Esempio n. 1
def _soft_convert_objects(values,
    """ if we have an object dtype, try to coerce dates and/or numbers """

    conversion_count = sum((datetime, numeric, timedelta))
    if conversion_count == 0:
        raise ValueError('At least one of datetime, numeric or timedelta must '
                         'be True.')
    elif conversion_count > 1 and coerce:
        raise ValueError("Only one of 'datetime', 'numeric' or "
                         "'timedelta' can be True when when coerce=True.")

    if isinstance(values, (list, tuple)):
        # List or scalar
        values = np.array(values, dtype=np.object_)
    elif not hasattr(values, 'dtype'):
        values = np.array([values], dtype=np.object_)
    elif not is_object_dtype(values.dtype):
        # If not object, do not attempt conversion
        values = values.copy() if copy else values
        return values

    # If 1 flag is coerce, ensure 2 others are False
    if coerce:
        # Immediate return if coerce
        if datetime:
            from pandas import to_datetime
            return to_datetime(values, errors='coerce', box=False)
        elif timedelta:
            from pandas import to_timedelta
            return to_timedelta(values, errors='coerce', box=False)
        elif numeric:
            from pandas import to_numeric
            return to_numeric(values, errors='coerce')

    # Soft conversions
    if datetime:
        values = lib.maybe_convert_objects(values, convert_datetime=datetime)

    if timedelta and is_object_dtype(values.dtype):
        # Object check to ensure only run if previous did not convert
        values = lib.maybe_convert_objects(values, convert_timedelta=timedelta)

    if numeric and is_object_dtype(values.dtype):
            converted = lib.maybe_convert_numeric(values,
            # If all NaNs, then do not-alter
            values = converted if not isnull(converted).all() else values
            values = values.copy() if copy else values

    return values
Esempio n. 2
def _possibly_convert_objects(values, convert_dates=True, convert_numeric=True, convert_timedeltas=True, copy=True):
    """ if we have an object dtype, try to coerce dates and/or numbers """

    # if we have passed in a list or scalar
    if isinstance(values, (list, tuple)):
        values = np.array(values, dtype=np.object_)
    if not hasattr(values, "dtype"):
        values = np.array([values], dtype=np.object_)

    # convert dates
    if convert_dates and values.dtype == np.object_:

        # we take an aggressive stance and convert to datetime64[ns]
        if convert_dates == "coerce":
            new_values = _possibly_cast_to_datetime(values, "M8[ns]", errors="coerce")

            # if we are all nans then leave me alone
            if not isnull(new_values).all():
                values = new_values

            values = lib.maybe_convert_objects(values, convert_datetime=convert_dates)

    # convert timedeltas
    if convert_timedeltas and values.dtype == np.object_:

        if convert_timedeltas == "coerce":
            from pandas.tseries.timedeltas import to_timedelta

            new_values = to_timedelta(values, coerce=True)

            # if we are all nans then leave me alone
            if not isnull(new_values).all():
                values = new_values

            values = lib.maybe_convert_objects(values, convert_timedelta=convert_timedeltas)

    # convert to numeric
    if values.dtype == np.object_:
        if convert_numeric:
                new_values = lib.maybe_convert_numeric(values, set(), coerce_numeric=True)

                # if we are all nans then leave me alone
                if not isnull(new_values).all():
                    values = new_values

            # soft-conversion
            values = lib.maybe_convert_objects(values)

    values = values.copy() if copy else values

    return values
Esempio n. 3
def _soft_convert_objects(values, datetime=True, numeric=True, timedelta=True,
                          coerce=False, copy=True):
    """ if we have an object dtype, try to coerce dates and/or numbers """

    conversion_count = sum((datetime, numeric, timedelta))
    if conversion_count == 0:
        raise ValueError('At least one of datetime, numeric or timedelta must '
                         'be True.')
    elif conversion_count > 1 and coerce:
        raise ValueError("Only one of 'datetime', 'numeric' or "
                         "'timedelta' can be True when when coerce=True.")

    if isinstance(values, (list, tuple)):
        # List or scalar
        values = np.array(values, dtype=np.object_)
    elif not hasattr(values, 'dtype'):
        values = np.array([values], dtype=np.object_)
    elif not is_object_dtype(values.dtype):
        # If not object, do not attempt conversion
        values = values.copy() if copy else values
        return values

    # If 1 flag is coerce, ensure 2 others are False
    if coerce:
        # Immediate return if coerce
        if datetime:
            from pandas import to_datetime
            return to_datetime(values, errors='coerce', box=False)
        elif timedelta:
            from pandas import to_timedelta
            return to_timedelta(values, errors='coerce', box=False)
        elif numeric:
            from pandas import to_numeric
            return to_numeric(values, errors='coerce')

    # Soft conversions
    if datetime:
        values = lib.maybe_convert_objects(values, convert_datetime=datetime)

    if timedelta and is_object_dtype(values.dtype):
        # Object check to ensure only run if previous did not convert
        values = lib.maybe_convert_objects(values, convert_timedelta=timedelta)

    if numeric and is_object_dtype(values.dtype):
            converted = lib.maybe_convert_numeric(values, set(),
            # If all NaNs, then do not-alter
            values = converted if not isnull(converted).all() else values
            values = values.copy() if copy else values

    return values
Esempio n. 4
    def test_maybe_convert_objects_uint64(self):
        # see gh-4471
        arr = np.array([2**63], dtype=object)
        exp = np.array([2**63], dtype=np.uint64)
        tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(lib.maybe_convert_objects(arr), exp)

        arr = np.array([2, -1], dtype=object)
        exp = np.array([2, -1], dtype=np.int64)
        tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(lib.maybe_convert_objects(arr), exp)

        arr = np.array([2**63, -1], dtype=object)
        exp = np.array([2**63, -1], dtype=object)
        tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(lib.maybe_convert_objects(arr), exp)
Esempio n. 5
def _possibly_convert_objects(values, convert_dates=True, convert_numeric=True):
    """ if we have an object dtype, try to coerce dates and/or numers """

    if values.dtype == np.object_ and convert_dates:

        # we take an aggressive stance and convert to datetime64[ns]
        if convert_dates == 'coerce':
            new_values = _possibly_cast_to_datetime(values, 'M8[ns]', coerce = True)

            # if we are all nans then leave me alone
            if not isnull(new_values).all():
                values = new_values

            values = lib.maybe_convert_objects(values, convert_datetime=convert_dates)

    if values.dtype == np.object_ and convert_numeric:
            new_values = lib.maybe_convert_numeric(values,set(),coerce_numeric=True)
            # if we are all nans then leave me alone
            if not isnull(new_values).all():
                values = new_values


    return values
Esempio n. 6
def map_iter_args(arr, f, otherargs, n_otherargs, required, n_results):
    Substitute for np.vectorize with pandas-friendly dtype inference

    arr : ndarray
    f : function

    mapped : ndarray
    notnull = com.notnull

    n = len(arr)
    result = np.empty((n, n_results), dtype=object)
    for i, val in enumerate(arr):
        args = otherargs[i]
        if notnull(val) and all(notnull(args[r]) for r in required):
            result[i] = f(val, *args)
            result[i] = [np.nan] * n_results

    return [lib.maybe_convert_objects(col, try_float=0) for col in result.T]
Esempio n. 7
def _wrap_result(data,
    """Wrap result set of query in a afw table """

    result_size = len(data)
    # Turn into columns first

    from pandas import lib
    data = list(lib.to_object_array_tuples(data).T)
    arrays = [lib.maybe_convert_objects(arr, try_float=True) for arr in data]

    _harmonize_columns(arrays, column_names, table, column_dtypes, parse_dates)
    schema = afw_table.Schema()

    # build schema
    for i, column_name in enumerate(column_names):
        column_type = arrays[i].dtype
        schema.addField(column_name, type=column_type.type)

    catalog = afw_table.BaseCatalog(schema)

    # Preallocate rows based on first column length
    for i in range(result_size):
        record = catalog.addNew()
        for column_i in range(len(column_names)):
            record.set(column_names[column_i], arrays[column_i][i])
    return catalog
Esempio n. 8
def _map(f, arr, na_mask=False, na_value=np.nan):
    if isinstance(arr, Series):
        arr = arr.values
    if not isinstance(arr, np.ndarray):
        arr = np.asarray(arr, dtype=object)
    if na_mask:
        mask = isnull(arr)
            result = lib.map_infer_mask(arr, f, mask.view(np.uint8))
        except (TypeError, AttributeError):

            def g(x):
                    return f(x)
                except (TypeError, AttributeError):
                    return na_value

            return _map(g, arr)
        if na_value is not np.nan:
            np.putmask(result, mask, na_value)
            if result.dtype == object:
                result = lib.maybe_convert_objects(result)
        return result
        return lib.map_infer(arr, f)
Esempio n. 9
def map_iter_args(arr, f, otherargs, n_otherargs, required, n_results):
    Substitute for np.vectorize with pandas-friendly dtype inference

    arr : ndarray
    f : function

    mapped : ndarray
    notnull = com.notnull

    n = len(arr)
    result = np.empty((n, n_results), dtype=object)
    for i, val in enumerate(arr):
        args = otherargs[i]
        if notnull(val) and all(notnull(args[r]) for r in required):
            result[i] = f(val, *args)
            result[i] = [np.nan] * n_results

    return [lib.maybe_convert_objects(col, try_float=0) for col in result.T]
Esempio n. 10
def _map(f, arr, na_mask=False, na_value=np.nan, dtype=object):
    from pandas.core.series import Series

    if not len(arr):
        return np.ndarray(0, dtype=dtype)

    if isinstance(arr, Series):
        arr = arr.values
    if not isinstance(arr, np.ndarray):
        arr = np.asarray(arr, dtype=object)
    if na_mask:
        mask = isnull(arr)
            result = lib.map_infer_mask(arr, f, mask.view(np.uint8))
        except (TypeError, AttributeError):
            def g(x):
                    return f(x)
                except (TypeError, AttributeError):
                    return na_value
            return _map(g, arr, dtype=dtype)
        if na_value is not np.nan:
            np.putmask(result, mask, na_value)
            if result.dtype == object:
                result = lib.maybe_convert_objects(result)
        return result
        return lib.map_infer(arr, f)
Esempio n. 11
def test_convert_objects_ints():
    # test that we can detect many kinds of integers
    dtypes = ['i1', 'i2', 'i4', 'i8', 'u1', 'u2', 'u4', 'u8']

    for dtype_str in dtypes:
        arr = np.array(list(np.arange(20, dtype=dtype_str)), dtype='O')
        assert (arr[0].dtype == np.dtype(dtype_str))
        result = lib.maybe_convert_objects(arr)
        assert (issubclass(result.dtype.type, np.integer))
Esempio n. 12
def test_convert_objects_ints():
    # test that we can detect many kinds of integers
    dtypes = ['i1', 'i2', 'i4', 'i8', 'u1', 'u2', 'u4', 'u8']

    for dtype_str in dtypes:
        arr = np.array(list(np.arange(20, dtype=dtype_str)), dtype='O')
        assert(arr[0].dtype == np.dtype(dtype_str))
        result = lib.maybe_convert_objects(arr)
        assert(issubclass(result.dtype.type, np.integer))
Esempio n. 13
def test_convert_objects_ints():
    # test that we can detect many kinds of integers
    dtypes = ["i1", "i2", "i4", "i8", "u1", "u2", "u4", "u8"]

    for dtype_str in dtypes:
        arr = np.array(list(np.arange(20, dtype=dtype_str)), dtype="O")
        assert arr[0].dtype == np.dtype(dtype_str)
        result = lib.maybe_convert_objects(arr)
        assert issubclass(result.dtype.type, np.integer)
Esempio n. 14
def _possibly_convert_platform(values):
    """ try to do platform conversion, allow ndarray or list here """

    if isinstance(values, (list, tuple)):
        values = lib.list_to_object_array(list(values))
    if getattr(values, 'dtype', None) == np.object_:
        if hasattr(values, '_values'):
            values = values._values
        values = lib.maybe_convert_objects(values)

    return values
Esempio n. 15
    def test_maybe_convert_objects_uint64(self):
        # see gh-4471
        arr = np.array([2**63], dtype=object)
        exp = np.array([2**63], dtype=np.uint64)
        tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(lib.maybe_convert_objects(arr), exp)

        # NumPy bug: can't compare uint64 to int64, as that
        # results in both casting to float64, so we should
        # make sure that this function is robust against it
        arr = np.array([np.uint64(2**63)], dtype=object)
        exp = np.array([2**63], dtype=np.uint64)
        tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(lib.maybe_convert_objects(arr), exp)

        arr = np.array([2, -1], dtype=object)
        exp = np.array([2, -1], dtype=np.int64)
        tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(lib.maybe_convert_objects(arr), exp)

        arr = np.array([2**63, -1], dtype=object)
        exp = np.array([2**63, -1], dtype=object)
        tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(lib.maybe_convert_objects(arr), exp)
Esempio n. 16
    def test_maybe_convert_objects_uint64(self):
        # see gh-4471
        arr = np.array([2**63], dtype=object)
        exp = np.array([2**63], dtype=np.uint64)
        tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(lib.maybe_convert_objects(arr), exp)

        # NumPy bug: can't compare uint64 to int64, as that
        # results in both casting to float64, so we should
        # make sure that this function is robust against it
        arr = np.array([np.uint64(2**63)], dtype=object)
        exp = np.array([2**63], dtype=np.uint64)
        tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(lib.maybe_convert_objects(arr), exp)

        arr = np.array([2, -1], dtype=object)
        exp = np.array([2, -1], dtype=np.int64)
        tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(lib.maybe_convert_objects(arr), exp)

        arr = np.array([2**63, -1], dtype=object)
        exp = np.array([2**63, -1], dtype=object)
        tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(lib.maybe_convert_objects(arr), exp)
Esempio n. 17
def _possibly_convert_platform(values):
    """ try to do platform conversion, allow ndarray or list here """

    if isinstance(values, (list, tuple)):
        values = lib.list_to_object_array(list(values))
    if getattr(values, 'dtype', None) == np.object_:
        if hasattr(values, '_values'):
            values = values._values
        values = lib.maybe_convert_objects(values)

    return values
Esempio n. 18
def test_convert_objects_complex_number():
    for dtype in np.sctypes['complex']:
        arr = np.array(list(1j * np.arange(20, dtype=dtype)), dtype='O')
        assert (arr[0].dtype == np.dtype(dtype))
        result = lib.maybe_convert_objects(arr)
        assert (issubclass(result.dtype.type, np.complexfloating))
Esempio n. 19
 def test_convert_objects(self):
     arr = np.array(['a', 'b', np.nan, np.nan, 'd', 'e', 'f'], dtype='O')
     result = lib.maybe_convert_objects(arr)
     self.assertTrue(result.dtype == np.object_)
Esempio n. 20
def _possibly_convert_objects(values,
    """ if we have an object dtype, try to coerce dates and/or numbers """

    # if we have passed in a list or scalar
    if isinstance(values, (list, tuple)):
        values = np.array(values, dtype=np.object_)
    if not hasattr(values, 'dtype'):
        values = np.array([values], dtype=np.object_)

    # convert dates
    if convert_dates and values.dtype == np.object_:

        # we take an aggressive stance and convert to datetime64[ns]
        if convert_dates == 'coerce':
            new_values = _possibly_cast_to_datetime(values,

            # if we are all nans then leave me alone
            if not isnull(new_values).all():
                values = new_values

            values = lib.maybe_convert_objects(values,

    # convert timedeltas
    if convert_timedeltas and values.dtype == np.object_:

        if convert_timedeltas == 'coerce':
            from pandas.tseries.timedeltas import to_timedelta
            new_values = to_timedelta(values, coerce=True)

            # if we are all nans then leave me alone
            if not isnull(new_values).all():
                values = new_values

            values = lib.maybe_convert_objects(
                values, convert_timedelta=convert_timedeltas)

    # convert to numeric
    if values.dtype == np.object_:
        if convert_numeric:
                new_values = lib.maybe_convert_numeric(values,

                # if we are all nans then leave me alone
                if not isnull(new_values).all():
                    values = new_values

            # soft-conversion
            values = lib.maybe_convert_objects(values)

    values = values.copy() if copy else values

    return values
Esempio n. 21
def interpolate_1d(xvalues, yvalues, method='linear', limit=None,
                   limit_direction='forward', fill_value=None,
                   bounds_error=False, order=None, **kwargs):
    Logic for the 1-d interpolation.  The result should be 1-d, inputs
    xvalues and yvalues will each be 1-d arrays of the same length.

    Bounds_error is currently hardcoded to False since non-scipy ones don't
    take it as an argumnet.
    # Treat the original, non-scipy methods first.

    invalid = isnull(yvalues)
    valid = ~invalid

    if not valid.any():
        # have to call np.asarray(xvalues) since xvalues could be an Index
        # which cant be mutated
        result = np.empty_like(np.asarray(xvalues), dtype=np.float64)
        return result

    if valid.all():
        return yvalues

    if method == 'time':
        if not getattr(xvalues, 'is_all_dates', None):
            # if not issubclass(xvalues.dtype.type, np.datetime64):
            raise ValueError('time-weighted interpolation only works '
                             'on Series or DataFrames with a '
        method = 'values'

    def _interp_limit(invalid, fw_limit, bw_limit):
        "Get idx of values that won't be filled b/c they exceed the limits."
        for x in np.where(invalid)[0]:
            if invalid[max(0, x - fw_limit):x + bw_limit + 1].all():
                yield x

    valid_limit_directions = ['forward', 'backward', 'both']
    limit_direction = limit_direction.lower()
    if limit_direction not in valid_limit_directions:
        raise ValueError('Invalid limit_direction: expecting one of %r, got '
                         '%r.' % (valid_limit_directions, limit_direction))

    from pandas import Series
    ys = Series(yvalues)
    start_nans = set(range(ys.first_valid_index()))
    end_nans = set(range(1 + ys.last_valid_index(), len(valid)))

    # This is a list of the indexes in the series whose yvalue is currently
    # NaN, but whose interpolated yvalue will be overwritten with NaN after
    # computing the interpolation. For each index in this list, one of these
    # conditions is true of the corresponding NaN in the yvalues:
    # a) It is one of a chain of NaNs at the beginning of the series, and
    #    either limit is not specified or limit_direction is 'forward'.
    # b) It is one of a chain of NaNs at the end of the series, and limit is
    #    specified and limit_direction is 'backward' or 'both'.
    # c) Limit is nonzero and it is further than limit from the nearest non-NaN
    #    value (with respect to the limit_direction setting).
    # The default behavior is to fill forward with no limit, ignoring NaNs at
    # the beginning (see issues #9218 and #10420)
    violate_limit = sorted(start_nans)

    if limit:
        if limit_direction == 'forward':
            violate_limit = sorted(start_nans | set(_interp_limit(invalid,
                                                                  limit, 0)))
        if limit_direction == 'backward':
            violate_limit = sorted(end_nans | set(_interp_limit(invalid, 0,
        if limit_direction == 'both':
            violate_limit = sorted(_interp_limit(invalid, limit, limit))

    xvalues = getattr(xvalues, 'values', xvalues)
    yvalues = getattr(yvalues, 'values', yvalues)
    result = yvalues.copy()

    if method in ['linear', 'time', 'index', 'values']:
        if method in ('values', 'index'):
            inds = np.asarray(xvalues)
            # hack for DatetimeIndex, #1646
            if issubclass(inds.dtype.type, np.datetime64):
                inds = inds.view(np.int64)
            if inds.dtype == np.object_:
                inds = lib.maybe_convert_objects(inds)
            inds = xvalues
        result[invalid] = np.interp(inds[invalid], inds[valid], yvalues[valid])
        result[violate_limit] = np.nan
        return result

    sp_methods = ['nearest', 'zero', 'slinear', 'quadratic', 'cubic',
                  'barycentric', 'krogh', 'spline', 'polynomial',
                  'from_derivatives', 'piecewise_polynomial', 'pchip', 'akima']

    if method in sp_methods:
        inds = np.asarray(xvalues)
        # hack for DatetimeIndex, #1646
        if issubclass(inds.dtype.type, np.datetime64):
            inds = inds.view(np.int64)
        result[invalid] = _interpolate_scipy_wrapper(inds[valid],
                                                     order=order, **kwargs)
        result[violate_limit] = np.nan
        return result
Esempio n. 22
def test_convert_objects_complex_number():
    for dtype in np.sctypes['complex']:
        arr = np.array(list(1j * np.arange(20, dtype=dtype)), dtype='O')
        assert(arr[0].dtype == np.dtype(dtype))
        result = lib.maybe_convert_objects(arr)
        assert(issubclass(result.dtype.type, np.complexfloating))
Esempio n. 23
 def test_convert_objects_complex_number(self):
     for dtype in np.sctypes["complex"]:
         arr = np.array(list(1j * np.arange(20, dtype=dtype)), dtype="O")
         self.assertTrue(arr[0].dtype == np.dtype(dtype))
         result = lib.maybe_convert_objects(arr)
         self.assertTrue(issubclass(result.dtype.type, np.complexfloating))
Esempio n. 24
 def test_convert_objects(self):
     arr = np.array(['a', 'b', np.nan, np.nan, 'd', 'e', 'f'], dtype='O')
     result = lib.maybe_convert_objects(arr)
     self.assertTrue(result.dtype == np.object_)
Esempio n. 25
def test_convert_objects():
    arr = np.array(['a', 'b', nan, nan, 'd', 'e', 'f'], dtype='O')
    result = lib.maybe_convert_objects(arr)
    assert (result.dtype == np.object_)
Esempio n. 26
def test_convert_objects():
    arr = np.array(["a", "b", nan, nan, "d", "e", "f"], dtype="O")
    result = lib.maybe_convert_objects(arr)
    assert result.dtype == np.object_
Esempio n. 27
 def test_mixed_dtypes_remain_object_array(self):
     # GH14956
     array = np.array([datetime(2015, 1, 1, tzinfo=pytz.utc), 1],
     result = lib.maybe_convert_objects(array, convert_datetime=1)
     tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, array)
Esempio n. 28
 def test_mixed_dtypes_remain_object_array(self):
     # GH14956
     array = np.array([datetime(2015, 1, 1, tzinfo=pytz.utc), 1],
     result = lib.maybe_convert_objects(array, convert_datetime=1)
     tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, array)
Esempio n. 29
def test_convert_objects():
    arr = np.array(['a', 'b', nan, nan, 'd', 'e', 'f'], dtype='O')
    result = lib.maybe_convert_objects(arr)
    assert(result.dtype == np.object_)
Esempio n. 30
def interpolate_1d(xvalues, yvalues, method='linear', limit=None,
                   limit_direction='forward', fill_value=None,
                   bounds_error=False, order=None, **kwargs):
    Logic for the 1-d interpolation.  The result should be 1-d, inputs
    xvalues and yvalues will each be 1-d arrays of the same length.

    Bounds_error is currently hardcoded to False since non-scipy ones don't
    take it as an argumnet.
    # Treat the original, non-scipy methods first.

    invalid = com.isnull(yvalues)
    valid = ~invalid

    if not valid.any():
        # have to call np.asarray(xvalues) since xvalues could be an Index
        # which cant be mutated
        result = np.empty_like(np.asarray(xvalues), dtype=np.float64)
        return result

    if valid.all():
        return yvalues

    if method == 'time':
        if not getattr(xvalues, 'is_all_dates', None):
            # if not issubclass(xvalues.dtype.type, np.datetime64):
            raise ValueError('time-weighted interpolation only works '
                             'on Series or DataFrames with a '
        method = 'values'

    def _interp_limit(invalid, fw_limit, bw_limit):
        "Get idx of values that won't be filled b/c they exceed the limits."
        for x in np.where(invalid)[0]:
            if invalid[max(0, x - fw_limit):x + bw_limit + 1].all():
                yield x

    valid_limit_directions = ['forward', 'backward', 'both']
    limit_direction = limit_direction.lower()
    if limit_direction not in valid_limit_directions:
        raise ValueError('Invalid limit_direction: expecting one of %r, got '
                         '%r.' % (valid_limit_directions, limit_direction))

    from pandas import Series
    ys = Series(yvalues)
    start_nans = set(range(ys.first_valid_index()))
    end_nans = set(range(1 + ys.last_valid_index(), len(valid)))

    # This is a list of the indexes in the series whose yvalue is currently
    # NaN, but whose interpolated yvalue will be overwritten with NaN after
    # computing the interpolation. For each index in this list, one of these
    # conditions is true of the corresponding NaN in the yvalues:
    # a) It is one of a chain of NaNs at the beginning of the series, and
    #    either limit is not specified or limit_direction is 'forward'.
    # b) It is one of a chain of NaNs at the end of the series, and limit is
    #    specified and limit_direction is 'backward' or 'both'.
    # c) Limit is nonzero and it is further than limit from the nearest non-NaN
    #    value (with respect to the limit_direction setting).
    # The default behavior is to fill forward with no limit, ignoring NaNs at
    # the beginning (see issues #9218 and #10420)
    violate_limit = sorted(start_nans)

    if limit:
        if limit_direction == 'forward':
            violate_limit = sorted(start_nans | set(_interp_limit(invalid,
                                                                  limit, 0)))
        if limit_direction == 'backward':
            violate_limit = sorted(end_nans | set(_interp_limit(invalid, 0,
        if limit_direction == 'both':
            violate_limit = sorted(_interp_limit(invalid, limit, limit))

    xvalues = getattr(xvalues, 'values', xvalues)
    yvalues = getattr(yvalues, 'values', yvalues)
    result = yvalues.copy()

    if method in ['linear', 'time', 'index', 'values']:
        if method in ('values', 'index'):
            inds = np.asarray(xvalues)
            # hack for DatetimeIndex, #1646
            if issubclass(inds.dtype.type, np.datetime64):
                inds = inds.view(np.int64)
            if inds.dtype == np.object_:
                inds = lib.maybe_convert_objects(inds)
            inds = xvalues
        result[invalid] = np.interp(inds[invalid], inds[valid], yvalues[valid])
        result[violate_limit] = np.nan
        return result

    sp_methods = ['nearest', 'zero', 'slinear', 'quadratic', 'cubic',
                  'barycentric', 'krogh', 'spline', 'polynomial',
                  'piecewise_polynomial', 'pchip', 'akima']
    if method in sp_methods:
        inds = np.asarray(xvalues)
        # hack for DatetimeIndex, #1646
        if issubclass(inds.dtype.type, np.datetime64):
            inds = inds.view(np.int64)
        result[invalid] = _interpolate_scipy_wrapper(inds[valid],
                                                     order=order, **kwargs)
        result[violate_limit] = np.nan
        return result
Esempio n. 31
 def test_convert_objects(self):
     arr = np.array(["a", "b", np.nan, np.nan, "d", "e", "f"], dtype="O")
     result = lib.maybe_convert_objects(arr)
     self.assertTrue(result.dtype == np.object_)