Esempio n. 1
class StepperMotor(object):
    def __init__(self, motor_inputs, state=0, delay=0.05):
        :param motor_inputs: Ordered list of parallel values to turn motor
        :type motor_inputs: list or tuple
        :param state: Initial starting state of motor position
        :type state: int
        :param delay: Delay between steps (speed)
        :type delay: float
        self.MOTOR_INPUTS = motor_inputs
        self.state = state
        self.delay = delay
        # Setup parallel interface on first init
        self.parallel_interface = Parallel()

    #Q: Keep as a function or store state to self?
    def stepper_generator(self, state_steps):
        Returns a generator object which yields the current state and motor input.
        :param state_steps: Number of steps to step the motor.
        :type state_steps: int
        :returns: Generator yielding tuples (state_index, motor_input)
        :rtype: (int, hex)
        if state_steps < 0:
            step = -1
            step = 1

        for virtual_state in xrange(self.state + 1,
                                    self.state + state_steps + 1, step):
            # NOTE: virtual_state is not used other than for informing the user the
            # overall relative step we've applied!
            self.state += step
            if self.state >= len(self.MOTOR_INPUTS):
                # start at list 0
                self.state = 0
            elif self.state < 0:
                # start at the end
                self.state = len(self.MOTOR_INPUTS) - 1
                # we're at an index within the current motor inputs list

            motor_command = self.MOTOR_INPUTS[self.state]

            print "%+ 4d : Moving to internal state index %02d, %s hex %03.2f degrees" % (
                virtual_state, self.state, hex(motor_command),
                state_to_angle(self.state, len(self.MOTOR_INPUTS)))

            # present the required value
            yield motor_command

    def turn_motor(self, cycles):
        Turns the motor the desired amount.
        :param cycles: Loops to turn
        :type cycles: float
        :returns: New state position
        :rtype: int
        # round to the nearest step possible
        steps = int(round(cycles * len(self.MOTOR_INPUTS)))

        stepper = self.stepper_generator(steps)

        for motor_position in stepper:
            ##print "turn motor to position %s" % hex(motor_position)

        return self.state

    def turn_to_angle(self, angle):
        Turns the motor to the desired absolute angle.
        Accessor which converts arguments for turn_motor method.
        :param angle: Angle to turn to
        :type angle: float
        :returns: New state position
        :rtype: int
        cycles = self.angle_to_cycles(angle, self.state)
        return self.turn_motor(cycles)

    def rotate(self, degrees):
        Turns the motor by the number of degrees. -720 will turn the motor
        two whole cycles anti-clockwise.
        Accessor which converts arguments for turn_motor method.
        :param degrees: Degrees to turn motor by
        :type degrees: float
        :returns: New state position
        :rtype: int
        cycles = degrees / 360.0
        return self.turn_motor(cycles)
Esempio n. 2
#!/usr/bin/env python
from sys import argv
from parallel import Parallel
p = Parallel()

args = argv[1:]
if args:
    if 'on' in args:
    if 'off' in args:
Esempio n. 3
class StepperMotor(object):
    def __init__(self, motor_inputs, state=0, delay=0.05):
        :param motor_inputs: Ordered list of parallel values to turn motor
        :type motor_inputs: list or tuple
        :param state: Initial starting state of motor position
        :type state: int
        :param delay: Delay between steps (speed)
        :type delay: float
        self.MOTOR_INPUTS = motor_inputs
        self.state = state
        self.delay = delay
        # Setup parallel interface on first init
        self.parallel_interface = Parallel()
    #Q: Keep as a function or store state to self?
    def stepper_generator(self, state_steps):
        Returns a generator object which yields the current state and motor input.
        :param state_steps: Number of steps to step the motor.
        :type state_steps: int
        :returns: Generator yielding tuples (state_index, motor_input)
        :rtype: (int, hex)
        if state_steps < 0:
            step = -1
            step = 1
        for virtual_state in xrange(self.state+1, self.state+state_steps+1, step):
            # NOTE: virtual_state is not used other than for informing the user the 
            # overall relative step we've applied!  
            self.state += step
            if self.state >= len(self.MOTOR_INPUTS):
                # start at list 0
                self.state = 0
            elif self.state < 0:
                # start at the end
                self.state = len(self.MOTOR_INPUTS) -1
                # we're at an index within the current motor inputs list
            motor_command = self.MOTOR_INPUTS[self.state]
            print "%+ 4d : Moving to internal state index %02d, %s hex %03.2f degrees" % (
                virtual_state, self.state, hex(motor_command),
                state_to_angle(self.state, len(self.MOTOR_INPUTS)))
            # present the required value
            yield motor_command
    def turn_motor(self, cycles):
        Turns the motor the desired amount.
        :param cycles: Loops to turn
        :type cycles: float
        :returns: New state position
        :rtype: int
        # round to the nearest step possible
        steps = int(round(cycles * len(self.MOTOR_INPUTS)))
        stepper = self.stepper_generator(steps)
        for motor_position in stepper:
            ##print "turn motor to position %s" % hex(motor_position)
        return self.state
    def turn_to_angle(self, angle):
        Turns the motor to the desired absolute angle.
        Accessor which converts arguments for turn_motor method.
        :param angle: Angle to turn to
        :type angle: float
        :returns: New state position
        :rtype: int
        cycles = self.angle_to_cycles(angle, self.state)
        return self.turn_motor(cycles)
    def rotate(self, degrees):
        Turns the motor by the number of degrees. -720 will turn the motor
        two whole cycles anti-clockwise.
        Accessor which converts arguments for turn_motor method.
        :param degrees: Degrees to turn motor by
        :type degrees: float
        :returns: New state position
        :rtype: int
        cycles = degrees / 360.0
        return self.turn_motor(cycles)