Esempio n. 1
def _check(vector, expected=None, exact=False):
    # Checks that the given vector:
    #   * Encodes successfully (and to a particular string, if specified)
    #   * Decodes successfully to exactly the same value (if specified) or to
    #     within the expected tolerance (see below for what this tolerance is)
    #   * Produces exactly the same string when the decoded value is reencoded
    # Returns the maximum absolute deviation between the given and decoded
    # vectors, and the tolerance to which it was compared.
    encoded = pack64(vector)
    if expected is not None:
        eq_(encoded, expected)
    decoded = unpack64(encoded)
    eq_(pack64(decoded), encoded)

    if not len(vector):
        deviation = 0.0
        deviation = np.max(np.abs(decoded - vector))
    if exact:
        tolerance = 0.0
        # Generally pack64 guarantees a precision of 2 ** -17 times the largest
        # magnitude entry.  However, we have to adjust for two details.
        #   * The largest magnitude entry may be rounded for packing in such a
        #     way that the precision is slightly less than that guarantee.
        #   * The smallest positive number that can be packed at all is
        #     2 ** -40, so the absolute precision available for very small
        #     vectors, regardless of the size of the vector, is 2 ** -41.
        tolerance = max(np.max(np.abs(vector)) / (2.0 ** 17 - 0.5), 2.0 ** -41)
    assert deviation <= tolerance
    return deviation, tolerance
Esempio n. 2
def test_input_types():
    # Both strings and bytestrings are unpackable
    assert np.all(unpack64('abcd') == unpack64(b'abcd'))

    # Anything that can be converted to a NumPy array is packable
    eq_(pack64([1.0, 2.0]), 'ZIAAQAA')
    eq_(pack64((1.0, 2.0)), 'ZIAAQAA')
    eq_(pack64(np.array([1.0, 2.0], dtype=np.float32)), 'ZIAAQAA')
    eq_(pack64(np.array([1.0, 2.0], dtype=np.float64)), 'ZIAAQAA')
    eq_(pack64(np.array([1.0, 2.0], dtype=np.int32)), 'ZIAAQAA')
Esempio n. 3
def test_encoding():
    assert pack64([]) == 'A'
    assert pack64([0.]) == 'AAAA'
    assert pack64([1.]) == 'YQAA'
    assert pack64([-1., 1.]) == 'YwAAQAA'
    assert pack64([2.**16, -1.]) == 'oQAA___'
    assert pack64([2.**16, 2**17-1]) == 'oQAAf__'
    assert pack64([2.**16, 2**17-0.2], rounded=False) == 'oQAAf__'
    assert pack64([2.**16, 2**17-0.2]) == 'pIAAQAA'
    assert pack64([2.**16, -2**17+0.2]) == 'pIAAwAA'
    assert pack64([2.**20, -1.]) == 'sQAAAAA'
Esempio n. 4
def round_trip_check(vec):
    newvec = unpack64(pack64(vec, rounded=True))
    if len(vec) == 0:
        precision = 0.
        maxdiff = 0.
        precision = np.max(np.abs(vec)) * (2**-17) + 2**-40
        maxdiff = np.max(np.abs(newvec - vec))
    assert np.allclose(newvec, vec, 1e-10, precision),\
        "%s isn't close enough to %s; difference=%s, precision=%s" % (newvec,
                vec, maxdiff, precision)
Esempio n. 5
def test_speed():
    vectors = [np.random.normal(size=(i%40+1,)) for i in xrange(40)]
    start1 = time.time()
    for vec in vectors:
    time_reference = (time.time() - start1)*1000
    start2 = time.time()
    for vec in vectors:
    time_ours = (time.time() - start2)*1000
    assert time_ours < time_reference,\
        "Took %4.4f ms. Time to beat: %4.4f ms." % (time_ours, time_reference)
Esempio n. 6
def test_errors():
    # Nonfinite values are rejected
    for value in (float('inf'), float('nan')):
        with assert_raises(ValueError):

    # Out of range values are rejected; check near the edge of the range
    with assert_raises(OverflowError):
        pack64([(2.0 ** 17 - 0.5) * 2.0 ** 23])
    _check([(2.0 ** 17 - 0.6) * 2.0 ** 23], expected='_f__')
    with assert_raises(OverflowError):
        # (This could actually be encoded as '_gAA'.)
        pack64([-(2.0 ** 17 - 0.5) * 2.0 ** 23])
    _check([-(2.0 ** 17 - 0.6) * 2.0 ** 23], expected='_gAB')

    # Strings with bad lengths or characters are rejected
    for string in ('', 'xx', b'xx', '\U0001f43c', 'Hey!', 'panda', 'rutabaga'):
        with assert_raises(ValueError):

    # Some (but not all) bad strings are accepted if error checking is disabled
    for string in ('xx', 'Hey!', 'panda'):
        unpack64(string, check=False)
    with assert_raises(ValueError):
        unpack64('rutabaga', check=False)
Esempio n. 7
def write_xlsx(xlsx_name):
    output_dir = IPI.create_IPI_output_dir(pyvuka.get_output_directory())

    filename = os.path.join(output_dir, xlsx_name)
    out_file = IPI.xlsx_out(filename)
    out_file.experiment = 'FORTEBIO'
    header = [
        'Plate', 'Sensor', 'Sensor_Protein', 'Solution_Protein', 'asymtope',
        'kd', 'kd_error', 'ka', 'ka_error', 'Conc', 'Keq', 'Keq_error',
        'Avg_Rsq', 'ipi-score (higher=better)', 'Comments', 'Plot_png', 'JSON'
    out_file.col_widths = [
        19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 58, 58
    out_file.row_heights = 228

    dm = pyvuka.get_datamatrix()
    for i in range(1, dm.length() + 1, 3):
        buffer_set = [i, i + 1, i + 2]
        comments = ''
        parameters = [
            'None' if val is None or np.isnan(val) or not np.isfinite(val) else
            for val in dm.buffer(buffer_set[-1]).fit.parameter.get()
        parameters_err = [
            'None' if val is None or np.isnan(val) or not np.isfinite(val) else
            for val in dm.buffer(buffer_set[-1]).fit.parameter_error.get()

        Rmax, kd, ka, Cp, m, c, x0, kds = parameters
        if len(parameters_err) != len(parameters):
            parameters_err = [1e6] * len(parameters)
        Rmax_err, kd_err, ka_err, Cp_err, m_err, c_err, x0_err, kds_err = parameters_err

        # catch div by zero
            KD = kd / ka
            KD = -1
            comments = 'Fail : KD can not be calculated'

            KD_err = np.power(
                np.power(kd_err / kd, 2) + np.power(ka_err / ka, 2), 0.5) * KD
            KD_err = -1

        # Check rsq values to ensure fit has been made, if fit fails, rsq is nan
        rsq_1 = [
            -1 if np.isnan(val) or not np.isfinite(val) else float(val)
            for val in [dm.buffer(buffer_set[0]).fit.rsq.get()]
        rsq_2 = [
            -1 if np.isnan(val) or not np.isfinite(val) else float(val)
            for val in [dm.buffer(buffer_set[1]).fit.rsq.get()]
        rsq_3 = [
            -1 if np.isnan(val) or not np.isfinite(val) else float(val)
            for val in [dm.buffer(buffer_set[2]).fit.rsq.get()]
        avg_rsq = np.average([x for x in [rsq_1, rsq_2, rsq_3] if x >= 0])
        if np.isnan(avg_rsq):
            avg_rsq = -1
            comments = 'Fail : Insufficient s/n'

        # Check ipi-score values to ensure fit has been made, if fit fails, rsq is nan
        # score_1 = datamatrix[i].item['ipi_score'] 0nm conc
        score_2 = dm.buffer(buffer_set[1]).meta_dict['ipi_score']
        score_3 = dm.buffer(buffer_set[2]).meta_dict['ipi_score']
        avg_score = float(np.average([score_2, score_3]))
        if np.isnan(avg_score) or comments == 'Fail : Insufficient s/n':
            avg_score = -1
            comments = 'Fail : Insufficient s/n'

        # Check ampplitude cutoff of 0.01, fail low amplitudes
        amplitudes = [
        if max(amplitudes) < 0.01:
            comments = 'Fail : Insufficient association amplitude'

        # Check comments for fit failure. Remove model if fit failed
        if 'fail' in comments.lower():
            for j in buffer_set:

        Cp = "{}, {}, {}".format(*[
        sensor_pro = dm.buffer(i)'on')[0].strip()
        sensor = dm.buffer(i)'on ')[1].split(
            ' ')[0].strip()
        sol_pro = dm.buffer(i)'vs')[1].split(

        # construct xlsx line entry
        out_line = [
            'Plate', sensor, sensor_pro, sol_pro, c, kd, kd_err, ka, ka_err,
            Cp, KD, KD_err, avg_rsq, avg_score, comments, None, None
        LIMS_dict = {}

        plot_png = pyvuka.get_plot_as_bytestring([i, i + 1, i + 2],

        JSON = {
            'data_x_1': pack64.pack64(dm.buffer(buffer_set[0]).data.x.get()),
            'data_y_1': pack64.pack64(dm.buffer(buffer_set[0]).data.y.get()),
            'model_x_1': pack64.pack64(dm.buffer(buffer_set[0]).model.x.get()),
            'model_y_1': pack64.pack64(dm.buffer(buffer_set[0]).model.y.get()),
            'data_x_2': pack64.pack64(dm.buffer(buffer_set[1]).data.x.get()),
            'data_y_2': pack64.pack64(dm.buffer(buffer_set[1]).data.y.get()),
            'model_x_2': pack64.pack64(dm.buffer(buffer_set[1]).model.x.get()),
            'model_y_2': pack64.pack64(dm.buffer(buffer_set[1]).model.y.get()),
            'data_x_3': pack64.pack64(dm.buffer(buffer_set[2]).data.x.get()),
            'data_y_3': pack64.pack64(dm.buffer(buffer_set[2]).data.y.get()),
            'model_x_3': pack64.pack64(dm.buffer(buffer_set[2]).model.x.get()),
            'model_y_3': pack64.pack64(dm.buffer(buffer_set[2]).model.y.get()),

        out_line[-2] = plot_png
        out_line[-1] = JSON

        for j in range(len(header)):
            key = header[j].lower()
            val = out_line[j]
            if '_png' not in key:
                if key == 'json':
                    key = 'data_xy'
                LIMS_dict.update({key: val})
        out_line[-1] = json.dumps(LIMS_dict)

Esempio n. 8
def encoding_check(vec):
    a = reference_pack64(vec)
    b = pack64(vec, rounded=False)
    assert a == b,\
            '%s should have encoded to %s, got %s' % (vec, a, b)