Esempio n. 1
 def _get_pose(self, image_file):
     """Gets the pose information from an image file."""
     if image_file in self.pose_cache:
         return self.pose_cache[image_file]
     # Find origin frame in this sequence to determine scale & origin translation
     base, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(image_file))
     origin_frame = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(image_file),
                                 str(0).zfill(len(base)) + ext)
     # Get origin data
     origin_oxts_data = self._get_oxts_data(origin_frame)
     lat = origin_oxts_data[0]
     scale = np.cos(lat * np.pi / 180.)
     # Get origin pose
     origin_R, origin_t = pose_from_oxts_packet(origin_oxts_data, scale)
     origin_pose = transform_from_rot_trans(origin_R, origin_t)
     # Compute current pose
     oxts_data = self._get_oxts_data(image_file)
     R, t = pose_from_oxts_packet(oxts_data, scale)
     pose = transform_from_rot_trans(R, t)
     # Compute odometry pose
     imu2cam = self._get_imu2cam_transform(image_file)
     odo_pose = (imu2cam @ np.linalg.inv(origin_pose) @ pose
                 @ np.linalg.inv(imu2cam)).astype(np.float32)
     # Cache and return pose
     self.pose_cache[image_file] = odo_pose
     return odo_pose
Esempio n. 2
    def _get_imu2cam_transform(self, image_file):
        """Gets the transformation between IMU an camera from an image file"""
        parent_folder = self._get_parent_folder(image_file)
        if image_file in self.imu2velo_calib_cache:
            return self.imu2velo_calib_cache[image_file]

        cam2cam = read_calib_file(os.path.join(parent_folder, CALIB_FILE['cam2cam']))
        imu2velo = read_calib_file(os.path.join(parent_folder, CALIB_FILE['imu2velo']))
        velo2cam = read_calib_file(os.path.join(parent_folder, CALIB_FILE['velo2cam']))

        velo2cam_mat = transform_from_rot_trans(velo2cam['R'], velo2cam['T'])
        imu2velo_mat = transform_from_rot_trans(imu2velo['R'], imu2velo['T'])
        cam_2rect_mat = transform_from_rot_trans(cam2cam['R_rect_00'], np.zeros(3))

        imu2cam = cam_2rect_mat @ velo2cam_mat @ imu2velo_mat
        self.imu2velo_calib_cache[image_file] = imu2cam
        return imu2cam