Esempio n. 1
def _runpm(net,
           pm_file_path=None):  # pragma: no cover
    Converts the pandapower net to a pm json file, saves it to disk, runs a PowerModels.jl julia function and reads
    the results back to the pandapower net

    **net** - pandapower net

    **delete_buffer_file** (bool, True) - deletes the pm buffer json file if True.

    # convert pandapower to power models file -> this is done in python
    net, pm, ppc, ppci = convert_to_pm_structure(net)
    # call optinal callback function
    if net._options["pp_to_pm_callback"] is not None:
        net._options["pp_to_pm_callback"](net, ppci, pm)
    # writes pm json to disk, which is loaded afterwards in julia
    buffer_file = dump_pm_json(pm, pm_file_path)
    # run power models optimization in julia
    result_pm = _call_powermodels(buffer_file, net._options["julia_file"])
    # read results and write back to net
    read_pm_results_to_net(net, ppc, ppci, result_pm)
    if pm_file_path is None and delete_buffer_file:
        # delete buffer file after calculation
Esempio n. 2
def _runpm(net,
    Converts the pandapower net to a pm json file, saves it to disk, runs a PandaModels.jl, and reads
    the results back to the pandapower net:
    **net** - pandapower net
    **delete_buffer_file** (bool, True) - deletes the pm buffer json file if True.
    **pm_file_path** -path to save the converted net json file.
    **pdm_dev_mode** (bool, False) - If True, the develop mode of PdM is called.
    # convert pandapower to power models file -> this is done in python
    net, pm, ppc, ppci = convert_to_pm_structure(net)
    # call optional callback function
    if net._options["pp_to_pm_callback"] is not None:
        net._options["pp_to_pm_callback"](net, ppci, pm)
    # writes pm json to disk, which is loaded afterwards in julia
    buffer_file = dump_pm_json(pm, pm_file_path)
    logger.debug("the json file for converted net is stored in: %s" %
    # run power models optimization in julia
    result_pm = _call_pandamodels(buffer_file, net._options["julia_file"],
    # read results and write back to net
    read_pm_results_to_net(net, ppc, ppci, result_pm)
    if pm_file_path is None and delete_buffer_file:
        # delete buffer file after calculation
        logger.debug("the json file for converted net is deleted from %s" %
Esempio n. 3
def test_pm_to_pp_conversion(simple_opf_test_net):
    # this tests checks if the runopp results are the same as the ones from powermodels.
    # Results are read from a result file containing the simple_opf_test_net

    net = simple_opf_test_net
    pp.create_poly_cost(net, 0, "gen", cp1_eur_per_mw=100)

    # get pandapower opf results
    pp.runopp(net, delta=1e-13)
    va_degree = copy.deepcopy(net.res_bus.va_degree)
    vm_pu = copy.deepcopy(net.res_bus.vm_pu)

    # get previously calculated power models results
    pm_res_file = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(pp.test.__file__)),
                               "test_files", "pm_example_res.json")

    with open(pm_res_file, "r") as fp:
        result_pm = json.load(fp)
    net._options["correct_pm_network_data"] = True
    ppc, ppci = _pd2ppc(net)
    read_pm_results_to_net(net, ppc, ppci, result_pm)
    assert np.allclose(net.res_bus.vm_pu, vm_pu, atol=1e-4)
    assert np.allclose(net.res_bus.va_degree, va_degree, atol=1e-2, rtol=1e-2)