def particle_update(self, l, m, t):
        x_im = np.arange(m.xmin, m.xmax + m.res,
                         m.res)  # x-positions of each pixel of the map
        y_im = np.arange(m.ymin, m.ymax + m.res,
                         m.res)  # y-positions of each pixel of the map

        x_range = np.arange(-0.2, 0.2 + 0.05, 0.05)
        y_range = np.arange(-0.2, 0.2 + 0.05, 0.05)

        # For positive x, y>0.5
        # binary_map = np.zeros((m.size, m.size), dtype=np.float16)

        binary_map = (np.copy(m.grid) > np.log(4)).astype(
        corr = []

        for n in range(self.num):
            scan = l.scan_to_world(self.pose[n], t)
            scan_copy = np.copy(scan)
            c = p2_utils.mapCorrelation(binary_map, x_im, y_im, scan_copy,
                                        x_range, y_range)
            max_c = c.max()
        corr = np.array(corr)
        # print("corr:", corr)
        corr = corr / 2
        # p_obs = softmax(corr - np.max(corr))
        # self.weights = self.weights * p_obs / np.sum(self.weights * p_obs)

        log_w = np.log(self.weights) + corr
        log_w -= np.max(log_w) + logsumexp(log_w - np.max(log_w))
        self.weights = np.exp(log_w)
def get_corr(l0, j0, particle, i, map):

    # get 0-1 map
    map_inv = np.zeros(map.shape)
    map_inv[np.where(map > 0)] = 1
    map_inv[np.where(map < 0)] = 0

    #if i % 2000 == 0:
    #    plt.imshow(map_inv)

    # number of particle
    shape = np.shape(particle)
    Np = shape[1]

    # init corr-matrix
    C = np.zeros((1, Np))

    for j in range(Np):
        laser_pose_inWorld = mapping.get_laser_pose_inWorld(
            l0, j0, i, particle[:, j:j + 1])
        x_im = np.arange(-30, 30 + 0.05,
                         0.05)  # x-positions of each pixel of the map
        y_im = np.arange(-30, 30 + 0.05,
                         0.05)  # y-positions of each pixel of the map
        x_range = np.arange(
            -0.2, 0.2 + 0.05,
            0.05)  #physical x,y,positions you want to evaluate "correlation"
        y_range = np.arange(
            -0.2, 0.2 + 0.05,
            0.05)  #physical x,y,positions you want to evaluate "correlation"

        c = p2.mapCorrelation(
            map_inv, x_im, y_im, laser_pose_inWorld[0:3, :], x_range, y_range
        )  # get corr of physical x,y,positions you want to evaluate "correlation"
        corr_new = np.max(c)  # value of max corr
        x_index = np.where(c == np.max(c))  # index of the max corr

        # adjust particle according the index of max corr
        x_index = np.sum(x_index, axis=1) / len(x_index[0])
        x_index = np.array([[x_index[0]], [x_index[1]]])
        x_new = (x_index - 4) * 0.05
        particle[0:2, j:j + 1] += x_new

        C[0][j] = corr_new

    # get observation function pz
    pz = ss.softmax(C)
    return particle, pz
 def update(self, MAP, laser, robotPose, headAngles):
     # Single Particle Update
     laserScan = laser['scan']
     y = self.getWorldFrameLaserMap(laserScan, robotPose, headAngles)
     y = np.concatenate([y, np.zeros((1, y.shape[1]))], axis=0)
     x_im = np.arange(self.xmin, self.xmax + self.resolution,
     y_im = np.arange(self.ymin, self.ymax + self.resolution,
     correlation = util.mapCorrelation(MAP['map'], x_im, y_im, y[0:3, :],
                                       self.xRange, self.yRange)
     ind = np.argmax(correlation)
     indx = ind / 3
     indy = ind % 3
     corr = correlation[indx.astype(int), indy.astype(int)]
     robotPose[0] += self.xRange[indx.astype(int)]
     robotPose[1] += self.yRange[indy.astype(int)]
     return robotPose, corr
 def update(self, weights, MAP, laser, robotPose, headAngles):
     # Single Particle Update
     laserScan = laser['scan']
     x_im = np.arange(
         self.xmin, self.xmax + self.resolution,
         self.resolution)  # x-positions of each pixel of the map
     y_im = np.arange(
         self.ymin, self.ymax + self.resolution,
         self.resolution)  # y-positions of each pixel of the map
     for i in range(robotPose.shape[0]):
         y = self.getWorldFrameLaserMap(laserScan, robotPose[i, :],
         y = np.concatenate([y, np.zeros((1, y.shape[1]))], axis=0)
         correlation = util.mapCorrelation(MAP['map'], x_im, y_im,
                                           y[0:3, :], self.xRange,
         ind = np.argmax(correlation)
         indx = ind / 3
         indy = ind % 3
         corr = correlation[indx.astype(int), indy.astype(int)]
         weights[i] = weights[i] * np.exp(corr)
     return weights
Esempio n. 5
def update_and_map(ranges,pose,MAP,head_angles,update_log_odds=False,plot_en=0,cur_scan=0):
    #dataIn = io.loadmat("lidar/train_lidar0.mat")
    angles = np.array([np.arange(-135,135.25,0.25)*np.pi/180.]).T
    ranges = ranges.reshape((ranges.shape[0],1))
    #ranges = np.double(dataIn['lidar'][0][110]['scan'][0][0]).T
    # take valid indices
    valid_range = np.logical_and((ranges < 30),(ranges> 0.1))
    ranges = ranges[valid_range]
    angles = angles[valid_range]
    # xy position in the sensor frame
    xs0 = np.array([ranges*np.cos(angles)])
    ys0 = np.array([ranges*np.sin(angles)])
    scan_ranges = np.vstack((xs0,ys0))
    dummy = np.vstack((xs0*0,ys0*0))
    scan_ranges = np.vstack((scan_ranges,dummy))
    world = convert2world_frame(scan_ranges,pose,head_angles) 

    ######## Drop Points that have negative z value in world frame ########
    world_T = world.T
    world_corrected = world_T[np.where(world[2,:] > 0)]
    world_corrected = world_corrected.T

    xs0 = world_corrected[0,:].reshape(1,world_corrected.shape[1])
    ys0 = world_corrected[1,:].reshape(1,world_corrected.shape[1])
    # convert position in the map frame here 
    # convert from meters to cells
    xis = np.ceil((xs0 - MAP['xmin']) / MAP['res'] ).astype(np.int16)-1
    yis = np.ceil((ys0 - MAP['ymin']) / MAP['res'] ).astype(np.int16)-1
    x_im = np.arange(MAP['xmin'],MAP['xmax']+MAP['res'],MAP['res']) #x-positions of each pixel of the map
    y_im = np.arange(MAP['ymin'],MAP['ymax']+MAP['res'],MAP['res']) #y-positions of each pixel of the map
    ### 9 X 9 Correlation Matrix ###
    x_range = np.arange(-map_res * 4,map_res * 4 + map_res,map_res)
    y_range = np.arange(-map_res * 4,map_res * 4 + map_res,map_res)
    map_shape = MAP['log_odds'].shape

    ######## Update Log-Odds #########
    pix_thrs = -num_true_events * np.log(lidar_confidence) ### Use this pixel only it was detected as free more than two times
    if(update_log_odds == True):
        free_cells = np.zeros(map_shape)
        occupied_cells = np.zeros(map_shape)
        ################## Bug of the year was found here ##############
        pose_x = np.ceil((pose[0] - MAP['xmin']) / MAP['res'] ).astype(np.int16)-1
        pose_y = np.ceil((pose[1] - MAP['ymin']) / MAP['res'] ).astype(np.int16)-1

        for scan in range(xis.shape[1]):
            if(yis[0,scan] >  MAP['sizey'] or xis[0,scan] >  MAP['sizex']) :
              free_cells = cv2.line(free_cells,(pose_x,pose_y),(xis[0,scan],yis[0,scan]),color = 1,thickness=1)
              occupied_cells[yis[0,scan],xis[0,scan]] = 1

        sensor_confidence = np.full(map_shape,np.log(lidar_confidence))
        MAP["log_odds"] += 2 * occupied_cells * sensor_confidence #Because we are subtracting one value at occupied free cell
        MAP["log_odds"] = MAP['log_odds'] - free_cells * sensor_confidence  #Because we are subtracting one value at occupied free cell
        MAP["log_odds"] = np.where(MAP["log_odds"] > log_thrs, np.full(map_shape,log_thrs),MAP["log_odds"])
        MAP["log_odds"] = np.where(MAP["log_odds"] < -log_thrs, np.full(map_shape,-log_thrs),MAP["log_odds"])

    ################# Plot ################
    plot_en_ = False
          fig = plt.figure(figsize=(18,10))
          map_threshold = np.zeros((map_shape[0],map_shape[1],3))
          map_threshold[:,:,0] = np.where(MAP['log_odds'] <= pix_thrs,  np.full(map_shape,1),np.zeros(map_shape))
          map_threshold[:,:,1] = np.where(MAP['log_odds'] <= pix_thrs,  np.full(map_shape,1),np.zeros(map_shape)) 
          map_threshold[:,:,2] = np.where(MAP['log_odds'] <= pix_thrs,  np.full(map_shape,1),np.zeros(map_shape)) 

          img_name = '/datasets/home/94/594/adkulkar/sensing/SLAM/images/part_20_threshold_50/' + 'img_' + str(cur_scan) + '.png'
          title_name = "Occupancy Map" + "Scan Number : " + str(cur_scan)

    if(update_log_odds == True):
        return MAP
    ####### Perform Correlation #######
    Y = np.vstack((xs0,ys0))
    map_threshold = np.where(MAP['log_odds'] >= -pix_thrs, np.ones(map_shape),np.zeros(map_shape))
    correlation = mapCorrelation(map_threshold,x_im,y_im,Y,x_range,x_range)
    return MAP,correlation