Esempio n. 1
    def get_code(self, dygraph_func):
        Returns the translated static function string code from dygraph function.

            dygraph_func (callable): the dygraph function.

            str: the string code of translated static function.

            .. code-block:: python

            import paddle.fluid as fluid
            import numpy as np

            def func(x):
                x = fluid.dygraph.to_variable(x)
                if fluid.layers.mean(x) > 0:
                    x_v = x - 1
                    x_v = x + 1
                return x_v

            prog_trans = fluid.dygraph.ProgramTranslator()

            code = prog_trans.get_code(func)
            print(type(code)) # <class 'str'>

        assert callable(
        ), "Input dygraph_func is not a callable in ProgramTranslator.get_code"
        # Gets AST from dygraph function

        unwrap_func = unwrap(dygraph_func)
        raw_code = inspect.getsource(unwrap_func)
        code = textwrap.dedent(raw_code)
        root = gast.parse(code)

        # Transform AST
        dygraph_to_static = DygraphToStaticAst()
        root_wrapper = dygraph_to_static.get_static_ast(root)

        # Get source_code
        source_code = ast_to_source_code(root_wrapper.node)
        return source_code
Esempio n. 2
 def __init__(self):
     # Caches the converted static functions. {dygraph_func: static_func}
     self._converted_static_func_caches = dict()
     # Caches the converted ast node for same source code. {source_code: ast_root}
     self._code_to_ast_caches = dict()
     self._dygraph_to_static = DygraphToStaticAst()
Esempio n. 3
class FunctionCache(object):
    Caches the transformed functions to avoid redundant conversions of the same function.

    def __init__(self):
        # Caches the converted static functions. {dygraph_func: static_func}
        self._converted_static_func_caches = dict()
        # Caches the converted ast node for same source code. {source_code: ast_root}
        self._code_to_ast_caches = dict()
        self._dygraph_to_static = DygraphToStaticAst()

    def convert_with_cache(self, func):
        Returns the cached static function or converts it when first encounters the function.
        # If hit cache, return it directly.
        static_func = self._converted_static_func_caches.get(func, None)

        if static_func is None:
            static_func = self._convert(func)
            self._converted_static_func_caches[func] = static_func

        return static_func

    def _convert(self, func):
        Converts dygraph function into static function. For two functions with same dedent code,
        the second function will reuse the transformed ast node of previous one.

        For example:
            def foo(x, y):
                z = x + y
                return z

            def foo(x, y):
                z = x + y
                return z

        If the conversion of happens after, it will reuse the transformed ast node of
        to speed up the conversion.
        # Note: In Python2, it will raise OSError when inspect function
        # with decorator directly and function.__wrapped__ holds the actual function.
        func = unwrap(func)
        source_code = func_to_source_code(func)

        # TODO(liym27):
        #  Consider this case: source_code in self._code_to_ast_caches,
        #  but actually they are methods in different classes.
        #  Maybe use (__class__, source_code) as key
        if source_code in self._code_to_ast_caches:
            root_wrapper = self._code_to_ast_caches[source_code]
            root = gast.parse(source_code)
            root = attach_origin_info(root, func)
            root_wrapper = self._dygraph_to_static.get_static_ast(root)
            self._code_to_ast_caches[source_code] = root_wrapper

        # Get static function from AST
        static_func, file_name = ast_to_func(root_wrapper.node, func)

        create_and_update_origin_info_map(root_wrapper.node, static_func)
        return static_func

    def exist(self, func):
        return func in self._converted_static_func_caches