Esempio n. 1
def main():

    # Handle the command line
    usage = "usage: %prog [options] rlis trace"
    parser = OptionParser(usage)

    parser.add_option("-m", "--mode", dest="mode", metavar="STRING",
            default="network", help="Specify the trace mode that " +
            "may be either network or system [default: %default]")

    parser.add_option("-s", "--spread", action="store_true",
            dest="spread", help="Output a fully spread tree, rather than " +
            "overlaying similar calls")

    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()

    if len(args) != 2:
        parser.error("Must specify both the rlis and trace file names")
    (rlis_file, trace_file) = args

    # Load the token table and the parser
    token_table = rlisTokens.TokenTable(rlis_file)
    roi_parser = parseLog.RoiParser(token_table)

    # Read in the packets and make list of bitlog packets
    if options.mode == "network":
        packet_class = packet.AMPacket
    elif options.mode == "system":
        packet_class = packet.SystemPacket
        parser.error("option -m must be either network or system")
    packets = packet.read_packets(trace_file, packet_class)
    bitlog_packets = packet.BitlogPacket.get_bitlog_packets(packets)

    # Create a source trace from the packets
    bitlog_traces = packetTrace.SourceTrace(bitlog_packets)

    # Print tokens
    start_time = bitlog_traces.traces[0][0].timestamp
    for trace_id in sorted(bitlog_traces.traces.keys()):
        print "# ==== Trace for node %d ====" % (trace_id)
        trace = bitlog_traces.traces[trace_id]
        tokens_and_times = roi_parser.tokenize_trace(trace, start_time)
        [tokens, times] = zip(*tokens_and_times)

        if options.spread:
            tree = FullCallTree("root")
            tree = OverlayCallTree("root")

        print "digraph {"
        print str(tree)
        print "}"
Esempio n. 2
    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()

    if len(args) != 2:
        parser.error("Must specify both the rlis and trace file names")
    (rlis_file, trace_file) = args

    # Read in the packets and make list of bitlog packets
    if options.mode == "network":
        packet_class = packet.AMPacket
    elif options.mode == "system":
        packet_class = packet.SystemPacket
        parser.error("option -m must be either network or system")
    packets = packet.read_packets(trace_file, packet_class)
    bitlog_packets = packet.BitlogPacket.get_bitlog_packets(packets)

    # Create a source trace from the packets
    bitlog_traces = packetTrace.SourceTrace(bitlog_packets)
    start_time = bitlog_traces.get_start_time()

    # Print packets and exit if requested
    if options.print_packets:
        print bitlog_traces

    # Initialize the token tables and parser
    token_table = rlisTokens.TokenTable(rlis_file)
    roi_parser = RoiParser(token_table)
Esempio n. 3
def main():

    # Handle the command line
    usage = "usage: %prog [options] rlis trace"
    parser = OptionParser(usage)

    parser.add_option("-m", "--mode", dest="mode", metavar="STRING",
            default="system", help="Specify the trace mode that " +
            "may be either network or system [default: %default]")

    parser.add_option("-n", "--node", dest="node_id", default=None,
            type="int", help="Only print trace for node with specified " +
            "identifier [default: all nodes]")

    parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true",
            dest="verbose", help="Print full token data rather than " +
            "the standard token trace")

    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()

    if len(args) != 2:
        parser.error("Must specify both the rlis and trace file names")
    (rlis_file, trace_file) = args

    # Read in the packets and make list of bitlog packets
    if options.mode == "network":
        packet_class = packet.AMPacket
    elif options.mode == "system":
        packet_class = packet.SystemPacket
        parser.error("option -m must be either network or system")
    packets = packet.read_packets(trace_file, packet_class)
    bitlog_packets = packet.BitlogPacket.get_bitlog_packets(packets)

    # Create a source trace from the packets
    bitlog_traces = packetTrace.SourceTrace(bitlog_packets)

    # Load the token table and the parser
    token_table = rlisTokens.TokenTable(rlis_file)
    roi_parser = parseLog.RoiParser(token_table)

    # Tokenize the stream for each node
    node_tokens = {}
    start_time = bitlog_traces.get_start_time()
    for trace_id in sorted(bitlog_traces.traces.keys()):
        trace = bitlog_traces.traces[trace_id]
        tokens_and_times = roi_parser.tokenize_trace(trace, start_time)
        [tokens, times] = zip(*tokens_and_times)
        node_tokens[trace_id] = tokens

    for id in sorted(node_tokens.keys()):

        # If node_id is specified then skip non-node_id nodes
        if options.node_id and id != options.node_id: pass

        # Print the output
        if not options.verbose:
            print " ".join(serialize_tokens(id, node_tokens[id]))
            print print_tokens(id, node_tokens[id])