from oxsConfig import ttk, W, E, Spinbox, fVario, varioTypeVar, secondBaroExist, varioSourceVar, varioHysteresisVar from oxsConfig import analogVarioChanged, fAnalogVario, analogVarioExist, varioAnalogPinVar, varioAnalogMaxVar, varioAnalogMinVar #here start the definition of the vario tab ttk.Label(fVario, text="Type of sensor").grid(row=1, pady=(20, 2)) varioTypeBox = ttk.Combobox(fVario, textvariable=varioTypeVar, values=('MS5611', "GY86", "BMP085", "BMP180", "GY87", "BMP280"), state="readonly") #varioBox.bind('<<ComboboxSelected>>', varioChanged) #protocolBox['state']='readonly' varioTypeBox.grid(row=2, padx=10) ttk.Checkbutton(fVario, text='a MS5611 is added as second sensor', variable=secondBaroExist, onvalue='On', offvalue='Off').grid(row=3, sticky=(W, E), padx=20, pady=(20, 2)) ttk.Label(fVario, text="Source of Vspeed field").grid(row=4, pady=(20, 2)) varioSourceBox = ttk.Combobox(fVario, textvariable=varioSourceVar, values=('FIRST_BARO', 'BARO_AND_IMU', 'SECOND_BARO', 'AVERAGE_FIRST_SECOND', 'AIRSPEED_COMPENSATED', 'PPM_SELECTION'), state="readonly") #varioBox.bind('<<ComboboxSelected>>', varioChanged) #protocolBox['state']='readonly'
from oxsConfig import ttk , W , E , fFrsky , frskyVfasVar , frskyFuelVar , frskyA3Var , frskyA4Var , \ frskyAccxVar , frskyAccyVar , frskyAcczVar , frskyT1Var , frskyT2Var #here start the definition of the FRSKY tab ttk.Label(fFrsky, text="VFAS").grid(column=0, row=1, padx=(15, 5), pady=(25, 5), sticky=(E)) frskyVfasBox = ttk.Combobox(fFrsky, textvariable=frskyVfasVar, values=('Not sent', 'VOLT_1', 'VOLT_2', 'VOLT_3', 'VOLT_4', 'VOLT_5', 'VOLT_6', 'ADS_VOLT_1', 'ADS_VOLT_2', 'ADS_VOLT_3', 'ADS_VOLT_4'), state="readonly") frskyVfasBox.grid(column=1, row=1, pady=(25, 5), sticky=(W)) ttk.Label(fFrsky, text="Fuel").grid(column=0, row=2, padx=(15, 5), pady=5, sticky=(E)) frskyFuelBox = ttk.Combobox(fFrsky, textvariable=frskyFuelVar, values=('Not sent', 'VOLT_1', 'VOLT_2', 'VOLT_3', 'VOLT_4', 'VOLT_5', 'VOLT_6', 'ADS_VOLT_1', 'ADS_VOLT_2', 'ADS_VOLT_3', 'ADS_VOLT_4'), state="readonly") frskyFuelBox.grid(column=1, row=2, sticky=(W)) ttk.Label(fFrsky, text="A3").grid(column=0, row=3, padx=(15, 5),
#from tkinter import StringVar from oxsConfig import ttk, W, E, fMagnet #define GENERATE_MAG_CALIBRATION_DATA // uncomment this line when HMC5883 calibration has to be performed. Set back as comment once calibration parameters have been introduced #define XMAG_OFFSET 2.4683 // must be an integer #define YMAG_OFFSET -1.3694 // must be an integer #define ZMAG_OFFSET 138.9683 // must be an integer #define XXMAG_CORRECTION 0.122082 // can have decimals #define XYMAG_CORRECTION -0.00204026 #define XZMAG_CORRECTION 0.00377534 #define YXMAG_CORRECTION -0.00204026 #define YYMAG_CORRECTION 0.130413 #define YZMAG_CORRECTION -0.00491189 #define ZXMAG_CORRECTION 0.00377534 #define ZYMAG_CORRECTION -0.00491189 #define ZZMAG_CORRECTION 0.138038 ttk.Label( fMagnet, text="Not yet implemented (so you have to edit manually the config files)" ).grid(column=0, row=4, padx=1, pady=20) #dummyMagnetVar = StringVar(value='-') #dummyBox = ttk.Combobox(fMagnet, textvariable=dummyMagnetVar, # values=( "-" ), # state="readonly")
from oxsConfig import ttk , W , E , fMultiplex , multiplexLine1Var , multiplexLine2Var , multiplexLine3Var , multiplexLine4Var , multiplexLine5Var ,\ multiplexLine6Var , multiplexLine7Var , multiplexLine8Var , multiplexLine9Var #define SETUP_MULTIPLEX_DATA_TO_SEND \ # 5 , REL_ALTIMETER , 1 , 1 , 0 , -16384 , 16383 , \ # 6 , VERTICAL_SPEED , 1 , 1 , 0, -500 , 500 , \ # 7 , ALTIMETER_MAX , 1 , 1 , 0 , -16384 , 16383 # // 8 , VOLT_1 , 1, 1 , 0 , -16384 , 16383 # // 6 , CURRENTMA , 1 , 1, 0 , -16384 , 16383 ,\ # // 7 , MILLIAH , 1 , 1, 0 , -16384 , 16383 # // 7 , CELL_TOT , 1 , 1 , 0 , -16384 , 16383 , \ # // 4 , VOLT_4 , 1 , 1 , 0 , -16384 , 16383 , \ # // 9 , PPM , 1 , 1 , 0 , -16384 , 16383 # // 3 , ALTIMETER , 1 , 1 , 0 , -16384 , 16383 , \ ttk.Label( fMultiplex, text="For one or several display line number, select the data to be sent" ).grid(column=0, row=1, columnspan=2, padx=(15, 5), pady=(25, 5), sticky=(E)) ttk.Label(fMultiplex, text="1").grid(column=0, row=2, padx=(15, 5), pady=(10, 5), sticky=('E')) ttk.Label(fMultiplex, text="2").grid(column=0, row=3, padx=(15, 5), pady=(10, 5), sticky=('E')) ttk.Label(fMultiplex, text="3").grid(column=0, row=4, padx=(15, 5), pady=(10, 5),
from oxsConfig import ttk, W, E, Spinbox from oxsConfig import fPpm, fPpmType, ppmTypeVar, ppmTypeChanged, ppmPinVar, ppmForMin100Var, ppmForPlus100Var #define PIN_PPM 2 // Uncomment this line in order to use a Rx channel to control oXs; default is 2 but my own device use 3 #define PPM_MIN_100 988 // default 1500 - 512 ; // pulse width (usec) when TX sends a channel = -100 #define PPM_PLUS_100 2012 // default 1500 + 512 ; // pulse width (usec) when TX sends a channel = +100 #define PPM_VIA_SPORT // uncomment this line to get ppm data over SPORT protocol instead of from a PWM channel (it requires a Tx with openTx running LUA script) #fPpmType = ttk.Frame(fPpm) fPpmType.grid(column=1, row=8) #by default make it visible ttk.Label(fPpm, text="Ppm type").grid(column=0, row=1, padx=5, pady=10, sticky=W) ppmTypeBox = ttk.Combobox(fPpm, textvariable=ppmTypeVar, values=('Rx chanel', "Sport"), state="readonly", width=12) ppmTypeBox.bind('<<ComboboxSelected>>', ppmTypeChanged) ppmTypeBox.grid(column=1, row=1, padx=10) ttk.Label(fPpmType, text="Pin").grid(column=0, row=0, padx=5, pady=10) ppmPinBox = ttk.Combobox(fPpmType, textvariable=ppmPinVar, values=('2', '3'), state="readonly",
from oxsConfig import ttk, W, E, Spinbox, fRpm, pulsesPerRotationVar #define PULSES_PER_ROTATION 2 ttk.Label(fRpm, text="Number of pulses per rotation").grid(row=1, padx=5, pady=(20, 2)) pulsesPerRotationBox = Spinbox(fRpm, from_=1, to=1000, width=5, textvariable=pulsesPerRotationVar) pulsesPerRotationBox.grid(column=1, row=1, padx=5, pady=(20, 2))
from oxsConfig import ttk , W , E ,fVoltage , volt1Exist , volt2Exist , volt3Exist ,volt4Exist , volt5Exist , volt6Exist ,\ volt1PinVar , volt2PinVar , volt3PinVar , volt4PinVar , volt5PinVar , volt6PinVar , \ volt1RgVar , volt2RgVar , volt3RgVar , volt4RgVar , volt5RgVar , volt6RgVar ,\ volt1RvVar , volt2RvVar , volt3RvVar , volt4RvVar , volt5RvVar , volt6RvVar ,\ volt1ScaleVar , volt2ScaleVar , volt3ScaleVar , volt4ScaleVar , volt5ScaleVar , volt6ScaleVar ,\ volt1OffsetVar , volt2OffsetVar , volt3OffsetVar , volt4OffsetVar , volt5OffsetVar , volt6OffsetVar , \ voltNumberOfCellsVar , voltReferenceVar , voltRefValueVar from oxsCurrent import voltRefValueCurrentBox, voltRefValueCurrentLabel # here start the definition of the Voltages tab ttk.Label(fVoltage, text="Volt 1").grid(column=1, row=2, padx=5, pady=5) ttk.Label(fVoltage, text="Volt 2").grid(column=2, row=2, padx=5, pady=5) ttk.Label(fVoltage, text="Volt 3").grid(column=3, row=2, padx=5, pady=5) ttk.Label(fVoltage, text="Volt 4").grid(column=4, row=2, padx=5, pady=5) ttk.Label(fVoltage, text="Volt 5").grid(column=5, row=2, padx=5, pady=5) ttk.Label(fVoltage, text="Volt 6").grid(column=6, row=2, padx=5, pady=5) ttk.Label(fVoltage, text="Actif").grid(column=0, row=3, padx=5) ttk.Label(fVoltage, text="Analog pin").grid(column=0, row=4, padx=5) ttk.Label(fVoltage, text="R to ground (0=No)").grid(column=0, row=5, padx=5) ttk.Label(fVoltage, text="R to voltage (0=No)").grid(column=0, row=6, padx=5) ttk.Label(fVoltage, text="Scale").grid(column=0, row=7, padx=5) ttk.Label(fVoltage, text="Offset").grid(column=0, row=8, padx=5) ttk.Checkbutton(fVoltage, variable=volt1Exist, onvalue='On', offvalue='Off').grid(column=1, row=3, sticky=(W, E), padx=20) ttk.Checkbutton(fVoltage, variable=volt2Exist, onvalue='On', offvalue='Off').grid(column=2, row=3, sticky=(W, E), padx=20) ttk.Checkbutton(fVoltage, variable=volt3Exist, onvalue='On', offvalue='Off').grid(column=3, row=3, sticky=(W, E), padx=20) ttk.Checkbutton(fVoltage, variable=volt4Exist, onvalue='On',
#self.pack() # fileName = r"oXs_config_advanced.h" try: f = open(fileName, "r") oxsDoc.insert(END, ) # st.settext( text = ) except: oxsDoc.insert(END, "File oXs_config_advanced.h not found") # st.settext(text = "File with docs not found") oxsDoc.config(state=DISABLED) ttk.Label(fMain, text="Components (details to be filled in tabs)").grid( row=0 , pady=(10,2)) #column=0 , sticky=(N,W,E,S) ttk.Checkbutton(fMain, text='Ppm', command=ppmChanged, variable=ppmExist, onvalue='On', offvalue='Off').grid(row=1, sticky=(W,E), padx=20 , pady=5) ttk.Checkbutton(fMain, text='Vario', command=varioChanged, variable=varioExist, onvalue='On', offvalue='Off').grid(row=2, sticky=(W,E), padx=20 , pady=5) ttk.Checkbutton(fMain, text='Voltages', command=voltageChanged, variable=voltageExist, onvalue='On', offvalue='Off').grid(row=3, sticky=(W,E), padx=20 , pady=5) ttk.Checkbutton(fMain, text='Current', command=currentChanged, variable=currentExist, onvalue='On', offvalue='Off').grid(row=4, sticky=(W,E), padx=20 , pady=5) ttk.Checkbutton(fMain, text='GPS', command=gpsChanged, variable=gpsExist, onvalue='On', offvalue='Off').grid(row=5, sticky=(W,E), padx=20 , pady=5) ttk.Checkbutton(fMain, text='Airspeed', command=airspeedChanged, variable=airspeedExist, onvalue='On', offvalue='Off').grid(row=6, sticky=(W,E), padx=20 , pady=5) ttk.Checkbutton(fMain, text='Rpm', command=rpmChanged, variable=rpmExist, onvalue='On', offvalue='Off').grid(row=7, sticky=(W,E), padx=20 , pady=5) ttk.Checkbutton(fMain, text='Acc/Gyro (IMU6050)', command=imuChanged, variable=imuExist,
from oxsConfig import ttk , W , E , Spinbox , fAirspeed , airspeedTypeVar , airspeedAtSea15CVar , airspeedInKmhVar , \ airspeedResetAtPpmVar , airspeedCompMinAtPpmVar , airspeedCompMaxAtPpmVar , airspeedCompMinVar , airspeedCompMaxVar #define AIRSPEED_SENSOR_USE NO_AIRSPEED // select between NO_AIRSPEED , MS4525 , MPXV7002 #define AIRSPEED_AT_SEA_LEVEL_AND_15C // if this line is commented, airspeed is calculated using baro pressure and temperature (so being "true" airspeed instead of normalised airspeed) #define AIRSPEED_IN_KMH // uncomment this line if airspeed has to be in km/h instead of knot/h ( except some old versions, openTx expects knot/h) #define AIRSPEED_RESET_AT_PPM 100 #define COMPENSATION_MIN_AT_PPM 60 #define COMPENSATION_MAX_AT_PPM 90 #define COMPENSATION_PPM_MIN 80 #define COMPENSATION_PPM_MAX 140 ttk.Label(fAirspeed, text="Type of sensor").grid(row=1, sticky=E , pady=(20,2)) airspeedTypeBox = ttk.Combobox(fAirspeed, textvariable=airspeedTypeVar, values=( "MS4525" , "MPXV7002" ), state="readonly") airspeedTypeBox.grid(column=1 , sticky=W , row=1, padx=5) ttk.Checkbutton(fAirspeed, text='Airspeed at sea level and 15 degree Celsius', variable=airspeedAtSea15CVar, onvalue='On', offvalue='Off').grid(row=2, sticky=(W), padx=10 , pady=(20,2)) ttk.Checkbutton(fAirspeed, text='Airspeed in km/h (otherwise in knot/h as expected by openTx)', variable=airspeedInKmhVar, onvalue='On', offvalue='Off').grid(row=3, sticky=(W,E), padx=10 , pady=(20,2)) ttk.Label(fAirspeed, text="Reset airspeed when ppm is (%)").grid(row=4, sticky=(E), pady=(20,2)) airspeedResetAtPpmBox = Spinbox(fAirspeed , from_=0, to=100, width = 5 , textvariable=airspeedResetAtPpmVar ) airspeedResetAtPpmBox.grid(column=1, row=4 , sticky=W, padx=5, pady=(20,2)) ttk.Label(fAirspeed, text="Min Compensation when ppm is (%)").grid(row=5, sticky=(E), pady=(20,2)) airspeedCompMinAtPpmBox = Spinbox(fAirspeed , from_=0, to=100, width = 5 , textvariable=airspeedCompMinAtPpmVar )
from oxsConfig import ttk, W, E, fGps, gps3dExist, gpsRateVar #here start the definition of the GPS tab #define GPS_SPEED_3D // uncomment this line if GPS speed has to be the 3d speed instead of the 2d speed (note: 3d is probably less accurate - to test) #define GPS_REFRESH_RATE 5 // rate at which GPS sent new data; select between 1, 5 or 10 (Hz). Default = 5 Hz; Ublox NEO6 does not support 10 hz ttk.Label(fGps, text="3D speed").grid(column=0, row=1, padx=(15, 5), pady=25, sticky=(E)) ttk.Checkbutton(fGps, variable=gps3dExist, onvalue='On', offvalue='Off').grid(column=1, row=1, sticky=('W', 'E')) ttk.Label(fGps, text="Refresh rate (Hz)").grid(column=0, row=2, padx=(15, 5), pady=5, sticky=(E)) gpsRateBox = ttk.Combobox(fGps, textvariable=gpsRateVar, values=('1', "5", "10"), state="readonly", width=2) gpsRateBox.grid(column=1, row=2, sticky=(W))
from oxsConfig import ttk, W, E, fJeti, jetiTemperatureSourceVar, jetiVoltageSourceVar #define VOLTAGE_SOURCE VOLT_1 // select between VOLT_1, VOLT_2, VOLT_3 , VOLT_4, VOLT_5 , VOLT_6 #define TEMPERATURE_SOURCE NTC // select between MS5611 and NTC ttk.Label(fJeti, text="Voltage source").grid(column=0, row=1, padx=(15, 5), pady=(10, 5), sticky=('E')) ttk.Label(fJeti, text="Temperature source").grid(column=0, row=2, pady=(15, 5), sticky=('WE')) jetiVoltageSourceBox = ttk.Combobox(fJeti, textvariable=jetiVoltageSourceVar, values=('Not sent', 'VOLT_1', 'VOLT_2', 'VOLT_3', 'VOLT_4', 'VOLT_5', 'VOLT_6'), state="readonly") jetiVoltageSourceBox.grid(column=1, row=1, pady=(15, 5), sticky=('W')) jetiTemperatureSourceBox = ttk.Combobox(fJeti, textvariable=jetiTemperatureSourceVar, values=('Not sent', 'MS5611', 'NTC'), state="readonly") jetiTemperatureSourceBox.grid(column=1, row=2, pady=(15, 5), sticky=('W'))
from oxsConfig import ttk , W , E , fCurrent , currentPinVar , currentExist , currentMvoltAt0Var , currentMvoltPerAmpVar ,\ currentRcVar , currentRgVar , voltReferenceVar , voltRefValueVar #from oxsVoltage import voltReferenceChangedInCurrent #here start the definition of the current tab #define PIN_CURRENTSENSOR 2 #define MVOLT_AT_ZERO_AMP 600 #define MVOLT_PER_AMP 60 #define RESISTOR_TO_GROUND_FOR_CURRENT 10 #define RESISTOR_TO_CURRENT_SENSOR 40 ttk.Label(fCurrent, text="Analog pin").grid(column=0, row=1, padx=(15, 5), pady=25, sticky=(E)) ttk.Label(fCurrent, text="mVolt at 0 Amp").grid(column=0, row=2, padx=(15, 5), pady=5, sticky=(E)) ttk.Label(fCurrent, text="mVolt per Amp").grid(column=0, row=3, padx=(15, 5), pady=5, sticky=(E)) ttk.Label(fCurrent, text="R to ground").grid(column=0, row=4, padx=(15, 5), pady=5, sticky=(E))
#define FILL_TEST1_WITH_GPS_NUMBER_OF_SAT // uncomment to activate this option; note: when there is a GPS fix 3D (or higher), then number of sat is increased by 100 #define FILL_TEST2_WITH_GPS_HDOP // uncomment to activate this option ttk.Checkbutton(fAddFields, text='Fill Test_3 with expected altitude', variable=fillTest3ExpectedAltitudeVar, command=fillTest3ExpectedAltitudeChanged, onvalue='On', offvalue='Off').grid(row=3, sticky=(W, E), padx=20, pady=(20, 2)) ttk.Label(fFillTest3ExpectedAltitude, text="Exp.Alt to be calculated for").grid(column=0, row=4, padx=1) expAltTimeBox = Spinbox(fFillTest3ExpectedAltitude, from_=0.2, to=5.0, textvariable=expAltTimeVar, increment='0.1', width=4) expAltTimeBox.grid(column=1, row=4, padx=10) ttk.Label(fFillTest3ExpectedAltitude, text="sec in the future").grid(column=2, row=4, padx=1) ttk.Checkbutton(fAddFields, text='Fill Test_1 2 3 with linear Acc', variable=fillTest123LinearAccVar, onvalue='On',
from oxsConfig import ttk , W , E , fHott , hottBattery1SourceVar , hottBattery2SourceVar , hottCellUndervoltageVar ,\ hottMainBatterySourceVar , hottT1SourceVar , hottT2SourceVar #define CELL_UNDERVOLTAGE_WARNING 3300 // Warning threshold in mV; #define BATTERY_1_SOURCE ADS_VOLT_1 // select between VOLT_1, VOLT_2, VOLT_3, VOLT_4, VOLT_5, VOLT_6, ADS_VOLT_1, ADS_VOLT_2, ADS_VOLT_3, ADS_VOLT_4 #define BATTERY_2_SOURCE ADS_VOLT_2 // select between VOLT_1, VOLT_2, VOLT_3, VOLT_4, VOLT_5, VOLT_6, ADS_VOLT_1, ADS_VOLT_2, ADS_VOLT_3, ADS_VOLT_4 #define MAIN_BATTERY_SOURCE ADS_VOLT_3 // select between VOLT_1, VOLT_2, VOLT_3, VOLT_4, VOLT_5, VOLT_6, ADS_VOLT_1, ADS_VOLT_2, ADS_VOLT_3, ADS_VOLT_4 #define TEMPERATURE_1_SOURCE VOLT_1 // select between VOLT_1, VOLT_2, VOLT_3, VOLT_4, VOLT_5, VOLT_6, TEST_1, TEST_2, TEST_3 , GLIDER_RATIO , SENSITIVITY , PPM #define TEMPERATURE_2_SOURCE PPM // select between VOLT_1, VOLT_2, VOLT_3, VOLT_4, VOLT_5, VOLT_6, TEST_1, TEST_2, TEST_3 , GLIDER_RATIO , SENSITIVITY, PPM ttk.Label(fHott, text="Undervoltage warning (in mVolt)").grid(column=0, row=1, padx=(15, 5), pady=(10, 5), sticky=('E')) ttk.Label(fHott, text="Based on").grid(column=1, row=2, pady=(30, 5), sticky=('WE')) ttk.Label(fHott, text="Battery 1").grid(column=0, row=3, padx=(15, 5), pady=(10, 5), sticky=('E')) ttk.Label(fHott, text="Battery 2").grid(column=0, row=4, padx=(15, 5), pady=(10, 5), sticky=('E')) ttk.Label(fHott, text="Main battery").grid(column=0, row=5,