Esempio n. 1
def pandaPerlin():
    loopCount = 100000
    print 'reg panda2d'

    s = PerlinNoise2()
    maxV = 0.0
    minV = 0.0
    t = time()
    for a in xrange(loopCount):
        v = s.noise(*[random.random() * 100 for x in xrange(2)])
        maxV = max(maxV, v)
        minV = min(minV, v)

    print 2, (time() - t) / loopCount * 1000, maxV, minV

    print 'reg panda3d'

    s = PerlinNoise3()
    maxV = 0.0
    minV = 0.0
    t = time()
    for a in xrange(loopCount):
        v = s.noise(*[random.random() * 100 for x in xrange(3)])
        maxV = max(maxV, v)
        minV = min(minV, v)

    print 3, (time() - t) / loopCount * 1000, maxV, minV

Esempio n. 2
    def __init__(self, editorFile, bakeryFolder):
        #id is a seed for the map and unique name for any cached heightmap images

        self.dice = RandomNumGen(TimeVal().getUsec()) = self.dice.randint(2, 1000000)

        # the overall smoothness/roughness of the terrain
        smoothness = 80
        # how quickly altitude and roughness shift
        self.consistency = smoothness * 8
        # waterHeight is expressed as a multiplier to the max height
        self.waterHeight = 0.3
        # for realism the flatHeight should be at or very close to waterHeight
        self.flatHeight = self.waterHeight + 0.04

        #creates noise objects that will be used by the getHeight function
        """Create perlin noise."""

        # See getHeight() for more details....

        # where perlin 1 is low terrain will be mostly low and flat
        # where it is high terrain will be higher and slopes will be exagerrated
        # increase perlin1 to create larger areas of geographic consistency
        self.perlin1 = StackedPerlinNoise2()
        perlin1a = PerlinNoise2(0, 0, 256,
        perlin1b = PerlinNoise2(0, 0, 256, * 2 + 123)
        perlin1b.setScale(self.consistency / 2)
        self.perlin1.addLevel(perlin1b, 1 / 2)

        # perlin2 creates the noticeable noise in the terrain
        # without perlin2 everything would look unnaturally smooth and regular
        # increase perlin2 to make the terrain smoother
        self.perlin2 = StackedPerlinNoise2()
        frequencySpread = 3.0
        amplitudeSpread = 3.4
        perlin2a = PerlinNoise2(0, 0, 256, * 2)
        perlin2b = PerlinNoise2(0, 0, 256, * 3 + 3)
        perlin2b.setScale(smoothness / frequencySpread)
        self.perlin2.addLevel(perlin2b, 1 / amplitudeSpread)
        perlin2c = PerlinNoise2(0, 0, 256, * 4 + 4)
        perlin2c.setScale(smoothness / (frequencySpread * frequencySpread))
        self.perlin2.addLevel(perlin2c, 1 / (amplitudeSpread * amplitudeSpread))
        perlin2d = PerlinNoise2(0, 0, 256, * 5 + 5)
        perlin2d.setScale(smoothness / (math.pow(frequencySpread, 3)))
        self.perlin2.addLevel(perlin2d, 1 / (math.pow(amplitudeSpread, 3)))
        perlin2e = PerlinNoise2(0, 0, 256, * 6 + 6)
        perlin2e.setScale(smoothness / (math.pow(frequencySpread, 4)))
        self.perlin2.addLevel(perlin2e, 1 / (math.pow(amplitudeSpread, 4)))
Esempio n. 3
    def __init__(self, size): = BulletWorld(), 0, 0)
        self.size = size
        self.perlin = PerlinNoise2()'bullet-contact-added', self.onContactAdded)'bullet-contact-destroyed', self.onContactDestroyed)

        self.player = Player(self)

        self.entities = list()
        self.bgs = list()
        self.makeChunk(Point2(0, 0), Point2(3.0, 3.0))

        self.cmap = buildMap(self.entities, self.player.location)

        self.mps = list()

            Catcher(Point2(10, 10), self.player, self.cmap, self))
    def generateNoiseObjects(self):
        """Create perlin noise."""

        # See getHeight() for more details....

        # where perlin 1 is low terrain will be mostly low and flat
        # where it is high terrain will be higher and slopes will be exagerrated
        # increase perlin1 to create larger areas of geographic consistency
        self.perlin1 = StackedPerlinNoise2()
        perlin1a = PerlinNoise2(0, 0, 256,
        perlin1b = PerlinNoise2(0, 0, 256, * 2 + 123)
        perlin1b.setScale(self.consistency / 2)
        self.perlin1.addLevel(perlin1b, 1 / 2)

        # perlin2 creates the noticeable noise in the terrain
        # without perlin2 everything would look unnaturally smooth and regular
        # increase perlin2 to make the terrain smoother
        self.perlin2 = StackedPerlinNoise2()
        frequencySpread = 3.0
        amplitudeSpread = 3.4
        perlin2a = PerlinNoise2(0, 0, 256, * 2)
        perlin2b = PerlinNoise2(0, 0, 256, * 3 + 3)
        perlin2b.setScale(self.smoothness / frequencySpread)
        self.perlin2.addLevel(perlin2b, 1 / amplitudeSpread)
        perlin2c = PerlinNoise2(0, 0, 256, * 4 + 4)
        perlin2c.setScale(self.smoothness / (frequencySpread * frequencySpread))
        self.perlin2.addLevel(perlin2c, 1 / (amplitudeSpread * amplitudeSpread))
        perlin2d = PerlinNoise2(0, 0, 256, * 5 + 5)
        perlin2d.setScale(self.smoothness / (math.pow(frequencySpread, 3)))
        self.perlin2.addLevel(perlin2d, 1 / (math.pow(amplitudeSpread, 3)))
        perlin2e = PerlinNoise2(0, 0, 256, * 6 + 6)
        perlin2e.setScale(self.smoothness / (math.pow(frequencySpread, 4)))
        self.perlin2.addLevel(perlin2e, 1 / (math.pow(amplitudeSpread, 4)))
Esempio n. 5
class StarRender(object):
    body = None
    atmosphere = None
    light = None
    noise = PerlinNoise2(64, 64)
    noise_texture = None
Esempio n. 6
def gpugemsTerrain():
  W, H, D = (1,1,2)
  noise = PerlinNoise3(1,1,1,256,0)
  warpNoise = PerlinNoise3(1,1,1,256,1)
  # noise = PerlinNoise3()
  # warpNoise = PerlinNoise3()

  def densityFunction(x, y, z):
    point = LVecBase3f(x, y, z)
    warpfactor = 0.0004

    warp = warpNoise(LVecBase3f(x*warpfactor, y*warpfactor, z*warpfactor)) * 8
    point.componentwiseMult(LVecBase3f(warp, warp, warp))
    density = -point.z
    floor = 4

    ω = [16.03, 8.05, 4.03, 1.96, 1.01, 0.49, 0.23, 0.097] # frequencies
    A = [0.25, 0.25, 0.5, 0.5, 1, 2, 8, 32] # amplitudes
    for i in range(len(ω)):
      ωVec = LVecBase3f(ω[i], ω[i], ω[i])
      density += noise(ωVec) * A[i]

    density += max(min((floor - point.z)*3, 1), 0)*40;

    return density

  def casePoint(density):
    if density < 0:
      return 0
      return 1

  g = 1 # granularity
  chunk = [[[
    [[[densityFunction((x+32*w)/g, (y+32*h)/g, (z+32*d)/g) for x in range(33)] for y in range(33)] for z in range(33)]
  for w in range(W)] for h in range(H)] for d in range(D)]

  vdata = GeomVertexData('Land', GeomVertexFormat.get_v3n3c4(), Geom.UHStatic)

  vertices = GeomVertexWriter(vdata, 'vertex')
  normals = GeomVertexWriter(vdata, 'normal')
  colors = GeomVertexWriter(vdata, 'color')

  waterNoise = PerlinNoise2()

  ct = 0

  for h in range(H):
    for w in range(W):
      for d in range(D):
        # bigger!
        for z in range(32):
          for y in range(32):
            for x in range(32):
              v0 = chunk[d][h][w][z+1][y][x]
              v1 = chunk[d][h][w][z][y][x]
              v2 = chunk[d][h][w][z][y][x+1]
              v3 = chunk[d][h][w][z+1][y][x+1]
              v4 = chunk[d][h][w][z+1][y+1][x]
              v5 = chunk[d][h][w][z][y+1][x]
              v6 = chunk[d][h][w][z][y+1][x+1]
              v7 = chunk[d][h][w][z+1][y+1][x+1]

              case = casePoint(chunk[d][h][w][z+1][y][x])\
                    + 2*casePoint(chunk[d][h][w][z][y][x])\
                    + 4*casePoint(chunk[d][h][w][z][y][x+1])\
                    + 8*casePoint(chunk[d][h][w][z+1][y][x+1])\
                    + 16*casePoint(chunk[d][h][w][z+1][y+1][x])\
                    + 32*casePoint(chunk[d][h][w][z][y+1][x])\
                    + 64*casePoint(chunk[d][h][w][z][y+1][x+1])\
                    + 128*casePoint(chunk[d][h][w][z+1][y+1][x+1])\

              if case == 0 or case == 255:

              numpolys = TABLE['case_to_numpolys'][case][0]

              for polyIndex in range(numpolys):
                edgeConnects = TABLE['g_triTable'][case][polyIndex]

                currentTriangleVertices = []
                currentTriangleColors = []
                for edgeIndex in range(3):
                  edge = edgeConnects[edgeIndex]

                  X = x+32*w
                  Y = y+32*h
                  Z = z+32*d

                  scale = 1
                  X = scale*X
                  Y = scale*Y
                  Z = scale*Z

                  ph = min(1, (d*32+z)/32) # point height
                  ph = ph*ph*ph

                  color = None
                  # if d == 0 and z <= 7:
                  #   v = waterNoise.noise(LVecBase2f(X, Y))
                  #   b= 1 - v**2
                  #   if b > 0.99:
                  #     color = [0.12, 0.29, b, 1]

                  if edge == 0:
                    diff = abs(v0)/(abs(v0)+abs(v1))
                    diff = scale * diff
                    currentTriangleVertices.append([X, Y, Z-diff])
                    if color is None:
                      color = [0.49+0.51*ph, 0.84+0.16*ph, 0.06+0.94*ph, 1]
                  elif edge == 1:
                    diff = abs(v1)/(abs(v1)+abs(v2))
                    diff = scale * diff
                    currentTriangleVertices.append([X+diff, Y, Z-scale])
                    currentTriangleColors.append([0.89, 0.17, 0.1, 1])
                  elif edge == 2:
                    diff = abs(v3)/(abs(v3)+abs(v2))
                    diff = scale * diff
                    currentTriangleVertices.append([X+scale, Y, Z-diff])
                    if color is None:
                      color = [0.49+0.51*ph, 0.84+0.16*ph, 0.06+0.94*ph, 1]
                  elif edge == 3:
                    diff = abs(v0)/(abs(v0)+abs(v3))
                    diff = scale * diff
                    currentTriangleVertices.append([X+diff, Y, Z])
                    currentTriangleColors.append([0.89, 0.17, 0.1, 1])
                  elif edge == 4:
                    diff = abs(v4)/(abs(v4)+abs(v5))
                    diff = scale * diff
                    currentTriangleVertices.append([X, Y+scale, Z-diff])
                    if color is None:
                      color = [0.49+0.51*ph, 0.84+0.16*ph, 0.06+0.94*ph, 1]
                  elif edge == 5:
                    diff = abs(v5)/(abs(v5)+abs(v6))
                    diff = scale * diff
                    currentTriangleVertices.append([X+diff, Y+scale, Z-scale])
                    currentTriangleColors.append([0.89, 0.17, 0.1, 1])
                  elif edge == 6:
                    diff = abs(v7)/(abs(v7)+abs(v6))
                    diff = scale * diff
                    currentTriangleVertices.append([X+scale, Y+scale, Z-diff])
                    if color is None:
                      color = [0.49+0.51*ph, 0.84+0.16*ph, 0.06+0.94*ph, 1]
                  elif edge == 7:
                    diff = abs(v4)/(abs(v4)+abs(v7))
                    diff = scale * diff
                    currentTriangleVertices.append([X+diff, Y+scale, Z])
                    currentTriangleColors.append([0.89, 0.17, 0.1, 1])
                  elif edge == 8:
                    diff = abs(v0)/(abs(v0)+abs(v4))
                    diff = scale * diff
                    currentTriangleVertices.append([X, Y+diff, Z])
                    currentTriangleColors.append([0.89, 0.34, 0.1, 1])
                  elif edge == 9:
                    diff = abs(v1)/(abs(v1)+abs(v5))
                    diff = scale * diff
                    currentTriangleVertices.append([X, Y+diff, Z-scale])
                    currentTriangleColors.append([0.89, 0.34, 0.1, 1])
                  elif edge == 10:
                    diff = abs(v2)/(abs(v2)+abs(v6))
                    diff = scale * diff
                    currentTriangleVertices.append([X+scale, Y+diff, Z-scale])
                    currentTriangleColors.append([0.89, 0.34, 0.1, 1])
                  elif edge == 11:
                    diff = abs(v3)/(abs(v3)+abs(v7))
                    diff = scale * diff
                    currentTriangleVertices.append([X+scale, Y+diff, Z])
                    currentTriangleColors.append([0.89, 0.34, 0.1, 1])

                a = currentTriangleVertices[0]
                b = currentTriangleVertices[1]
                c = currentTriangleVertices[2]
                ba = LVecBase3f(b[0]-a[0], b[1]-a[1], b[2]-a[2])
                ca = LVecBase3f(c[0]-a[0], c[1]-a[1], c[2]-a[2])
                normal = ba.cross(ca).normalized()

                for i in range(3):
                  ct += 1
                  cv = currentTriangleVertices[i]
                  cn = normal
                  cc = currentTriangleColors[i]

                  vertices.addData3f(cv[0], cv[1], cv[2])
                  normals.addData3f(cn[0], cn[1], cn[2])
                  colors.addData4f(cc[0], cc[1], cc[2], cc[3])
Esempio n. 7
from panda3d.core import PerlinNoise2, PNMImage, PointLight, Shader, Texture, Vec3, Vec4
from direct.filter.CommonFilters import CommonFilters


planet = shapeGenerator.Sphere(1, 64, 'planet')

planet.setPos(5, 20, 0)

mesh = shapeGenerator.Sphere(1, 64, 'star')

mesh.setPos(-5, 20, 0)

noise = PerlinNoise2(64, 64)
texture = Texture('noise')
img = PNMImage(1024, 1024)
for y in range(1024):
    for x in range(1024):
        img.setXel(x, y, noise.noise(x, y))
mesh.setTexture(texture, 1)

mesh.setShaderInput('time', 0)
#shaders = Shader.load(Shader.SLGLSL, 'vortexVertex.glsl', 'starFrag2.glsl')
shaders = Shader.load(Shader.SLGLSL, 'sphereVertex.glsl', 'starFrag2.glsl')

light = mesh.attachNewNode(PointLight("sun"))
    def generateStackedPerlin(self, perlin, frequency, layers, frequencySpread, amplitudeSpread, id):

        for x in range(layers):
            layer = PerlinNoise2(0, 0, 256, seed=id + x)
            layer.setScale(frequency / (math.pow(frequencySpread, x)))
            perlin.addLevel(layer, 1 / (math.pow(amplitudeSpread, x)))