def _validate(self, obj, fmt, **kwargs): """ Helper method to be used in the __call__ method to get a suitable plot or widget object and the appropriate format. """ if isinstance(obj, Viewable): return obj, 'html' fig_formats = self.mode_formats['fig'] holomap_formats = self.mode_formats['holomap'] holomaps = obj.traverse(lambda x: x, [HoloMap]) dynamic = any(isinstance(m, DynamicMap) for m in holomaps) if fmt in ['auto', None]: if any(len(o) > 1 or (isinstance(o, DynamicMap) and unbound_dimensions(o.streams, o.kdims)) for o in holomaps): fmt = holomap_formats[0] if self.holomap in ['auto', None] else self.holomap else: fmt = fig_formats[0] if self.fig == 'auto' else self.fig if fmt in self.widgets: plot = self.get_widget(obj, fmt) fmt = 'html' elif dynamic or (self._render_with_panel and fmt == 'html'): plot, fmt = HoloViewsPane(obj, center=True, backend=self.backend, renderer=self), fmt else: plot = self.get_plot(obj, renderer=self, **kwargs) all_formats = set(fig_formats + holomap_formats) if fmt not in all_formats: raise Exception("Format %r not supported by mode %r. Allowed formats: %r" % (fmt, self.mode, fig_formats + holomap_formats)) self.last_plot = plot return plot, fmt
def app(self_or_cls, plot, show=False, new_window=False, websocket_origin=None, port=0): """ Creates a bokeh app from a HoloViews object or plot. By default simply attaches the plot to bokeh's curdoc and returns the Document, if show option is supplied creates an Application instance and displays it either in a browser window or inline if notebook extension has been loaded. Using the new_window option the app may be displayed in a new browser tab once the notebook extension has been loaded. A websocket origin is required when launching from an existing tornado server (such as the notebook) and it is not on the default port ('localhost:8888'). """ if isinstance(plot, HoloViewsPane): pane = plot else: pane = HoloViewsPane(plot, backend=self_or_cls.backend, renderer=self_or_cls, **self_or_cls._widget_kwargs()) if new_window: return pane._get_server(port, websocket_origin, show=show) else: kwargs = { 'notebook_url': websocket_origin } if websocket_origin else {} return, **kwargs)
def server_doc(self_or_cls, obj, doc=None): """ Get a bokeh Document with the plot attached. May supply an existing doc, otherwise is used to attach the plot to the global document instance. """ if not isinstance(obj, HoloViewsPane): obj = HoloViewsPane(obj, renderer=self_or_cls, backend=self_or_cls.backend, **self_or_cls._widget_kwargs()) return obj.layout.server_doc(doc)
def get_widget(self_or_cls, plot, widget_type, **kwargs): if widget_type == 'scrubber': widget_location = self_or_cls.widget_location or 'bottom' else: widget_type = 'individual' widget_location = self_or_cls.widget_location or 'right' layout = HoloViewsPane(plot, widget_type=widget_type, center=True, widget_location=widget_location, renderer=self_or_cls) interval = int((1./self_or_cls.fps) * 1000) for player in player.interval = interval return layout