def __init__(self): # global configurations self.cfg = Config() # 2D-array having all blocks in grid self.Blocks = [] # array of colors in pallete self.colors = self.cfg.colors # create a window and table Gtk.Window.__init__(self, self.table = Gtk.Table(self.cfg.size, self.cfg.size, True) # pallete element to be added self.pallete = Pallete() # add generated table to window self.add(self.table) self.generate_table() self.add_pallete() # brain instance self.brain = Brain(self.Blocks) # activate stylesheet self.add_style()
class Grid(Gtk.Window): def __init__(self): # global configurations self.cfg = Config() # 2D-array having all blocks in grid self.Blocks = [] # array of colors in pallete self.colors = self.cfg.colors # create a window and table Gtk.Window.__init__(self, self.table = Gtk.Table(self.cfg.size, self.cfg.size, True) # pallete element to be added self.pallete = Pallete() # add generated table to window self.add(self.table) self.generate_table() self.add_pallete() # brain instance self.brain = Brain(self.Blocks) # activate stylesheet self.add_style() """ return n'th number block ( n = cfg.size*x + y ) where (x,y) shows indeces in multi-dimension array """ def block(self, n): button = Gtk.Button(label='---') button.set_name('%s' % (random.choice(self.colors))) # top-left corner block clicked if (n==1): button.connect('clicked', self.right_block_click) # other blocks clicked else: button.connect('clicked', self.wrong_block_click) # row and column indeces for multi-dimension array button.x, button.y = (n-1)/self.cfg.size, (n-1) % self.cfg.size # color associated with block/button button.color = button.get_name() return button """ helps to arrange each block in table according to its indeces in 2D-array """ def arrangment(self, x, y): """ returns a tuple object showing position in table ex. (a,a+1,b,b+1) => element in a'th column and b'th row """ return (y, y+1, x, x+1) """ generates elements in table """ def generate_table(self): # prepare 2D-array of blocks for i in range(0, self.cfg.size): temp = [] for j in range(0, self.cfg.size): temp.append(self.block(i * self.cfg.size + j + 1)) self.Blocks.append(temp) # attach/arrange blocks in table for k in range(0, x,y = k/(self.cfg.size), k % (self.cfg.size) pos = self.arrangment(x, y) self.table.attach(self.Blocks[x][y], pos[0], pos[1], pos[2], pos[3]) """ adds color pallete to grid's table layout """ def add_pallete(self): self.pallete.attach_pallete(self.table) """ adds stylesheet for appropriete elements """ def add_style(self): style = Gtk.CssProvider() with open('assets/pallete.css', 'r') as f: css = f.close() style.load_from_data(css) sppa = Gtk.STYLE_PROVIDER_PRIORITY_APPLICATION Gtk.StyleContext.add_provider_for_screen(Gdk.Screen.get_default(), style, sppa) """ game moves ahead, only when player clicks top-left corner block """ def right_block_click(self, button): if ( != None): self.brain.floodfill(button, button.get_name(), print self.brain.filled else: pass """ when player clicks other then top-left corner block """ def wrong_block_click(self, button): pass