, group.uuid, server_id)
Esempio n. 13
def get_all_metrics_effects(tenanted_groups, log, _print=False):
    Gather server data for and produce metrics for all groups
    across all tenants in a region

    :param dict tenanted_groups: Scaling groups grouped with tenantId
    :param bool _print: Should the function print while processing?

    :return: ``list`` of :obj:`Effect` of (``list`` of :obj:`GroupMetrics`)
             or None
    effs = []
    for tenant_id, groups in tenanted_groups.iteritems():
        eff = get_all_scaling_group_servers()
        eff = Effect(TenantScope(eff, tenant_id))
        eff = eff.on(partial(get_tenant_metrics, tenant_id, groups,
        eff = eff.on(list)
        eff = eff.on(
            error=lambda exc_info: log.err(exc_info_to_failure(exc_info)))
    return effs
Esempio n. 14
def _generic_rcv3_request(step_class, request_bag, lb_id, server_id):
    Perform a generic RCv3 bulk step on a single (lb, server) pair.

    :param IStep step_class: The step class to perform the action.
    :param request_bag: An object with a bunch of useful data on it.
    :param str lb_id: The id of the RCv3 load balancer to act on.
    :param str server_id: The Nova server id to act on.
    :return: A deferred that will fire when the request has been performed,
        firing with the parsed result of the request, or :data:`None` if the
        request has no body.
    effect = step_class(lb_node_pairs=s((lb_id, server_id)))._bare_effect()

    if step_class is BulkAddToRCv3:
        svc_req = effect.intent
        codes = set( - set([409])
        svc_req.success_pred = has_code(*codes)

    # Unfortunate that we have to TenantScope here, but here's where we're
    # performing.
    scoped = Effect(TenantScope(effect, request_bag.tenant_id))
    d = perform(request_bag.dispatcher, scoped)
    return d.addCallback(itemgetter(1))
Esempio n. 15
 def test_perform_boring(self):
     """Other effects within a TenantScope are performed as usual."""
     tscope = TenantScope(Effect(Constant('foo')), 1)
     self.assertEqual(sync_perform(self.dispatcher, Effect(tscope)), 'foo')
Esempio n. 16
 def dispatcher(self, operation, resp):
     return SequenceDispatcher([
         (TenantScope(mock.ANY, "tid"),
          nested_sequence([((operation, pset([("lb_id", "server_id")])),
                            lambda i: resp)]))
Esempio n. 17
    def setUp(self):
        mock dependent functions
        self.connect_cass_servers = patch(
            self, 'otter.metrics.connect_cass_servers')
        self.client = mock.Mock(spec=['disconnect'])
        self.client.disconnect.return_value = succeed(None)
        self.connect_cass_servers.return_value = self.client

        self.log = mock_log()

        self.get_all_metrics = patch(self,
        self.groups = [{
            "tenantId": "t1",
            "groupId": "g1",
            "launch_config": '{"type": "launch_server"}'
        }, {
            "tenantId": "t1",
            "groupId": "g2",
            "launch_config": '{"type": "launch_server"}'
        }, {
            "tenantId": "t1",
            "groupId": "g12",
            "launch_config": '{"type": "launch_stack"}'
        }, {
            "tenantId": "t3",
            "groupId": "g3",
            "launch_config": '{"type": "launch_stack"}'
        }, {
            "tenantId": "t2",
            "groupId": "g11",
            "launch_config": '{"type": "launch_server"}'
        self.lc_groups = {"t1": self.groups[:2], "t2": [self.groups[-1]]}

        self.add_to_cloud_metrics = patch(self,

        self.config = {
            'cassandra': 'c',
            'identity': identity_config,
            'metrics': {
                'service': 'ms',
                'tenant_id': 'tid',
                'region': 'IAD',
                'ttl': 200,
                "last_tenant_fpath": "lpath"
            'region': 'r',
            'cloudServersOpenStack': 'nova',
            'cloudLoadBalancers': 'clb',
            'cloudOrchestration': 'orch',
            'rackconnect': 'rc',
            "non-convergence-tenants": ["ct"]

        self.sequence = SequenceDispatcher([
            (GetAllValidGroups(), const(self.groups)),
            (TenantScope(mock.ANY, "tid"),
             nested_sequence([(("atcm", 200, "r", "metrics", 2, self.config,
                                self.log, False), noop)]))
        self.get_dispatcher = patch(self,
Esempio n. 18
def legacy_intents():
    return simple_intents() + [TenantScope(Effect(Constant(None)), 1)]