Esempio n. 1
    def _simple_new(  # type: ignore[override]
        cls, values: np.ndarray, freq: BaseOffset | None = None, dtype=TD64NS_DTYPE
    ) -> TimedeltaArray:
        # Require td64 dtype, not unit-less, matching values.dtype
        assert isinstance(dtype, np.dtype) and dtype.kind == "m"
        assert not tslibs.is_unitless(dtype)
        assert isinstance(values, np.ndarray), type(values)
        assert dtype == values.dtype

        result = super()._simple_new(values=values, dtype=dtype)
        result._freq = freq
        return result
Esempio n. 2
def astype_array_safe(values: ArrayLike,
                      copy: bool = False,
                      errors: IgnoreRaise = "raise") -> ArrayLike:
    Cast array (ndarray or ExtensionArray) to the new dtype.

    This basically is the implementation for DataFrame/Series.astype and
    includes all custom logic for pandas (NaN-safety, converting str to object,
    not allowing )

    values : ndarray or ExtensionArray
    dtype : str, dtype convertible
    copy : bool, default False
        copy if indicated
    errors : str, {'raise', 'ignore'}, default 'raise'
        - ``raise`` : allow exceptions to be raised
        - ``ignore`` : suppress exceptions. On error return original object

    ndarray or ExtensionArray
    errors_legal_values = ("raise", "ignore")

    if errors not in errors_legal_values:
        invalid_arg = (
            "Expected value of kwarg 'errors' to be one of "
            f"{list(errors_legal_values)}. Supplied value is '{errors}'")
        raise ValueError(invalid_arg)

    if inspect.isclass(dtype) and issubclass(dtype, ExtensionDtype):
        msg = (f"Expected an instance of {dtype.__name__}, "
               "but got the class instead. Try instantiating 'dtype'.")
        raise TypeError(msg)

    dtype = pandas_dtype(dtype)
    if isinstance(dtype, PandasDtype):
        # Ensure we don't end up with a PandasArray
        dtype = dtype.numpy_dtype

    if (is_datetime64_dtype(values.dtype)
            # need to do np.dtype check instead of is_datetime64_dtype
            #  otherwise pyright complains
            and isinstance(dtype, np.dtype) and dtype.kind == "M" and
            not is_unitless(dtype) and
            not is_dtype_equal(dtype, values.dtype)):
        # unit conversion, we would re-cast to nanosecond, so this is
        #  effectively just a copy (regardless of copy kwd)
        # TODO(2.0): remove special-case
        return values.copy()

        new_values = astype_array(values, dtype, copy=copy)
    except (ValueError, TypeError):
        # e.g. astype_nansafe can fail on object-dtype of strings
        #  trying to convert to float
        if errors == "ignore":
            new_values = values

    return new_values