Esempio n. 1
    def download_install(self, version, load_config=None, sync=False):
        if isstring(version):
            version = PanOSVersion(version)
        # Get list of software if needed
        if not self.versions:
        # Get versions as StrictVersion objects
        available_versions = map(PanOSVersion, self.versions.keys())
        target_version = PanOSVersion(str(version))
        current_version = PanOSVersion(self.pandevice.version)

        if str(target_version) not in available_versions:
            raise err.PanDeviceError("Error upgrading to unknown version: %s" %

        # Check if already on the target version
        if current_version == target_version:
            raise err.PanDeviceError(
                "Requested upgrade to version %s which is already running on device %s"
                % (target_version,

        # Download the software upgrade
        if not self.versions[str(target_version)]["downloaded"]:
  , sync=True)
        # Install the software upgrade
        result = self.install(target_version,
        return result
Esempio n. 2
    def delete_interface(self, interface=None, pan_device=None):
        """Delete the data interface used by this HA interface

            interface (HighAvailabilityInterface): The HA interface (HA1, HA2, etc)
            pan_device (PanDevice): The PanDevice object to apply the change

        if pan_device is None:
            pan_device = self.nearest_pandevice()
        if pan_device is None:
            return None
        port = interface if interface is not None else self.port
        if isstring(port):
            intname = port
            intname = str(port)
        if intname.startswith("ethernet"):
            interface = pan_device.find(intname, network.EthernetInterface)
            if interface is None:
                # Already deleted
            elif interface.mode == "ha":
        elif intname.startswith("ae"):
            interface = pan_device.find(intname, network.AggregateInterface)
            if interface is None:
                # Already deleted
            elif interface.mode == "ha":
                interface.mode = "tap"
Esempio n. 3
 def _next_major_version(self, version):
     if isstring(version):
         version = PanOSVersion(version)
     next_version = PanOSVersion(str(version.major + 1) + ".0.0")
     # Account for lack of PAN-OS 7.0.0
     if next_version == "7.0.0":
         next_version = PanOSVersion("7.0.1")
     return next_version
Esempio n. 4
    def setup_interface(self):
        """Setup the data interface as an HA interface

        Use this method to automatically convert the data interface
        to 'ha' mode. This must be done *before* this HA interface
        is created on the firewall.

        pandevice = self.nearest_pandevice()
        if pandevice is None:
            return None
        if isstring(self.port):
            intname = self.port
            intname = str(self.port)
        intconfig_needed = False
        inttype = None
        if intname.startswith("ethernet"):
            intprefix = "ethernet"
            inttype = network.EthernetInterface
            intconfig_needed = True
        elif intname.startswith("ae"):
            intprefix = "ae"
            inttype = network.AggregateInterface
            intconfig_needed = True
        elif intname.startswith("management"):
            self.link_speed = None
            self.link_duplex = None
        if intconfig_needed:
            apply_needed = False
            interface = panos.find(
                (network.EthernetInterface, network.AggregateInterface))
            if interface is None:
                interface = panos.add(inttype(name=intname, mode="ha"))
                apply_needed = True
            elif interface.mode != "ha":
                interface.mode = "ha"
                apply_needed = True
            if inttype == network.EthernetInterface:
                if self.link_speed is not None:
                    # Transfer the link_speed to the eth interface
                    if interface.link_speed != self.link_speed:
                        interface.link_speed = self.link_speed
                        apply_needed = True
                if self.link_duplex is not None:
                    # Transfer the link_duplex to the eth interface
                    if interface.link_duplex != self.link_duplex:
                        interface.link_duplex = self.link_duplex
                        apply_needed = True
            self.link_speed = None
            self.link_duplex = None
            if apply_needed:
            return interface
Esempio n. 5
    def _direct_upgrade_possible(self, current_version, target_version):
        """Check if current version can directly upgrade to target version

        :returns True if a direct upgrade is possible, False if not

        if isstring(current_version):
            current_version = PanOSVersion(current_version)
        if isstring(target_version):
            target_version = PanOSVersion(target_version)

        # Upgrade the patch version
        # eg. 6.0.2 -> 6.0.3
        if (current_version.major == target_version.major
                and current_version.minor == target_version.minor):
            return True

        # Upgrade the minor version
        # eg. 6.0.2 -> 6.1.0
        if (current_version.major == target_version.major
                and current_version.minor == 0 and target_version.minor == 1
                and target_version.patch == 0):
            return True

        # Upgrade the major version
        # eg. 6.1.2 -> 7.0.0
        if (current_version.major + 1 == target_version.major
                and current_version.minor == 1 and target_version.minor == 0
                and target_version.patch == 0):
            return True

        # Upgrading a firewall from PAN-OS 5.0.x to 6.0.x
        # This is a special case because there is no PAN-OS 5.1.x
        from panos.firewall import Firewall

        if (current_version.major == 5 and current_version.minor == 0
                and target_version == "6.0.0"
                and issubclass(type(self.pandevice), Firewall)):
            return True

        return False
Esempio n. 6
    def _next_minor_version(self, version):
        from panos.firewall import Firewall

        if isstring(version):
            next_version = PanOSVersion(version)
        if version.minor == 1:
            next_version = PanOSVersion(str(version.major + 1) + ".0.0")
        # There is no PAN-OS 5.1 for firewalls, so next minor release from 5.0.x is 6.0.0.
        elif (version.major == 5 and version.minor == 0
              and issubclass(type(self.pandevice), Firewall)):
            next_version = PanOSVersion("6.0.0")
            next_version = PanOSVersion(str(version.major) + ".1.0")
        # Account for lack of PAN-OS 7.0.0
        if next_version == "7.0.0":
            next_version = PanOSVersion("7.0.1")
        return next_version
Esempio n. 7
 def download_install_reboot(self, version, load_config=None, sync=False):
     if isstring(version):
         version = PanOSVersion(version)
     self.download_install(version, load_config, sync=True)
     # Reboot the device
         "Device %s is rebooting after upgrading to version  %s. This will take a while."
         % (, version))
     if sync:
         new_version = self.pandevice.syncreboot()
         if version != new_version:
             raise err.PanDeviceError(
                 "Attempt to upgrade to version %s failed."
                 "Device %s is on version %s after reboot." %
                 (version,, new_version))
         self.pandevice.version = new_version
         return new_version
         return None
Esempio n. 8
 def _next_patch_version(self, version):
     if isstring(version):
         version = PanOSVersion(version)
     next_version = PanOSVersion(
         str(version.major) + str(version.minor) + str(version.patch + 1))
     return next_version