Esempio n. 1
    def setData(self, index, value, role=DTYPE_CHANGE_ROLE):
        """Updates the datatype of a column.

        The model must be initated with a dataframe already, since valid
        indexes are necessary. The `value` is a translated description of the
        data type. The translations can be found at

        If a datatype can not be converted, e.g. datetime to integer, a
        `NotImplementedError` will be raised.

            index (QtCore.QModelIndex): The index of the column to be changed.
            value (str): The description of the new datatype, e.g.
                `positive kleine ganze Zahl (16 Bit)`.
            role (Qt.ItemDataRole, optional): The role, which accesses and
                changes data. Defaults to `DTYPE_CHANGE_ROLE`.

            NotImplementedError: If an error during conversion occured.

            bool: `True` if the datatype could be changed, `False` if not or if
                the new datatype equals the old one.

        if role != DTYPE_CHANGE_ROLE or not index.isValid():
            return False

        if not self.editable():
            return False


        dtype = SupportedDtypes.dtype(value)
        currentDtype = np.dtype(

        if dtype is not None:
            if dtype != currentDtype:
                col = index.column()
                #row = self._dataFrame.columns[index.column()]
                columnName = self._dataFrame.columns[index.row()]

                    if dtype == np.dtype('<M8[ns]'):
                        self._dataFrame[columnName] = self._dataFrame[columnName].apply(pandas.to_datetime)
                        self._dataFrame[columnName] = self._dataFrame[columnName].astype(dtype)
                    self.dtypeChanged.emit(index.row(), dtype)

                    return True
                except Exception as e:
                    message = 'Could not change datatype %s of column %s to datatype %s' % (currentDtype, columnName, dtype)
                    # self._dataFrame[columnName] = self._dataFrame[columnName].astype(currentDtype)
                    # self.layoutChanged.emit()
                    # self.dtypeChanged.emit(columnName)
                    #raise NotImplementedError, "dtype changing not fully working, original error:\n{}".format(e)
        return False
    def accept(self):
        super(AddAttributesDialog, self).accept()

        newColumn = self.columnNameLineEdit.text()
        dtype = SupportedDtypes.dtype(self.dataTypeComboBox.currentText())

        defaultValue = self.defaultValueLineEdit.text()
            if dtype in SupportedDtypes.intTypes() + SupportedDtypes.uintTypes():
                defaultValue = int(defaultValue)
            elif dtype in SupportedDtypes.floatTypes():
                defaultValue = float(defaultValue)
            elif dtype in SupportedDtypes.boolTypes():
                defaultValue = defaultValue.lower() in ['t', '1']
            elif dtype in SupportedDtypes.datetimeTypes():
                defaultValue = Timestamp(defaultValue)
                if isinstance(defaultValue, NaTType):
                    defaultValue = Timestamp('')
                defaultValue = dtype.type()
        except ValueError, e:
            defaultValue = dtype.type()
Esempio n. 3
    def accept(self):
        super(AddAttributesDialog, self).accept()

        newColumn = self.columnNameLineEdit.text()
        dtype = SupportedDtypes.dtype(self.dataTypeComboBox.currentText())

        defaultValue = self.defaultValueLineEdit.text()
            if dtype in SupportedDtypes.intTypes() + SupportedDtypes.uintTypes(
                defaultValue = int(defaultValue)
            elif dtype in SupportedDtypes.floatTypes():
                defaultValue = float(defaultValue)
            elif dtype in SupportedDtypes.boolTypes():
                defaultValue = defaultValue.lower() in ['t', '1']
            elif dtype in SupportedDtypes.datetimeTypes():
                defaultValue = Timestamp(defaultValue)
                if isinstance(defaultValue, NaTType):
                    defaultValue = Timestamp('')
                defaultValue = dtype.type()
        except ValueError, e:
            defaultValue = dtype.type()