def UpdateHtml(): strBaseDir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'website','app') for strFile in ['noaccess.html', 'noaccess_guest.html', 'noaccess_registered.html']: for dLocaleInfo in LocaleInfo.LocaleListSortedByName(): astrLocaleLinks = [] for dLocaleInfo2 in LocaleInfo.LocaleListSortedByName(): strClass = '' if dLocaleInfo2['locale'] == dLocaleInfo['locale']: strClass = 'selected' astrLocaleLinks.append('\t<a href="/?locale=' + dLocaleInfo2['locale'] + '" class="' + strClass + '">' + dLocaleInfo2['name'] + '</a>') strFooterLocaleLinks = "\n\t\t|\n".join(astrLocaleLinks) strPath = os.path.join(strBaseDir, dLocaleInfo['locale'], strFile) try: fin = open(strPath, 'rb') strContents = fin.close() except: strPath = strPath.replace(dLocaleInfo['locale'], 'en_US') print "Reading contents from en_US location: ", strPath fin = open(strPath, 'rb') strContents = fin.close() try: strOut = ReplaceGeneratedCode2(strContents, "FooterLocaleList", strFooterLocaleLinks) except: print "Error writing", strPath print "strContents" print strContents raise P4File.p4write(strPath, strOut, "updateLocales")
def writeFile(strPath, astrLines): p4Out =, 'w') p4Out.write(codecs.BOM_UTF8) for strLine in astrLines: p4Out.write(strLine) p4Out.write('\n') p4Out.close()
def fixBom(strFilePath): fIn = open(strFilePath, "r") strFile = fIn.close() # trim off BOM nStart = 0 while (len(strFile) >= nStart + 3) and (strFile[nStart : nStart + 3] == codecs.BOM_UTF8): nStart += 3 fOut =, "w") fOut.write(codecs.BOM_UTF8) fOut.write(strFile[nStart:]) fOut.close()
def fixBom(strFilePath): fIn = open(strFilePath, 'r') strFile = fIn.close() # trim off BOM nStart = 0 while (len(strFile) >= nStart + 3) and (strFile[nStart:nStart+3] == codecs.BOM_UTF8): nStart += 3 fOut =, 'w') fOut.write(codecs.BOM_UTF8) fOut.write(strFile[nStart:]) fOut.close()
def ValidateTemplateContents(strFile, strFilePath, fFix): # first, figure out the locale (if any) strLocale, strTemplateName = ExtractTemplateAndLocale(strFilePath) SetLocale(strLocale) # first, check for #encoding UTF-8 on line one # We can fix this if needed. # Read the first line astrParts = strFile.split('\n', 1) strFirstLine = astrParts[0] if (len(astrParts) == 1): strRest = '' else: strRest = astrParts[1] fSuccess = True if strFile.find('#encoding UTF-8') == -1: if strFile.find('#encoding') != -1: print "Error: Template: " + strFilePath + "\n\tShould be #encoding UTF-8. Found other encoding.\n" return False else: if fFix: # No encoding present. We can fix it. # First, remove the BOM (we'll add it back later) if strFirstLine[0:3] == codecs.BOM_UTF8: # has BOM, remove it strFirstLine = strFirstLine[len(codecs.BOM_UTF8):] fOut =, 'w') fOut.write(codecs.BOM_UTF8) fOut.write('#encoding UTF-8') fOut.write('\n') fOut.write(strFirstLine) fOut.write('\n') fOut.write(strRest) fOut.close() strResult = "Fixed" else: strResult = "Error" fSuccess = False print strResult + ": Template error: " + strFilePath + "\n\t#encoding UTF-8 should be the first line of every template\n" if fSuccess: try: t = template = APIUtil.GetTemplate(strTemplateName) except ImportError, e: pass # Ignore import errors, we don't know which imports to use except:
strDiffFileBase = 'loc/client/en_US' strDiffFilePath = strDiffFileBase + '/' # Merge files to create the new snapshot MergeUtil.mergeFilesToPath('client/loc', strNewPropsFilePath) # new props file path is not under p4 # Diff print "Including changed/new properties: " if not os.path.exists(strDiffFileBase): os.mkdir(strDiffFileBase) DiffUtil.diffPropsToPath(strOldPropsFilePath, strNewPropsFilePath, strDiffFilePath, True) print # Replace old props snapshot with new props P4File.copyfile(strNewPropsFilePath, strOldPropsFilePath, strChangeDesc) # open our files xmlSources = xml.dom.minidom.parse("bin/loc/loc_sources.xml") strZipPath = os.path.expanduser("~/loc_sources_" + strOutFileExtension + ".zip") zip = zipfile.ZipFile(strZipPath, "w") if nLastUpdateChangeNumber == 0: nLastUpdateChangeNumber = ReadChangeNumber(strLastChangeRecordFilePath, -1) # default last drop is eons ago print "nLastUpdateChangeNumber = ", nLastUpdateChangeNumber # Read list of files to exclude dtExclude = {} for node in xmlSources.getElementsByTagName("exclude"): if node.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
p4c = GetP4C(strChangeDesc) # Calculate the max change number files = p4c.GetFiles(astrFilesToCheck) nMaxChangeNumber = 0 for i in range(0, len(files)): nChange = int(files[i].Change()) nMaxChangeNumber = max(nMaxChangeNumber, nChange) strOldPropsFileExtension = dGroupInfo['strPropsFileExtension'] astrLocs = dGroupInfo['astrLocs'] strOldPropsFilePath = 'loc/client/props_at_last_drop' + strOldPropsFileExtension + '.properties' strLastChangeRecordFilePath = 'loc/client/last_sent_change_record' + strOldPropsFileExtension + '.txt' fOut =, 'w', strChangeDesc) fIn = open(strDiffFilePath, 'r') fOut.write( fIn.close() fOut.close() os.remove(strDiffFilePath) print "Last change number:", nMaxChangeNumber fOut =, 'w', strChangeDesc) fOut.write(str(nMaxChangeNumber)) fOut.write("\n") fOut.close() strEmailSubject = "Pincik " + str( + " complete loc sources" if dGroupInfo != None:
def generate(self, astrUrls, strName, tDims, fGenerateBundles): # First, see if we can find these files self.dMapUrlToIndex = {} strBasePath = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'website', 'clipart') self.strUrl = '../clipart/bundles/' + strName + ".png" strOutPath = os.path.join(strBasePath, self.strUrl) # Take the largest of the first three thumbs if tDims == None: nWidth = 0 nHeight = 0 for i in range(0,16): if len(astrUrls) > i: nWidth2, nHeight2 = self.getDimensions(os.path.join(strBasePath, astrUrls[i])) nWidth = max(nWidth, nWidth2) nHeight = max(nHeight, nHeight2) tDims = (nWidth, nHeight) if tDims == None: raise "no image dimensions!?!" self.tDims = tDims nWidth, nHeight = self.tDims cTall = math.ceil((len(astrUrls) * nWidth) / 2800.0) cWide = math.ceil(1.0 * len(astrUrls) / cTall) nTotalWidth = cWide * nWidth nTotalHeight = cTall * nHeight if fGenerateBundles: imDest ='RGBA', (int(nTotalWidth), int(nTotalHeight))) for i in range(0, len(astrUrls)): self.dMapUrlToIndex[astrUrls[i]] = i if fGenerateBundles: fh = open(os.path.join(strBasePath, astrUrls[i]), 'rb') imSrc = xDest = (i % cWide) * nWidth yDest = int(i / cWide) * nHeight nImWidth, nImHeight = imSrc.size xDest += int((nWidth - nImWidth)/2) yDest += int((nHeight - nImHeight)/2) # imDest.paste(imSrc, (int(xDest), int(yDest)), imSrc) imDest.paste(imSrc, (int(xDest), int(yDest))) fh.close() if fGenerateBundles: p4Out =, 'w') strBase, strExtension = os.path.splitext(strOutPath) strFormat = strExtension.upper()[1:], strFormat) p4Out.close() self.strUrl += "?" + NoCacheParam(strOutPath) # def paste(self, im, box=None, mask=None): # print "strPath = " + strPath + ", " + str(os.path.exists(strPath)) pass
def copyFileToPath(locSource, strDestPath, strLang, fFixQuotes): # read the source file, escape unescaped quotes, and write it to the dest file fOut =, 'w') copyFile(locSource, fOut, strLang, fFixQuotes) fOut.close()
def UpdateLocaleInfoAs(): print "Updating" strPath = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'as','util','picnik','util','') fin = open(strPath, 'rb') strContents = fin.close() strInsert = "\t\tstatic private var _aobAllLocales:Array = [\n\t\t\t" fFirst = True for dLocaleInfo in LocaleInfo.LocaleListSortedByName(): if not fFirst: strInsert += ",\n\t\t\t" strLine = "{" fFirstKey = True # these are the keys we are interested in dKeys = { 'label':{'fnGet':lambda x : x['name']}, 'locale':{'sortPriority':0}, 'flag':{'fnGet':lambda x : x['locale'][3:].lower()}, 'useSystemFont':{}, 'nonBold':{}, 'countries':{}, 'googleCode':{}, 'googlePlus':{'fOptional':True} } atKeys = sorted(dKeys.items(), key=lambda t: (t[1].get('sortPriority', 100), t[0])) for atKeys in atKeys: strKey, dKeyInfo = atKeys if 'fnGet' in dKeyInfo: obVal = dKeyInfo['fnGet'](dLocaleInfo) else: if not (strKey in dLocaleInfo): if dKeyInfo.get('fOptional', False): continue else: print "ERROR: Locale missing field: " + strKey print dLocaleInfo sys.exit(1) obVal = dLocaleInfo[strKey] if not fFirstKey: strLine += ", " fFirstKey = False strLine += strKey + ": " if type(obVal) == type(True): strLine += str(obVal).lower() elif type(obVal) == type([]): strLine += str(obVal) else: # everything else is a string strLine += "'" + str(obVal) + "'" strLine += "}" strInsert += strLine fFirst = False strInsert += "\n\t\t];\n" strOut = ReplaceGeneratedCode(strContents, "LocaleInfo", strInsert) P4File.p4write(strPath, strOut, "updateLocales")
def writeFile(strPath, strFile): fOut =, 'w') fOut.write(codecs.BOM_UTF8) fOut.write(strFile) fOut.close()
def copyfile(strSrc, strDest): if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(strDest)): os.mkdir(os.path.dirname(strDest)) P4File.copyfile(strSrc, strDest, 'dummyloc')