def __setitem__(self, k: str, v: str) -> None:
     # noinspection PyProtectedMember
     if self._image._readonly:
         raise AttributeError("project in readonly mode")
     if not isinstance(k, str):
         raise TypeError(f"key must be of type `str` got `{type(k)}`")
     if not isinstance(v, str):
         raise TypeError(f"value must be of type `str` got `{type(v)}`")
     self._entry.putMetadataValue(String(str(k)), String(str(v)))
 def __getitem__(self, k: str) -> Any:
     if not isinstance(k, str):
         raise TypeError(f"key must be of type `str` got `{type(k)}`")
     if k not in self:
         raise KeyError(f"'{k}' not in metadata")
     v = self._image_data.getProperty(String(k))
     return v
 def __delitem__(self, k: str) -> None:
     # noinspection PyProtectedMember
     if self._image._readonly:
         raise AttributeError("project in readonly mode")
     if not isinstance(k, str):
         raise TypeError(f"key must be of type `str` got `{type(k)}`")
 def __getitem__(self, k: str) -> str:
     if not isinstance(k, str):
         raise TypeError(f"key must be of type `str` got `{type(k)}`")
     v = self._entry.getMetadataValue(String(str(k)))
     if v is None:
         raise KeyError(f"'{k}' not in metadata")
     return str(v)
Esempio n. 5
    def add_image(
        Any,  # this should actually be ID type of the image provider
            image_type: Optional[QuPathImageType] = None,
            allow_duplicates: bool = False) -> QuPathProjectImageEntry:
        """add an image to the project

            image_id pointing to the image file (with default image_provider: filename)
            provide an image type for the image. If not provided the user will
            be prompted before opening the image in QuPath.
            check if file has already been added to the project.

        # readonly?
        if self._readonly:
            raise OSError("project in readonly mode")
        # test if we may add:
        img_uri = self._image_provider.uri(image_id)
        if img_uri is None:
            raise FileNotFoundError(
                f"image_provider can't provide URI for requested image_id: '{image_id}'"
        img_id =
        if not img_id == image_id:  # pragma: no cover
                f"image_provider roundtrip error: '{image_id}' -> uri -> '{img_id}'"
            raise RuntimeError(
                "the image provider failed to roundtrip the image id correctly"

        if not allow_duplicates:
            for entry in self.images:
                uri =
                if img_id == uri:
                    raise FileExistsError(img_id)

        # first get a server builder
            support = ImageServerProvider.getPreferredUriImageSupport(
                BufferedImage, String(str(img_uri)))
        except IOException:  # pragma: no cover
            # it's possible that an image_provider returns an URI but that URI
            # is not actually reachable. In that case catch the java IOException
            # and raise a FileNotFoundError here
            raise FileNotFoundError(image_id)
        except ExceptionInInitializerError:
            raise OSError("no preferred support found")
        if not support:
            raise OSError("no preferred support found")  # pragma: no cover
        server_builders = list(support.getBuilders())
        if not server_builders:
            raise OSError(
                "no supported server builders found")  # pragma: no cover
        server_builder = server_builders[0]

        with self._stage_image_entry(server_builder) as j_entry:
            # all of this happens in qupath.lib.gui.commands.ProjectImportImagesCommand
                server =
            except IOException:
                _, _, _sb = server_builder.__class__.__name__.rpartition(".")
                raise OSError(f"{_sb} can't open {str(image_id)}")

            # add some informative logging
            _md = server.getMetadata()
            width = int(_md.getWidth())
            height = int(_md.getHeight())
            downsamples = [
                float(x) for x in _md.getPreferredDownsamplesArray()
            target_downsample = math.sqrt(width / 1024.0 * height / 1024.0)
                f"Image[{width}x{height}] with downsamples {downsamples}")
            if not any(d >= target_downsample for d in downsamples):
                    "No matching downsample for thumbnail! This might take a long time..."

            # set the project thumbnail
                thumbnail = ProjectImportImagesCommand_getThumbnailRGB(
                    server, None)
            except NegativeArraySizeException:  # pragma: no cover
                raise RuntimeError(
                    "Thumbnailing FAILED. Image might be too large and has no embedded thumbnail."

        py_entry = self._image_entries_proxy[-1]
        if image_type is not None:
            py_entry.image_type = image_type
        # save project after adding image
        return py_entry
Esempio n. 6
 def description(self, value: str):
     if not isinstance(value, str):
         raise TypeError("requires a str")
Esempio n. 7
 def name(self: PathROIObjectType, name: Union[str, None]) -> None:
     if name is not None:
         name = String(name)
     if self._update_callback:
Esempio n. 8
 def from_geojson(cls: Type[PathROIObjectType],
                  geojson) -> PathROIObjectType:
     """create a new Path Object from geojson"""
     gson = GsonTools.getInstance()
     java_obj = gson.fromJson(String(json.dumps(geojson)), cls.java_class)
     return cls(java_obj)
 def image_name(self, name: str) -> None:
     if self._readonly:
         raise AttributeError("project in readonly mode")
 def __contains__(self, item: Any) -> bool:
     if not isinstance(item, str):
         return False
     return bool(self._image_data.getProperties().containsKey(String(item)))
 def __contains__(self, item):
     return bool(self._entry.containsMetadata(String(str(item))))
    def __init__(self,
                 name: str,
                 color: Optional[ColorType] = None,
                 parent: Optional['QuPathPathClass'] = None,
                 **_kwargs) -> None:
        """create a QuPathPathClass

        The QuPathPathClasses are wrappers around singletons defined by their
        name and their ancestors. Internally there's only one java PathClass
        instance per ancestor chain + name. (The internal unique id is chaining
        names via ':', which is why ':' is an unsupported name character)

            the name of your path class
            a color (r,g,b) or (r,g,b,a) with 0 < x < 255 or a QuPathColor
            if color is None, a color calculated from the name is used
            the parent of the class

            the QuPathPathClass
        # internal: check if a java path class was already provided
        _java_path_class = _kwargs.pop('_java_path_class', None)
        if _java_path_class is not None:
            self.java_object = _java_path_class

        # called by user
        if name is None:
            if parent is None:
                # note:
                #   parent=None for name=None creates the root node on the qupath java side
                #   will have to consider if we expose this here.
                raise NotImplementedError(
                    "creating Root PathClass is currently not supported")
                raise ValueError(
                    "cannot create derived QuPathPathClass with name=None")
        elif isinstance(name, str):
            if ":" in name or "\n" in name:
                raise ValueError("PathClass names cannot contain ':' or '\n'")
            name = String(name)
            raise TypeError(f"name requires type 'str' got '{type(name)}'")

        # get the parent class if requested
        java_parent = None
        if parent is not None:
            if not isinstance(parent, QuPathPathClass):
                raise TypeError("parent must be a QuPathPathClass")
            java_parent = parent.java_object

        # set the color if requested
        java_color = None
        if color is not None:
            java_color = QuPathColor.from_any(
                color).to_java_rgba()  # use rgba?

        path_class = PathClassFactory.getDerivedPathClass(
            java_parent, name, java_color)
        self.java_object = path_class