def evaluate(self, gstate: gamestate.Gamestate, move: util.Move): """ This method is used by the reflex agent to determine the value of a given move if it would be used in a given gamestate. """ closed_set = [] open_set = [gstate] came_from = parent gScore = float("inf") gScore[0] = 0 fScore = float("inf") fScore[0] = heurtistic(gstate.pacman, while open_set: current = min(fScore) if current == return path(came_from, current) open_set.remove(current) closed_set.append(current) for neighbor in current: if neighbor in closed_set: continue if neighbor not in open_set: open_set.append(neighbor) tentative_gScore = gScore[current] + util.manhattan( current, neighbor) if tentative_gScore >= gScore[neighbor]: continue came_from[neighbor] = current gScore[neighbor] = tentative_gScore fScore[neighbor] = gScore[neighbor] + heuristic(neighbor, goal) return failure
def manhattan_path_cost(path): position = path[0] cost = 0 for next_position in path[1:]: cost += util.manhattan(next_position, position) position = next_position return cost
def better_evaluate(gstate): evaluate = 0 if evaluate = float("inf") if gstate.loss: evaluate = float("-inf") dist_dots = 0 for dot in gstate.dots: dist_dots += util.manhattan(dot, gstate.pacman) evaluate += dist_dots * 5 dist_pellets = 0 for pellet in gstate.pellets: dist_pellets += util.manhattan(pellet, gstate.pacman) evaluate += dist_pellets * 8 dist_ghosts = 0 for ghost in gstate.ghosts: dist_ghosts += util.manhattan(ghost, gstate.pacman) evaluate -= dist_ghosts * 10 return evaluate
def evaluate(self, gstate, move): dots = gstate.dots.list() gstate.apply_move(0, move) if return float("inf") if gstate.loss: return float("-inf") eval = 0 pacpos = gstate.pacman if move != util.Move.stop: if pacpos in gstate.ghosts: eval -= 1500 if pacpos != None: for ghost in gstate.ghosts: if gstate.timers[0] > 15: if util.manhattan(pacpos, ghost) < 3: eval += 100 if pacpos == gstate.ghosts: eval += 200 else: if util.manhattan(pacpos, ghost) > 2: eval += 1000 if pacpos == gstate.pellets: eval += 1500 if pacpos != None: for dot in dots: if util.manhattan(pacpos, dot) < 3: eval += 500 if util.manhattan(pacpos, dot) < 2: eval += 300 if util.manhattan(pacpos, dot) < 1: eval += 100 if pacpos == dot: eval += 900 return eval else: eval -= 500 return eval
def dots_heuristic(state, representation): if state.dots: left, bottom = 1, 1 right, top = representation.walls.shape - 2 * util.Vector.unit corners = frozenset([util.Vector(left, bottom), util.Vector(left, top), util.Vector(right, bottom), util.Vector(right, top)]) closest_to_corners = {min(state.dots, key=lambda dot: sum(abs(dot - corner))) for corner in corners} return min(manhattan_path_cost((state.vector,) + corner_path) for corner_path in itertools.permutations(closest_to_corners)) else: return 0 # Some easier alternatives: return max(util.manhattan(state.vector, dot) for dot in state.dots) return len(state.dots.list())
def evaluate(self, gstate, move): newState = gstate.successor(0, move) # copyState = gstate.copy # copyState.apply_move(0,move) score = 0 # if successor state is a win -> high score if return math.inf # if successor state is a loss -> low sore if newState.loss: return -math.inf #Do not stop if move == util.Move.stop: score -= 200 #More distance to ghost is better minDistGhost = 10000 closestGhost = None for x in newState.ghosts: ghostDist = util.manhattan(newState.pacman, x) if ghostDist < minDistGhost: minDistGhost = ghostDist closestGhost = x if gstate.timers[0] == 0: if util.manhattan(newState.pacman, closestGhost) > 5: score += 500 else: score -= 500 if gstate.timers[0] > 0: if util.manhattan(gstate.pacman, closestGhost) < 3: if util.manhattan(newState.pacman, closestGhost) < util.manhattan( gstate.pacman, closestGhost): score += 500 minFood = 10000 closestDot = None for x in newState.dots.list() + newState.pellets.list(): foodDist = util.manhattan(newState.pacman, x) if foodDist < minFood: minFood = foodDist closestDot = x # Less distance to closest dot or less food left -> higher score if util.manhattan(newState.pacman, closestDot) < util.manhattan( gstate.pacman, closestDot): score += 200 return score