def verifydata(): global df global root global matchdf # refresh tk root = tk.Tk() # get the last match last_match_df = matchdf.tail(6) # validate.findMatch("qm19") # get any changes that need to be made msg = validate.findErrors(last_match_df) f = tk.Frame(root) f.pack(side=tk.BOTTOM, fill=tk.BOTH, expand=1) pt = pandastable.Table(f, dataframe=last_match_df, showtoolbar=True, showstatusbar=True) # make the instructions appear above the dataframe otherstuff = tk.Frame(root) otherstuff.pack(side=tk.TOP) thing = tk.Label(otherstuff, text=f'Changes Needed:{msg}') thing.pack(side=tk.TOP) # make the thing run root.mainloop() df = df.append(pt.model.df) matchdf = pd.DataFrame(columns=header) saveData()
def __init__(self, master, controller): tk.Frame.__init__(self, master, borderwidth=10, bg="#363636") self.table = pandastable.Table(self, dataframe=df, height=550, columns=4) self.table.grid() options = {'align': 'c', 'cellbackgr': '#303030', 'cellwidth': 200, 'colheadercolor': '#393939', 'entrybackgr': '#393939', 'floatprecision': 6, 'font': 'Consolas', 'fontsize': 12, 'grid_color': '#ABB1AD', 'linewidth': 1, 'rowheight': 22, 'rowselectedcolor': '#555555', 'textcolor': '#AAAAAA' } config.apply_options(options, self.table) # self.table.autoResizeColumns() button_table_graph = tk.Button(self, text="Grafički prikaz", font=MED_FONT, bg="#363636", fg="#18d9cc", command=lambda: controller.show_frame(GraphPage)) button_table_graph.grid(row=3, column=0, ipadx=10, ipady=5, padx=50, pady=20) button_table_convert = tk.Button(self, text="Konverter valuta", font=MED_FONT, bg="#363636", fg="#18d9cc", command=lambda: controller.show_frame(ConvertPage)) button_table_convert.grid(row=3, column=3, ipadx=10, ipady=5, padx=50, pady=20) self.grid_rowconfigure(3, weight=1) self.listenerT = self.after(refresh_rate, self.update_after)
def right_widget(self): self.csv_open_button = tk.Button(self, text="Opencsv", command=self.f_open_csv) self.csv_open_button.config(height=1, width=10) self.csv_open_button.grid(row=0, column=0, padx=10, pady=10, sticky=tk.W) self.t = pt.Table(self, rows=30, columns=30) self.t.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=tk.W + tk.N + tk.E + tk.S) self.ptable = pt.Table(self.t, dataframe=None, showtoolbar=False, showstatusbar=True)
def CreateTable(frame, sql): #create a table to display a given query query = pandas.read_sql(sql, conx) display = pandastable.Table(frame, dataframe=query, showbartool=True, showstatusbar=True)
def history( root, processes, ): frame = tk.Frame(root) varProcess = tk.StringVar() optProcess = tk.OptionMenu(frame, varProcess, *['f001', 'foo2', 'foo3']) optStep = tk.OptionMenu(frame, varStep, *[1, 3, 4, 5]) table = pt.Table(frame)
def generate_table(self, dataframe): topframe = tkinter.Toplevel() topframe.geometry('1920x1000+00+00') topframe.title('Table') table = pandastable.Table(topframe, dataframe=dataframe, showtoolbar=True, showstatusbar=True)
def f_open_csv(self): filename = filed.askopenfile(initialdir=os.getcwd(), title="Select file", filetypes=(("csv files", "*.csv"), ("all files", "*.*"))) readcsv = pd.read_csv(filename) df = pd.DataFrame(readcsv) t = pt.Table(self, rows=100, columns=30) t.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=tk.W + tk.N + tk.E + tk.S) ptable = pt.Table(t, dataframe=df, showtoolbar=False, showstatusbar=True) #df = pt.importCSV() df,rows=20,columns=9) #ptable = pt.Table(t,dataframe=df,showtoolbar=False, showstatusbar=True) return
def __init__(self, master, bot: PSMPredictBot, queue: Queue): # parameters that you want to send through the Frame class. Frame.__init__(self, master, name=WIDGET_ORDERS) # reference to the master widget, which is the tk window self.master = master self.queue = queue = bot self.table = pt = pandastable.Table(self,, showtoolbar=True, showstatusbar=True)
def validate(self): if len(self.toBEValidated) > 0: match = self.toBEValidated.pop(0) # match = (pd.DataFrame(), "this is test text") ptf = tk.Frame(self.tableFrameChildren) = pandastable.Table(ptf, dataframe=match[0], showtoolbar=True, showstatusbar=True) f = tk.Frame(self.tableFrameChildren, bg="white") text = tk.Label(f, text=f"Changes Needed: {match[1]}") confirm = tk.Button(f, text="Confirm", bg="yellow", command=lambda:self.confirmed()) confirm.pack(side="left") text.pack(side="left") f.pack(side="top") ptf.pack(side="bottom") else: print("No matches to validate")
def callback(self): conn = sqlite3.connect(database) sql = self.entry.get("1.0", tk.END) print(sql) self.df = self.table.model.df self.df = pd.read_sql_query(sql, conn) var = self.var.get() self.table.destroy() var2 = self.var2.get() if var2 == 1: self.df = self.df.transpose() if var == 1: self.table = pt.Table(self.tableframe, dataframe=self.df, showtoolbar=True, showstatusbar=True) print(self.df.head())
def open_file(): file = filedialog.askopenfilename(initialdir="/Documents", title="Select a CSV file", filetypes=(("CSV Files", "*.csv"), ("All Files", "*.*"))) file_name = os.path.basename(file) file_name_lbl.configure(text=file_name) # Change CSV file delimiter to "," # by detecting the current delimiter # and creating a new file with the correct delimiter with open(file, "r") as old_file: sniffer = csv.Sniffer().sniff( dialect = sniffer.delimiter csv_reader = csv.reader(old_file, delimiter=dialect) with open("temp_file.csv", "w") as new_file: csv_writer = csv.writer(new_file, delimiter=",") for line in csv_reader: csv_writer.writerow(line) file = "temp_file.csv" df = pd.read_csv(file) table = pdt.Table(table_frame, dataframe=df, width=672, height=423, showstatusbar=True, showtoolbar=True) # Create scrollbar for the table vscrollbar = tk.Scrollbar(file_frame, orient=tk.VERTICAL) vscrollbar.pack(side=tk.RIGHT, fill=tk.Y) vscrollbar.configure(command=file_canvas.yview) table_frame.bind("<Configure>", on_configure) file_canvas.configure(yscrollcommand=vscrollbar.set) table.redraw()
root = tkinter.Tk() frame = tkinter.Frame(root) frame.pack() root.title("DietDb") #DB connection stuff conx = pyodbc.connect( "DRIVER={SQL SERVER NATIVE CLIENT 11.0};SERVER=(local);DATABASE=DietDb;Trusted_Connection=yes" ) cursor = conx.cursor() #function to set Sql Queries to display table query = pandas.read_sql('SELECT * FROM Food;', conx) display = pandastable.Table(frame, dataframe=query, showbartool=True, showstatusbar=True) def DisplayTable(data): #update table with new query new_query = pandas.read_sql('SELECT * FROM ' + data + ';', conx) display.model.df = new_query display.redraw() def DisplayQuery(sql): new_query = pandas.read_sql(sql) display.model.df = new_query display.redraw()
cursor = conx.cursor() root = tkinter.Tk() root.geometry('800x600') frame=tkinter.Frame() frame.grid(row=0,column=0,rowspan=12,columnspan=12) sql = ("SELECT Food.FoodKey,FoodTypes.FoodType,Food.Measurement,Brands.Brand,Food.Name,Food.Calories,Food.Protein,Food.Carbs,Food.TotalFat,Food.SatFat,Food.Fiber " "FROM Food INNER JOIN FoodTypes ON FoodTypes.FoodTypesKey = Food.FoodType INNER JOIN Brands ON Brands.BrandKey=Food.Brand UNION SELECT " "Food.FoodKey,FoodTypes.FoodType,Food.Measurement,' ',Food.Name,Food.Calories,Food.Protein,Food.Carbs,Food.TotalFat,Food.SatFat,Food.Fiber " "FROM Food INNER JOIN FoodTypes ON FoodTypes.FoodTypesKey = Food.FoodType WHERE Food.Brand IS NULL ORDER BY FoodTypes.FoodType ASC") query = pd.read_sql(sql,conx) display = table.Table(frame,dataframe=query) labels = Util.LabelRow(root,root.grid_size()[0],11,['FoodKey','Food Type','Measurement','Brand','Food Name','Calories Per','Protein Per','Carbs Per','Total Fat Per','Sat Fat Per','Fiber Per']) WidRow = Util.RowOfWidgets(root,root.grid_size()[0]+1) PKLabel = Util.NextKey_Label(WidRow,'Food',width=5) eMeasurement = ttk.Entry(WidRow,width=10) NameEntry = ttk.Entry(WidRow,width=10) foodtypelist = Util.SQL_ComboBox(WidRow,"SELECT FoodTypesKey, FoodType FROM FoodTypes ORDER BY FoodTypes.FoodType",width=10) brandlist = Util.SQL_ComboBox(WidRow,"SELECT BrandKey, Brand FROM Brands ORDER BY Brand",width=10) eCalories = ttk.Entry(WidRow,width=7) eProtein = ttk.Entry(WidRow,width=7) eCarbs = ttk.Entry(WidRow,width=7)
def checkData(self, data): ''' Creates a window in which the input/output data may be checked, if they have been imported/created correctly. Parameters ---------- data : pandas.DataFrame The input/output data. Returns ------- None. ''' def myPlot(data, zax, uaxis, scale, cslice): ''' Function to plot the data Parameters ---------- data : pandas.DataFrame data to plot. zax : string z-axis. uaxis : string the 2 dimensions that we plot. scale : string linear or log. cslice : int the slice of the 3rd axis that we plot. Returns ------- None ''' def createFig(): ''' Function to create a figure and a canvas Returns ------- fig : Figure DESCRIPTION. canvas : Canvas DESCRIPTION. ''' fig = Figure(dpi=80) fig.set_size_inches(6.5, 5.2) canvas = FigureCanvasTkAgg(fig, master=frameFig) canvas.get_tk_widget().grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=3) return fig, canvas def UpdateButton(uaxis, zax, cslice, data, scale): ''' Function to plot new slices Parameters ---------- uaxis : string the 2 dimensions that we plot.. zax : string z-axis. cslice : int the slice of the 3rd axis that we plot. data : pandas.DataFrame data to plot. scale : string linear or log. Returns ------- None. ''' self.fig.clf() # Clear previous items self.fig, canvas = createFig() ax = self.fig.subplots() dpl.createPlot(self.fig, ax, uaxis, zax, cslice, data, scale) canvas.draw() def savePlot(): ''' Function to save the figure Returns ------- None. ''' ftypes = [('JPG', '*.jpg'), ('JPEG', '*.jpeg'), ('PNG', '*.png'), ('EPS', '*.eps'), ('TIFF', '*.tiff'), ('PDF', '*.pdf'), ('All files', '*')] tmp = filedialog.asksaveasfilename(defaultextension=('JPG', '*.jpg'), initialdir="/", title="Select file", filetypes=ftypes) if tmp != '': #dpl.saveFig(self.fig, tmp) cformat = tmp.split('.')[-1] fname = ".".join(tmp.split('.')[:-1]) self.fig.savefig('{}.{}'.format(fname, cformat), format=cformat, dpi=300, bbox_inches='tight') # Figure window = tk.Toplevel(self.parent) window.title('Figure') # Slider frameSlice = tk.LabelFrame(window, text='Slice') frameSlice.grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=3) # Identify the 3rd dimension, whose slice we get tmpDimList = [ str(data.columns[0]), str(data.columns[1]), str(data.columns[2]) ] tmpDimList.remove(uaxis.split('-')[0]) tmpDimList.remove(uaxis.split('-')[1]) # Get the number of slices that exist limits = set(list(data[tmpDimList[0]])) # Create slider cslider = tk.Scale(frameSlice, from_=0, to=len(limits) - 1, orient=tk.HORIZONTAL) cslider.grid() # Frame for the figure frameFig = tk.Frame(window) frameFig.grid(row=1, column=0, columnspan=3) # Create figure self.fig, canvas = createFig() ax = self.fig.subplots() # Plot dpl.createPlot(self.fig, ax, uaxis, zax, 0, data, scale) # Update button updateBut = tk.Button(frameSlice, text='Update plot', command=lambda: UpdateButton( uaxis, zax, cslider.get(), data, scale)) updateBut.grid(row=0, column=4) canvas.draw() # Frame for matplotlib toolbar frameToolbar = tk.Frame(master=window) frameToolbar.grid(row=2, column=0) # Matplotlib toolbar toolbar = NavigationToolbar2Tk(canvas, frameToolbar) toolbar.grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=2) # Save button b2 = tk.Button(frameToolbar, text='Save', command=lambda: savePlot(), width=20) b2.grid(row=0, column=2) window = tk.Toplevel(self.parent) window.title("Check Data") window.geometry('600x400') # Frame for the printing frame = tk.Frame(window) frame.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='nesw') # Keep the first 20 rows of the dat tmp = data.head(20) # Print the first 20 rows of the data pt = pdt.Table(frame) pt.model.df = tmp # Plot options framePlot = tk.LabelFrame(window, text='Plot') framePlot.grid(row=1, column=0, columnspan=4) # Variable for Z axis myVar = tk.StringVar() myVar.set('') tmptext = [] plotEnabled = 'normal' # In case no data have been imported if len(data) == 0: options = [''] tmptext.extend(['x-y', 'x-z', 'y-z']) plotEnabled = 'disabled' else: options = list(data.columns[3:]) # Create pairs of coordinates for i in range(3): if not data.iloc[:, i].eq(data.iloc[:, i].iloc[0]).all(): for j in range(i + 1, 3): if not data.iloc[:, j].eq(data.iloc[:, j].iloc[0]).all(): tmptext.append('{}-{}'.format( data.columns[i], data.columns[j])) myVar.set(options[0]) # Choose which Dimension to plot frameDim = tk.LabelFrame(framePlot, text='Plane') frameDim.grid(row=0, column=2) for num in range(len(tmptext)): tk.Radiobutton(frameDim, text=tmptext[num], variable=self.dataDim, value=num, state=plotEnabled).grid(row=0, column=num, sticky='w') # Choose z-axis zLabel = tk.Label(framePlot, text='Choose z-Axis: ') zLabel.grid(row=0, column=0) w = tk.OptionMenu(framePlot, myVar, *options) w.grid(row=0, column=1) # Button to plot frameBut = tk.Frame(framePlot) frameBut.grid(row=0, column=4) b1 = tk.Button(frameBut, text='Plot', command=lambda: myPlot(data, myVar.get(), tmptext[ self.dataDim.get()], 'linear', 0), state=plotEnabled) b1.grid(row=0, column=0)
def showDataset(self): top = tk.Toplevel(self.root) pt = pandastable.Table(top, dataframe=self.df, editable=False)
import pandas as pd import pandastable import tkinter as tk root = tk.Tk() df = pd.read_csv("qr_out.csv") print(df) last_match_df = df.tail(6) # validate.findMatch("qm19") # msg = validate.findErrors(last_match_df) # pt = pandastable.Table(root) f = tk.Frame(root) f.pack(side=tk.BOTTOM, fill=tk.BOTH, expand=1) pt = pandastable.Table(f, dataframe=df, showtoolbar=True, showstatusbar=True) otherstuff = tk.Frame(root) otherstuff.pack(side=tk.TOP) thing = tk.Label(otherstuff, text='Changes Needed:') thing.pack(side=tk.TOP) root.mainloop() print(pt.model.df)
def table_cp(parent, data): return pt.Table(parent, dataframe=data.drop('Penalty', axis=1))
def __init__(self, parent, controller): tk.Frame.__init__(self, parent) self.lbl = tk.LabelFrame(self, text='Enter SQL Query String', font=REG_FONT, fg='white', bg=green) self.lbl.config(height=200) self.lbl.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='new') self.ctrlbar = tk.Frame(self, width=40, height=80, bg=grey2) self.ctrlbar.grid(row=1, column=0, pady=10, sticky='nw') self.grid_rowconfigure(2, weight=1) self.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1) self.showicon = tk.PhotoImage(file=show) self.hideicon = tk.PhotoImage(file=hide) self.excelicon = tk.PhotoImage(file=excel) self.showHide = tk.Button(self.ctrlbar, image=self.hideicon, width=40, height=30, command=self.toggleHide) self.showHide.image = self.hideicon self.showHide.var = tk.IntVar() self.showHide.var.set(0) self.showHide.pack(side='left', pady=2) self.excl = tk.Button(self.ctrlbar, image=self.excelicon, width=40, height=30, command=self.popup) self.excl.image = self.excelicon self.excl.pack(side='left', pady=2) srchframe = tk.Frame(self.lbl, bg=green) srchframe.pack(fill='both', pady=10) self.entry = tk.Text(srchframe, height=5) self.entry.pack(fill='both') self.btn = ttk.Button(srchframe, text="Search", command=self.callback) self.btn.pack(side='bottom') self.var = tk.IntVar() self.var2 = tk.IntVar() self.showtable = tk.Checkbutton(srchframe, text='Add results in table', var=self.var, font=REG_FONT, fg='white', bg=green) self.tanspose = tk.Checkbutton(srchframe, text='Transpose Results', var=self.var2, font=REG_FONT, fg='white', bg=green) self.tanspose.pack(side='bottom') self.showtable.pack(side='bottom') self.lbl2 = tk.LabelFrame(self, text='Results Table', font=REG_FONT, fg='white', bg=green) self.lbl2.grid(row=2, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky='nsew') self.tableframe = tk.Frame(self.lbl2) self.tableframe.pack(fill='both', expand=True) self.df = None self.fname = None self.label2 = None self.table = pt.Table(self.tableframe, showtoolbar=True, showstatusbar=True) self.configure(bg=green) print( 'SELECT fed_rssd, (netinc/asset) AS ROA from data where repdte="3/31/2010"' )