Esempio n. 1
def create_from_12x_gf_client_name(p4, gf_client_name):
    Upgrade from Git Fusion 12.x.

    Given the name of an existing Git Fusion 12.x client spec "git-fusion-{view-
    name}", copy its view into a Git Fusion 13.1 p4gf_config file, add and
    submit that file to Perforce.

    NOP if that p4gf_config file already exists.

    # Extract repo_name (nee view_name) from client spect's name.
    assert gf_client_name.startswith(p4gf_const.P4GF_CLIENT_PREFIX)
    repo_name   = gf_client_name[len(p4gf_const.P4GF_CLIENT_PREFIX):]

    # NOP if repo's p4gf_config already exists and is not deleted at head.
    depot_path = depot_path_repo(repo_name)
    if p4gf_util.depot_file_exists(p4, depot_path):

    # Extract View lines from client spec, use them to create a new config.
    client_spec = p4.fetch_client(gf_client_name)
    view        = client_spec['View']
    config      = default_config_repo_for_view(p4, repo_name, view)

    # Write config to Perforce.
    config_file_content = file_content_repo(config)
    depot_path   = depot_path_repo(repo_name)
    _add_file(p4, depot_path, config_file_content)
Esempio n. 2
def create_from_12x_gf_client_name(p4, gf_client_name):
    Upgrade from Git Fusion 12.x.

    Given the name of an existing Git Fusion 12.x client spec "git-fusion-{view-
    name}", copy its view into a Git Fusion 13.1 p4gf_config file, add and
    submit that file to Perforce.

    NOP if that p4gf_config file already exists.

    # Extract repo_name (nee view_name) from client spect's name.
    assert gf_client_name.startswith(p4gf_const.P4GF_CLIENT_PREFIX)
    repo_name = gf_client_name[len(p4gf_const.P4GF_CLIENT_PREFIX):]

    # NOP if repo's p4gf_config already exists and is not deleted at head.
    depot_path = depot_path_repo(repo_name)
    if p4gf_util.depot_file_exists(p4, depot_path):

    # Extract View lines from client spec, use them to create a new config.
    client_spec = p4.fetch_client(gf_client_name)
    view = client_spec['View']
    config = default_config_repo_for_view(p4, repo_name, view)

    # Write config to Perforce.
    config_file_content = file_content_repo(config)
    depot_path = depot_path_repo(repo_name)
    _add_file(p4, depot_path, config_file_content)
Esempio n. 3
def ssh_key_add(p4, depot_path, keys, action=None):
    """Read the contents of the named file and use it to produce a
    fingerprint of the presumed SSH key, formatting the results into
    a line suitable for adding to the SSH configuration file. The line
    is added to the set of keys, keyed by a generated fingerprint.

    Keyword arguments:
    p4         -- P4 API object
    depot_path -- path to keys file
    keys       -- instance of KeyKeeper
    action     -- string describing the action being performed (e.g. 'edit'),
                  defaults to ADD. For debug log only.
    user, key, fp = extract_key_data(p4, depot_path)
    if not user:
            _('Could not extract user name from unrecognized depot path: {depot_path}'
    if not fp:
        if p4gf_util.depot_file_exists(p4, depot_path):
                _("File '{depot_path}' does not conform to a valid SSH key, ignoring..."
    if not action:
        action = _ADD
        _('action {}, user {}, key {}, FP {}').format(action, user, key, fp))
    # $SSH[2]_ORIGINAL_COMMAND is there to get the command being invoked
    # by the client via SSH (e.g. git-upload-pack 'foo') -- we need that
    # in order to take the appropriate action, and for auditing purposes.
    if Ssh2:
        fname = os.path.join(KEYS_DIR, user, fp.replace(':', '') + NTR('.pub'))
        fpath = os.path.join(SshDirectory, fname)
        fdir = os.path.dirname(fpath)
        if not os.path.exists(fdir):
        with open(fpath, 'w') as f:
            f.write(SSH2_HEADER_LINE + '\n')
            keydata = key
            while keydata:
                f.write(keydata[:72] + '\n')
                keydata = keydata[72:]
            f.write(SSH2_FOOTER_LINE + '\n')
        ln = NTR(
            'Key {file}\nOptions command=" --user={user} --keyfp={keyfp}'
            ' $SSH2_ORIGINAL_COMMAND"').format(file=fname, user=user, keyfp=fp)
        # No options are included since not all SSH2 implementations support them.
        ln = generate_openssh_key(user, fp, key)
    keys.add(fp, user, ln)
    def get_branch_dict(self):
        """Get a branch dictionary for this repo.

        If the p4gf_config exists, use that.
        Else if the p4 client exists
        create a branch dict containing a branch from the client views.
        Else return None
        LOG.debug("get_branch_dict for {0}".format(self.view_name))
        # Repo config file already checked into Perforce?
        # Use that.
        config_path = p4gf_config.depot_path_repo(self.view_name)
        config_exists = p4gf_util.depot_file_exists(self.p4, config_path)
        if config_exists:
            self.config = p4gf_config.get_repo(self.p4, self.view_name)
            if self.config:
                return p4gf_branch.dict_from_config(self.config, self.p4)
                return None
            LOG.debug("checking if client {0} exists.".format(self.view_name))
            if not p4gf_util.spec_exists(self.p4, 'client', self.view_name):
                LOG.debug("         client {0} NOT exists.".format(
                return None
            view_lines = p4gf_util.first_value_for_key(
      'client', '-o', '-t', self.view_name,
                            self.p4client), 'View')
            if not view_lines:
                return None
                # create a Branch object to manage this client view
                if isinstance(view_lines, str):
                    view_lines = view_lines.splitlines()
                    "create branch from client views: {0}".format(view_lines))
                branch = p4gf_branch.Branch()
                branch.branch_id = 'master'
                branch.git_branch_name = 'master'
                branch.view_p4map = P4.Map(view_lines)
                branch.view_lines = view_lines
                    "create branch from client branch view_p4map: {0}".format(
                    "create branch from client branch view_lines: {0}".format(
                branch_dict = {}
                branch_dict[branch.branch_id] = branch
                return branch_dict
    def get_branch_dict(self):
        """Get a branch dictionary for this repo.

        If the p4gf_config exists, use that.
        Else if the p4 client exists
        create a branch dict containing a branch from the client views.
        Else return None
        LOG.debug("get_branch_dict for {0}".format(self.view_name))
        # Repo config file already checked into Perforce?
        # Use that.
        config_path   = p4gf_config.depot_path_repo(self.view_name)
        config_exists = p4gf_util.depot_file_exists(self.p4, config_path)
        if config_exists:
            self.config = p4gf_config.get_repo(self.p4, self.view_name)
            if self.config:
                return p4gf_branch.dict_from_config(self.config, self.p4)
                return None
            LOG.debug("checking if client {0} exists.".format(self.view_name))
            if not p4gf_util.spec_exists(self.p4, 'client', self.view_name):
                LOG.debug("         client {0} NOT exists.".format(self.view_name))
                return None
            view_lines = p4gf_util.first_value_for_key(
          'client', '-o', '-t', self.view_name, self.p4client),
            if not view_lines:
                return None
                # create a Branch object to manage this client view
                if isinstance(view_lines, str):
                    view_lines = view_lines.splitlines()
                LOG.debug("create branch from client views: {0}".format(view_lines))
                branch = p4gf_branch.Branch()
                branch.branch_id = 'master'
                branch.git_branch_name = 'master'
                branch.view_p4map = P4.Map(view_lines)
                branch.view_lines = view_lines
                LOG.debug("create branch from client branch view_p4map: {0}".
                LOG.debug("create branch from client branch view_lines: {0}".
                branch_dict = {}
                branch_dict[branch.branch_id] = branch
                return branch_dict
Esempio n. 6
def _create_p4_client(p4, view_name, client_name, client_root,
        enable_mismatched_rhs, view_name_p4client, handle_imports=True):
    """Create the p4 client to contain Git meta-data mirror.

    Keyword arguments:
    p4                    -- Perforce client API
    view_name             -- client view of repository to clone - internal (translated) viewname
    client_name           -- client that will be created
    client_root           -- path for client workspace
    enable_mismatched_rhs -- allow branches to have differing RHS?
    view_name_p4client    -- name of actual p4 client on which to base this new repo
                             if None - will be determined from view_name if needed

    Returns one of the INIT_REPO_* constants.
    # Ensure the client root directory has been created.
    if not os.path.exists(client_root):

    view_name_git = p4gf_translate.TranslateReponame.repo_to_git(view_name)
    LOG.debug("_create_p4_client(): view_name_git {0}   view_name {1}   view_name_p4client {2}".
            format(view_name_git, view_name ,view_name_p4client))

    # If a Git Fusion client for this view already exists, use that,
    # no need to init the repo.
    # Do make sure that the client root is correct.
    if p4gf_util.spec_exists(p4, 'client', client_name):
        LOG.debug("%s client already exists for %s", client_name, view_name)
        p4gf_util.ensure_spec_values(p4, 'client', client_name
            , { 'Root'    : client_root
              , 'Options' : CLIENT_OPTIONS })
        return INIT_REPO_EXISTS

    # Repo config file already checked into Perforce?
    # Use that.
    config_path   = p4gf_config.depot_path_repo(view_name)
    config_exists = p4gf_util.depot_file_exists(p4, config_path)
    if config_exists:
        return repo_from_config( p4, view_name, client_name, client_root
                               , enable_mismatched_rhs)

    # Client exist with the same name as this Git Fusion repo?
    # Build a new config, check it into Perforce, and use that.
    if not view_name_p4client:
        view_name_p4client = p4gf_translate.TranslateReponame.git_to_p4client(view_name_git)
    nop4client = ''
    if p4gf_util.spec_exists(p4, 'client', view_name_p4client):
        return repo_from_template_client( p4, view_name, view_name_p4client, client_name
                                        , client_root
                                        , enable_mismatched_rhs)
        nop4client = _("p4 client '{0}' does not exist\n").format(view_name_p4client)

    # creating repo from stream?
    # note that we can't pass '//depot/stream' because git would be confused
    # but it's ok to pass 'depot/stream' and add the leading '//' here
    stream_name = '//'+view_name_git
    if p4gf_util.spec_exists(p4, 'stream', stream_name):
        return _repo_from_stream(p4, view_name, stream_name, client_name, client_root,
                                 enable_mismatched_rhs, handle_imports)

    # We don't have, and cannot create, a config for this repo.
    # Say so and give up.
    msg = p4gf_const.NO_REPO_MSG_TEMPLATE.format(view_name=view_name
    def add_cl(self, *, branch, p4change):
        """Find .gitattributes files on branch@p4change and cache any lfs lines."""
        # pylint:disable=too-many-branches
        LOG.debug('add_cl {} on {}'.format(p4change.change, branch.branch_id))
        # if first change on this branch, add dict change# -> P4ChangeAttribute
        branch_name = branch.git_branch_name
        if branch_name in self.change_gitattributes_dict:
            # not the first change on this branch
            if p4change.change in self.change_gitattributes_dict[branch_name]:
                raise RuntimeError(
                    _("Change {change} seen more than once in branch {branch}"
                      ).format(change=p4change.change, branch=branch_name))
            # find the parent change and its .gitattributes
            prev_change = max(
            init_dict = self.change_gitattributes_dict[branch_name][prev_change]\
            # first change on this branch
            self.change_gitattributes_dict[branch_name] = {}

            # first, use git-lfs-initial-track config option, if present
            init_dict = {}
            initial_content = p4gf_lfs_attributes.generate_initial_lfs_attrs(
            if initial_content:
                init_dict[''] = parse_gitattributes(initial_content)

            # then add in any .gitattributes in effect prior to this change
            r = self.ctx.p4run(
                '//.../.gitattributes@{}'.format(int(p4change.change) - 1))
            for change_file in r:
                depot_path = change_file['depotFile']
                gwt_dir = _get_gwt_path(self.ctx, depot_path, branch,
                init_dict[gwt_dir] = parse_gitattributes(
                    p4gf_util.print_depot_path_raw(self.ctx.p4, depot_path,

            prev_change = p4change.change - 1
            self.change_gitattributes_dict[branch_name][prev_change] = \
                P4ChangeAttribute(prev_change, init_dict)

        # get .gitattributes delta for p4change
        change_dict = {}
        for change_file in p4change.files:
            depot_path = change_file.depot_path
            if not depot_path.endswith('/.gitattributes'):
            is_delete = change_file.action == 'delete'
            gwt_dir = _get_gwt_path(self.ctx, depot_path, branch,
            # If top level .gitattributes in first change doesn't exist in P4,
            # that means we inserted it with contents of initial tracking.
            # Since we took care of that above, skip it here.
            if (len(self.change_gitattributes_dict[branch_name]) == 1
                    and gwt_dir == '' and not is_delete and
                    not p4gf_util.depot_file_exists(self.ctx.p4, depot_path)):
            # When .gitattributes is deleted, we want to remove the path from
            # the dict rather than set it to an empty pattern list.
            if is_delete:
                if gwt_dir in change_dict:
                    del init_dict[gwt_dir]
                change_dict[gwt_dir] = parse_gitattributes(
                    p4gf_util.print_depot_path_raw(self.ctx.p4, depot_path,

        # if nothing changed, just ref the previous dict, saving a bit of memory
        # otherwise apply this change's delta to the previous changes attrs
        if change_dict:
            updated_dict = copy.deepcopy(init_dict)
            updated_dict = init_dict

        self.change_gitattributes_dict[branch_name][p4change.change] = \
            P4ChangeAttribute(p4change.change, updated_dict)
Esempio n. 8
def delete_client(args, p4, client_name, metrics, prune_objs=True):
    """Delete the named Perforce client and its workspace. Raises
    P4Exception if the client is not present, or the client configuration is
    not set up as expected.

    Keyword arguments:
    args        -- parsed command line arguments
    p4          -- Git user's Perforce client
    client_name -- name of client to be deleted
    metrics     -- DeletionMetrics for collecting resulting metrics
    prune_objs  -- if True, delete associated objects from cache

    # pylint: disable=R0912,R0915
    group_list = [
        p4gf_const.P4GF_GROUP_VIEW_PULL, p4gf_const.P4GF_GROUP_VIEW_PUSH
    p4.user = p4gf_const.P4GF_USER

    print_verbose(args, _("Checking for client '{}'...").format(client_name))
    if not p4gf_util.spec_exists(p4, 'client', client_name):
        raise P4.P4Exception(
            _("No such client '{}' defined").format(client_name))
    view_name = p4gf_util.client_to_view_name(client_name)
    p4gf_dir = p4gf_util.p4_to_p4gf_dir(p4)
    view_dirs = p4gf_view_dirs.from_p4gf_dir(p4gf_dir, view_name)
    p4gf_util.ensure_spec_values(p4, 'client', client_name,
                                 {'Root': view_dirs.p4root})

    view_lock = None  # We're clobbering and deleting. Overrule locks.
    with p4gf_context.create_context(view_name, view_lock) as ctx:
        command_path = ctx.client_view_path()

        homedir = os.path.expanduser('~')
        raise_if_homedir(homedir, view_name, view_dirs.view_container)

        # Scan for objects associated only with this view so we can remove them.
        objects_to_delete = []
        if prune_objs:
            objects_to_delete = _find_client_commit_objects(
                args, p4, view_name)

        # Do we have a repo config file to delete?
        config_file = p4gf_config.depot_path_repo(view_name) + '*'
        config_file_exists = p4gf_util.depot_file_exists(p4, config_file)

        # What counters shall we delete?
        counter_list = []
                view_name, p4gf_util.get_server_id()))
        for spec in'counters', '-u', '-e',
        for spec in'counters', '-u', '-e',

        if not args.delete:
            print(NTR('p4 sync -f {}#none').format(command_path))
            print(NTR('p4 client -f -d {}').format(client_name))
            print(NTR('rm -rf {}').format(view_dirs.view_container))
                NTR('Deleting {} objects from //{}/objects/...').format(
                    len(objects_to_delete), p4gf_const.P4GF_DEPOT))
            for group_template in group_list:
                group = group_template.format(view=view_name)
                print(NTR('p4 group -a -d {}').format(group))
            for c in counter_list:
                print(NTR('p4 counter -u -d {}').format(c))

            if config_file_exists:
                print(NTR('p4 sync -f {}').format(config_file))
                print(NTR('p4 delete  {}').format(config_file))
                    NTR('p4 submit -d "Delete repo config for {view_name}" {config_file}'
                        ).format(view_name=view_name, config_file=config_file))
                NTR('Removing client files for {}...').format(client_name))
  'sync', '-fq', command_path + '#none')
                          NTR('Deleting client {}...').format(client_name))
  'client', '-df', client_name)
            metrics.clients += 1
                NTR("Deleting repo {0}'s directory {1}...").format(
                    view_name, view_dirs.view_container))
            _remove_tree(view_dirs.view_container, contents_only=False)
            metrics.files += _delete_files(p4, objects_to_delete, view_name)
            for group_template in group_list:
                _delete_group(args, p4, group_template.format(view=view_name),
            for c in counter_list:
                _delete_counter(p4, c, metrics)

            if config_file_exists:
                p4gf_util.p4run_logged(p4, ['sync', '-fq', config_file])
                with p4gf_util.NumberedChangelist(
                        description=_("Delete repo config for '{}'").format(
                            view_name)) as nc:
                    nc.p4run(["delete", config_file])
def delete_client(args, p4, client_name, metrics, prune_objs=True):
    """Delete the named Perforce client and its workspace. Raises
    P4Exception if the client is not present, or the client configuration is
    not set up as expected.

    Keyword arguments:
    args        -- parsed command line arguments
    p4          -- Git user's Perforce client
    client_name -- name of client to be deleted
    metrics     -- DeletionMetrics for collecting resulting metrics
    prune_objs  -- if True, delete associated objects from cache

    # pylint: disable=R0912,R0915
    group_list = [p4gf_const.P4GF_GROUP_VIEW_PULL, p4gf_const.P4GF_GROUP_VIEW_PUSH]
    p4.user = p4gf_const.P4GF_USER

    print_verbose(args, _("Checking for client '{}'...").format(client_name))
    if not p4gf_util.spec_exists(p4, 'client', client_name):
        raise P4.P4Exception(_("No such client '{}' defined")
    view_name = p4gf_util.client_to_view_name(client_name)
    p4gf_dir = p4gf_util.p4_to_p4gf_dir(p4)
    view_dirs = p4gf_view_dirs.from_p4gf_dir(p4gf_dir, view_name)
    p4gf_util.ensure_spec_values(p4, 'client', client_name, {'Root': view_dirs.p4root})

    view_lock = None  # We're clobbering and deleting. Overrule locks.
    with p4gf_context.create_context(view_name, view_lock) as ctx:
        command_path = ctx.client_view_path()

        homedir = os.path.expanduser('~')
        raise_if_homedir(homedir, view_name, view_dirs.view_container)

        # Scan for objects associated only with this view so we can remove them.
        objects_to_delete = []
        if prune_objs:
            objects_to_delete = _find_client_commit_objects(args, p4, view_name)

        # Do we have a repo config file to delete?
        config_file = p4gf_config.depot_path_repo(view_name) + '*'
        config_file_exists = p4gf_util.depot_file_exists(p4, config_file)

        # What counters shall we delete?
        counter_list = []
                            view_name, p4gf_util.get_server_id()))
        for spec in'counters', '-u', '-e', "git-fusion-index-last-{},*"
        for spec in'counters', '-u', '-e', "git-fusion-index-branch-{},*"

        if not args.delete:
            print(NTR('p4 sync -f {}#none').format(command_path))
            print(NTR('p4 client -f -d {}').format(client_name))
            print(NTR('rm -rf {}').format(view_dirs.view_container))
            print(NTR('Deleting {} objects from //{}/objects/...').format(
                len(objects_to_delete), p4gf_const.P4GF_DEPOT))
            for group_template in group_list:
                group = group_template.format(view=view_name)
                print(NTR('p4 group -a -d {}').format(group))
            for c in counter_list:
                print(NTR('p4 counter -u -d {}').format(c))

            if config_file_exists:
                print(NTR('p4 sync -f {}').format(config_file))
                print(NTR('p4 delete  {}').format(config_file))
                print(NTR('p4 submit -d "Delete repo config for {view_name}" {config_file}')
                      .format(view_name=view_name, config_file=config_file))
            print_verbose(args, NTR('Removing client files for {}...').format(client_name))
  'sync', '-fq', command_path + '#none')
            print_verbose(args, NTR('Deleting client {}...').format(client_name))
  'client', '-df', client_name)
            metrics.clients += 1
            print_verbose(args, NTR("Deleting repo {0}'s directory {1}...").format(view_name,
            _remove_tree(view_dirs.view_container, contents_only=False)
            metrics.files += _delete_files(p4, objects_to_delete, view_name)
            for group_template in group_list:
                _delete_group(args, p4, group_template.format(view=view_name), metrics)
            for c in counter_list:
                _delete_counter(p4, c, metrics)

            if config_file_exists:
                p4gf_util.p4run_logged(p4, ['sync', '-fq', config_file])
                with p4gf_util.NumberedChangelist(
                        p4=p4, description=_("Delete repo config for '{}'")
                                           .format(view_name)) as nc:
                    nc.p4run(["delete", config_file])
Esempio n. 10
def _create_p4_client(p4,
    """Create the p4 client to contain Git meta-data mirror.

    Keyword arguments:
    p4                    -- Perforce client API
    view_name             -- client view of repository to clone - internal (translated) viewname
    client_name           -- client that will be created
    client_root           -- path for client workspace
    enable_mismatched_rhs -- allow branches to have differing RHS?
    view_name_p4client    -- name of actual p4 client on which to base this new repo
                             if None - will be determined from view_name if needed

    Returns one of the INIT_REPO_* constants.
    # Ensure the client root directory has been created.
    if not os.path.exists(client_root):

    view_name_git = p4gf_translate.TranslateReponame.repo_to_git(view_name)
        "_create_p4_client(): view_name_git {0}   view_name {1}   view_name_p4client {2}"
        .format(view_name_git, view_name, view_name_p4client))

    # If a Git Fusion client for this view already exists, use that,
    # no need to init the repo.
    # Do make sure that the client root is correct.
    if p4gf_util.spec_exists(p4, 'client', client_name):
        LOG.debug("%s client already exists for %s", client_name, view_name)
        p4gf_util.ensure_spec_values(p4, 'client', client_name, {
            'Root': client_root,
            'Options': CLIENT_OPTIONS
        return INIT_REPO_EXISTS

    # Repo config file already checked into Perforce?
    # Use that.
    config_path = p4gf_config.depot_path_repo(view_name)
    config_exists = p4gf_util.depot_file_exists(p4, config_path)
    if config_exists:
        return repo_from_config(p4, view_name, client_name, client_root,

    # Client exist with the same name as this Git Fusion repo?
    # Build a new config, check it into Perforce, and use that.
    if not view_name_p4client:
        view_name_p4client = p4gf_translate.TranslateReponame.git_to_p4client(
    nop4client = ''
    if p4gf_util.spec_exists(p4, 'client', view_name_p4client):
        return repo_from_template_client(p4, view_name, view_name_p4client,
                                         client_name, client_root,
        nop4client = _("p4 client '{0}' does not exist\n").format(

    # creating repo from stream?
    # note that we can't pass '//depot/stream' because git would be confused
    # but it's ok to pass 'depot/stream' and add the leading '//' here
    stream_name = '//' + view_name_git
    if p4gf_util.spec_exists(p4, 'stream', stream_name):
        return _repo_from_stream(p4, view_name, stream_name, client_name,
                                 client_root, enable_mismatched_rhs,

    # We don't have, and cannot create, a config for this repo.
    # Say so and give up.
    msg = p4gf_const.NO_REPO_MSG_TEMPLATE.format(
def _repo_config_exists(p4, repo_name):
    """Return true is repo p4gf_config exists."""
    config_path = p4gf_config.depot_path_repo(repo_name)
    return p4gf_util.depot_file_exists(p4, config_path)