def devicename_exists(self, vpool, name=None, names=None): """ Checks whether a given name can be created on the vpool :param vpool: vPool object :type vpool: VPool :param name: Candidate name :type name: str :param names: Candidate names :type names: list :return: Whether the devicename exists :rtype: bool """ error_message = None if not (name is None) ^ (names is None): error_message = 'Either the name (string) or the names (list of strings) parameter must be passed' if name is not None and not isinstance(name, basestring): error_message = 'The name parameter must be a string' if names is not None and not isinstance(names, list): error_message = 'The names parameter must be a list of strings' if error_message is not None: raise HttpNotAcceptableException(error_description=error_message, error='impossible_request') if name is not None: devicename = VDiskController.clean_devicename(name) return VDiskList.get_by_devicename_and_vpool(devicename, vpool) is not None for name in names: devicename = VDiskController.clean_devicename(name) if VDiskList.get_by_devicename_and_vpool(devicename, vpool) is not None: return True return False
def set_as_template(machineguid): """ Set a vmachine as template @param machineguid: guid of the machine @return: vmachine template conversion successful: True|False """ # Do some magic on the storage layer? # This is most likely required as extra security measure # Suppose the template is set back to a real machine # it can be deleted within vmware which should be blocked. # This might also require a storagerouter internal check # to be implemented to discourage volumes from being deleted # when clones were made from it. vmachine = VMachine(machineguid) if vmachine.hypervisor_status == 'RUNNING': raise RuntimeError( 'vMachine {0} may not be running to set it as vTemplate'. format( for disk in vmachine.vdisks: VDiskController.set_as_template(diskguid=disk.guid) vmachine.is_vtemplate = True vmachine.invalidate_dynamics(['snapshots'])
def create_volume(self, volume): """Creates a volume. Called on "cinder create ..." or "nova volume-create ..." :param volume: volume reference (sqlalchemy Model) """ _debug_vol_info("CREATE", volume) hostname = str( name = volume.display_name if not name: name = mountpoint = self._get_hostname_mountpoint(hostname) location = '{}/{}.raw'.format(mountpoint, name) size = volume.size'DO_CREATE_VOLUME %s %s' % (location, size)) VDiskController.create_volume(location = location, size = size) volume['provider_location'] = location try: ovs_disk = self._find_ovs_model_disk_by_location(location, hostname) except RuntimeError: VDiskController.delete_volume(location = location) raise ovs_disk.cinder_id = = name return {'provider_location': volume['provider_location']}
def _run_and_validate_dtl_checkup(self, vdisk, validations): """ Execute the DTL checkup for a vDisk and validate the settings afterwards """ single_node = len(StorageRouterList.get_storagerouters()) == 1 VDiskController.dtl_checkup(vdisk_guid=vdisk.guid) config = vdisk.storagedriver_client.get_dtl_config(vdisk.volume_id) config_mode = vdisk.storagedriver_client.get_dtl_config_mode(vdisk.volume_id) msg = '{0} node - {{0}} - Actual: {{1}} - Expected: {{2}}'.format('Single' if single_node is True else 'Multi') validations.append({'key': 'config_mode', 'value': DTLConfigMode.MANUAL}) for validation in validations: key = validation['key'] value = validation['value'] if key == 'config': actual_value = config elif key == 'host': actual_value = elif key == 'port': actual_value = config.port elif key == 'mode': actual_value = config.mode else: actual_value = config_mode if isinstance(value, list): self.assertTrue(expr=actual_value in value, msg=msg.format(key.capitalize(), actual_value, ', '.join(value))) else: self.assertEqual(first=actual_value, second=value, msg=msg.format(key.capitalize(), actual_value, value)) return config
def test_event_migrate_from_volumedriver(self): """ Test migrate from volumedriver event """ _ = self structure = DalHelper.build_dal_structure({ 'vpools': [1], 'storagerouters': [1, 2], 'storagedrivers': [(1, 1, 1), (2, 1, 2)], # (<id>, <vpool_id>, <storagerouter_id>) 'mds_services': [(1, 1), (2, 2)] } # (<id>, <storagedriver_id>) ) vpool = structure['vpools'][1] storagedrivers = structure['storagedrivers'] storagerouters = structure['storagerouters'] self._roll_out_dtl_services(vpool=vpool, storagerouters=storagerouters) vdisk = VDisk( VDiskController.create_new( volume_name='vdisk_1', volume_size=1024**4, storagedriver_guid=storagedrivers[1].guid)) vdisk.storagedriver_client.migrate(vdisk.volume_id, storagedrivers[2].storagedriver_id, False) VDiskController.migrate_from_voldrv( volume_id=vdisk.volume_id, new_owner_id=storagedrivers[2].storagedriver_id) self.assertEqual(vdisk.storagedriver_id, storagedrivers[2].storagedriver_id)
def setAsTemplate(templatepath): disk = getVDisk(templatepath, timeout=60) if not disk: raise RuntimeError("Template did not become available on OVS at %s" % templatepath) if['object_type'] != 'TEMPLATE': VDiskController.set_as_template(disk.guid) return disk.guid
def snapshot_vdisk(vdisk): metadata = {'label': 'snap-' +, 'is_consistent': True, 'timestamp': time.time(), 'is_automatic': False, 'is_sticky': False} VDiskController.create_snapshot(vdisk.guid, metadata)
def create_volume(self, volume): """Creates a volume. Called on "cinder create ..." or "nova volume-create ..." :param volume: volume reference (sqlalchemy Model) """ _debug_vol_info("CREATE", volume) hostname = str( name = volume.display_name if not name: name = mountpoint = self._get_hostname_mountpoint(hostname) location = '{}/{}.raw'.format(mountpoint, name) size = volume.size'DO_CREATE_VOLUME %s %s' % (location, size)) VDiskController.create_volume(location=location, size=size) volume['provider_location'] = location try: ovs_disk = self._find_ovs_model_disk_by_location( location, hostname) except RuntimeError: VDiskController.delete_volume(location=location) raise ovs_disk.cinder_id = = name return {'provider_location': volume['provider_location']}
def rollback(machineguid, timestamp): """ Rolls back a VM based on a given disk snapshot timestamp :param machineguid: Guid of the machine to rollback :param timestamp: Timestamp to rollback to """ vmachine = VMachine(machineguid) if vmachine.hypervisor_status == 'RUNNING': raise RuntimeError( 'vMachine {0} may not be running to set it as vTemplate'. format( snapshots = [ snap for snap in vmachine.snapshots if snap['timestamp'] == timestamp ] if not snapshots: raise ValueError( 'No vmachine snapshots found for timestamp {0}'.format( timestamp)) for disk in vmachine.vdisks: VDiskController.rollback(diskguid=disk.guid, timestamp=timestamp) vmachine.invalidate_dynamics(['snapshots'])
def create_snapshot(self, snapshot): """Creates a snapshot. Called on "nova image-create " or "cinder snapshot-create " :param snapshot: snapshot reference (sqlalchemy Model) """ _debug_vol_info('CREATE_SNAP', snapshot) volume = snapshot.volume _debug_vol_info('CREATE_SNAP_VOL', volume) hostname = location = volume.provider_location ovs_disk = self._find_ovs_model_disk_by_location(location, hostname) metadata = { 'label': "{0} (OpenStack)".format(snapshot.display_name), 'is_consistent': False, 'timestamp': time.time(), 'machineguid': ovs_disk.vmachine_guid, 'is_automatic': False } LOG.debug('CREATE_SNAP %s %s' % (snapshot.display_name, str(metadata))) VDiskController.create_snapshot(diskguid=ovs_disk.guid, metadata=metadata, snapshotid=str( LOG.debug('CREATE_SNAP OK')
def copy_image_to_volume(self, context, volume, image_service, image_id): """Copy image to volume Called on "nova volume-create --image-id ..." or "cinder create --image-id" Downloads image from glance server into local .raw :param volume: volume reference (sqlalchemy Model) """ _debug_vol_info("CP_IMG_TO_VOL", volume)"CP_IMG_TO_VOL %s %s" % (image_service, image_id)) name = volume.display_name if not name: name = volume.display_name = # downloading from an existing image destination_path = volume.provider_location if destination_path: try:"CP_IMG_TO_VOL Deleting existing empty raw file %s " % destination_path) VDiskController.delete_volume(location=destination_path)"CP_IMG_TO_VOL Downloading image to %s" % destination_path) image_utils.fetch_to_raw(context, image_service, image_id, destination_path, "1M", size=volume["size"])"CP_IMG_TO_VOL Resizing volume to size %s" % volume["size"]) self.extend_volume(volume=volume, size_gb=volume["size"]) except Exception as ex: LOG.error("CP_IMG_TO_VOL Internal error %s " % unicode(ex)) self.delete_volume(volume) raise ovs_disk = self._find_ovs_model_disk_by_location(volume.provider_location, str( = name
def download_to_vpool(url, path, overwrite_if_exists=False): """ Special method to download to vpool because voldrv does not support extending file at write :param url: URL to download from :type url: str :param path: Path to download to :type path: str :param overwrite_if_exists: Overwrite if file already exists :type overwrite_if_exists: bool :return: None """ print url print path if os.path.exists(path) and not overwrite_if_exists: return u = urllib.urlopen(url) file_size =['Content-Length'] bsize = 4096 * 1024 VDiskController.create_volume(path, 0) with open(path, "wb") as f: size_written = 0 os.ftruncate(f.fileno(), int(file_size)) while 1: s = size_written += len(s) f.write(s) if len(s) < bsize: break u.close()
def set_as_template(machineguid): """ Set a vmachine as template @param machineguid: guid of the machine @return: vmachine template conversion successful: True|False """ # Do some magic on the storage layer? # This is most likely required as extra security measure # Suppose the template is set back to a real machine # it can be deleted within vmware which should be blocked. # This might also require a storagerouter internal check # to be implemented to discourage volumes from being deleted # when clones were made from it. vmachine = VMachine(machineguid) if vmachine.hypervisor_status == 'RUNNING': raise RuntimeError('vMachine {0} may not be running to set it as vTemplate'.format( for disk in vmachine.vdisks: VDiskController.set_as_template(diskguid=disk.guid) vmachine.is_vtemplate = True vmachine.invalidate_dynamics(['snapshots'])
def snapshot_all_vdisks(): """ Snapshots all vDisks """'[SSA] started') success = [] fail = [] for vdisk in VDiskList.get_vdisks(): if vdisk.is_vtemplate is True: continue try: metadata = { 'label': '', 'is_consistent': False, 'timestamp': str(int(time.time())), 'is_automatic': True, 'is_sticky': False } VDiskController.create_snapshot(vdisk_guid=vdisk.guid, metadata=metadata) success.append(vdisk.guid) except Exception: GenericController._logger.exception( 'Error taking snapshot for vDisk {0}'.format(vdisk.guid)) fail.append(vdisk.guid) '[SSA] Snapshot has been taken for {0} vDisks, {1} failed.'.format( len(success), len(fail))) return success, fail
def validate(self, storagerouter=None, storagedriver=None): """ Perform some validations before creating or extending a vPool :param storagerouter: StorageRouter on which the vPool will be created or extended :type storagerouter: ovs.dal.hybrids.storagerouter.StorageRouter :param storagedriver: When passing a StorageDriver, perform validations when shrinking a vPool :type storagedriver: ovs.dal.hybrids.storagedriver.StorageDriver :raises ValueError: If extending a vPool which status is not RUNNING RuntimeError: If this vPool's configuration does not meet the requirements If the vPool has already been extended on the specified StorageRouter :return: None :rtype: NoneType """ if self.vpool is not None: if self.vpool.status != VPool.STATUSES.RUNNING: raise ValueError('vPool should be in {0} status'.format( VPool.STATUSES.RUNNING)) ExtensionsToolbox.verify_required_params( actual_params=self.vpool.configuration, required_params={ 'sco_size': (int, StorageDriverClient.TLOG_MULTIPLIER_MAP.keys()), 'dtl_mode': (str, StorageDriverClient.VPOOL_DTL_MODE_MAP.keys()), 'write_buffer': (float, None), 'dtl_transport': (str, StorageDriverClient.VPOOL_DTL_TRANSPORT_MAP.keys()), 'tlog_multiplier': (int, StorageDriverClient.TLOG_MULTIPLIER_MAP.values()) }) if storagerouter is not None: for vpool_storagedriver in self.vpool.storagedrivers: if vpool_storagedriver.storagerouter_guid == storagerouter.guid: raise RuntimeError( 'A StorageDriver is already linked to this StorageRouter for vPool {0}' .format( if storagedriver is not None: VDiskController.sync_with_reality(vpool_guid=self.vpool.guid) storagedriver.invalidate_dynamics('vdisks_guids') if len(storagedriver.vdisks_guids) > 0: raise RuntimeError( 'There are still vDisks served from the given StorageDriver' ) self.mds_services = [ mds_service for mds_service in self.vpool.mds_services if mds_service.service.storagerouter_guid == storagedriver.storagerouter_guid ] for mds_service in self.mds_services: if len(mds_service.storagedriver_partitions ) == 0 or mds_service.storagedriver_partitions[ 0].storagedriver is None: raise RuntimeError( 'Failed to retrieve the linked StorageDriver to this MDS Service {0}' .format(
def extend_volume(self, volume, size_gb): """Extend volume to new size size_gb """ _debug_vol_info("EXTEND_VOL", volume)"EXTEND_VOL Size %s" % size_gb) location = volume.provider_location if location is not None:"DO_EXTEND_VOLUME %s" % (location)) VDiskController.extend_volume(location=location, size=size_gb)
def extend_volume(self, volume, size_gb): """Extend volume to new size size_gb """ _debug_vol_info('EXTEND_VOL', volume)'EXTEND_VOL Size %s' % size_gb) location = volume.provider_location if location is not None:'DO_EXTEND_VOLUME %s' % (location)) VDiskController.extend_volume(location=location, size=size_gb)
def test_sync_vdisk_with_voldrv(self): clone_depth = 3 def _make_clones(vdisks_map, depth=clone_depth): for level in range(depth): previous_vd = list(vdisks_map.itervalues())[-1] new_name = + '_clone' new_guid = VDiskController.clone(previous_vd.guid, new_name).get('vdisk_guid') vdisks_map[new_name] = VDisk(new_guid) structure = DalHelper.build_dal_structure({ 'vpools': [1], 'storagerouters': [1], 'storagedrivers': [(1, 1, 1)], # (<id>, <vpool_id>, <storagerouter_id>) 'mds_services': [(1, 1)] } # (<id>, <storagedriver_id>) ) vdisk_name = 'vdisk_1' storagedriver = structure['storagedrivers'][1] vdisk_1 = VDisk( VDiskController.create_new(volume_name=vdisk_name, volume_size=1024**4, storagedriver_guid=storagedriver.guid)) vdisks = OrderedDict() vdisks[vdisk_name] = vdisk_1 _make_clones(vdisks) self.assertEquals(clone_depth + 1, len(list(VDiskList.get_vdisks()))) delete_list = list(vdisks.itervalues( ))[::-1][:-1] # These vDisks are clones and ought to be deleted for vdisk in delete_list: for mds_service in vdisk.mds_services: mds_service.delete() vdisk.delete() self.assertEquals(1, len(list(VDiskList.get_vdisks())) ) # Make sure vDisk clones are properly removed self.assertEquals( VDiskList.get_vdisks()[0].name, vdisk_name) # Make sure only item left is original vDisk VDiskController.sync_with_reality() self.assertEquals(clone_depth + 1, len(list( VDiskList.get_vdisks()))) # The clones should be in place now parents = 0 for vdisk in VDiskList.get_vdisks(): try: if parents += 1 except AttributeError: pass self.assertEquals( clone_depth, parents ) # As much parents should be detected as the depth of the clones
def test_event_resize_from_volumedriver(self): """ Test resize from volumedriver event - Create a vDisk using the resize event - Resize the created vDisk using the same resize event """ structure = Helper.build_service_structure( {'vpools': [1], 'storagerouters': [1], 'storagedrivers': [(1, 1, 1)], # (<id>, <vpool_id>, <storagerouter_id>) 'mds_services': [(1, 1)]} # (<id>, <storagedriver_id>) ) vpools = structure['vpools'] storagedrivers = structure['storagedrivers'] mds_service = structure['mds_services'][1] # Create volume using resize from voldrv device_name = '/vdisk.raw' srclient = StorageRouterClient(vpools[1].guid, None) mds_backend_config = Helper._generate_mdsmetadatabackendconfig([mds_service]) volume_id = srclient.create_volume(device_name, mds_backend_config, 1024 ** 4, str(storagedrivers[1].storagedriver_id)) VDiskController.resize_from_voldrv(volume_id=volume_id, volume_size=1024 ** 4, volume_path=device_name, storagedriver_id=storagedrivers[1].storagedriver_id) vdisks = VDiskList.get_vdisks() self.assertTrue(expr=len(vdisks) == 1, msg='Expected to find 1 vDisk in model') self.assertEqual(first=vdisks[0].name, second='vdisk', msg='Volume name should be vdisk') self.assertEqual(first=vdisks[0].volume_id, second=volume_id, msg='Volume ID should be {0}'.format(volume_id)) self.assertEqual(first=vdisks[0].devicename, second=device_name, msg='Device name should be {0}'.format(device_name)) self.assertEqual(first=vdisks[0].size, second=1024 ** 4, msg='Size should be 1 TiB') # Resize volume using resize from voldrv VDiskController.resize_from_voldrv(volume_id=volume_id, volume_size=2 * 1024 ** 4, volume_path=device_name, storagedriver_id=storagedrivers[1].storagedriver_id) vdisks = VDiskList.get_vdisks() self.assertTrue(expr=len(vdisks) == 1, msg='Expected to find 1 vDisk in model') self.assertEqual(first=vdisks[0].name, second='vdisk', msg='Volume name should be vdisk') self.assertEqual(first=vdisks[0].size, second=2 * 1024 ** 4, msg='Size should be 2 TiB')
def snapshot(machineguid, label=None, is_consistent=False, timestamp=None, is_automatic=False): """ Snapshot VMachine disks @param machineguid: guid of the machine @param label: label to give the snapshots @param is_consistent: flag indicating the snapshot was consistent or not @param timestamp: override timestamp, if required. Should be a unix timestamp """ timestamp = timestamp if timestamp is not None else time.time() timestamp = str(int(float(timestamp))) metadata = { 'label': label, 'is_consistent': is_consistent, 'timestamp': timestamp, 'machineguid': machineguid, 'is_automatic': is_automatic } machine = VMachine(machineguid) # @todo: we now skip creating a snapshot when a vmachine's disks # is missing a mandatory property: volume_id # subtask will now raise an exception earlier in the workflow for disk in machine.vdisks: if not disk.volume_id: message = 'Missing volume_id on disk {0} - unable to create snapshot for vm {1}'.format( disk.guid, machine.guid)'Error: {0}'.format(message)) raise RuntimeError(message) snapshots = {} success = True try: for disk in machine.vdisks: snapshots[disk.guid] = VDiskController.create_snapshot( diskguid=disk.guid, metadata=metadata) except Exception as ex:'Error snapshotting disk {0}: {1}'.format(, str(ex))) success = False for diskguid, snapshotid in snapshots.iteritems(): VDiskController.delete_snapshot(diskguid=diskguid, snapshotid=snapshotid)'Create snapshot for vMachine {0}: {1}'.format(, 'Success' if success else 'Failure')) machine.invalidate_dynamics(['snapshots']) if not success: raise RuntimeError('Failed to snapshot vMachine {0}'.format(
def delete_volume(self, volume): """Deletes a logical volume. Called on "cinder delete ... " :param volume: volume reference (sqlalchemy Model) """ _debug_vol_info("DELETE", volume) location = volume.provider_location if location is not None:'DO_DELETE_VOLUME %s' % (location)) VDiskController.delete_volume(location = location)
def delete_volume(self, volume): """Deletes a logical volume. Called on "cinder delete ... " :param volume: volume reference (sqlalchemy Model) """ _debug_vol_info("DELETE", volume) location = volume.provider_location if location is not None:'DO_DELETE_VOLUME %s' % (location)) VDiskController.delete_volume(location=location)
def snapshot(machineguid, label=None, is_consistent=False, timestamp=None, is_automatic=False, is_sticky=False): """ Snapshot VMachine disks :param machineguid: guid of the machine :param label: label to give the snapshots :param is_consistent: flag indicating the snapshot was consistent or not :param timestamp: override timestamp, if required. Should be a unix timestamp :param is_automatic: Flag to determine automated snapshots :param is_sticky: Flag indicating the snapshot is not to be deleted automatically """ timestamp = timestamp if timestamp is not None else time.time() timestamp = str(int(float(timestamp))) if is_automatic is True and is_sticky is True: raise ValueError('Snapshot {0} cannot be both automatic and sticky'.format(label)) metadata = {'label': label, 'is_consistent': is_consistent, 'timestamp': timestamp, 'machineguid': machineguid, 'is_automatic': is_automatic, 'is_sticky': is_sticky} machine = VMachine(machineguid) # @todo: we now skip creating a snapshot when a vmachine's disks # is missing a mandatory property: volume_id # sub-task will now raise an exception earlier in the workflow for disk in machine.vdisks: if not disk.volume_id: message = 'Missing volume_id on disk {0} - unable to create snapshot for vm {1}'.format( disk.guid, machine.guid )'Error: {0}'.format(message)) raise RuntimeError(message) snapshots = {} success = True for disk in machine.vdisks: try: snapshots[disk.guid] = VDiskController.create_snapshot(diskguid=disk.guid, metadata=metadata) except Exception as ex:'Error taking snapshot of disk {0}: {1}'.format(, str(ex))) success = False for diskguid, snapshotid in snapshots.iteritems(): VDiskController.delete_snapshot(diskguid=diskguid, snapshotid=snapshotid)'Create snapshot for vMachine {0}: {1}'.format(, 'Success' if success else 'Failure' )) machine.invalidate_dynamics(['snapshots']) if not success: raise RuntimeError('Failed to snapshot vMachine {0}'.format(
def delete_snapshot(self, snapshot): """Deletes a snapshot. :param snapshot: snapshot reference (sqlalchemy Model) """ _debug_vol_info("DELETE_SNAP", snapshot) volume = snapshot.volume hostname = location = volume.provider_location ovs_disk = self._find_ovs_model_disk_by_location(location, hostname) LOG.debug("DELETE_SNAP %s" % VDiskController.delete_snapshot(diskguid=ovs_disk.guid, snapshotid=str( LOG.debug("DELETE_SNAP OK")
def test_clone_from_template_happypath(self): """ Test clone from template - happy path """ StorageDriverModule.use_good_client() vdisk_1_1, pmachine = self._prepare() VDiskController.create_from_template(vdisk_1_1.guid, 'vmachine_2', 'vdisk_1_1-clone', pmachine.guid) vdisks = VDiskList.get_vdisk_by_name('vdisk_1_1') self.assertEqual(len(vdisks), 1, 'Vdisk not modeled') clones = VDiskList.get_vdisk_by_name('vdisk_1_1-clone') self.assertEqual(len(clones), 1, 'Clone not modeled')
def test_folder_renames(self): """ Validates whether folder renames are correctly processed """ structure = DalHelper.build_dal_structure({ 'vpools': [1], 'storagerouters': [1], 'storagedrivers': [(1, 1, 1)], # (<id>, <vpool_id>, <storagerouter_id>) 'mds_services': [(1, 1)] } # (<id>, <storagedriver_id>) ) storagedriver = structure['storagedrivers'][1] vdisk1 = VDisk( VDiskController.create_new('foo/one.raw', 1024**3, storagedriver.guid)) vdisk2 = VDisk( VDiskController.create_new('bar/two.raw', 1024**3, storagedriver.guid)) vdisk3 = VDisk( VDiskController.create_new('three.raw', 1024**3, storagedriver.guid)) VDiskController.rename_from_voldrv( old_path='/thr', new_path='/test', storagedriver_id=storagedriver.storagedriver_id) vdisk1.discard() vdisk2.discard() vdisk3.discard() self.assertEqual(vdisk1.devicename, '/foo/one.raw') self.assertEqual(vdisk2.devicename, '/bar/two.raw') self.assertEqual(vdisk3.devicename, '/three.raw') VDiskController.rename_from_voldrv( old_path='/foo', new_path='/bar', storagedriver_id=storagedriver.storagedriver_id) vdisk1.discard() vdisk2.discard() vdisk3.discard() self.assertEqual(vdisk1.devicename, '/bar/one.raw') self.assertEqual(vdisk2.devicename, '/bar/two.raw') self.assertEqual(vdisk3.devicename, '/three.raw') VDiskController.rename_from_voldrv( old_path='/bar', new_path='/foo', storagedriver_id=storagedriver.storagedriver_id) vdisk1.discard() vdisk2.discard() vdisk3.discard() self.assertEqual(vdisk1.devicename, '/foo/one.raw') self.assertEqual(vdisk2.devicename, '/foo/two.raw') self.assertEqual(vdisk3.devicename, '/three.raw')
def delete_snapshot(self, snapshot): """Deletes a snapshot. :param snapshot: snapshot reference (sqlalchemy Model) """ _debug_vol_info('DELETE_SNAP', snapshot) volume = snapshot.volume hostname = location = volume.provider_location ovs_disk = self._find_ovs_model_disk_by_location(location, hostname) LOG.debug('DELETE_SNAP %s' % VDiskController.delete_snapshot(diskguid=ovs_disk.guid, snapshotid=str( LOG.debug('DELETE_SNAP OK')
def test_clean_devicename(self): """ Validates whether a devicename is properly cleaned * Test several names and validate the returned devicename """ test = { 'Foo Bar': '/Foo_Bar.raw', '/Foo Bar .raw': '/Foo_Bar_.raw', 'foo-bar.rawtest': '/foo-bar.rawtest.raw', 'test///folder': '/test/folder.raw', 'foobar-flat.vmdk': '/foobar-flat.vmdk.raw', '//test.raw': '/test.raw', 'test/.raw': '/test/.raw.raw', '//d\'!@#%xfoo Bar/te_b --asdfS SA AS lolz///f.wrv.': '/dxfoo_Bar/te_b_--asdfS_SA_AS_lolz/f.wrv..raw' } for raw, expected in test.iteritems(): result = VDiskController.clean_devicename(raw) self.assertEqual(result, expected)
def delete_snapshot(vmachineguid, timestamp): """ Remove a snapshot from the vmachine @param vmachineguid: Guid of the virtual machine @param timestamp: timestamp of the snapshot """ vmachine = VMachine(vmachineguid) vmachine_snapshots = [snap for snap in vmachine.snapshots if snap['timestamp'] == str(timestamp)] if len(vmachine_snapshots) != 1: raise RuntimeError('Snapshot {0} does not belong to vmachine {1}'.format(timestamp, vmachine_snapshot = vmachine_snapshots[0]'Deleting snapshot {0} from vmachine {1}'.format(timestamp, for diskguid, snapshotid in vmachine_snapshot['snapshots'].items(): VDiskController.delete_snapshot(diskguid, snapshotid)'Deleted snapshot {0}'.format(timestamp)) vmachine.invalidate_dynamics(['snapshots'])
def _make_clones(vdisks_map, depth=clone_depth): for level in range(depth): previous_vd = list(vdisks_map.itervalues())[-1] new_name = + '_clone' new_guid = VDiskController.clone(previous_vd.guid, new_name).get('vdisk_guid') vdisks_map[new_name] = VDisk(new_guid)
def test_delete(self): """ Test the delete of a vDisk - Create 2 vDisks with identical names on 2 different vPools - Delete 1st vDisk and verify other still remains on correct vPool - Delete 2nd vDisk and verify no more volumes left """ structure = DalHelper.build_dal_structure({ 'vpools': [1, 2], 'domains': [1], 'storagerouters': [1], 'storagedrivers': [(1, 1, 1), (2, 2, 1)], # (<id>, <vpool_id>, <storagerouter_id>) 'mds_services': [(1, 1), (2, 2)] } # (<id>, <storagedriver_id>) ) domains = structure['domains'] storagedrivers = structure['storagedrivers'] vdisk1 = VDisk( VDiskController.create_new( volume_name='vdisk_1', volume_size=1024**3, storagedriver_guid=storagedrivers[1].guid)) vdisk2 = VDisk( VDiskController.create_new( volume_name='vdisk_1', volume_size=1024**3, storagedriver_guid=storagedrivers[2].guid)) vdisk_domain = VDiskDomain() vdisk_domain.domain = domains[1] vdisk_domain.vdisk = vdisk1 # Delete vDisk1 and make some assertions VDiskController.delete(vdisk_guid=vdisk1.guid) with self.assertRaises(ObjectNotFoundException): VDisk(vdisk1.guid) self.assertEqual( first=len(VDiskController.list_volumes()), second=1, msg='Expected to find only 1 volume in Storage Driver list_volumes' ) self.assertIn(member=vdisk2, container=VDiskList.get_vdisks(), msg='vDisk2 should still be modeled') # Delete vDisk2 and make some assertions VDiskController.delete(vdisk_guid=vdisk2.guid) with self.assertRaises(ObjectNotFoundException): VDisk(vdisk2.guid) self.assertEqual( first=len(VDiskController.list_volumes()), second=0, msg= 'Expected to find no more volumes in Storage Driver list_volumes')
def test_create_snapshot(self): """ Test the create snapshot functionality - Create a vDisk - Attempt to create a snapshot providing incorrect parameters - Create a snapshot and make some assertions """ structure = DalHelper.build_dal_structure( {'vpools': [1], 'storagerouters': [1], 'storagedrivers': [(1, 1, 1)], # (<id>, <vpool_id>, <storagerouter_id>) 'mds_services': [(1, 1)]} # (<id>, <storagedriver_id>) ) storagedrivers = structure['storagedrivers'] vdisk1 = VDisk(VDiskController.create_new(volume_name='vdisk_1', volume_size=1024 ** 3, storagedriver_guid=storagedrivers[1].guid)) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): # noinspection PyTypeChecker VDiskController.create_snapshot(vdisk_guid=vdisk1.guid, metadata='') now = int(time.time()) snapshot_id = VDiskController.create_snapshot(vdisk_guid=vdisk1.guid, metadata={'timestamp': now, 'label': 'label1', 'is_consistent': True, 'is_automatic': True, 'is_sticky': False}) self.assertTrue(expr=len(vdisk1.snapshots) == 1, msg='Expected to find 1 snapshot') self.assertTrue(expr=len(vdisk1.snapshot_ids) == 1, msg='Expected to find 1 snapshot ID') snapshot = vdisk1.snapshots[0] expected_keys = {'guid', 'timestamp', 'label', 'is_consistent', 'is_automatic', 'is_sticky', 'in_backend', 'stored'} self.assertEqual(first=expected_keys, second=set(snapshot.keys()), msg='Set of expected keys differs from reality. Expected: {0} - Reality: {1}'.format(expected_keys, set(snapshot.keys()))) for key, value in {'guid': snapshot_id, 'label': 'label1', 'stored': 0, 'is_sticky': False, 'timestamp': now, 'in_backend': True, 'is_automatic': True, 'is_consistent': True}.iteritems(): self.assertEqual(first=value, second=snapshot[key], msg='Value for key "{0}" does not match reality. Expected: {1} - Reality: {2}'.format(key, value, snapshot[key]))
def test_create_snapshot(self): """ Test the create snapshot functionality - Create a vDisk - Attempt to create a snapshot providing incorrect parameters - Create a snapshot and make some assertions """ structure = Helper.build_service_structure( {'vpools': [1], 'storagerouters': [1], 'storagedrivers': [(1, 1, 1)], # (<id>, <vpool_id>, <storagerouter_id>) 'mds_services': [(1, 1)]} # (<id>, <storagedriver_id>) ) storagedrivers = structure['storagedrivers'] vdisk1 = VDisk(VDiskController.create_new(volume_name='vdisk_1', volume_size=1024 ** 3, storagedriver_guid=storagedrivers[1].guid)) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): # noinspection PyTypeChecker VDiskController.create_snapshot(vdisk_guid=vdisk1.guid, metadata='') now = int(time.time()) snapshot_id = VDiskController.create_snapshot(vdisk_guid=vdisk1.guid, metadata={'timestamp': now, 'label': 'label1', 'is_consistent': True, 'is_automatic': True, 'is_sticky': False}) self.assertTrue(expr=len(vdisk1.snapshots) == 1, msg='Expected to find 1 snapshot') snapshot = vdisk1.snapshots[0] expected_keys = {'guid', 'timestamp', 'label', 'is_consistent', 'is_automatic', 'is_sticky', 'in_backend', 'stored'} self.assertEqual(first=expected_keys, second=set(snapshot.keys()), msg='Set of expected keys differs from reality. Expected: {0} - Reality: {1}'.format(expected_keys, set(snapshot.keys()))) for key, value in {'guid': snapshot_id, 'label': 'label1', 'stored': 0, 'is_sticky': False, 'timestamp': now, 'in_backend': True, 'is_automatic': True, 'is_consistent': True}.iteritems(): self.assertEqual(first=value, second=snapshot[key], msg='Value for key "{0}" does not match reality. Expected: {1} - Reality: {2}'.format(key, value, snapshot[key]))
def test_delete_snapshot(self): """ Test the delete snapshot functionality - Create a vDisk and take a snapshot - Attempt to delete a non-existing snapshot """ structure = Helper.build_service_structure( {'vpools': [1], 'storagerouters': [1], 'storagedrivers': [(1, 1, 1)], # (<id>, <vpool_id>, <storagerouter_id>) 'mds_services': [(1, 1)]} # (<id>, <storagedriver_id>) ) storagedrivers = structure['storagedrivers'] vdisk1 = VDisk(VDiskController.create_new(volume_name='vdisk_1', volume_size=1024 ** 3, storagedriver_guid=storagedrivers[1].guid)) VDiskController.create_snapshot(vdisk_guid=vdisk1.guid, metadata={'timestamp': int(time.time()), 'label': 'label1', 'is_consistent': True, 'is_automatic': True, 'is_sticky': False}) snapshot = vdisk1.snapshots[0] self.assertTrue(expr=len(vdisk1.snapshots) == 1, msg='Expected to find 1 snapshot') with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError): VDiskController.delete_snapshot(vdisk_guid=vdisk1.guid, snapshot_id='non-existing') VDiskController.delete_snapshot(vdisk_guid=vdisk1.guid, snapshot_id=snapshot['guid']) self.assertTrue(expr=len(vdisk1.snapshots) == 0, msg='Expected to find no more snapshots')
def test_delete_snapshot(self): """ Test the delete snapshot functionality - Create a vDisk and take a snapshot - Attempt to delete a non-existing snapshot """ structure = DalHelper.build_dal_structure( {'vpools': [1], 'storagerouters': [1], 'storagedrivers': [(1, 1, 1)], # (<id>, <vpool_id>, <storagerouter_id>) 'mds_services': [(1, 1)]} # (<id>, <storagedriver_id>) ) storagedrivers = structure['storagedrivers'] vdisk1 = VDisk(VDiskController.create_new(volume_name='vdisk_1', volume_size=1024 ** 3, storagedriver_guid=storagedrivers[1].guid)) VDiskController.create_snapshot(vdisk_guid=vdisk1.guid, metadata={'timestamp': int(time.time()), 'label': 'label1', 'is_consistent': True, 'is_automatic': True, 'is_sticky': False}) self.assertTrue(expr=len(vdisk1.snapshots) == 1, msg='Expected to find 1 snapshot') self.assertTrue(expr=len(vdisk1.snapshot_ids) == 1, msg='Expected to find 1 snapshot ID') with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError): VDiskController.delete_snapshot(vdisk_guid=vdisk1.guid, snapshot_id='non-existing') VDiskController.delete_snapshot(vdisk_guid=vdisk1.guid, snapshot_id=vdisk1.snapshot_ids[0]) self.assertTrue(expr=len(vdisk1.snapshots) == 0, msg='Expected to find no more snapshots') self.assertTrue(expr=len(vdisk1.snapshot_ids) == 0, msg='Expected to find no more snapshot IDs')
def test_set_as_template(self): """ Test the set as template functionality - Create a vDisk - Set it as template and make some assertions """ structure = Helper.build_service_structure( {'vpools': [1], 'storagerouters': [1], 'storagedrivers': [(1, 1, 1)], # (<id>, <vpool_id>, <storagerouter_id>) 'mds_services': [(1, 1)]} # (<id>, <storagedriver_id>) ) storagedrivers = structure['storagedrivers'] vdisk = VDisk(VDiskController.create_new(volume_name='vdisk_1', volume_size=1024 ** 4, storagedriver_guid=storagedrivers[1].guid)) metadata = {'is_consistent': True, 'is_automatic': True, 'is_sticky': False} for x in range(5): metadata['label'] = 'label{0}'.format(x) metadata['timestamp'] = int(time.time()) VDiskController.create_snapshot(vdisk_guid=vdisk.guid, metadata=metadata) self.assertTrue(expr=len(vdisk.snapshots) == 5, msg='Expected to find 5 snapshots') # Set as template and validate the model self.assertFalse(expr=vdisk.is_vtemplate, msg='Dynamic property "is_vtemplate" should be False') VDiskController.set_as_template(vdisk.guid) vdisk.invalidate_dynamics('snapshots') self.assertTrue(expr=vdisk.is_vtemplate, msg='Dynamic property "is_vtemplate" should be True') self.assertTrue(expr=len(vdisk.snapshots) == 1, msg='Expected to find only 1 snapshot after converting to template') # Try again and verify job succeeds, previously we raised error when setting as template an additional time VDiskController.set_as_template(vdisk.guid) self.assertTrue(expr=vdisk.is_vtemplate, msg='Dynamic property "is_vtemplate" should still be True')
def rollback(machineguid, timestamp): """ Rolls back a VM based on a given disk snapshot timestamp """ vmachine = VMachine(machineguid) if vmachine.hypervisor_status == 'RUNNING': raise RuntimeError('vMachine {0} may not be running to set it as vTemplate'.format( )) snapshots = [snap for snap in vmachine.snapshots if snap['timestamp'] == timestamp] if not snapshots: raise ValueError('No vmachine snapshots found for timestamp {0}'.format(timestamp)) for disk in vmachine.vdisks: VDiskController.rollback(diskguid=disk.guid, timestamp=timestamp) vmachine.invalidate_dynamics(['snapshots'])
def test_event_migrate_from_volumedriver(self): """ Test migrate from volumedriver event """ _ = self structure = Helper.build_service_structure( {'vpools': [1], 'storagerouters': [1, 2], 'storagedrivers': [(1, 1, 1), (2, 1, 2)], # (<id>, <vpool_id>, <storagerouter_id>) 'mds_services': [(1, 1), (2, 2)]} # (<id>, <storagedriver_id>) ) vpool = structure['vpools'][1] storagedrivers = structure['storagedrivers'] storagerouters = structure['storagerouters'] self._roll_out_dtl_services(vpool=vpool, storagerouters=storagerouters) vdisk = VDisk(VDiskController.create_new(volume_name='vdisk_1', volume_size=1024 ** 4, storagedriver_guid=storagedrivers[1].guid)) vdisk.storagedriver_client.migrate(vdisk.volume_id, storagedrivers[2].storagedriver_id, False) VDiskController.migrate_from_voldrv(volume_id=vdisk.volume_id, new_owner_id=storagedrivers[2].storagedriver_id) self.assertEqual(vdisk.storagedriver_id, storagedrivers[2].storagedriver_id)
def create_volume_from_snapshot(self, volume, snapshot): """Creates a volume from a snapshot. Called on "cinder create --snapshot-id ..." :param snapshot: snapshot reference (sqlalchemy Model) :param volume: volume reference (sqlalchemy Model) Volume here is just a ModelObject, it doesn't exist physically, it will be created by OVS. Diskguid to be passed to the clone method is the ovs diskguid of the parent of the snapshot with OVS: Clone from arbitrary volume, requires volumedriver 3.6 release > 15.08.2014 """ _debug_vol_info('CLONE_VOL', volume) _debug_vol_info('CLONE_SNAP', snapshot) mountpoint = self._get_hostname_mountpoint(str( ovs_snap_disk = self._find_ovs_model_disk_by_snapshot_id( devicename = volume.display_name if not devicename: devicename = pmachineguid = self._find_ovs_model_pmachine_guid_by_hostname( str('[CLONE FROM SNAP] %s %s %s %s' % (ovs_snap_disk.guid,, devicename, pmachineguid)) try: disk_meta = VDiskController.clone(diskguid=ovs_snap_disk.guid,, devicename=devicename, pmachineguid=pmachineguid, machinename="", machineguid=None) volume['provider_location'] = '{}{}'.format( mountpoint, disk_meta['backingdevice']) LOG.debug('[CLONE FROM SNAP] Meta: %s' % str(disk_meta)) LOG.debug('[CLONE FROM SNAP] New volume %s' % volume['provider_location']) vdisk = VDisk(disk_meta['diskguid']) vdisk.cinder_id = = devicename except Exception as ex: LOG.error('CLONE FROM SNAP: Internal error %s ' % str(ex)) self.delete_volume(volume) self.delete_snapshot(snapshot) raise return { 'provider_location': volume['provider_location'], 'display_name': volume['display_name'] }
def test_exception_handling(self): """ Test if the scheduled job can handle exceptions """ def raise_an_exception(*args, **kwargs): raise RuntimeError('Emulated snapshot delete error') structure = DalHelper.build_dal_structure({ 'vpools': [1], 'vdisks': [ (1, 1, 1, 1), (2, 1, 1, 1) ], # (<id>, <storagedriver_id>, <vpool_id>, <mds_service_id>) 'mds_services': [(1, 1)], 'storagerouters': [1], 'storagedrivers': [(1, 1, 1)] } # (<id>, <vpool_id>, <storagerouter_id>) ) vdisk_1, vdisk_2 = structure['vdisks'].values() storagedriver_1 = structure['storagedrivers'][1] vdisks = [vdisk_1, vdisk_2] for vdisk in vdisks: [ dynamic for dynamic in vdisk._dynamics if == 'snapshots' ][0].timeout = 0 for i in xrange(0, 2): metadata = { 'label': str(i), 'is_consistent': False, 'is_sticky': False, 'timestamp': str((int(time.time() - datetime.timedelta(2).total_seconds() - i))) } snapshot_id = VDiskController.create_snapshot( vdisk.guid, metadata) if vdisk == vdisk_1: StorageRouterClient.delete_snapshot_callbacks[ vdisk.volume_id] = { snapshot_id: raise_an_exception } with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError): GenericController.delete_snapshots_storagedriver( storagedriver_guid=storagedriver_1.guid) self.assertEqual(1, len(vdisk_2.snapshot_ids), 'One snapshot should be removed for vdisk 2') self.assertEqual(2, len(vdisk_1.snapshot_ids), 'No snapshots should be removed for vdisk 1')
def copy_image_to_volume(self, context, volume, image_service, image_id): """Copy image to volume Called on "nova volume-create --image-id ..." or "cinder create --image-id" Downloads image from glance server into local .raw :param volume: volume reference (sqlalchemy Model) """ _debug_vol_info("CP_IMG_TO_VOL", volume)"CP_IMG_TO_VOL %s %s" % (image_service, image_id)) name = volume.display_name if not name: name = volume.display_name = # downloading from an existing image destination_path = volume.provider_location if destination_path: try:'CP_IMG_TO_VOL Deleting existing empty raw file %s ' % destination_path) VDiskController.delete_volume(location=destination_path)'CP_IMG_TO_VOL Downloading image to %s' % destination_path) image_utils.fetch_to_raw(context, image_service, image_id, destination_path, '1M', size=volume['size'])'CP_IMG_TO_VOL Resizing volume to size %s' % volume['size']) self.extend_volume(volume=volume, size_gb=volume['size']) except Exception as ex: LOG.error('CP_IMG_TO_VOL Internal error %s ' % unicode(ex)) self.delete_volume(volume) raise ovs_disk = self._find_ovs_model_disk_by_location( volume.provider_location, str( = name
def test_extract_volumename(self): """ Validates whether a correct volumename is yielded from a given devicename * Test several devicenames and validate the returned name """ test = {'/foo/Bar/something.raw': 'something', '/': '', '': '', 'f4qav@#$%sd.raw': 'f4qav@#$%sd'} for devicename, expected in test.iteritems(): result = VDiskController.extract_volumename(devicename) self.assertEqual(result, expected)
def snapshot_all_vdisks(): """ Snapshots all vDisks """'[SSA] started') success = [] fail = [] for vdisk in VDiskList.get_vdisks(): try: metadata = {'label': '', 'is_consistent': False, 'timestamp': str(int(time.time())), 'is_automatic': True, 'is_sticky': False} VDiskController.create_snapshot(vdisk_guid=vdisk.guid, metadata=metadata) success.append(vdisk.guid) except Exception: ScheduledTaskController._logger.exception('Error taking snapshot for vDisk {0}'.format(vdisk.guid)) fail.append(vdisk.guid)'[SSA] Snapshot has been taken for {0} vDisks, {1} failed.'.format(len(success), len(fail)))
def _snapshot_ids(self): """ Fetches the snapshot IDs for this vDisk """ if not self.volume_id or not self.vpool: return [] from ovs.lib.vdisk import VDiskController try: return VDiskController.list_snapshot_ids(vdisk=self) except: return []
def clone(machineguid, timestamp, name): """ Clone a vmachine using the disk snapshot based on a snapshot timestamp @param machineguid: guid of the machine to clone @param timestamp: timestamp of the disk snapshots to use for the clone @param name: name for the new machine """ machine = VMachine(machineguid) disks = {} for snapshot in machine.snapshots: if snapshot['timestamp'] == timestamp: for diskguid, snapshotguid in snapshot['snapshots'].iteritems( ): disks[diskguid] = snapshotguid new_machine = VMachine() new_machine.copy(machine) = name new_machine.pmachine = machine.pmachine new_disk_guids = [] disks_by_order = sorted(machine.vdisks, key=lambda x: x.order) for currentDisk in disks_by_order: if machine.is_vtemplate and currentDisk.templatesnapshot: snapshotid = currentDisk.templatesnapshot else: snapshotid = disks[currentDisk.guid] prefix = '%s-clone' % result = VDiskController.clone( diskguid=currentDisk.guid, snapshotid=snapshotid, devicename=prefix, pmachineguid=new_machine.pmachine_guid,, machineguid=new_machine.guid) new_disk_guids.append(result['diskguid']) hv = Factory.get(machine.pmachine) try: result = hv.clone_vm(machine.hypervisor_id, name, disks, None, True) except: VMachineController.delete(machineguid=new_machine.guid) raise new_machine.hypervisor_id = result return new_machine.guid
def create_volume_from_snapshot(self, volume, snapshot): """Creates a volume from a snapshot. Called on "cinder create --snapshot-id ..." :param snapshot: snapshot reference (sqlalchemy Model) :param volume: volume reference (sqlalchemy Model) Volume here is just a ModelObject, it doesn't exist physically, it will be created by OVS. Diskguid to be passed to the clone method is the ovs diskguid of the parent of the snapshot with OVS: Clone from arbitrary volume, requires volumedriver 3.6 release > 15.08.2014 """ _debug_vol_info('CLONE_VOL', volume) _debug_vol_info('CLONE_SNAP', snapshot) mountpoint = self._get_hostname_mountpoint(str( ovs_snap_disk = self._find_ovs_model_disk_by_snapshot_id( devicename = volume.display_name if not devicename: devicename = pmachineguid = self._find_ovs_model_pmachine_guid_by_hostname( str('[CLONE FROM SNAP] %s %s %s %s' % (ovs_snap_disk.guid,, devicename, pmachineguid)) try: disk_meta = VDiskController.clone(diskguid = ovs_snap_disk.guid, snapshotid =, devicename = devicename, pmachineguid = pmachineguid, machinename = "", machineguid=None) volume['provider_location'] = '{}{}'.format( mountpoint, disk_meta['backingdevice']) LOG.debug('[CLONE FROM SNAP] Meta: %s' % str(disk_meta)) LOG.debug('[CLONE FROM SNAP] New volume %s' % volume['provider_location']) vdisk = VDisk(disk_meta['diskguid']) vdisk.cinder_id = = devicename except Exception as ex: LOG.error('CLONE FROM SNAP: Internal error %s ' % str(ex)) self.delete_volume(volume) self.delete_snapshot(snapshot) raise return {'provider_location': volume['provider_location'], 'display_name': volume['display_name']}
def _check_volumedriver_remove(vpool_name, vdisk_name, present=True): """ Remove a vdisk from a vpool :param vdisk_name: name of a vdisk (e.g. test.raw) :type vdisk_name: str :param vpool_name: name of a vpool :type vpool_name: str :param present: should the disk be present? :type present: bool :return: True if disk is not present anymore :rtype: bool """ try: vdisk = VDiskHelper.get_vdisk_by_name(vdisk_name=vdisk_name, vpool_name=vpool_name) VDiskController.delete(vdisk.guid) return True except VDiskNotFoundError: # not found, if it should be present, re-raise the exception if present: raise else: return True
def test_extract_volumename(self): """ Validates whether a correct volumename is yielded from a given devicename * Test several devicenames and validate the returned name """ test = { '/foo/Bar/something.raw': 'something', '/': '', '': '', 'f4qav@#$%sd.raw': 'f4qav@#$%sd' } for devicename, expected in test.iteritems(): result = VDiskController.extract_volumename(devicename) self.assertEqual(result, expected)
def create_snapshot(self, snapshot): """Creates a snapshot. Called on "nova image-create " or "cinder snapshot-create " :param snapshot: snapshot reference (sqlalchemy Model) """ _debug_vol_info('CREATE_SNAP', snapshot) volume = snapshot.volume _debug_vol_info('CREATE_SNAP_VOL', volume) hostname = location = volume.provider_location ovs_disk = self._find_ovs_model_disk_by_location(location, hostname) metadata = {'label': "{0} (OpenStack)".format(snapshot.display_name), 'is_consistent': False, 'timestamp': time.time(), 'machineguid': ovs_disk.vmachine_guid, 'is_automatic': False} LOG.debug('CREATE_SNAP %s %s' % (snapshot.display_name, str(metadata))) VDiskController.create_snapshot(diskguid = ovs_disk.guid, metadata = metadata, snapshotid = str( LOG.debug('CREATE_SNAP OK')
def clone(machineguid, timestamp, name): """ Clone a vmachine using the disk snapshot based on a snapshot timestamp @param machineguid: guid of the machine to clone @param timestamp: timestamp of the disk snapshots to use for the clone @param name: name for the new machine """ machine = VMachine(machineguid) disks = {} for snapshot in machine.snapshots: if snapshot['timestamp'] == timestamp: for diskguid, snapshotguid in snapshot['snapshots'].iteritems(): disks[diskguid] = snapshotguid new_machine = VMachine() new_machine.copy(machine) = name new_machine.pmachine = machine.pmachine new_disk_guids = [] disks_by_order = sorted(machine.vdisks, key=lambda x: x.order) for currentDisk in disks_by_order: if machine.is_vtemplate and currentDisk.templatesnapshot: snapshotid = currentDisk.templatesnapshot else: snapshotid = disks[currentDisk.guid] prefix = '%s-clone' % result = VDiskController.clone(diskguid=currentDisk.guid, snapshotid=snapshotid, devicename=prefix, pmachineguid=new_machine.pmachine_guid,, machineguid=new_machine.guid) new_disk_guids.append(result['diskguid']) hv = Factory.get(machine.pmachine) try: result = hv.clone_vm(machine.hypervisor_id, name, disks, None, True) except: VMachineController.delete(machineguid=new_machine.guid) raise new_machine.hypervisor_id = result return new_machine.guid
def _check_volumedriver(vdisk_name, storagedriver_guid, logger, vdisk_size=VDISK_CHECK_SIZE): """ Checks if the volumedriver can create a new vdisk :param vdisk_name: name of a vdisk (e.g. test.raw) :type vdisk_name: str :param storagedriver_guid: guid of a storagedriver :type storagedriver_guid: str :param vdisk_size: size of the volume in bytes (e.g. 10737418240 is 10GB in bytes) :type vdisk_size: int :param logger: logger instance :type logger: ovs.extensions.healthcheck.result.HCResults :return: True if succeeds :rtype: bool """ try: VDiskController.create_new(vdisk_name, vdisk_size, storagedriver_guid) except FileExistsException: # can be ignored until fixed in framework # return True except Exception as ex: logger.failure('Creation of the vdisk failed. Got {0}'.format(str(ex))) return False return True
def test_clean_devicename(self): """ Validates whether a devicename is properly cleaned * Test several names and validate the returned devicename """ test = {'Foo Bar': '/Foo_Bar.raw', '/Foo Bar .raw': '/Foo_Bar_.raw', 'foo-bar.rawtest': '/foo-bar.rawtest.raw', 'test///folder': '/test/folder.raw', 'foobar-flat.vmdk': '/foobar-flat.vmdk.raw', '//test.raw': '/test.raw', 'test/.raw': '/test/.raw.raw', '//d\'!@#%xfoo Bar/te_b --asdfS SA AS lolz///f.wrv.': '/dxfoo_Bar/te_b_--asdfS_SA_AS_lolz/f.wrv..raw'} for raw, expected in test.iteritems(): result = VDiskController.clean_devicename(raw) self.assertEqual(result, expected)
def test_delete(self): """ Test the delete of a vDisk - Create 2 vDisks with identical names on 2 different vPools - Delete 1st vDisk and verify other still remains on correct vPool - Delete 2nd vDisk and verify no more volumes left """ structure = Helper.build_service_structure( {'vpools': [1, 2], 'domains': [1], 'storagerouters': [1], 'storagedrivers': [(1, 1, 1), (2, 2, 1)], # (<id>, <vpool_id>, <storagerouter_id>) 'mds_services': [(1, 1), (2, 2)]} # (<id>, <storagedriver_id>) ) domains = structure['domains'] storagedrivers = structure['storagedrivers'] vdisk1 = VDisk(VDiskController.create_new(volume_name='vdisk_1', volume_size=1024 ** 3, storagedriver_guid=storagedrivers[1].guid)) vdisk2 = VDisk(VDiskController.create_new(volume_name='vdisk_1', volume_size=1024 ** 3, storagedriver_guid=storagedrivers[2].guid)) vdisk_domain = VDiskDomain() vdisk_domain.domain = domains[1] vdisk_domain.vdisk = vdisk1 # Delete vDisk1 and make some assertions VDiskController.delete(vdisk_guid=vdisk1.guid) with self.assertRaises(ObjectNotFoundException): VDisk(vdisk1.guid) self.assertEqual(first=len(VDiskController.list_volumes()), second=1, msg='Expected to find only 1 volume in Storage Driver list_volumes') self.assertIn(member=vdisk2, container=VDiskList.get_vdisks(), msg='vDisk2 should still be modeled') # Delete vDisk2 and make some assertions VDiskController.delete(vdisk_guid=vdisk2.guid) with self.assertRaises(ObjectNotFoundException): VDisk(vdisk2.guid) self.assertEqual(first=len(VDiskController.list_volumes()), second=0, msg='Expected to find no more volumes in Storage Driver list_volumes')
def test_happypath(self): """ Validates the happy path; Hourly snapshots are taken with a few manual consistents every now an then. The delelete policy is exectued every day """ # Setup # There are 2 machines; one with two disks, one with one disk and an additional disk backend_type = BackendType() = 'BackendType' backend_type.code = 'BT' vpool = VPool() = 'vpool' vpool.backend_type = backend_type pmachine = PMachine() = 'PMachine' pmachine.username = '******' pmachine.ip = '' pmachine.hvtype = 'VMWARE' vmachine_1 = VMachine() = 'vmachine_1' vmachine_1.devicename = 'dummy' vmachine_1.pmachine = pmachine vdisk_1_1 = VDisk() = 'vdisk_1_1' vdisk_1_1.volume_id = 'vdisk_1_1' vdisk_1_1.vmachine = vmachine_1 vdisk_1_1.vpool = vpool vdisk_1_1.devicename = 'dummy' vdisk_1_1.size = 0 vdisk_1_1.reload_client() vdisk_1_2 = VDisk() = 'vdisk_1_2' vdisk_1_2.volume_id = 'vdisk_1_2' vdisk_1_2.vmachine = vmachine_1 vdisk_1_2.vpool = vpool vdisk_1_2.devicename = 'dummy' vdisk_1_2.size = 0 vdisk_1_2.reload_client() vmachine_2 = VMachine() = 'vmachine_2' vmachine_2.devicename = 'dummy' vmachine_2.pmachine = pmachine vdisk_2_1 = VDisk() = 'vdisk_2_1' vdisk_2_1.volume_id = 'vdisk_2_1' vdisk_2_1.vmachine = vmachine_2 vdisk_2_1.vpool = vpool vdisk_2_1.devicename = 'dummy' vdisk_2_1.size = 0 vdisk_2_1.reload_client() vdisk_3 = VDisk() = 'vdisk_3' vdisk_3.volume_id = 'vdisk_3' vdisk_3.vpool = vpool vdisk_3.devicename = 'dummy' vdisk_3.size = 0 vdisk_3.reload_client() for disk in [vdisk_1_1, vdisk_1_2, vdisk_2_1, vdisk_3]: [dynamic for dynamic in disk._dynamics if == 'snapshots'][0].timeout = 0 # Run the testing scenario debug = True amount_of_days = 50 base = day = timedelta(1) minute = 60 hour = minute * 60 for d in xrange(0, amount_of_days): base_timestamp = DeleteSnapshots._make_timestamp(base, day * d) print '' print 'Day cycle: {}: {}'.format( d, datetime.fromtimestamp(base_timestamp).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') ) # At the start of the day, delete snapshot policy runs at 00:30 print '- Deleting snapshots' ScheduledTaskController.deletescrubsnapshots(timestamp=base_timestamp + (minute * 30)) # Validate snapshots print '- Validating snapshots' for vdisk in [vdisk_1_1, vdisk_1_2, vdisk_2_1, vdisk_3]: self._validate(vdisk, d, base, amount_of_days, debug) # During the day, snapshots are taken # - Create non consistent snapshot every hour, between 2:00 and 22:00 # - Create consistent snapshot at 6:30, 12:30, 18:30 print '- Creating snapshots' for h in xrange(2, 23): timestamp = base_timestamp + (hour * h) for vm in [vmachine_1, vmachine_2]: VMachineController.snapshot(machineguid=vm.guid, label='ss_i_{0}:00'.format(str(h)), is_consistent=False, timestamp=timestamp) if h in [6, 12, 18]: ts = (timestamp + (minute * 30)) VMachineController.snapshot(machineguid=vm.guid, label='ss_c_{0}:30'.format(str(h)), is_consistent=True, timestamp=ts) VDiskController.create_snapshot(diskguid=vdisk_3.guid, metadata={'label': 'ss_i_{0}:00'.format(str(h)), 'is_consistent': False, 'timestamp': str(timestamp), 'machineguid': None}) if h in [6, 12, 18]: ts = (timestamp + (minute * 30)) VDiskController.create_snapshot(diskguid=vdisk_3.guid, metadata={'label': 'ss_c_{0}:30'.format(str(h)), 'is_consistent': True, 'timestamp': str(ts), 'machineguid': None})
def create_cloned_volume(self, volume, src_vref): """Create a cloned volume from another volume. Called on "cinder create --source-volid ... " :param volume: volume reference - target volume (sqlalchemy Model) :param src_vref: volume reference - source volume (sqlalchemy Model) OVS: Create clone from template if the source is a template Create volume from snapshot if the source is a volume - create snapshot of source volume if it doesn't have snapshots """ _debug_vol_info('CREATE_CLONED_VOL', volume) _debug_vol_info('CREATE_CLONED_VOL Source', src_vref) mountpoint = self._get_hostname_mountpoint(str( name = volume.display_name if not name: name = volume.display_name = pmachineguid = self._find_ovs_model_pmachine_guid_by_hostname( str( #source source_ovs_disk = self._find_ovs_model_disk_by_location( str(src_vref.provider_location), if['object_type'] == 'TEMPLATE':'[CREATE_FROM_TEMPLATE] VDisk %s is a template' % source_ovs_disk.devicename) # cloning from a template LOG.debug('[CREATE FROM TEMPLATE] ovs_disk %s ' % (source_ovs_disk.devicename)) disk_meta = VDiskController.create_from_template( diskguid = source_ovs_disk.guid, machinename = "", devicename = str(name), pmachineguid = pmachineguid, machineguid = None, storagedriver_guid = None) volume['provider_location'] = '{}{}'.format( mountpoint, disk_meta['backingdevice']) LOG.debug('[CREATE FROM TEMPLATE] New volume %s' % volume['provider_location']) vdisk = VDisk(disk_meta['diskguid']) vdisk.cinder_id = = name LOG.debug('[CREATE FROM TEMPLATE] Updating meta %s %s' % (, name)) else:'[THIN CLONE] VDisk %s is not a template' % source_ovs_disk.devicename) # We do not support yet full volume clone # - requires "emancipate" functionality # So for now we'll take a snapshot # (or the latest snapshot existing) and clone from that snapshot available_snapshots = [snapshot for snapshot in source_ovs_disk.snapshots if 'in_backend' not in snapshot or snapshot['in_backend'] is True] if len(available_snapshots) == 0: metadata = {'label': "Cinder clone snapshot {0}".format(name), 'is_consistent': False, 'timestamp': time.time(), 'machineguid': source_ovs_disk.vmachine_guid, 'is_automatic': False} LOG.debug('CREATE_SNAP %s %s' % (name, str(metadata))) snapshotid = VDiskController.create_snapshot( diskguid = source_ovs_disk.guid, metadata = metadata, snapshotid = None) LOG.debug('CREATE_SNAP OK') OVSVolumeDriver._wait_for_snapshot(source_ovs_disk, snapshotid) else: snapshotid = available_snapshots[-1]['guid'] LOG.debug('[CREATE CLONE FROM SNAP] %s ' % snapshotid) disk_meta = VDiskController.clone(diskguid = source_ovs_disk.guid, snapshotid = snapshotid, devicename = str(name), pmachineguid = pmachineguid, machinename = "", machineguid=None) volume['provider_location'] = '{}{}'.format( mountpoint, disk_meta['backingdevice']) LOG.debug('[CLONE FROM SNAP] Meta: %s' % str(disk_meta)) LOG.debug('[CLONE FROM SNAP] New volume %s' % volume['provider_location']) vdisk = VDisk(disk_meta['diskguid']) vdisk.cinder_id = = name return {'provider_location': volume['provider_location'], 'display_name': volume['display_name']}