Esempio n. 1
def test_pickle(tmp_path):
    Checks if a network saved and reloaded as a pickle file is identical.

    net = load_net()
    filename = os.path.abspath(str(tmp_path)) + "test_net_1.p"

    # save test network
    pandapipes.to_pickle(net, filename)

    # load test network
    net2 = pandapipes.from_pickle(filename)

    # check if saved and loaded versions are identical
    assert pandapipes.nets_equal(
        net, net2), "Error in comparison after saving to Pickle."
Esempio n. 2
def test_json_string():
    Checks if a network saved and reloaded as a json file is identical.
    net = load_net()

    # save test network
    json_string = pandapipes.to_json(net)

    # load test network
    net2 = pandapipes.from_json_string(json_string)

    # check if saved and loaded versions are identical
    assert_frame_equal(net.pipe_geodata, net2.pipe_geodata)
    del net.pipe_geodata
    del net2.pipe_geodata

    assert pandapipes.nets_equal(net, net2), \
        "Error in comparison after saving to JSON string."
Esempio n. 3
def test_json(tmp_path):
    Checks if a network saved and reloaded as a json file is identical.
    net = load_net()
    filename = os.path.abspath(str(tmp_path)) + "test_net_1.json"

    # save test network
    pandapipes.to_json(net, filename)

    # load test network
    net2 = pandapipes.from_json(filename)

    # check if saved and loaded versions are identical
    assert_frame_equal(net.pipe_geodata, net2.pipe_geodata)
    del net.pipe_geodata
    del net2.pipe_geodata

    assert pandapipes.nets_equal(
        net, net2), "Error in comparison after saving to JSON."