def policy(resource):
    if not IN_PCI_SCOPE(resource):
        return True

    # pylint: disable=line-too-long
    default_id = f"arn:aws:ec2:{resource['Region']}:{resource['AccountId']}:network-acl/{resource['DefaultNetworkAclId']}"
    default_acl = resource_lookup(default_id)
    return not default_acl['Entries']
def policy(resource):
    if not IN_PCI_SCOPE(resource):
        return True

    if not resource["TimeToLiveDescription"]:
        return False

    return deep_get(resource, "TimeToLiveDescription", "TimeToLiveStatus") == "ENABLED"
Esempio n. 3
def policy(resource):
    if not IN_PCI_SCOPE(resource):
        return True

    for acl in resource['NetworkAcls']:
        if acl['IsDefault']:
            return not acl['Entries']
    return False
Esempio n. 4
def policy(resource):
    if not IN_PCI_SCOPE(resource):
        return True

    if not resource['TimeToLiveDescription']:
        return False

    return resource['TimeToLiveDescription']['TimeToLiveStatus'] == 'ENABLED'
Esempio n. 5
def policy(resource):
    if not IN_PCI_SCOPE(resource):
        return True

    for entry in resource["Entries"]:
        if entry["RuleAction"] == "allow" and not entry["Egress"]:
            # Check if entry is set to "All Ports"
            if entry["PortRange"] is None:
                return False
    return True
def policy(resource):
    if not IN_PCI_SCOPE(resource):
        return True

    for entry in resource['Entries']:
        if entry['RuleAction'] == 'allow' and entry['Egress']:
            # Check if entry is set to "All Ports"
            if entry['PortRange'] is None:
                return False
    return True
Esempio n. 7
def policy(resource):
    if not IN_PCI_SCOPE(resource):
        return True

    for rule in resource['Rules'] or []:
        # Must block the XSS
        if rule['Action']['Type'] != 'BLOCK':

        # Only passes if there is an XSS matching predicate
        for predicate in rule['Predicates']:
            if predicate['Type'] == 'XssMatch':
                return True

    return False
Esempio n. 8
def policy(resource):
    if not IN_PCI_SCOPE(resource):
        return True

    for rule in resource["Rules"] or []:
        # Must block the XSS
        if deep_get(rule, "Action", "Type") != "BLOCK":

        # Only passes if there is an XSS matching predicate
        for predicate in rule["Predicates"]:
            if predicate["Type"] == "XssMatch":
                return True

    return False
def policy(resource):
    if not IN_PCI_SCOPE(resource):
        return True

    if resource['IpPermissions'] is None:
        return True

    for permission in resource['IpPermissions']:
        # Check if the permission is set to "All Ports"
        if permission['FromPort'] is None or permission['ToPort'] is None:
            return False
        # Check if the permission is set to "All TCP" or "All UDP" ports
        if permission['FromPort'] == 0 and permission['ToPort'] == 65535:
            return False

    return True
def policy(resource):
    # Only apply this policy to security groups in scope for PCI
    if not IN_PCI_SCOPE(resource):
        return True

    for permission in resource["IpPermissions"] or []:
        # Check if any traffic is allowed from public IP space
        for ip_range in permission["IpRanges"] or []:
            if ip_range["CidrIp"] == "" or not ip_network(
                return False
        for ip_range in permission["Ipv6Ranges"] or []:
            if ip_range["CidrIpv6"] == "::/0" or not ip_network(
                return False

    return True
def policy(resource):
    # Only apply this policy if the Security Group is in scope for PCI
    if not IN_PCI_SCOPE(resource):
        return True

    for permission in resource['IpPermissionsEgress'] or []:
        # Check if any traffic can leave this security group to public IP space
        for ip_range in permission['IpRanges'] or []:
            if ip_range['CidrIp'] == '' or not ip_network(
                return False
        for ip_range in permission['Ipv6Ranges'] or []:
            if ip_range['CidrIpv6'] == '::/0' or not ip_network(
                return False

    return True
def policy(resource):
    if not IN_PCI_SCOPE(resource):
        return True

    object_lock = resource['ObjectLockConfiguration']

    # Object lock configuration is not enabled, or enabled without a rule
    if not object_lock or object_lock[
            'ObjectLockEnabled'] != 'Enabled' or not object_lock['Rule']:
        return False

    # Ensure ObjectLockConfiguration is in COMPLIANCE mode, not GOVERNANCE mode
    if object_lock['Rule']['DefaultRetention']['Mode'] != 'COMPLIANCE':
        return False

    return object_lock['Rule']['DefaultRetention'][
        'Days'] >= RETENTION_PERIOD_DAYS
def policy(resource):
    if not IN_PCI_SCOPE(resource):
        return True

    object_lock = resource["ObjectLockConfiguration"]

    # Object lock configuration is not enabled, or enabled without a rule
    if not object_lock or object_lock["ObjectLockEnabled"] != "Enabled" or not object_lock["Rule"]:
        return False

    # Ensure ObjectLockConfiguration is in COMPLIANCE mode, not GOVERNANCE mode
    if deep_get(object_lock, "Rule", "DefaultRetention", "Mode") != "COMPLIANCE":
        return False

    return (
        deep_get(object_lock, "Rule", "DefaultRetention", "Days", default=0)
Esempio n. 14
def policy(resource):
    if not IN_PCI_SCOPE(resource):
        return True

    for entry in resource['Entries']:
        # Look for ingress rules from any IP.
        # This could be modified in the future to inspect the size
        # of the source network with the ipaddress.ip_network.num_addresses call.
        if entry['Egress']:

        # This indicates that all protocols are allowed, and the port range is ignored
        if entry['Protocol'] == '-1' or not entry['PortRange']:
            return False

        if any(entry['PortRange']['From'] <= port <= entry['PortRange']['To']
               for port in INSECURE_PORTS):
            return False
    return True
def policy(resource):
    if not IN_PCI_SCOPE(resource):
        return True

    if resource["IpPermissions"] is None:
        return True

    for permission in resource["IpPermissions"]:
        # Only check Security Group -> Security Group permissions
        if not permission["UserIdGroupPairs"]:
        # Check if the permission is set to "All Ports"
        if permission["FromPort"] is None or permission["ToPort"] is None:
            return False
        # Check if the permission is set to "All TCP" or "All UDP" ports
        if permission["FromPort"] == 0 and permission["ToPort"] == 65535:
            return False

    return True
def policy(resource):
    if not IN_PCI_SCOPE(resource):
        return True

    if resource["IpPermissions"] is None:
        return True

    for permission in resource["IpPermissions"]:
        # Check if the permission is set to "All Ports"
        if permission["FromPort"] is None or permission["ToPort"] is None:
            return False
        # Check if the permission allows too many ports. Alternatively, this can be modified to sum
        # open ports to have one running total.
        if permission["ToPort"] - permission[
                "FromPort"] > MAX_PORTS_PER_PERMISSION:
            return False
        if any(permission["FromPort"] <= port <= permission["ToPort"]
               for port in RESTRICTED_PORTS):
            return False

    return True
def policy(resource):
    # Only check the volumes that are in scope for PCI
    if not IN_PCI_SCOPE(resource):
        return True

    return bool(resource["Encrypted"])
Esempio n. 18
def policy(resource):
    if not IN_PCI_SCOPE(resource):
        return True

    return MIN_RETENTION_DAYS <= resource[
        "BackupRetentionPeriod"] <= MAX_RETENTION_DAYS
Esempio n. 19
def policy(resource):
    if not IN_PCI_SCOPE(resource):
        return True

    return MIN_RETENTION_DAYS <= resource[
        'AutomatedSnapshotRetentionPeriod'] <= MAX_RETENTION_DAYS
def policy(resource):
    if not IN_PCI_SCOPE(resource):
        return True

    # Casting to Bool as this may be None and we cannot return a NoneType
    return bool(resource["SSLPolicies"])