Esempio n. 1
    def _convert_scalar_indexer(self, key, kind=None):
        we don't allow integer or float indexing on datetime-like when using

        key : label of the slice bound
        kind : {'ix', 'loc', 'getitem', 'iloc'} or None

        assert kind in ['ix', 'loc', 'getitem', 'iloc', None]

        # we don't allow integer/float indexing for loc
        # we don't allow float indexing for ix/getitem
        if is_scalar(key):
            is_int = is_integer(key)
            is_flt = is_float(key)
            if kind in ['loc'] and (is_int or is_flt):
                self._invalid_indexer('index', key)
            elif kind in ['ix', 'getitem'] and is_flt:
                self._invalid_indexer('index', key)

        return (super(DatetimeIndexOpsMixin, self)
                ._convert_scalar_indexer(key, kind=kind))
Esempio n. 2
    def _simple_new(cls, data, sp_index, fill_value):
        if not isinstance(sp_index, SparseIndex):
            # caller must pass SparseIndex
            raise ValueError('sp_index must be a SparseIndex')

        if fill_value is None:
            if sp_index.ngaps > 0:
                # has missing hole
                fill_value = np.nan
                fill_value = na_value_for_dtype(data.dtype)

        if (is_integer_dtype(data) and is_float(fill_value) and
                sp_index.ngaps > 0):
            # if float fill_value is being included in dense repr,
            # convert values to float
            data = data.astype(float)

        result = data.view(cls)

        if not isinstance(sp_index, SparseIndex):
            # caller must pass SparseIndex
            raise ValueError('sp_index must be a SparseIndex')

        result.sp_index = sp_index
        result._fill_value = fill_value
        return result
Esempio n. 3
    def _maybe_cast_slice_bound(self, label, side, kind):
        If label is a string, cast it to timedelta according to resolution.

        label : object
        side : {'left', 'right'}
        kind : {'ix', 'loc', 'getitem'}

        label :  object

        assert kind in ['ix', 'loc', 'getitem', None]

        if isinstance(label, compat.string_types):
            parsed = Timedelta(label)
            lbound = parsed.round(parsed.resolution)
            if side == 'left':
                return lbound
                return (lbound + to_offset(parsed.resolution) -
                        Timedelta(1, 'ns'))
        elif ((is_integer(label) or is_float(label)) and
              not is_timedelta64_dtype(label)):
            self._invalid_indexer('slice', label)

        return label
Esempio n. 4
    def _maybe_cast_slice_bound(self, label, side, kind):
        If label is a string or a datetime, cast it to Period.ordinal according
        to resolution.

        label : object
        side : {'left', 'right'}
        kind : {'ix', 'loc', 'getitem'}

        bound : Period or object

        Value of `side` parameter should be validated in caller.

        assert kind in ['ix', 'loc', 'getitem']

        if isinstance(label, datetime):
            return Period(label, freq=self.freq)
        elif isinstance(label, compat.string_types):
                _, parsed, reso = parse_time_string(label, self.freq)
                bounds = self._parsed_string_to_bounds(reso, parsed)
                return bounds[0 if side == 'left' else 1]
            except Exception:
                raise KeyError(label)
        elif is_integer(label) or is_float(label):
            self._invalid_indexer('slice', label)

        return label
Esempio n. 5
    def _value_with_fmt(self, val):
        """Convert numpy types to Python types for the Excel writers.

        val : object
            Value to be written into cells

        Tuple with the first element being the converted value and the second
            being an optional format
        fmt = None

        if is_integer(val):
            val = int(val)
        elif is_float(val):
            val = float(val)
        elif is_bool(val):
            val = bool(val)
        elif isinstance(val, datetime):
            fmt = self.datetime_format
        elif isinstance(val, date):
            fmt = self.date_format
        elif isinstance(val, timedelta):
            val = val.total_seconds() / float(86400)
            fmt = '0'
            val = compat.to_str(val)

        return val, fmt
Esempio n. 6
 def _get_string_slice(self, key, use_lhs=True, use_rhs=True):
     freq = getattr(self, 'freqstr',
                    getattr(self, 'inferred_freq', None))
     if is_integer(key) or is_float(key) or key is NaT:
         self._invalid_indexer('slice', key)
     loc = self._partial_td_slice(key, freq, use_lhs=use_lhs,
     return loc
Esempio n. 7
 def convert(value, unit, axis):
     valid_types = (str, pydt.time)
     if (isinstance(value, valid_types) or is_integer(value) or
         return time2num(value)
     if isinstance(value, Index):
     if isinstance(value, (list, tuple, np.ndarray, Index)):
         return [time2num(x) for x in value]
     return value
Esempio n. 8
 def __contains__(self, key):
     Check if key is a float and has a decimal. If it has, return False.
         if is_float(key) and int(key) != key:
             return False
         return key in self._engine
     except (OverflowError, TypeError, ValueError):
         return False
Esempio n. 9
 def _format_value(self, val):
     if is_scalar(val) and missing.isna(val):
         val = self.na_rep
     elif is_float(val):
         if missing.isposinf_scalar(val):
             val = self.inf_rep
         elif missing.isneginf_scalar(val):
             val = '-{inf}'.format(inf=self.inf_rep)
         elif self.float_format is not None:
             val = float(self.float_format % val)
     return val
Esempio n. 10
        def integer_arithmetic_method(self, other):

            op_name = op.__name__
            mask = None

            if isinstance(other, (ABCSeries, ABCIndexClass)):
                # Rely on pandas to unbox and dispatch to us.
                return NotImplemented

            if getattr(other, 'ndim', 0) > 1:
                raise NotImplementedError(
                    "can only perform ops with 1-d structures")

            if isinstance(other, IntegerArray):
                other, mask = other._data, other._mask

            elif getattr(other, 'ndim', None) == 0:
                other = other.item()

            elif is_list_like(other):
                other = np.asarray(other)
                if not other.ndim:
                    other = other.item()
                elif other.ndim == 1:
                    if not (is_float_dtype(other) or is_integer_dtype(other)):
                        raise TypeError(
                            "can only perform ops with numeric values")
                if not (is_float(other) or is_integer(other)):
                    raise TypeError("can only perform ops with numeric values")

            # nans propagate
            if mask is None:
                mask = self._mask
                mask = self._mask | mask

            # 1 ** np.nan is 1. So we have to unmask those.
            if op_name == 'pow':
                mask = np.where(self == 1, False, mask)

            elif op_name == 'rpow':
                mask = np.where(other == 1, False, mask)

            with np.errstate(all='ignore'):
                result = op(self._data, other)

            # divmod returns a tuple
            if op_name == 'divmod':
                div, mod = result
                return (self._maybe_mask_result(div, mask, other, 'floordiv'),
                        self._maybe_mask_result(mod, mask, other, 'mod'))

            return self._maybe_mask_result(result, mask, other, op_name)
Esempio n. 11
 def _format_value(self, val):
     if lib.checknull(val):
         val = self.na_rep
     elif is_float(val):
         if lib.isposinf_scalar(val):
             val = self.inf_rep
         elif lib.isneginf_scalar(val):
             val = '-{inf}'.format(inf=self.inf_rep)
         elif self.float_format is not None:
             val = float(self.float_format % val)
     return val
Esempio n. 12
def get_datevalue(date, freq):
    if isinstance(date, Period):
        return date.asfreq(freq).ordinal
    elif isinstance(date, (compat.string_types, datetime,
                 , pydt.time)):
        return Period(date, freq).ordinal
    elif (is_integer(date) or is_float(date) or
          (isinstance(date, (np.ndarray, Index)) and (date.size == 1))):
        return date
    elif date is None:
        return None
    raise ValueError("Unrecognizable date '%s'" % date)
Esempio n. 13
def get_datevalue(date, freq):
    if isinstance(date, Period):
        return date.asfreq(freq).ordinal
    elif isinstance(date, (str, datetime,, pydt.time,
        return Period(date, freq).ordinal
    elif (is_integer(date) or is_float(date) or
          (isinstance(date, (np.ndarray, Index)) and (date.size == 1))):
        return date
    elif date is None:
        return None
    raise ValueError("Unrecognizable date '{date}'".format(date=date))
Esempio n. 14
def test_from_to_scipy(spmatrix, index, columns, fill_value, dtype):
    # GH 4343

    # Make one ndarray and from it one sparse matrix, both to be used for
    # constructing frames and comparing results
    arr = np.eye(3, dtype=dtype)
    # GH 16179
    arr[0, 1] = dtype(2)
        spm = spmatrix(arr)
        assert spm.dtype == arr.dtype
    except (TypeError, AssertionError):
        # If conversion to sparse fails for this spmatrix type and arr.dtype,
        # then the combination is not currently supported in NumPy, so we
        # can just skip testing it thoroughly

    sdf = pd.SparseDataFrame(spm, index=index, columns=columns,

    # Expected result construction is kind of tricky for all
    # dtype-fill_value combinations; easiest to cast to something generic
    # and except later on
    rarr = arr.astype(object)
    rarr[arr == 0] = np.nan
    expected = pd.SparseDataFrame(rarr, index=index, columns=columns).fillna(
        fill_value if fill_value is not None else np.nan)

    # Assert frame is as expected
    sdf_obj = sdf.astype(object)
    tm.assert_sp_frame_equal(sdf_obj, expected)
    tm.assert_frame_equal(sdf_obj.to_dense(), expected.to_dense())

    # Assert spmatrices equal
    assert dict(sdf.to_coo().todok()) == dict(spm.todok())

    # Ensure dtype is preserved if possible
    was_upcast = ((fill_value is None or is_float(fill_value)) and
                  not is_object_dtype(dtype) and
                  not is_float_dtype(dtype))
    res_dtype = (bool if is_bool_dtype(dtype) else
                 float if was_upcast else
    tm.assert_contains_all(sdf.dtypes, {np.dtype(res_dtype)})
    assert sdf.to_coo().dtype == res_dtype

    # However, adding a str column results in an upcast to object
    sdf['strings'] = np.arange(len(sdf)).astype(str)
    assert sdf.to_coo().dtype == np.object_
Esempio n. 15
 def _convert_1d(values, units, axis):
     if not hasattr(axis, 'freq'):
         raise TypeError('Axis must have `freq` set to convert to Periods')
     valid_types = (compat.string_types, datetime,
                    Period,, pydt.time)
     if (isinstance(values, valid_types) or is_integer(values) or
         return get_datevalue(values, axis.freq)
     if isinstance(values, PeriodIndex):
         return values.asfreq(axis.freq)._values
     if isinstance(values, Index):
         return x: get_datevalue(x, axis.freq))
     if is_period_arraylike(values):
         return PeriodIndex(values, freq=axis.freq)._values
     if isinstance(values, (list, tuple, np.ndarray, Index)):
         return [get_datevalue(x, axis.freq) for x in values]
     return values
Esempio n. 16
 def _convert_1d(values, units, axis):
     if not hasattr(axis, 'freq'):
         raise TypeError('Axis must have `freq` set to convert to Periods')
     valid_types = (str, datetime, Period,, pydt.time,
     if (isinstance(values, valid_types) or is_integer(values) or
         return get_datevalue(values, axis.freq)
     elif isinstance(values, PeriodIndex):
         return values.asfreq(axis.freq)._ndarray_values
     elif isinstance(values, Index):
         return x: get_datevalue(x, axis.freq))
     elif lib.infer_dtype(values, skipna=False) == 'period':
         # convert ndarray[period] -> PeriodIndex
         return PeriodIndex(values, freq=axis.freq)._ndarray_values
     elif isinstance(values, (list, tuple, np.ndarray, Index)):
         return [get_datevalue(x, axis.freq) for x in values]
     return values
Esempio n. 17
def _ensure_numeric(x):
    if isinstance(x, np.ndarray):
        if is_integer_dtype(x) or is_bool_dtype(x):
            x = x.astype(np.float64)
        elif is_object_dtype(x):
                x = x.astype(np.complex128)
                x = x.astype(np.float64)
                if not np.any(x.imag):
                    x = x.real
    elif not (is_float(x) or is_integer(x) or is_complex(x)):
            x = float(x)
        except Exception:
                x = complex(x)
            except Exception:
                raise TypeError('Could not convert %s to numeric' % str(x))
    return x
Esempio n. 18
    def _convert_1d(values, unit, axis):
        def try_parse(values):
                return _dt_to_float_ordinal(tools.to_datetime(values))
            except Exception:
                return values

        if isinstance(values, (datetime,
            return _dt_to_float_ordinal(values)
        elif isinstance(values, np.datetime64):
            return _dt_to_float_ordinal(tslibs.Timestamp(values))
        elif isinstance(values, pydt.time):
            return dates.date2num(values)
        elif (is_integer(values) or is_float(values)):
            return values
        elif isinstance(values, str):
            return try_parse(values)
        elif isinstance(values, (list, tuple, np.ndarray, Index, ABCSeries)):
            if isinstance(values, ABCSeries):
                # Series was skipped. Convert to DatetimeIndex to get asi8
                values = Index(values)
            if isinstance(values, Index):
                values = values.values
            if not isinstance(values, np.ndarray):
                values = com.asarray_tuplesafe(values)

            if is_integer_dtype(values) or is_float_dtype(values):
                return values

                values = tools.to_datetime(values)
                if isinstance(values, Index):
                    values = _dt_to_float_ordinal(values)
                    values = [_dt_to_float_ordinal(x) for x in values]
            except Exception:
                values = _dt_to_float_ordinal(values)

        return values
Esempio n. 19
        def integer_arithmetic_method(self, other):

            op_name = op.__name__
            mask = None
            if isinstance(other, (ABCSeries, ABCIndexClass)):
                other = getattr(other, 'values', other)

            if isinstance(other, IntegerArray):
                other, mask = other._data, other._mask
            elif getattr(other, 'ndim', 0) > 1:
                raise NotImplementedError(
                    "can only perform ops with 1-d structures")
            elif is_list_like(other):
                other = np.asarray(other)
                if not other.ndim:
                    other = other.item()
                elif other.ndim == 1:
                    if not (is_float_dtype(other) or is_integer_dtype(other)):
                        raise TypeError(
                            "can only perform ops with numeric values")
                if not (is_float(other) or is_integer(other)):
                    raise TypeError("can only perform ops with numeric values")

            # nans propagate
            if mask is None:
                mask = self._mask
                mask = self._mask | mask

            with np.errstate(all='ignore'):
                result = op(self._data, other)

            # divmod returns a tuple
            if op_name == 'divmod':
                div, mod = result
                return (self._maybe_mask_result(div, mask, other, 'floordiv'),
                        self._maybe_mask_result(mod, mask, other, 'mod'))

            return self._maybe_mask_result(result, mask, other, op_name)
Esempio n. 20
    def _convert_1d(values, unit, axis):
        def try_parse(values):
                return _dt_to_float_ordinal(tools.to_datetime(values))
            except Exception:
                return values

        if isinstance(values, (datetime,
            return _dt_to_float_ordinal(values)
        elif isinstance(values, np.datetime64):
            return _dt_to_float_ordinal(lib.Timestamp(values))
        elif isinstance(values, pydt.time):
            return dates.date2num(values)
        elif (is_integer(values) or is_float(values)):
            return values
        elif isinstance(values, compat.string_types):
            return try_parse(values)
        elif isinstance(values, (list, tuple, np.ndarray, Index)):
            if isinstance(values, Index):
                values = values.values
            if not isinstance(values, np.ndarray):
                values = com._asarray_tuplesafe(values)

            if is_integer_dtype(values) or is_float_dtype(values):
                return values

                values = tools.to_datetime(values)
                if isinstance(values, Index):
                    values = _dt_to_float_ordinal(values)
                    values = [_dt_to_float_ordinal(x) for x in values]
            except Exception:
                values = _dt_to_float_ordinal(values)

        return values
Esempio n. 21
    def _maybe_mask_result(self, result, mask, other, op_name):
        result : array-like
        mask : array-like bool
        other : scalar or array-like
        op_name : str

        # may need to fill infs
        # and mask wraparound
        if is_float_dtype(result):
            mask |= (result == np.inf) | (result == -np.inf)

        # if we have a float operand we are by-definition
        # a float result
        # or our op is a divide
        if ((is_float_dtype(other) or is_float(other)) or
                (op_name in ['rtruediv', 'truediv', 'rdiv', 'div'])):
            result[mask] = np.nan
            return result

        return type(self)(result, mask, copy=False)
Esempio n. 22
        def integer_arithmetic_method(self, other):

            omask = None

            if getattr(other, "ndim", 0) > 1:
                raise NotImplementedError("can only perform ops with 1-d structures")

            if isinstance(other, IntegerArray):
                other, omask = other._data, other._mask

            elif is_list_like(other):
                other = np.asarray(other)
                if other.ndim > 1:
                    raise NotImplementedError(
                        "can only perform ops with 1-d structures"
                if len(self) != len(other):
                    raise ValueError("Lengths must match")
                if not (is_float_dtype(other) or is_integer_dtype(other)):
                    raise TypeError("can only perform ops with numeric values")

                if not (is_float(other) or is_integer(other) or other is libmissing.NA):
                    raise TypeError("can only perform ops with numeric values")

            if omask is None:
                mask = self._mask.copy()
                if other is libmissing.NA:
                    mask |= True
                mask = self._mask | omask

            if op_name == "pow":
                # 1 ** x is 1.
                mask = np.where((self._data == 1) & ~self._mask, False, mask)
                # x ** 0 is 1.
                if omask is not None:
                    mask = np.where((other == 0) & ~omask, False, mask)
                elif other is not libmissing.NA:
                    mask = np.where(other == 0, False, mask)

            elif op_name == "rpow":
                # 1 ** x is 1.
                if omask is not None:
                    mask = np.where((other == 1) & ~omask, False, mask)
                elif other is not libmissing.NA:
                    mask = np.where(other == 1, False, mask)
                # x ** 0 is 1.
                mask = np.where((self._data == 0) & ~self._mask, False, mask)

            if other is libmissing.NA:
                result = np.ones_like(self._data)
                with np.errstate(all="ignore"):
                    result = op(self._data, other)

            # divmod returns a tuple
            if op_name == "divmod":
                div, mod = result
                return (
                    self._maybe_mask_result(div, mask, other, "floordiv"),
                    self._maybe_mask_result(mod, mask, other, "mod"),

            return self._maybe_mask_result(result, mask, other, op_name)
Esempio n. 23
    def test_is_float(self):
        assert is_float(1.1)
        assert is_float(np.float64(1.1))
        assert is_float(np.nan)

        assert not is_float(True)
        assert not is_float(1)
        assert not is_float(1 + 3j)
        assert not is_float(np.bool(False))
        assert not is_float(np.bool_(False))
        assert not is_float(np.int64(1))
        assert not is_float(np.complex128(1 + 3j))
        assert not is_float(None)
        assert not is_float("x")
        assert not is_float(datetime(2011, 1, 1))
        assert not is_float(np.datetime64("2011-01-01"))
        assert not is_float(Timestamp("2011-01-01"))
        assert not is_float(Timestamp("2011-01-01", tz="US/Eastern"))
        assert not is_float(timedelta(1000))
        assert not is_float(np.timedelta64(1, "D"))
        assert not is_float(Timedelta("1 days"))
Esempio n. 24
def interval_range(start=None, end=None, periods=None, freq=None,
                   name=None, closed='right'):
    Return a fixed frequency IntervalIndex

    start : numeric or datetime-like, default None
        Left bound for generating intervals
    end : numeric or datetime-like, default None
        Right bound for generating intervals
    periods : integer, default None
        Number of periods to generate
    freq : numeric, string, or DateOffset, default None
        The length of each interval. Must be consistent with the type of start
        and end, e.g. 2 for numeric, or '5H' for datetime-like.  Default is 1
        for numeric and 'D' (calendar daily) for datetime-like.
    name : string, default None
        Name of the resulting IntervalIndex
    closed : {'left', 'right', 'both', 'neither'}, default 'right'
        Whether the intervals are closed on the left-side, right-side, both
        or neither.

    Of the three parameters: ``start``, ``end``, and ``periods``, exactly two
    must be specified.

    rng : IntervalIndex

    Numeric ``start`` and  ``end`` is supported.

    >>> pd.interval_range(start=0, end=5)
    IntervalIndex([(0, 1], (1, 2], (2, 3], (3, 4], (4, 5]]
                  closed='right', dtype='interval[int64]')

    Additionally, datetime-like input is also supported.

    >>> pd.interval_range(start=pd.Timestamp('2017-01-01'),
    IntervalIndex([(2017-01-01, 2017-01-02], (2017-01-02, 2017-01-03],
                   (2017-01-03, 2017-01-04]]
                  closed='right', dtype='interval[datetime64[ns]]')

    The ``freq`` parameter specifies the frequency between the left and right.
    endpoints of the individual intervals within the ``IntervalIndex``.  For
    numeric ``start`` and ``end``, the frequency must also be numeric.

    >>> pd.interval_range(start=0, periods=4, freq=1.5)
    IntervalIndex([(0.0, 1.5], (1.5, 3.0], (3.0, 4.5], (4.5, 6.0]]
                  closed='right', dtype='interval[float64]')

    Similarly, for datetime-like ``start`` and ``end``, the frequency must be
    convertible to a DateOffset.

    >>> pd.interval_range(start=pd.Timestamp('2017-01-01'),
                          periods=3, freq='MS')
    IntervalIndex([(2017-01-01, 2017-02-01], (2017-02-01, 2017-03-01],
                   (2017-03-01, 2017-04-01]]
                  closed='right', dtype='interval[datetime64[ns]]')

    The ``closed`` parameter specifies which endpoints of the individual
    intervals within the ``IntervalIndex`` are closed.

    >>> pd.interval_range(end=5, periods=4, closed='both')
    IntervalIndex([[1, 2], [2, 3], [3, 4], [4, 5]]
                  closed='both', dtype='interval[int64]')

    See Also
    IntervalIndex : an Index of intervals that are all closed on the same side.
    if _count_not_none(start, end, periods) != 2:
        raise ValueError('Of the three parameters: start, end, and periods, '
                         'exactly two must be specified')

    start = _maybe_box_datetimelike(start)
    end = _maybe_box_datetimelike(end)
    endpoint = next(_not_none(start, end))

    if not _is_valid_endpoint(start):
        msg = 'start must be numeric or datetime-like, got {start}'
        raise ValueError(msg.format(start=start))

    if not _is_valid_endpoint(end):
        msg = 'end must be numeric or datetime-like, got {end}'
        raise ValueError(msg.format(end=end))

    if is_float(periods):
        periods = int(periods)
    elif not is_integer(periods) and periods is not None:
        msg = 'periods must be a number, got {periods}'
        raise TypeError(msg.format(periods=periods))

    freq = freq or (1 if is_number(endpoint) else 'D')
    if not is_number(freq):
            freq = to_offset(freq)
        except ValueError:
            raise ValueError('freq must be numeric or convertible to '
                             'DateOffset, got {freq}'.format(freq=freq))

    # verify type compatibility
    if not all([_is_type_compatible(start, end),
                _is_type_compatible(start, freq),
                _is_type_compatible(end, freq)]):
        raise TypeError("start, end, freq need to be type compatible")

    if is_number(endpoint):
        if periods is None:
            periods = int((end - start) // freq)

        if start is None:
            start = end - periods * freq

        # force end to be consistent with freq (lower if freq skips over end)
        end = start + periods * freq

        # end + freq for inclusive endpoint
        breaks = np.arange(start, end + freq, freq)
    elif isinstance(endpoint, Timestamp):
        # add one to account for interval endpoints (n breaks = n-1 intervals)
        if periods is not None:
            periods += 1
        breaks = date_range(start=start, end=end, periods=periods, freq=freq)
        # add one to account for interval endpoints (n breaks = n-1 intervals)
        if periods is not None:
            periods += 1
        breaks = timedelta_range(start=start, end=end, periods=periods,

    return IntervalIndex.from_breaks(breaks, name=name, closed=closed)
Esempio n. 25
    def __new__(cls, data=None, unit=None,
                freq=None, start=None, end=None, periods=None,
                copy=False, name=None,
                closed=None, verify_integrity=True, **kwargs):

        if isinstance(data, TimedeltaIndex) and freq is None and name is None:
            if copy:
                return data.copy()
                return data._shallow_copy()

        freq_infer = False
        if not isinstance(freq, DateOffset):

            # if a passed freq is None, don't infer automatically
            if freq != 'infer':
                freq = to_offset(freq)
                freq_infer = True
                freq = None

        if periods is not None:
            if is_float(periods):
                periods = int(periods)
            elif not is_integer(periods):
                raise ValueError('Periods must be a number, got %s' %

        if data is None and freq is None:
            raise ValueError("Must provide freq argument if no data is "

        if data is None:
            return cls._generate(start, end, periods, name, freq,

        if unit is not None:
            data = to_timedelta(data, unit=unit, box=False)

        if not isinstance(data, (np.ndarray, Index, ABCSeries)):
            if is_scalar(data):
                raise ValueError('TimedeltaIndex() must be called with a '
                                 'collection of some kind, %s was passed'
                                 % repr(data))

        # convert if not already
        if getattr(data, 'dtype', None) != _TD_DTYPE:
            data = to_timedelta(data, unit=unit, box=False)
        elif copy:
            data = np.array(data, copy=True)

        # check that we are matching freqs
        if verify_integrity and len(data) > 0:
            if freq is not None and not freq_infer:
                index = cls._simple_new(data, name=name)
                inferred = index.inferred_freq
                if inferred != freq.freqstr:
                    on_freq = cls._generate(
                        index[0], None, len(index), name, freq)
                    if not np.array_equal(index.asi8, on_freq.asi8):
                        raise ValueError('Inferred frequency {0} from passed '
                                         'timedeltas does not conform to '
                                         'passed frequency {1}'
                                         .format(inferred, freq.freqstr))
                index.freq = freq
                return index

        if freq_infer:
            index = cls._simple_new(data, name=name)
            inferred = index.inferred_freq
            if inferred:
                index.freq = to_offset(inferred)
            return index

        return cls._simple_new(data, name=name, freq=freq)
Esempio n. 26
def interval_range(start=None, end=None, periods=None, freq=None,
                   name=None, closed='right'):
    Return a fixed frequency IntervalIndex

    start : numeric or datetime-like, default None
        Left bound for generating intervals
    end : numeric or datetime-like, default None
        Right bound for generating intervals
    periods : integer, default None
        Number of periods to generate
    freq : numeric, string, or DateOffset, default None
        The length of each interval. Must be consistent with the type of start
        and end, e.g. 2 for numeric, or '5H' for datetime-like.  Default is 1
        for numeric and 'D' (calendar daily) for datetime-like.
    name : string, default None
        Name of the resulting IntervalIndex
    closed : string, default 'right'
        options are: 'left', 'right', 'both', 'neither'

    Of the three parameters: ``start``, ``end``, and ``periods``, exactly two
    must be specified.

    rng : IntervalIndex

    Numeric ``start`` and  ``end`` is supported.

    >>> pd.interval_range(start=0, end=5)
    IntervalIndex([(0, 1], (1, 2], (2, 3], (3, 4], (4, 5]]
                  closed='right', dtype='interval[int64]')

    Additionally, datetime-like input is also supported.

    >>> pd.interval_range(start=pd.Timestamp('2017-01-01'),
    IntervalIndex([(2017-01-01, 2017-01-02], (2017-01-02, 2017-01-03],
                   (2017-01-03, 2017-01-04]]
                  closed='right', dtype='interval[datetime64[ns]]')

    The ``freq`` parameter specifies the frequency between the left and right.
    endpoints of the individual intervals within the ``IntervalIndex``.  For
    numeric ``start`` and ``end``, the frequency must also be numeric.

    >>> pd.interval_range(start=0, periods=4, freq=1.5)
    IntervalIndex([(0.0, 1.5], (1.5, 3.0], (3.0, 4.5], (4.5, 6.0]]
                  closed='right', dtype='interval[float64]')

    Similarly, for datetime-like ``start`` and ``end``, the frequency must be
    convertible to a DateOffset.

    >>> pd.interval_range(start=pd.Timestamp('2017-01-01'),
                          periods=3, freq='MS')
    IntervalIndex([(2017-01-01, 2017-02-01], (2017-02-01, 2017-03-01],
                   (2017-03-01, 2017-04-01]]
                  closed='right', dtype='interval[datetime64[ns]]')

    The ``closed`` parameter specifies which endpoints of the individual
    intervals within the ``IntervalIndex`` are closed.

    >>> pd.interval_range(end=5, periods=4, closed='both')
    IntervalIndex([[1, 2], [2, 3], [3, 4], [4, 5]]
                  closed='both', dtype='interval[int64]')

    See Also
    IntervalIndex : an Index of intervals that are all closed on the same side.
    if com._count_not_none(start, end, periods) != 2:
        raise ValueError('Of the three parameters: start, end, and periods, '
                         'exactly two must be specified')

    start = com._maybe_box_datetimelike(start)
    end = com._maybe_box_datetimelike(end)
    endpoint = next(com._not_none(start, end))

    if not _is_valid_endpoint(start):
        msg = 'start must be numeric or datetime-like, got {start}'
        raise ValueError(msg.format(start=start))

    if not _is_valid_endpoint(end):
        msg = 'end must be numeric or datetime-like, got {end}'
        raise ValueError(msg.format(end=end))

    if is_float(periods):
        periods = int(periods)
    elif not is_integer(periods) and periods is not None:
        msg = 'periods must be a number, got {periods}'
        raise TypeError(msg.format(periods=periods))

    freq = freq or (1 if is_number(endpoint) else 'D')
    if not is_number(freq):
            freq = to_offset(freq)
        except ValueError:
            raise ValueError('freq must be numeric or convertible to '
                             'DateOffset, got {freq}'.format(freq=freq))

    # verify type compatibility
    if not all([_is_type_compatible(start, end),
                _is_type_compatible(start, freq),
                _is_type_compatible(end, freq)]):
        raise TypeError("start, end, freq need to be type compatible")

    if is_number(endpoint):
        if periods is None:
            periods = int((end - start) // freq)

        if start is None:
            start = end - periods * freq

        # force end to be consistent with freq (lower if freq skips over end)
        end = start + periods * freq

        # end + freq for inclusive endpoint
        breaks = np.arange(start, end + freq, freq)
    elif isinstance(endpoint, Timestamp):
        # add one to account for interval endpoints (n breaks = n-1 intervals)
        if periods is not None:
            periods += 1
        breaks = date_range(start=start, end=end, periods=periods, freq=freq)
        # add one to account for interval endpoints (n breaks = n-1 intervals)
        if periods is not None:
            periods += 1
        breaks = timedelta_range(start=start, end=end, periods=periods,

    return IntervalIndex.from_breaks(breaks, name=name, closed=closed)
Esempio n. 27
def infer_dtype_from_scalar(val, pandas_dtype: bool = False):
    Interpret the dtype from a scalar.

    pandas_dtype : bool, default False
        whether to infer dtype including pandas extension types.
        If False, scalar belongs to pandas extension types is inferred as

    dtype = np.object_

    # a 1-element ndarray
    if isinstance(val, np.ndarray):
        msg = "invalid ndarray passed to infer_dtype_from_scalar"
        if val.ndim != 0:
            raise ValueError(msg)

        dtype = val.dtype
        val = val.item()

    elif isinstance(val, str):

        # If we create an empty array using a string to infer
        # the dtype, NumPy will only allocate one character per entry
        # so this is kind of bad. Alternately we could use np.repeat
        # instead of np.empty (but then you still don't want things
        # coming out as np.str_!

        dtype = np.object_

    elif isinstance(val, (np.datetime64, datetime)):
        val = tslibs.Timestamp(val)
        if val is tslibs.NaT or is None:
            dtype = np.dtype("M8[ns]")
            if pandas_dtype:
                dtype = DatetimeTZDtype(unit="ns",
                # return datetimetz as object
                return np.object_, val
        val = val.value

    elif isinstance(val, (np.timedelta64, timedelta)):
        val = tslibs.Timedelta(val).value
        dtype = np.dtype("m8[ns]")

    elif is_bool(val):
        dtype = np.bool_

    elif is_integer(val):
        if isinstance(val, np.integer):
            dtype = type(val)
            dtype = np.int64

    elif is_float(val):
        if isinstance(val, np.floating):
            dtype = type(val)
            dtype = np.float64

    elif is_complex(val):
        dtype = np.complex_

    elif pandas_dtype:
        if lib.is_period(val):
            dtype = PeriodDtype(freq=val.freq)
            val = val.ordinal
        elif lib.is_interval(val):
            subtype = infer_dtype_from_scalar(val.left, pandas_dtype=True)[0]
            dtype = IntervalDtype(subtype=subtype)

    return dtype, val
Esempio n. 28
 def _get_string_slice(self, key):
     if is_integer(key) or is_float(key) or key is NaT:
         self._invalid_indexer("slice", key)
     loc = self._partial_td_slice(key)
     return loc
Esempio n. 29
    def __new__(cls,

        if isinstance(data, TimedeltaIndex) and freq is None and name is None:
            if copy:
                return data.copy()
                return data._shallow_copy()

        freq_infer = False
        if not isinstance(freq, DateOffset):

            # if a passed freq is None, don't infer automatically
            if freq != 'infer':
                freq = to_offset(freq)
                freq_infer = True
                freq = None

        if periods is not None:
            if is_float(periods):
                periods = int(periods)
            elif not is_integer(periods):
                raise ValueError('Periods must be a number, got %s' %

        if data is None and freq is None:
            raise ValueError("Must provide freq argument if no data is "

        if data is None:
            return cls._generate(start,

        if unit is not None:
            data = to_timedelta(data, unit=unit, box=False)

        if not isinstance(data, (np.ndarray, Index, ABCSeries)):
            if is_scalar(data):
                raise ValueError('TimedeltaIndex() must be called with a '
                                 'collection of some kind, %s was passed' %

        # convert if not already
        if getattr(data, 'dtype', None) != _TD_DTYPE:
            data = to_timedelta(data, unit=unit, box=False)
        elif copy:
            data = np.array(data, copy=True)

        # check that we are matching freqs
        if verify_integrity and len(data) > 0:
            if freq is not None and not freq_infer:
                index = cls._simple_new(data, name=name)
                inferred = index.inferred_freq
                if inferred != freq.freqstr:
                    on_freq = cls._generate(index[0], None, len(index), name,
                    if not np.array_equal(index.asi8, on_freq.asi8):
                        raise ValueError('Inferred frequency {0} from passed '
                                         'timedeltas does not conform to '
                                         'passed frequency {1}'.format(
                                             inferred, freq.freqstr))
                index.freq = freq
                return index

        if freq_infer:
            index = cls._simple_new(data, name=name)
            inferred = index.inferred_freq
            if inferred:
                index.freq = to_offset(inferred)
            return index

        return cls._simple_new(data, name=name, freq=freq)
Esempio n. 30
 def default_display_func(x):
     if is_float(x):
         return "{:>.{precision}g}".format(x, precision=self.precision)
         return x
Esempio n. 31
def _adjust_to_origin(arg, origin, unit):
    Helper function for to_datetime.
    Adjust input argument to the specified origin

    arg : list, tuple, ndarray, Series, Index
        date to be adjusted
    origin : 'julian' or Timestamp
        origin offset for the arg
    unit : str
        passed unit from to_datetime, must be 'D'

    ndarray or scalar of adjusted date(s)
    if origin == "julian":
        original = arg
        j0 = Timestamp(0).to_julian_date()
        if unit != "D":
            raise ValueError("unit must be 'D' for origin='julian'")
            arg = arg - j0
        except TypeError as err:
            raise ValueError(
                "incompatible 'arg' type for given 'origin'='julian'"
            ) from err

        # preemptively check this for a nice range
        j_max = Timestamp.max.to_julian_date() - j0
        j_min = Timestamp.min.to_julian_date() - j0
        if np.any(arg > j_max) or np.any(arg < j_min):
            raise OutOfBoundsDatetime(
                f"{original} is Out of Bounds for origin='julian'"
        # arg must be numeric
        if not (
            (is_scalar(arg) and (is_integer(arg) or is_float(arg)))
            or is_numeric_dtype(np.asarray(arg))
            raise ValueError(
                f"'{arg}' is not compatible with origin='{origin}'; "
                "it must be numeric with a unit specified"

        # we are going to offset back to unix / epoch time
            offset = Timestamp(origin)
        except OutOfBoundsDatetime as err:
            raise OutOfBoundsDatetime(f"origin {origin} is Out of Bounds") from err
        except ValueError as err:
            raise ValueError(
                f"origin {origin} cannot be converted to a Timestamp"
            ) from err

        if is not None:
            raise ValueError(f"origin offset {offset} must be tz-naive")
        td_offset = offset - Timestamp(0)

        # convert the offset to the unit of the arg
        # this should be lossless in terms of precision
        ioffset = td_offset // Timedelta(1, unit=unit)

        # scalars & ndarray-like can handle the addition
        if is_list_like(arg) and not isinstance(arg, (ABCSeries, Index, np.ndarray)):
            arg = np.asarray(arg)
        arg = arg + ioffset
    return arg
Esempio n. 32
 def default_display_func(x):
     if is_float(x):
         display_format = "{0:.{precision}f}".format(x, precision=self.precision)
         return display_format
         return x
Esempio n. 33
    def __new__(cls, data=None, unit=None, freq=None, start=None, end=None,
                periods=None, closed=None, dtype=None, copy=False,
                name=None, verify_integrity=True):

        if isinstance(data, TimedeltaIndex) and freq is None and name is None:
            if copy:
                return data.copy()
                return data._shallow_copy()

        freq_infer = False
        if not isinstance(freq, DateOffset):

            # if a passed freq is None, don't infer automatically
            if freq != 'infer':
                freq = to_offset(freq)
                freq_infer = True
                freq = None

        if periods is not None:
            if is_float(periods):
                periods = int(periods)
            elif not is_integer(periods):
                msg = 'periods must be a number, got {periods}'
                raise TypeError(msg.format(periods=periods))

        if data is None:
            if freq is None and com._any_none(periods, start, end):
                msg = 'Must provide freq argument if no data is supplied'
                raise ValueError(msg)
                return cls._generate(start, end, periods, name, freq,

        if unit is not None:
            data = to_timedelta(data, unit=unit, box=False)

        if not isinstance(data, (np.ndarray, Index, ABCSeries)):
            if is_scalar(data):
                raise ValueError('TimedeltaIndex() must be called with a '
                                 'collection of some kind, %s was passed'
                                 % repr(data))

        # convert if not already
        if getattr(data, 'dtype', None) != _TD_DTYPE:
            data = to_timedelta(data, unit=unit, box=False)
        elif copy:
            data = np.array(data, copy=True)

        # check that we are matching freqs
        if verify_integrity and len(data) > 0:
            if freq is not None and not freq_infer:
                index = cls._simple_new(data, name=name)
                cls._validate_frequency(index, freq)
                index.freq = freq
                return index

        if freq_infer:
            index = cls._simple_new(data, name=name)
            inferred = index.inferred_freq
            if inferred:
                index.freq = to_offset(inferred)
            return index

        return cls._simple_new(data, name=name, freq=freq)
Esempio n. 34
def _adjust_to_origin(arg, origin, unit):
    Helper function for to_datetime.
    Adjust input argument to the specified origin

    arg : list, tuple, ndarray, Series, Index
        date to be adjusted
    origin : 'julian' or Timestamp
        origin offset for the arg
    unit : string
        passed unit from to_datetime, must be 'D'

    ndarray or scalar of adjusted date(s)
    if origin == 'julian':
        original = arg
        j0 = Timestamp(0).to_julian_date()
        if unit != 'D':
            raise ValueError("unit must be 'D' for origin='julian'")
            arg = arg - j0
        except TypeError:
            raise ValueError("incompatible 'arg' type for given "

        # premptively check this for a nice range
        j_max = Timestamp.max.to_julian_date() - j0
        j_min = Timestamp.min.to_julian_date() - j0
        if np.any(arg > j_max) or np.any(arg < j_min):
            raise tslibs.OutOfBoundsDatetime(
                "{original} is Out of Bounds for "
        # arg must be numeric
        if not ((is_scalar(arg) and (is_integer(arg) or is_float(arg))) or
            raise ValueError(
                "'{arg}' is not compatible with origin='{origin}'; "
                "it must be numeric with a unit specified ".format(

        # we are going to offset back to unix / epoch time
            offset = Timestamp(origin)
        except tslibs.OutOfBoundsDatetime:
            raise tslibs.OutOfBoundsDatetime(
                "origin {origin} is Out of Bounds".format(origin=origin))
        except ValueError:
            raise ValueError("origin {origin} cannot be converted "
                             "to a Timestamp".format(origin=origin))

        if is not None:
            raise ValueError(
                "origin offset {} must be tz-naive".format(offset))
        offset -= Timestamp(0)

        # convert the offset to the unit of the arg
        # this should be lossless in terms of precision
        offset = offset // tslibs.Timedelta(1, unit=unit)

        # scalars & ndarray-like can handle the addition
        if is_list_like(arg) and not isinstance(
                arg, (ABCSeries, ABCIndexClass, np.ndarray)):
            arg = np.asarray(arg)
        arg = arg + offset
    return arg
Esempio n. 35
def maybe_promote(dtype, fill_value=np.nan):
    Find the minimal dtype that can hold both the given dtype and fill_value.

    dtype : np.dtype or ExtensionDtype
    fill_value : scalar, default np.nan

        Upcasted from dtype argument if necessary.
        Upcasted from fill_value argument if necessary.
    if not is_scalar(fill_value) and not is_object_dtype(dtype):
        # with object dtype there is nothing to promote, and the user can
        #  pass pretty much any weird fill_value they like
        raise ValueError("fill_value must be a scalar")

    # if we passed an array here, determine the fill value by dtype
    if isinstance(fill_value, np.ndarray):
        if issubclass(fill_value.dtype.type, (np.datetime64, np.timedelta64)):
            fill_value = fill_value.dtype.type("NaT", "ns")

            # we need to change to object type as our
            # fill_value is of object type
            if fill_value.dtype == np.object_:
                dtype = np.dtype(np.object_)
            fill_value = np.nan

        if dtype == np.object_ or dtype.kind in ["U", "S"]:
            # We treat string-like dtypes as object, and _always_ fill
            #  with np.nan
            fill_value = np.nan
            dtype = np.dtype(np.object_)

    # returns tuple of (dtype, fill_value)
    if issubclass(dtype.type, np.datetime64):
        if isinstance(fill_value, datetime) and fill_value.tzinfo is not None:
            # Trying to insert tzaware into tznaive, have to cast to object
            dtype = np.dtype(np.object_)
        elif is_integer(fill_value) or (is_float(fill_value)
                                        and not isna(fill_value)):
            dtype = np.dtype(np.object_)
                fill_value = tslibs.Timestamp(fill_value).to_datetime64()
            except (TypeError, ValueError):
                dtype = np.dtype(np.object_)
    elif issubclass(dtype.type, np.timedelta64):
        if (is_integer(fill_value)
                or (is_float(fill_value) and not np.isnan(fill_value))
                or isinstance(fill_value, str)):
            # TODO: What about str that can be a timedelta?
            dtype = np.dtype(np.object_)
                fv = tslibs.Timedelta(fill_value)
            except ValueError:
                dtype = np.dtype(np.object_)
                if fv is NaT:
                    # NaT has no `to_timedelta64` method
                    fill_value = np.timedelta64("NaT", "ns")
                    fill_value = fv.to_timedelta64()
    elif is_datetime64tz_dtype(dtype):
        if isna(fill_value):
            fill_value = NaT
        elif not isinstance(fill_value, datetime):
            dtype = np.dtype(np.object_)
        elif fill_value.tzinfo is None:
            dtype = np.dtype(np.object_)
        elif not tz_compare(fill_value.tzinfo,
            # TODO: sure we want to cast here?
            dtype = np.dtype(np.object_)

    elif is_extension_array_dtype(dtype) and isna(fill_value):
        fill_value = dtype.na_value

    elif is_float(fill_value):
        if issubclass(dtype.type, np.bool_):
            dtype = np.dtype(np.object_)

        elif issubclass(dtype.type, np.integer):
            dtype = np.dtype(np.float64)

        elif dtype.kind == "f":
            mst = np.min_scalar_type(fill_value)
            if mst > dtype:
                # e.g. mst is np.float64 and dtype is np.float32
                dtype = mst

        elif dtype.kind == "c":
            mst = np.min_scalar_type(fill_value)
            dtype = np.promote_types(dtype, mst)

    elif is_bool(fill_value):
        if not issubclass(dtype.type, np.bool_):
            dtype = np.dtype(np.object_)

    elif is_integer(fill_value):
        if issubclass(dtype.type, np.bool_):
            dtype = np.dtype(np.object_)

        elif issubclass(dtype.type, np.integer):
            if not np.can_cast(fill_value, dtype):
                # upcast to prevent overflow
                mst = np.min_scalar_type(fill_value)
                dtype = np.promote_types(dtype, mst)
                if dtype.kind == "f":
                    # Case where we disagree with numpy
                    dtype = np.dtype(np.object_)

    elif is_complex(fill_value):
        if issubclass(dtype.type, np.bool_):
            dtype = np.dtype(np.object_)

        elif issubclass(dtype.type, (np.integer, np.floating)):
            mst = np.min_scalar_type(fill_value)
            dtype = np.promote_types(dtype, mst)

        elif dtype.kind == "c":
            mst = np.min_scalar_type(fill_value)
            if mst > dtype:
                # e.g. mst is np.complex128 and dtype is np.complex64
                dtype = mst

    elif fill_value is None:
        if is_float_dtype(dtype) or is_complex_dtype(dtype):
            fill_value = np.nan
        elif is_integer_dtype(dtype):
            dtype = np.float64
            fill_value = np.nan
        elif is_datetime_or_timedelta_dtype(dtype):
            fill_value = dtype.type("NaT", "ns")
            dtype = np.dtype(np.object_)
            fill_value = np.nan
        dtype = np.dtype(np.object_)

    # in case we have a string that looked like a number
    if is_extension_array_dtype(dtype):
    elif issubclass(np.dtype(dtype).type, (bytes, str)):
        dtype = np.dtype(np.object_)

    fill_value = _ensure_dtype_type(fill_value, dtype)
    return dtype, fill_value
Esempio n. 36
    def test_is_float(self):
        assert is_float(1.1)
        assert is_float(np.float64(1.1))
        assert is_float(np.nan)

        assert not is_float(True)
        assert not is_float(1)
        assert not is_float(1 + 3j)
        assert not is_float(np.bool(False))
        assert not is_float(np.bool_(False))
        assert not is_float(np.int64(1))
        assert not is_float(np.complex128(1 + 3j))
        assert not is_float(None)
        assert not is_float('x')
        assert not is_float(datetime(2011, 1, 1))
        assert not is_float(np.datetime64('2011-01-01'))
        assert not is_float(Timestamp('2011-01-01'))
        assert not is_float(Timestamp('2011-01-01', tz='US/Eastern'))
        assert not is_float(timedelta(1000))
        assert not is_float(np.timedelta64(1, 'D'))
        assert not is_float(Timedelta('1 days'))
Esempio n. 37
    def __new__(cls, data=None, unit=None, freq=None, start=None, end=None,
                periods=None, closed=None, dtype=None, copy=False,
                name=None, verify_integrity=True):

        if isinstance(data, TimedeltaIndex) and freq is None and name is None:
            if copy:
                return data.copy()
                return data._shallow_copy()

        freq_infer = False
        if not isinstance(freq, DateOffset):

            # if a passed freq is None, don't infer automatically
            if freq != 'infer':
                freq = to_offset(freq)
                freq_infer = True
                freq = None

        if periods is not None:
            if is_float(periods):
                periods = int(periods)
            elif not is_integer(periods):
                msg = 'periods must be a number, got {periods}'
                raise TypeError(msg.format(periods=periods))

        if data is None:
            if freq is None and com._any_none(periods, start, end):
                msg = 'Must provide freq argument if no data is supplied'
                raise ValueError(msg)
                return cls._generate(start, end, periods, name, freq,

        if unit is not None:
            data = to_timedelta(data, unit=unit, box=False)

        if not isinstance(data, (np.ndarray, Index, ABCSeries)):
            if is_scalar(data):
                raise ValueError('TimedeltaIndex() must be called with a '
                                 'collection of some kind, %s was passed'
                                 % repr(data))

        # convert if not already
        if getattr(data, 'dtype', None) != _TD_DTYPE:
            data = to_timedelta(data, unit=unit, box=False)
        elif copy:
            data = np.array(data, copy=True)

        # check that we are matching freqs
        if verify_integrity and len(data) > 0:
            if freq is not None and not freq_infer:
                index = cls._simple_new(data, name=name)
                cls._validate_frequency(index, freq)
                index.freq = freq
                return index

        if freq_infer:
            index = cls._simple_new(data, name=name)
            inferred = index.inferred_freq
            if inferred:
                index.freq = to_offset(inferred)
            return index

        return cls._simple_new(data, name=name, freq=freq)
Esempio n. 38
def interval_range(
    name: Hashable = None,
    closed: lib.NoDefault = lib.no_default,
    inclusive: IntervalClosedType | None = None,
) -> IntervalIndex:
    Return a fixed frequency IntervalIndex.

    start : numeric or datetime-like, default None
        Left bound for generating intervals.
    end : numeric or datetime-like, default None
        Right bound for generating intervals.
    periods : int, default None
        Number of periods to generate.
    freq : numeric, str, or DateOffset, default None
        The length of each interval. Must be consistent with the type of start
        and end, e.g. 2 for numeric, or '5H' for datetime-like.  Default is 1
        for numeric and 'D' for datetime-like.
    name : str, default None
        Name of the resulting IntervalIndex.
    closed : {'left', 'right', 'both', 'neither'}, default 'right'
        Whether the intervals are closed on the left-side, right-side, both
        or neither.

        .. deprecated:: 1.5.0
           Argument `closed` has been deprecated to standardize boundary inputs.
           Use `inclusive` instead, to set each bound as closed or open.
    inclusive : {"both", "neither", "left", "right"}, default "both"
        Include boundaries; Whether to set each bound as closed or open.

        .. versionadded:: 1.5.0


    See Also
    IntervalIndex : An Index of intervals that are all closed on the same side.

    Of the four parameters ``start``, ``end``, ``periods``, and ``freq``,
    exactly three must be specified. If ``freq`` is omitted, the resulting
    ``IntervalIndex`` will have ``periods`` linearly spaced elements between
    ``start`` and ``end``, inclusively.

    To learn more about datetime-like frequency strings, please see `this link

    Numeric ``start`` and  ``end`` is supported.

    >>> pd.interval_range(start=0, end=5, inclusive="right")
    IntervalIndex([(0, 1], (1, 2], (2, 3], (3, 4], (4, 5]],
                  dtype='interval[int64, right]')

    Additionally, datetime-like input is also supported.

    >>> pd.interval_range(start=pd.Timestamp('2017-01-01'),
    ...                   end=pd.Timestamp('2017-01-04'), inclusive="right")
    IntervalIndex([(2017-01-01, 2017-01-02], (2017-01-02, 2017-01-03],
                   (2017-01-03, 2017-01-04]],
                  dtype='interval[datetime64[ns], right]')

    The ``freq`` parameter specifies the frequency between the left and right.
    endpoints of the individual intervals within the ``IntervalIndex``.  For
    numeric ``start`` and ``end``, the frequency must also be numeric.

    >>> pd.interval_range(start=0, periods=4, freq=1.5, inclusive="right")
    IntervalIndex([(0.0, 1.5], (1.5, 3.0], (3.0, 4.5], (4.5, 6.0]],
                  dtype='interval[float64, right]')

    Similarly, for datetime-like ``start`` and ``end``, the frequency must be
    convertible to a DateOffset.

    >>> pd.interval_range(start=pd.Timestamp('2017-01-01'),
    ...                   periods=3, freq='MS', inclusive="right")
    IntervalIndex([(2017-01-01, 2017-02-01], (2017-02-01, 2017-03-01],
                   (2017-03-01, 2017-04-01]],
                  dtype='interval[datetime64[ns], right]')

    Specify ``start``, ``end``, and ``periods``; the frequency is generated
    automatically (linearly spaced).

    >>> pd.interval_range(start=0, end=6, periods=4, inclusive="right")
    IntervalIndex([(0.0, 1.5], (1.5, 3.0], (3.0, 4.5], (4.5, 6.0]],
              dtype='interval[float64, right]')

    The ``inclusive`` parameter specifies which endpoints of the individual
    intervals within the ``IntervalIndex`` are closed.

    >>> pd.interval_range(end=5, periods=4, inclusive='both')
    IntervalIndex([[1, 2], [2, 3], [3, 4], [4, 5]],
                  dtype='interval[int64, both]')
    if inclusive is not None and not isinstance(closed, lib.NoDefault):
        raise ValueError(
            "Deprecated argument `closed` cannot be passed "
            "if argument `inclusive` is not None"
    elif not isinstance(closed, lib.NoDefault):
            "Argument `closed` is deprecated in favor of `inclusive`.",
        if closed is None:
            inclusive = "both"
        elif closed in ("both", "neither", "left", "right"):
            inclusive = closed
            raise ValueError(
                "Argument `closed` has to be either"
                "'both', 'neither', 'left' or 'right'"
    elif inclusive is None:
        inclusive = "both"

    start = maybe_box_datetimelike(start)
    end = maybe_box_datetimelike(end)
    endpoint = start if start is not None else end

    if freq is None and com.any_none(periods, start, end):
        freq = 1 if is_number(endpoint) else "D"

    if com.count_not_none(start, end, periods, freq) != 3:
        raise ValueError(
            "Of the four parameters: start, end, periods, and "
            "freq, exactly three must be specified"

    if not _is_valid_endpoint(start):
        raise ValueError(f"start must be numeric or datetime-like, got {start}")
    elif not _is_valid_endpoint(end):
        raise ValueError(f"end must be numeric or datetime-like, got {end}")

    if is_float(periods):
        periods = int(periods)
    elif not is_integer(periods) and periods is not None:
        raise TypeError(f"periods must be a number, got {periods}")

    if freq is not None and not is_number(freq):
            freq = to_offset(freq)
        except ValueError as err:
            raise ValueError(
                f"freq must be numeric or convertible to DateOffset, got {freq}"
            ) from err

    # verify type compatibility
    if not all(
            _is_type_compatible(start, end),
            _is_type_compatible(start, freq),
            _is_type_compatible(end, freq),
        raise TypeError("start, end, freq need to be type compatible")

    # +1 to convert interval count to breaks count (n breaks = n-1 intervals)
    if periods is not None:
        periods += 1

    breaks: np.ndarray | TimedeltaIndex | DatetimeIndex

    if is_number(endpoint):
        # force consistency between start/end/freq (lower end if freq skips it)
        if com.all_not_none(start, end, freq):
            end -= (end - start) % freq

        # compute the period/start/end if unspecified (at most one)
        if periods is None:
            periods = int((end - start) // freq) + 1
        elif start is None:
            start = end - (periods - 1) * freq
        elif end is None:
            end = start + (periods - 1) * freq

        breaks = np.linspace(start, end, periods)
        if all(is_integer(x) for x in com.not_none(start, end, freq)):
            # np.linspace always produces float output

            # error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type
            # "Union[ExtensionArray, ndarray]", variable has type "ndarray")
            breaks = maybe_downcast_numeric(  # type: ignore[assignment]
                breaks, np.dtype("int64")
        # delegate to the appropriate range function
        if isinstance(endpoint, Timestamp):
            breaks = date_range(start=start, end=end, periods=periods, freq=freq)
            breaks = timedelta_range(start=start, end=end, periods=periods, freq=freq)

    return IntervalIndex.from_breaks(breaks, name=name, closed=inclusive)
Esempio n. 39
    def test_is_float(self):
        assert is_float(1.1)
        assert is_float(np.float64(1.1))
        assert is_float(np.nan)

        assert not is_float(True)
        assert not is_float(1)
        assert not is_float(1 + 3j)
        assert not is_float(np.bool(False))
        assert not is_float(np.bool_(False))
        assert not is_float(np.int64(1))
        assert not is_float(np.complex128(1 + 3j))
        assert not is_float(None)
        assert not is_float('x')
        assert not is_float(datetime(2011, 1, 1))
        assert not is_float(np.datetime64('2011-01-01'))
        assert not is_float(Timestamp('2011-01-01'))
        assert not is_float(Timestamp('2011-01-01', tz='US/Eastern'))
        assert not is_float(timedelta(1000))
        assert not is_float(np.timedelta64(1, 'D'))
        assert not is_float(Timedelta('1 days'))
Esempio n. 40
    def __new__(cls, data=None, ordinal=None, freq=None, start=None, end=None,
                periods=None, copy=False, name=None, tz=None, dtype=None,

        if periods is not None:
            if is_float(periods):
                periods = int(periods)
            elif not is_integer(periods):
                msg = 'periods must be a number, got {periods}'
                raise TypeError(msg.format(periods=periods))

        if name is None and hasattr(data, 'name'):
            name =

        if dtype is not None:
            dtype = pandas_dtype(dtype)
            if not is_period_dtype(dtype):
                raise ValueError('dtype must be PeriodDtype')
            if freq is None:
                freq = dtype.freq
            elif freq != dtype.freq:
                msg = 'specified freq and dtype are different'
                raise IncompatibleFrequency(msg)

        # coerce freq to freq object, otherwise it can be coerced elementwise
        # which is slow
        if freq:
            freq = Period._maybe_convert_freq(freq)

        if data is None:
            if ordinal is not None:
                data = np.asarray(ordinal, dtype=np.int64)
                data, freq = cls._generate_range(start, end, periods,
                                                 freq, kwargs)
            return cls._from_ordinals(data, name=name, freq=freq)

        if isinstance(data, PeriodIndex):
            if freq is None or freq == data.freq:  # no freq change
                freq = data.freq
                data = data._values
                base1, _ = _gfc(data.freq)
                base2, _ = _gfc(freq)
                data = period.period_asfreq_arr(data._values,
                                                base1, base2, 1)
            return cls._simple_new(data, name=name, freq=freq)

        # not array / index
        if not isinstance(data, (np.ndarray, PeriodIndex,
                                 DatetimeIndex, Int64Index)):
            if is_scalar(data) or isinstance(data, Period):

            # other iterable of some kind
            if not isinstance(data, (list, tuple)):
                data = list(data)

            data = np.asarray(data)

        # datetime other than period
        if is_datetime64_dtype(data.dtype):
            data = dt64arr_to_periodarr(data, freq, tz)
            return cls._from_ordinals(data, name=name, freq=freq)

        # check not floats
        if infer_dtype(data) == 'floating' and len(data) > 0:
            raise TypeError("PeriodIndex does not allow "
                            "floating point in construction")

        # anything else, likely an array of strings or periods
        data = _ensure_object(data)
        freq = freq or period.extract_freq(data)
        data = period.extract_ordinals(data, freq)
        return cls._from_ordinals(data, name=name, freq=freq)
Esempio n. 41
    def __contains__(self, other: Any) -> bool:
        if super().__contains__(other):
            return True

        return is_float(other) and np.isnan(other) and self.hasnans
Esempio n. 42
def to_datetime(arg, errors='raise', dayfirst=False, yearfirst=False,
                utc=None, box=True, format=None, exact=True,
                unit=None, infer_datetime_format=False, origin='unix',
    Convert argument to datetime.

    arg : integer, float, string, datetime, list, tuple, 1-d array, Series

        .. versionadded:: 0.18.1

           or DataFrame/dict-like

    errors : {'ignore', 'raise', 'coerce'}, default 'raise'

        - If 'raise', then invalid parsing will raise an exception
        - If 'coerce', then invalid parsing will be set as NaT
        - If 'ignore', then invalid parsing will return the input
    dayfirst : boolean, default False
        Specify a date parse order if `arg` is str or its list-likes.
        If True, parses dates with the day first, eg 10/11/12 is parsed as
        Warning: dayfirst=True is not strict, but will prefer to parse
        with day first (this is a known bug, based on dateutil behavior).
    yearfirst : boolean, default False
        Specify a date parse order if `arg` is str or its list-likes.

        - If True parses dates with the year first, eg 10/11/12 is parsed as
        - If both dayfirst and yearfirst are True, yearfirst is preceded (same
          as dateutil).

        Warning: yearfirst=True is not strict, but will prefer to parse
        with year first (this is a known bug, based on dateutil beahavior).

        .. versionadded:: 0.16.1

    utc : boolean, default None
        Return UTC DatetimeIndex if True (converting any tz-aware
        datetime.datetime objects as well).
    box : boolean, default True

        - If True returns a DatetimeIndex
        - If False returns ndarray of values.
    format : string, default None
        strftime to parse time, eg "%d/%m/%Y", note that "%f" will parse
        all the way up to nanoseconds.
    exact : boolean, True by default

        - If True, require an exact format match.
        - If False, allow the format to match anywhere in the target string.

    unit : string, default 'ns'
        unit of the arg (D,s,ms,us,ns) denote the unit, which is an
        integer or float number. This will be based off the origin.
        Example, with unit='ms' and origin='unix' (the default), this
        would calculate the number of milliseconds to the unix epoch start.
    infer_datetime_format : boolean, default False
        If True and no `format` is given, attempt to infer the format of the
        datetime strings, and if it can be inferred, switch to a faster
        method of parsing them. In some cases this can increase the parsing
        speed by ~5-10x.
    origin : scalar, default is 'unix'
        Define the reference date. The numeric values would be parsed as number
        of units (defined by `unit`) since this reference date.

        - If 'unix' (or POSIX) time; origin is set to 1970-01-01.
        - If 'julian', unit must be 'D', and origin is set to beginning of
          Julian Calendar. Julian day number 0 is assigned to the day starting
          at noon on January 1, 4713 BC.
        - If Timestamp convertible, origin is set to Timestamp identified by

        .. versionadded:: 0.20.0
    cache : boolean, default False
        If True, use a cache of unique, converted dates to apply the datetime
        conversion. May produce sigificant speed-up when parsing duplicate date
        strings, especially ones with timezone offsets.

        .. versionadded:: 0.22.0

    ret : datetime if parsing succeeded.
        Return type depends on input:

        - list-like: DatetimeIndex
        - Series: Series of datetime64 dtype
        - scalar: Timestamp

        In case when it is not possible to return designated types (e.g. when
        any element of input is before Timestamp.min or after Timestamp.max)
        return will have datetime.datetime type (or correspoding array/Series).

    Assembling a datetime from multiple columns of a DataFrame. The keys can be
    common abbreviations like ['year', 'month', 'day', 'minute', 'second',
    'ms', 'us', 'ns']) or plurals of the same

    >>> df = pd.DataFrame({'year': [2015, 2016],
                           'month': [2, 3],
                           'day': [4, 5]})
    >>> pd.to_datetime(df)
    0   2015-02-04
    1   2016-03-05
    dtype: datetime64[ns]

    If a date does not meet the `timestamp limitations
    #timeseries-timestamp-limits>`_, passing errors='ignore'
    will return the original input instead of raising any exception.

    Passing errors='coerce' will force an out-of-bounds date to NaT,
    in addition to forcing non-dates (or non-parseable dates) to NaT.

    >>> pd.to_datetime('13000101', format='%Y%m%d', errors='ignore')
    datetime.datetime(1300, 1, 1, 0, 0)
    >>> pd.to_datetime('13000101', format='%Y%m%d', errors='coerce')

    Passing infer_datetime_format=True can often-times speedup a parsing
    if its not an ISO8601 format exactly, but in a regular format.

    >>> s = pd.Series(['3/11/2000', '3/12/2000', '3/13/2000']*1000)

    >>> s.head()
    0    3/11/2000
    1    3/12/2000
    2    3/13/2000
    3    3/11/2000
    4    3/12/2000
    dtype: object

    >>> %timeit pd.to_datetime(s,infer_datetime_format=True)
    100 loops, best of 3: 10.4 ms per loop

    >>> %timeit pd.to_datetime(s,infer_datetime_format=False)
    1 loop, best of 3: 471 ms per loop

    Using a unix epoch time

    >>> pd.to_datetime(1490195805, unit='s')
    Timestamp('2017-03-22 15:16:45')
    >>> pd.to_datetime(1490195805433502912, unit='ns')
    Timestamp('2017-03-22 15:16:45.433502912')

    .. warning:: For float arg, precision rounding might happen. To prevent
        unexpected behavior use a fixed-width exact type.

    Using a non-unix epoch origin

    >>> pd.to_datetime([1, 2, 3], unit='D',
    0    1960-01-02
    1    1960-01-03
    2    1960-01-04

    See also
    pandas.DataFrame.astype : Cast argument to a specified dtype.
    pandas.to_timedelta : Convert argument to timedelta.
    from pandas.core.indexes.datetimes import DatetimeIndex

    tz = 'utc' if utc else None

    def _convert_listlike(arg, box, format, name=None, tz=tz):

        if isinstance(arg, (list, tuple)):
            arg = np.array(arg, dtype='O')

        # these are shortcutable
        if is_datetime64tz_dtype(arg):
            if not isinstance(arg, DatetimeIndex):
                return DatetimeIndex(arg, tz=tz, name=name)
            if utc:
                arg = arg.tz_convert(None).tz_localize('UTC')
            return arg

        elif is_datetime64_ns_dtype(arg):
            if box and not isinstance(arg, DatetimeIndex):
                    return DatetimeIndex(arg, tz=tz, name=name)
                except ValueError:

            return arg

        elif unit is not None:
            if format is not None:
                raise ValueError("cannot specify both format and unit")
            arg = getattr(arg, 'values', arg)
            result = tslib.array_with_unit_to_datetime(arg, unit,
            if box:
                if errors == 'ignore':
                    from pandas import Index
                    return Index(result)

                return DatetimeIndex(result, tz=tz, name=name)
            return result
        elif getattr(arg, 'ndim', 1) > 1:
            raise TypeError('arg must be a string, datetime, list, tuple, '
                            '1-d array, or Series')

        arg = _ensure_object(arg)
        require_iso8601 = False

        if infer_datetime_format and format is None:
            format = _guess_datetime_format_for_array(arg, dayfirst=dayfirst)

        if format is not None:
            # There is a special fast-path for iso8601 formatted
            # datetime strings, so in those cases don't use the inferred
            # format because this path makes process slower in this
            # special case
            format_is_iso8601 = _format_is_iso(format)
            if format_is_iso8601:
                require_iso8601 = not infer_datetime_format
                format = None

            result = None

            if format is not None:
                # shortcut formatting here
                if format == '%Y%m%d':
                        result = _attempt_YYYYMMDD(arg, errors=errors)
                        raise ValueError("cannot convert the input to "
                                         "'%Y%m%d' date format")

                # fallback
                if result is None:
                        result = array_strptime(arg, format, exact=exact,
                    except tslib.OutOfBoundsDatetime:
                        if errors == 'raise':
                        result = arg
                    except ValueError:
                        # if format was inferred, try falling back
                        # to array_to_datetime - terminate here
                        # for specified formats
                        if not infer_datetime_format:
                            if errors == 'raise':
                            result = arg

            if result is None and (format is None or infer_datetime_format):
                result = tslib.array_to_datetime(

            if is_datetime64_dtype(result) and box:
                result = DatetimeIndex(result, tz=tz, name=name)
            return result

        except ValueError as e:
                values, tz = conversion.datetime_to_datetime64(arg)
                return DatetimeIndex._simple_new(values, name=name, tz=tz)
            except (ValueError, TypeError):
                raise e

    if arg is None:
        return None

    # handle origin
    if origin == 'julian':

        original = arg
        j0 = tslib.Timestamp(0).to_julian_date()
        if unit != 'D':
            raise ValueError("unit must be 'D' for origin='julian'")
            arg = arg - j0
            raise ValueError("incompatible 'arg' type for given "

        # premptively check this for a nice range
        j_max = tslib.Timestamp.max.to_julian_date() - j0
        j_min = tslib.Timestamp.min.to_julian_date() - j0
        if np.any(arg > j_max) or np.any(arg < j_min):
            raise tslib.OutOfBoundsDatetime(
                "{original} is Out of Bounds for "

    elif origin not in ['unix', 'julian']:

        # arg must be a numeric
        original = arg
        if not ((is_scalar(arg) and (is_integer(arg) or is_float(arg))) or
            raise ValueError(
                "'{arg}' is not compatible with origin='{origin}'; "
                "it must be numeric with a unit specified ".format(

        # we are going to offset back to unix / epoch time
            offset = tslib.Timestamp(origin)
        except tslib.OutOfBoundsDatetime:
            raise tslib.OutOfBoundsDatetime(
                "origin {origin} is Out of Bounds".format(origin=origin))
        except ValueError:
            raise ValueError("origin {origin} cannot be converted "
                             "to a Timestamp".format(origin=origin))

        if is not None:
            raise ValueError(
                "origin offset {} must be tz-naive".format(offset))
        offset -= tslib.Timestamp(0)

        # convert the offset to the unit of the arg
        # this should be lossless in terms of precision
        offset = offset // tslib.Timedelta(1, unit=unit)

        # scalars & ndarray-like can handle the addition
        if is_list_like(arg) and not isinstance(
                arg, (ABCSeries, ABCIndexClass, np.ndarray)):
            arg = np.asarray(arg)
        arg = arg + offset

    if isinstance(arg, tslib.Timestamp):
        result = arg
    elif isinstance(arg, ABCSeries):
        cache_array = _maybe_cache(arg, format, cache, tz, _convert_listlike)
        if not cache_array.empty:
            result =
            from pandas import Series
            values = _convert_listlike(arg._values, True, format)
            result = Series(values, index=arg.index,
    elif isinstance(arg, (ABCDataFrame, MutableMapping)):
        result = _assemble_from_unit_mappings(arg, errors=errors)
    elif isinstance(arg, ABCIndexClass):
        cache_array = _maybe_cache(arg, format, cache, tz, _convert_listlike)
        if not cache_array.empty:
            result = _convert_and_box_cache(arg, cache_array, box, errors,
            result = _convert_listlike(arg, box, format,
    elif is_list_like(arg):
        cache_array = _maybe_cache(arg, format, cache, tz, _convert_listlike)
        if not cache_array.empty:
            result = _convert_and_box_cache(arg, cache_array, box, errors)
            result = _convert_listlike(arg, box, format)
        result = _convert_listlike(np.array([arg]), box, format)[0]

    return result
Esempio n. 43
def interval_range(start=None,
    Return a fixed frequency IntervalIndex.

    start : numeric or datetime-like, default None
        Left bound for generating intervals.
    end : numeric or datetime-like, default None
        Right bound for generating intervals.
    periods : int, default None
        Number of periods to generate.
    freq : numeric, str, or DateOffset, default None
        The length of each interval. Must be consistent with the type of start
        and end, e.g. 2 for numeric, or '5H' for datetime-like.  Default is 1
        for numeric and 'D' for datetime-like.
    name : str, default None
        Name of the resulting IntervalIndex.
    closed : {'left', 'right', 'both', 'neither'}, default 'right'
        Whether the intervals are closed on the left-side, right-side, both
        or neither.


    See Also
    IntervalIndex : An Index of intervals that are all closed on the same side.

    Of the four parameters ``start``, ``end``, ``periods``, and ``freq``,
    exactly three must be specified. If ``freq`` is omitted, the resulting
    ``IntervalIndex`` will have ``periods`` linearly spaced elements between
    ``start`` and ``end``, inclusively.

    To learn more about datetime-like frequency strings, please see `this link

    Numeric ``start`` and  ``end`` is supported.

    >>> pd.interval_range(start=0, end=5)
    IntervalIndex([(0, 1], (1, 2], (2, 3], (3, 4], (4, 5]],
                  closed='right', dtype='interval[int64]')

    Additionally, datetime-like input is also supported.

    >>> pd.interval_range(start=pd.Timestamp('2017-01-01'),
    ...                   end=pd.Timestamp('2017-01-04'))
    IntervalIndex([(2017-01-01, 2017-01-02], (2017-01-02, 2017-01-03],
                   (2017-01-03, 2017-01-04]],
                  closed='right', dtype='interval[datetime64[ns]]')

    The ``freq`` parameter specifies the frequency between the left and right.
    endpoints of the individual intervals within the ``IntervalIndex``.  For
    numeric ``start`` and ``end``, the frequency must also be numeric.

    >>> pd.interval_range(start=0, periods=4, freq=1.5)
    IntervalIndex([(0.0, 1.5], (1.5, 3.0], (3.0, 4.5], (4.5, 6.0]],
                  closed='right', dtype='interval[float64]')

    Similarly, for datetime-like ``start`` and ``end``, the frequency must be
    convertible to a DateOffset.

    >>> pd.interval_range(start=pd.Timestamp('2017-01-01'),
    ...                   periods=3, freq='MS')
    IntervalIndex([(2017-01-01, 2017-02-01], (2017-02-01, 2017-03-01],
                   (2017-03-01, 2017-04-01]],
                  closed='right', dtype='interval[datetime64[ns]]')

    Specify ``start``, ``end``, and ``periods``; the frequency is generated
    automatically (linearly spaced).

    >>> pd.interval_range(start=0, end=6, periods=4)
    IntervalIndex([(0.0, 1.5], (1.5, 3.0], (3.0, 4.5], (4.5, 6.0]],

    The ``closed`` parameter specifies which endpoints of the individual
    intervals within the ``IntervalIndex`` are closed.

    >>> pd.interval_range(end=5, periods=4, closed='both')
    IntervalIndex([[1, 2], [2, 3], [3, 4], [4, 5]],
                  closed='both', dtype='interval[int64]')
    start = com.maybe_box_datetimelike(start)
    end = com.maybe_box_datetimelike(end)
    endpoint = start if start is not None else end

    if freq is None and com.any_none(periods, start, end):
        freq = 1 if is_number(endpoint) else "D"

    if com.count_not_none(start, end, periods, freq) != 3:
        raise ValueError("Of the four parameters: start, end, periods, and "
                         "freq, exactly three must be specified")

    if not _is_valid_endpoint(start):
        raise ValueError(
            f"start must be numeric or datetime-like, got {start}")
    elif not _is_valid_endpoint(end):
        raise ValueError(f"end must be numeric or datetime-like, got {end}")

    if is_float(periods):
        periods = int(periods)
    elif not is_integer(periods) and periods is not None:
        raise TypeError(f"periods must be a number, got {periods}")

    if freq is not None and not is_number(freq):
            freq = to_offset(freq)
        except ValueError as err:
            raise ValueError(
                f"freq must be numeric or convertible to DateOffset, got {freq}"
            ) from err

    # verify type compatibility
    if not all([
            _is_type_compatible(start, end),
            _is_type_compatible(start, freq),
            _is_type_compatible(end, freq),
        raise TypeError("start, end, freq need to be type compatible")

    # +1 to convert interval count to breaks count (n breaks = n-1 intervals)
    if periods is not None:
        periods += 1

    if is_number(endpoint):
        # force consistency between start/end/freq (lower end if freq skips it)
        if com.all_not_none(start, end, freq):
            end -= (end - start) % freq

        # compute the period/start/end if unspecified (at most one)
        if periods is None:
            periods = int((end - start) // freq) + 1
        elif start is None:
            start = end - (periods - 1) * freq
        elif end is None:
            end = start + (periods - 1) * freq

        breaks = np.linspace(start, end, periods)
        if all(is_integer(x) for x in com.not_none(start, end, freq)):
            # np.linspace always produces float output
            breaks = maybe_downcast_to_dtype(breaks, "int64")
        # delegate to the appropriate range function
        if isinstance(endpoint, Timestamp):
            range_func = date_range
            range_func = timedelta_range

        breaks = range_func(start=start, end=end, periods=periods, freq=freq)

    return IntervalIndex.from_breaks(breaks, name=name, closed=closed)
Esempio n. 44
 def _get_string_slice(self, key):
     if is_integer(key) or is_float(key) or key is NaT:
         self._invalid_indexer('slice', key)
     loc = self._partial_td_slice(key)
     return loc
Esempio n. 45
def to_datetime(arg,
    Convert argument to datetime.

    arg : integer, float, string, datetime, list, tuple, 1-d array, Series

        .. versionadded: 0.18.1

           or DataFrame/dict-like

    errors : {'ignore', 'raise', 'coerce'}, default 'raise'

        - If 'raise', then invalid parsing will raise an exception
        - If 'coerce', then invalid parsing will be set as NaT
        - If 'ignore', then invalid parsing will return the input
    dayfirst : boolean, default False
        Specify a date parse order if `arg` is str or its list-likes.
        If True, parses dates with the day first, eg 10/11/12 is parsed as
        Warning: dayfirst=True is not strict, but will prefer to parse
        with day first (this is a known bug, based on dateutil behavior).
    yearfirst : boolean, default False
        Specify a date parse order if `arg` is str or its list-likes.

        - If True parses dates with the year first, eg 10/11/12 is parsed as
        - If both dayfirst and yearfirst are True, yearfirst is preceded (same
          as dateutil).

        Warning: yearfirst=True is not strict, but will prefer to parse
        with year first (this is a known bug, based on dateutil beahavior).

        .. versionadded: 0.16.1

    utc : boolean, default None
        Return UTC DatetimeIndex if True (converting any tz-aware
        datetime.datetime objects as well).
    box : boolean, default True

        - If True returns a DatetimeIndex
        - If False returns ndarray of values.
    format : string, default None
        strftime to parse time, eg "%d/%m/%Y", note that "%f" will parse
        all the way up to nanoseconds.
    exact : boolean, True by default

        - If True, require an exact format match.
        - If False, allow the format to match anywhere in the target string.

    unit : string, default 'ns'
        unit of the arg (D,s,ms,us,ns) denote the unit, which is an
        integer or float number. This will be based off the origin.
        Example, with unit='ms' and origin='unix' (the default), this
        would calculate the number of milliseconds to the unix epoch start.
    infer_datetime_format : boolean, default False
        If True and no `format` is given, attempt to infer the format of the
        datetime strings, and if it can be inferred, switch to a faster
        method of parsing them. In some cases this can increase the parsing
        speed by ~5-10x.
    origin : scalar, default is 'unix'
        Define the reference date. The numeric values would be parsed as number
        of units (defined by `unit`) since this reference date.

        - If 'unix' (or POSIX) time; origin is set to 1970-01-01.
        - If 'julian', unit must be 'D', and origin is set to beginning of
          Julian Calendar. Julian day number 0 is assigned to the day starting
          at noon on January 1, 4713 BC.
        - If Timestamp convertible, origin is set to Timestamp identified by

        .. versionadded: 0.20.0
    cache : boolean, default False
        If True, use a cache of unique, converted dates to apply the datetime
        conversion. May produce sigificant speed-up when parsing duplicate date
        strings, especially ones with timezone offsets.

        .. versionadded: 0.22.0

    ret : datetime if parsing succeeded.
        Return type depends on input:

        - list-like: DatetimeIndex
        - Series: Series of datetime64 dtype
        - scalar: Timestamp

        In case when it is not possible to return designated types (e.g. when
        any element of input is before Timestamp.min or after Timestamp.max)
        return will have datetime.datetime type (or correspoding array/Series).

    Assembling a datetime from multiple columns of a DataFrame. The keys can be
    common abbreviations like ['year', 'month', 'day', 'minute', 'second',
    'ms', 'us', 'ns']) or plurals of the same

    >>> df = pd.DataFrame({'year': [2015, 2016],
                           'month': [2, 3],
                           'day': [4, 5]})
    >>> pd.to_datetime(df)
    0   2015-02-04
    1   2016-03-05
    dtype: datetime64[ns]

    If a date does not meet the `timestamp limitations
    #timeseries-timestamp-limits>`_, passing errors='ignore'
    will return the original input instead of raising any exception.

    Passing errors='coerce' will force an out-of-bounds date to NaT,
    in addition to forcing non-dates (or non-parseable dates) to NaT.

    >>> pd.to_datetime('13000101', format='%Y%m%d', errors='ignore')
    datetime.datetime(1300, 1, 1, 0, 0)
    >>> pd.to_datetime('13000101', format='%Y%m%d', errors='coerce')

    Passing infer_datetime_format=True can often-times speedup a parsing
    if its not an ISO8601 format exactly, but in a regular format.

    >>> s = pd.Series(['3/11/2000', '3/12/2000', '3/13/2000']*1000)

    >>> s.head()
    0    3/11/2000
    1    3/12/2000
    2    3/13/2000
    3    3/11/2000
    4    3/12/2000
    dtype: object

    >>> %timeit pd.to_datetime(s,infer_datetime_format=True)
    100 loops, best of 3: 10.4 ms per loop

    >>> %timeit pd.to_datetime(s,infer_datetime_format=False)
    1 loop, best of 3: 471 ms per loop

    Using a unix epoch time

    >>> pd.to_datetime(1490195805, unit='s')
    Timestamp('2017-03-22 15:16:45')
    >>> pd.to_datetime(1490195805433502912, unit='ns')
    Timestamp('2017-03-22 15:16:45.433502912')

    .. warning:: For float arg, precision rounding might happen. To prevent
        unexpected behavior use a fixed-width exact type.

    Using a non-unix epoch origin

    >>> pd.to_datetime([1, 2, 3], unit='D',
    0    1960-01-02
    1    1960-01-03
    2    1960-01-04

    See also
    pandas.DataFrame.astype : Cast argument to a specified dtype.
    pandas.to_timedelta : Convert argument to timedelta.
    from pandas.core.indexes.datetimes import DatetimeIndex

    tz = 'utc' if utc else None

    def _convert_listlike(arg, box, format, name=None, tz=tz):

        if isinstance(arg, (list, tuple)):
            arg = np.array(arg, dtype='O')

        # these are shortcutable
        if is_datetime64tz_dtype(arg):
            if not isinstance(arg, DatetimeIndex):
                return DatetimeIndex(arg, tz=tz, name=name)
            if utc:
                arg = arg.tz_convert(None).tz_localize('UTC')
            return arg

        elif is_datetime64_ns_dtype(arg):
            if box and not isinstance(arg, DatetimeIndex):
                    return DatetimeIndex(arg, tz=tz, name=name)
                except ValueError:

            return arg

        elif unit is not None:
            if format is not None:
                raise ValueError("cannot specify both format and unit")
            arg = getattr(arg, 'values', arg)
            result = tslib.array_with_unit_to_datetime(arg,
            if box:
                if errors == 'ignore':
                    from pandas import Index
                    return Index(result)

                return DatetimeIndex(result, tz=tz, name=name)
            return result
        elif getattr(arg, 'ndim', 1) > 1:
            raise TypeError('arg must be a string, datetime, list, tuple, '
                            '1-d array, or Series')

        arg = _ensure_object(arg)
        require_iso8601 = False

        if infer_datetime_format and format is None:
            format = _guess_datetime_format_for_array(arg, dayfirst=dayfirst)

        if format is not None:
            # There is a special fast-path for iso8601 formatted
            # datetime strings, so in those cases don't use the inferred
            # format because this path makes process slower in this
            # special case
            format_is_iso8601 = _format_is_iso(format)
            if format_is_iso8601:
                require_iso8601 = not infer_datetime_format
                format = None

            result = None

            if format is not None:
                # shortcut formatting here
                if format == '%Y%m%d':
                        result = _attempt_YYYYMMDD(arg, errors=errors)
                        raise ValueError("cannot convert the input to "
                                         "'%Y%m%d' date format")

                # fallback
                if result is None:
                        result = array_strptime(arg,
                    except tslib.OutOfBoundsDatetime:
                        if errors == 'raise':
                        result = arg
                    except ValueError:
                        # if format was inferred, try falling back
                        # to array_to_datetime - terminate here
                        # for specified formats
                        if not infer_datetime_format:
                            if errors == 'raise':
                            result = arg

            if result is None and (format is None or infer_datetime_format):
                result = tslib.array_to_datetime(

            if is_datetime64_dtype(result) and box:
                result = DatetimeIndex(result, tz=tz, name=name)
            return result

        except ValueError as e:
                values, tz = tslib.datetime_to_datetime64(arg)
                return DatetimeIndex._simple_new(values, name=name, tz=tz)
            except (ValueError, TypeError):
                raise e

    if arg is None:
        return None

    # handle origin
    if origin == 'julian':

        original = arg
        j0 = tslib.Timestamp(0).to_julian_date()
        if unit != 'D':
            raise ValueError("unit must be 'D' for origin='julian'")
            arg = arg - j0
            raise ValueError("incompatible 'arg' type for given "

        # premptively check this for a nice range
        j_max = tslib.Timestamp.max.to_julian_date() - j0
        j_min = tslib.Timestamp.min.to_julian_date() - j0
        if np.any(arg > j_max) or np.any(arg < j_min):
            raise tslib.OutOfBoundsDatetime(
                "{original} is Out of Bounds for "

    elif origin not in ['unix', 'julian']:

        # arg must be a numeric
        original = arg
        if not ((is_scalar(arg) and (is_integer(arg) or is_float(arg)))
                or is_numeric_dtype(np.asarray(arg))):
            raise ValueError(
                "'{arg}' is not compatible with origin='{origin}'; "
                "it must be numeric with a unit specified ".format(
                    arg=arg, origin=origin))

        # we are going to offset back to unix / epoch time
            offset = tslib.Timestamp(origin)
        except tslib.OutOfBoundsDatetime:
            raise tslib.OutOfBoundsDatetime(
                "origin {origin} is Out of Bounds".format(origin=origin))
        except ValueError:
            raise ValueError("origin {origin} cannot be converted "
                             "to a Timestamp".format(origin=origin))

        if is not None:
            raise ValueError(
                "origin offset {} must be tz-naive".format(offset))
        offset -= tslib.Timestamp(0)

        # convert the offset to the unit of the arg
        # this should be lossless in terms of precision
        offset = offset // tslib.Timedelta(1, unit=unit)

        # scalars & ndarray-like can handle the addition
        if is_list_like(arg) and not isinstance(
                arg, (ABCSeries, ABCIndexClass, np.ndarray)):
            arg = np.asarray(arg)
        arg = arg + offset

    if isinstance(arg, tslib.Timestamp):
        result = arg
    elif isinstance(arg, ABCSeries):
        cache_array = _maybe_cache(arg, format, cache, tz, _convert_listlike)
        if not cache_array.empty:
            result =
            from pandas import Series
            values = _convert_listlike(arg._values, True, format)
            result = Series(values, index=arg.index,
    elif isinstance(arg, (ABCDataFrame, MutableMapping)):
        result = _assemble_from_unit_mappings(arg, errors=errors)
    elif isinstance(arg, ABCIndexClass):
        cache_array = _maybe_cache(arg, format, cache, tz, _convert_listlike)
        if not cache_array.empty:
            result = _convert_and_box_cache(arg,
            result = _convert_listlike(arg, box, format,
    elif is_list_like(arg):
        cache_array = _maybe_cache(arg, format, cache, tz, _convert_listlike)
        if not cache_array.empty:
            result = _convert_and_box_cache(arg, cache_array, box, errors)
            result = _convert_listlike(arg, box, format)
        result = _convert_listlike(np.array([arg]), box, format)[0]

    return result
Esempio n. 46
 def default_display_func(x):
     if is_float(x):
         return '{:>.{precision}g}'.format(x, precision=self.precision)
         return x
Esempio n. 47
    def __new__(cls,

        valid_field_set = {
            'year', 'month', 'day', 'quarter', 'hour', 'minute', 'second'

        if not set(fields).issubset(valid_field_set):
            raise TypeError(
                '__new__() got an unexpected keyword argument {}'.format(
                    list(set(fields) - valid_field_set)[0]))

        if periods is not None:
            if is_float(periods):
                periods = int(periods)
            elif not is_integer(periods):
                msg = 'periods must be a number, got {periods}'
                raise TypeError(msg.format(periods=periods))

        if name is None and hasattr(data, 'name'):
            name =

        if dtype is not None:
            dtype = pandas_dtype(dtype)
            if not is_period_dtype(dtype):
                raise ValueError('dtype must be PeriodDtype')
            if freq is None:
                freq = dtype.freq
            elif freq != dtype.freq:
                msg = 'specified freq and dtype are different'
                raise IncompatibleFrequency(msg)

        # coerce freq to freq object, otherwise it can be coerced elementwise
        # which is slow
        if freq:
            freq = Period._maybe_convert_freq(freq)

        if data is None:
            if ordinal is not None:
                data = np.asarray(ordinal, dtype=np.int64)
                data, freq = cls._generate_range(start, end, periods, freq,
            return cls._from_ordinals(data, name=name, freq=freq)

        if isinstance(data, PeriodIndex):
            if freq is None or freq == data.freq:  # no freq change
                freq = data.freq
                data = data._ndarray_values
                base1, _ = _gfc(data.freq)
                base2, _ = _gfc(freq)
                data = period.period_asfreq_arr(data._ndarray_values, base1,
                                                base2, 1)
            return cls._simple_new(data, name=name, freq=freq)

        # not array / index
        if not isinstance(
                data, (np.ndarray, PeriodIndex, DatetimeIndex, Int64Index)):
            if is_scalar(data) or isinstance(data, Period):

            # other iterable of some kind
            if not isinstance(data, (list, tuple)):
                data = list(data)

            data = np.asarray(data)

        # datetime other than period
        if is_datetime64_dtype(data.dtype):
            data = dt64arr_to_periodarr(data, freq, tz)
            return cls._from_ordinals(data, name=name, freq=freq)

        # check not floats
        if infer_dtype(data) == 'floating' and len(data) > 0:
            raise TypeError("PeriodIndex does not allow "
                            "floating point in construction")

        # anything else, likely an array of strings or periods
        data = _ensure_object(data)
        freq = freq or period.extract_freq(data)
        data = period.extract_ordinals(data, freq)
        return cls._from_ordinals(data, name=name, freq=freq)