Esempio n. 1
def _clean_spaces_backtick_quoted_names(tok):
    """Clean up a column name if surrounded by backticks.

    Backtick quoted string are indicated by a certain tokval value. If a string
    is a backtick quoted token it will processed by
    :func:`_remove_spaces_column_name` so that the parser can find this
    string when the query is executed.
    See also :meth:`NDFrame._get_space_character_free_column_resolver`.

    tok : tuple of int, str
        ints correspond to the all caps constants in the tokenize module

    t : tuple of int, str
        Either the input or token or the replacement values
    toknum, tokval = tok
    if toknum == _BACKTICK_QUOTED_STRING:
        return tokenize.NAME, _remove_spaces_column_name(tokval)
    return toknum, tokval
Esempio n. 2
def _clean_spaces_backtick_quoted_names(tok):
    """Clean up a column name if surrounded by backticks.

    Backtick quoted string are indicated by a certain tokval value. If a string
    is a backtick quoted token it will processed by
    :func:`_remove_spaces_column_name` so that the parser can find this
    string when the query is executed.
    See also :meth:`NDFrame._get_space_character_free_column_resolver`.

    tok : tuple of int, str
        ints correspond to the all caps constants in the tokenize module

    t : tuple of int, str
        Either the input or token or the replacement values
    toknum, tokval = tok
    if toknum == _BACKTICK_QUOTED_STRING:
        return tokenize.NAME, _remove_spaces_column_name(tokval)
    return toknum, tokval