Esempio n. 1
def main(argv=sys.argv):
	# dynamixel parameters for communication {initialization}
	port_name = 'COM5'
	p_d = parameters.param_dyn(port_name)

	# serial port communication
	s_p = communication.Serial_Port(p_d.PORT_NAME, p_d.BAUDRATE)

	# controll dynamixel AX-12+
	dynamixel_id = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18]
	dC_AX_12p    = []
	#dynamixel_id = [3, 4]

	for init_d in range(0, len(dynamixel_id)):
		# initial AX-12+
		aux_dyn = dyn_ax_12p.dynamixel_AX12P(dynamixel_id[init_d], s_p.serial_port)

	#for i_temp in range(0, len(dC_AX_12p)):
		# call functions {read}
		#present_temperature(p_d, dC_AX_12p[i_temp], dynamixel_id[i_temp])
	# call functions {write}
	goal_speed = 300
	for i_speed in range(0, len(dC_AX_12p)):
		set_speed(p_d, dC_AX_12p[i_speed], dynamixel_id[i_speed], goal_speed)

	goal_pos = [204, 818, 250, 770, 512, 512, 358, 666, 512, 512, 444, 578, 375, 646, 599, 423, 512, 512]
	#goal_pos = [500, 500]

	for i_pos in range(0, len(dC_AX_12p)):
		set_position(p_d, dC_AX_12p[i_pos], dynamixel_id[i_pos], goal_pos[i_pos])

	counter_1 = 0
	while counter_1 < len(goal_pos):
		set_position(p_d, dC_AX_12p[init_d], dynamixel_id[counter_1], goal_pos[counter_1])
		is_mM = is_motor_moving(p_d, dC_AX_12p[init_d], dynamixel_id[counter_1])

		if is_mM == 0:
			counter_1 = counter_1 + 1
	# exit communication
	if s_p.close_serialPort():
		print('Serial port communication terminated.')
def main(argv=sys.argv):
    # dynamixel parameters for communication {initialization}
    port_name = 'COM4'
    p_d = parameters.param_dyn(port_name)

    # serial port communication
    s_p = communication.Serial_Port(p_d.PORT_NAME, p_d.BAUDRATE)

    # controll dynamixel AX-12+
    dynamixel_id_1 = 1

    # initial AX-12+
    dC_AX_12p = dyn_ax_12p.dynamixel_AX12P(dynamixel_id_1, s_p.serial_port)

    # call functions
    present_temperature(p_d, dC_AX_12p, dynamixel_id_1)

    goal_pos = 512
    set_position(p_d, dC_AX_12p, dynamixel_id_1, goal_pos)

    # exit communication
    if s_p.close_serialPort():
        print('Serial port communication terminated.')
        result = dC_AX_12p.result
        # release of variables

    return int(result)

# define global class for scale
global scale_hsv
# initialization class for scale
scale_hsv = HSV_init_scale()

port_name = 'COM4'
p_d = parameters.param_dyn(port_name)

# serial port communication
s_p = communication.Serial_Port(p_d.PORT_NAME, p_d.BAUDRATE)

dynamixel_id = [1]
dC_AX_12p = []

for init_d in range(0, len(dynamixel_id)):
    # initial AX-12+
    aux_dyn = dyn_ax_12p.dynamixel_AX12P(dynamixel_id[init_d], s_p.serial_port)

goal_speed = 50
for i_speed in range(0, len(dC_AX_12p)):
    set_speed(p_d, dC_AX_12p[i_speed], dynamixel_id[i_speed], goal_speed)
def mult_obj_tracker(device, frame_width, frame_height):
    # parameters for drawing {plot}
    COUNT_OF_OBJECTS = 2  # each color
    # identical to the frame size
    MIN_X = 0
    MAX_X = 640
    MIN_Y = 480
    MAX_Y = 0

    plt, fig, ax = init()
    fig.set_size_inches(12.5, 9.5)
    fig.canvas.manager.window.wm_geometry("+%d+%d" % (0, 0))
    ax.set_title('Bioloid King-Spider {opencv control}',
    ax.set_xlabel('Dimension X', fontsize=10, fontweight='bold')
    ax.set_ylabel('Dimension Y', fontsize=10, fontweight='bold')
    # x,y limitation

    # HSV - coordinates of the detected object
    lower_hsv = {
        'green': (17, 71, 78),

    upper_hsv = {
        'green': (27, 255, 255),
    # initialization colors for ectangle around the object

    # initialization colors for circle and rectangle around the object
    colors_cr = {
        'green': (0, 255, 0),

    # start recording
    mult_t = cv2.VideoCapture(device)

    if not (mult_t.isOpened()):

    # set frame parameters
    mult_t.set(frame_width, 640)
    mult_t.set(frame_height, 480)

    port_name = 'COM4'
    p_d = parameters.param_dyn(port_name)

    # serial port communication
    s_p = communication.Serial_Port(p_d.PORT_NAME, p_d.BAUDRATE)

    # controll dynamixel AX-12+
    dynamixel_id = [
        1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18
    dC_AX_12p = []

    for init_d in range(0, len(dynamixel_id)):
        # initial AX-12+
        aux_dyn = dyn_ax_12p.dynamixel_AX12P(dynamixel_id[init_d],

    # call functions {write}
    goal_speed = 50
    for i_speed in range(0, len(dC_AX_12p)):
        set_speed(p_d, dC_AX_12p[i_speed], dynamixel_id[i_speed], goal_speed)

    # dynamixel

    g_H = []
    count_g_H = 0
    position_state_H = 0

    g_F = []
    count_g_F = 0
    position_state_F = 0

    g_B = []
    count_g_B = 0
    position_state_B = 0

    g_TL = []
    count_g_TL = 0
    position_state_TL = 0

    g_TR = []
    count_g_TR = 0
    position_state_TR = 0

    goal_pos = [
        459, 575, 444, 590, 513, 512, 514, 514, 592, 422, 504, 457, 532, 369,
        605, 411, 526, 441

    # initialization approx. param
    green_approx_x = 0
    green_approx_y = 0
    command = ''
    while True:
        _, frame_mT =

        # convert to grayscale
        hsv = cv2.cvtColor(frame_mT, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)
        # Gaussian Blur {filter}
        blur = cv2.GaussianBlur(hsv, (5, 5), 0)

        # ============================== detection object ==============================
        for color_k, _ in upper_hsv.items():
            # initialization matrix {kernel}
            kernel_m = np.ones((5, 5), np.uint8)
            # comparison
            mask_m = cv2.inRange(blur, lower_hsv[color_k], upper_hsv[color_k])
            # open structure {kernel matrix} -> MORPH_OPEN
            open_morph = cv2.morphologyEx(mask_m, cv2.MORPH_OPEN, kernel_m)
            # find contours
            res_cnts = cv2.findContours(open_morph.copy(), cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL,
            obj_center = None

            for obj_num, obj_contour in enumerate(res_cnts):
                # calculation object perimeter
                obj_perimeter = cv2.arcLength(obj_contour, True)
                approx = cv2.approxPolyDP(obj_contour, 0.02 * obj_perimeter,
                if 6 < len(approx) < 15:
                    # calculation area of the object
                    obj_area = cv2.contourArea(obj_contour)
                    # calculation circularity: formula {4 * pi * Area/(perimeter^2)}
                    obj_circ = ((4 * math.pi * obj_area) /
                                (obj_perimeter * obj_perimeter))

                    # condition of size {area} -> object
                    if (50 < obj_area < 3000) and (0.3 < obj_circ < 1.5):
                        # detect coordinates of the object contour {circle}
                         y_c), obj_radius = cv2.minEnclosingCircle(obj_contour)
                        obj_center = (int(x_c), int(y_c))
                        obj_radius = int(obj_radius)
                        # detect coordinates of the object contour {rectangle}
                        x_r, y_r, obj_w, obj_h = cv2.boundingRect(obj_contour)
                        # draw rectangle and circle
                        obj_rect = cv2.rectangle(frame_mT, (x_r, y_r),
                                                 (x_r + obj_w, y_r + obj_h),
                                                 colors_cr[color_k], 2)
              , obj_center, int(obj_radius),
                                   colors_cr[color_k], 2)
                        # initialization string for the object {text}
                        str_aux_x = 'Dx:' + str(int(x_c))
                        str_aux_y = 'Dy:' + str(int(y_c))
                        # adding text {coordinates}
                        cv2.putText(obj_rect, str_aux_x,
                                    (int(x_r - 0.5), int(y_r - 20)),
                                    cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5,
                                    colors_cr[color_k], 2)
                        cv2.putText(obj_rect, str_aux_y,
                                    (int(x_r - 0.5), int(y_r - 5)),
                                    cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5,
                                    colors_cr[color_k], 2)

                        if color_k == 'green':
                            if abs(green_approx_x -
                                   int(x_r)) <= 1 or abs(green_approx_y -
                                                         int(x_r)) <= 1:
                                plt, command = calculation(
                                    plt, fig, ax, green_approx_x,
                                    480 - green_approx_y)
                                green_approx_x = int(x_r)
                                green_approx_y = int(y_r)

                        if command == 'SIT_DOWN':
                            goal_pos = [
                                381, 648, 227, 826, 283, 742, 523, 498, 818,
                                211, 786, 269, 656, 349, 779, 250, 725, 293

                            for i_pos in range(0, len(dC_AX_12p)):
                                set_position(p_d, dC_AX_12p[i_pos],
                        elif command == 'HOME':
                            goal_pos = [
                                459, 575, 444, 590, 513, 512, 514, 514, 592,
                                422, 504, 457, 532, 369, 605, 411, 526, 441

                            for i_pos in range(0, len(dC_AX_12p)):
                                set_position(p_d, dC_AX_12p[i_pos],

                        elif command == 'STAND_UP':
                            goal_pos = [
                                507, 534, 649, 367, 638, 344, 508, 469, 292,
                                634, 303, 651, 585, 358, 373, 633, 385, 636

                            for i_pos in range(0, len(dC_AX_12p)):
                                set_position(p_d, dC_AX_12p[i_pos],

                        elif command == 'LEGS_RIGHT':
                            goal_pos = [
                                459, 575, 319, 589, 764, 512, 491, 413, 591,
                                422, 505, 457, 631, 369, 719, 411, 304, 440

                            for i_pos in range(0, len(dC_AX_12p)):
                                set_position(p_d, dC_AX_12p[i_pos],

                        elif command == 'LEGS_LEFT':
                            goal_pos = [
                                459, 575, 443, 719, 511, 322, 581, 560, 606,
                                421, 504, 456, 632, 369, 605, 321, 526, 701

                            for i_pos in range(0, len(dC_AX_12p)):
                                set_position(p_d, dC_AX_12p[i_pos],


        # show the result in the main frame
        cv2.imshow("Multiple object tracker {Main frame}", frame_mT)

        # ending condition
        if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'):
            return mult_t
def main(argv=sys.argv):
    port_name = 'COM4'
    p_d = parameters.param_dyn(port_name)

    # serial port communication
    s_p = communication.Serial_Port(p_d.PORT_NAME, p_d.BAUDRATE)

    # controll dynamixel AX-12+
    dynamixel_id = [
        1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18
    dC_AX_12p = []

    for init_d in range(0, len(dynamixel_id)):
        # initial AX-12+
        aux_dyn = dyn_ax_12p.dynamixel_AX12P(dynamixel_id[init_d],

    # call functions {write}
    goal_speed = 75
    for i_speed in range(0, len(dC_AX_12p)):
        set_speed(p_d, dC_AX_12p[i_speed], dynamixel_id[i_speed], goal_speed)

    # home pos
    goal_pos = [
        459, 575, 444, 590, 513, 512, 581, 414, 592, 422, 504, 457, 632, 369,
        605, 411, 526, 441

    goal_posTRGH = [[
        372, 610, 267, 512, 268, 512, 512, 509, 536, 256, 510, 291, 650, 364,
        739, 513, 735, 523
                        372, 734, 267, 512, 268, 512, 611, 509, 536, 256, 510,
                        291, 650, 405, 739, 513, 735, 523
                        372, 734, 494, 750, 495, 733, 611, 509, 764, 495, 763,
                        483, 650, 405, 517, 253, 522, 259
                        372, 655, 494, 750, 495, 733, 519, 509, 764, 495, 763,
                        483, 650, 329, 517, 253, 522, 259

    goal_posTLFT = [[
        414, 652, 512, 757, 512, 756, 515, 512, 760, 480, 733, 514, 660, 374,
        511, 285, 501, 289
                        290, 652, 512, 757, 512, 756, 515, 413, 760, 480, 733,
                        514, 619, 374, 511, 285, 501, 289
                        290, 652, 274, 530, 291, 529, 515, 413, 521, 252, 541,
                        261, 619, 374, 771, 507, 765, 502
                        369, 652, 274, 530, 291, 529, 515, 505, 521, 252, 541,
                        261, 695, 374, 771, 507, 765, 502

    goal_posWFWD = [[
        458, 584, 469, 767, 517, 733, 326, 569, 803, 414, 729, 411, 581, 443,
        490, 236, 596, 410
                        429, 575, 521, 739, 431, 610, 489, 730, 801, 390, 741,
                        412, 585, 447, 617, 203, 551, 307
                        440, 566, 257, 555, 291, 507, 455, 698, 602, 213, 613,
                        289, 581, 443, 788, 534, 614, 428
                        449, 595, 285, 503, 414, 593, 294, 535, 626, 215, 612,
                        274, 577, 439, 821, 407, 717, 473

    goal_posWBKW = [[
        458, 584, 469, 767, 517, 733, 326, 569, 803, 414, 729, 411, 581, 443,
        490, 236, 596, 410
                        449, 595, 285, 503, 414, 593, 294, 535, 626, 215, 612,
                        274, 577, 439, 821, 407, 717, 473
                        440, 566, 257, 555, 291, 507, 455, 698, 602, 213, 613,
                        289, 581, 443, 788, 534, 614, 428
                        429, 575, 521, 739, 431, 610, 489, 730, 801, 390, 741,
                        412, 585, 447, 617, 203, 551, 307

    for i_pos in range(0, len(dC_AX_12p)):
        set_position(p_d, dC_AX_12p[i_pos], dynamixel_id[i_pos],

    g = []
    count_g = 0
    position_state = 0
    while 1:
        for i_presPos in range(0, len(dC_AX_12p)):
            a = is_motor_moving(p_d, dC_AX_12p[i_presPos],

        for i_g in range(0, len(dC_AX_12p)):
            if g[i_g] == 0:
                count_g += 1

        g = []

        if count_g == 18:
            # call functions {write}
            goal_speed = 600
            for i_speed in range(0, len(dC_AX_12p)):
                set_speed(p_d, dC_AX_12p[i_speed], dynamixel_id[i_speed],

            goal_pos = goal_pos[position_state]
            for i_pos in range(0, len(dC_AX_12p)):
                set_position(p_d, dC_AX_12p[i_pos], dynamixel_id[i_pos],

            if position_state == 3:
                position_state = 0
                position_state += 1

        count_g = 0

    # exit communication
    if s_p.close_serialPort():
        print('Serial port communication terminated.')
def mult_obj_tracker(device, frame_width, frame_height):
    # dynamixel parameters for communication {initialization}
    port_name = 'COM4'
    p_d = parameters.param_dyn(port_name)

    # serial port communication
    s_p = communication.Serial_Port(p_d.PORT_NAME, p_d.BAUDRATE)

    # controll dynamixel AX-12+
    dC_AX_12p = []
    dynamixel_id = [3, 4]

    for init_d in range(0, len(dynamixel_id)):
        # initial AX-12+
        aux_dyn = dyn_ax_12p.dynamixel_AX12P(dynamixel_id[init_d],

    # call functions {write speed}
    goal_speed = 300
    for i_speed in range(0, len(dC_AX_12p)):
        set_speed(p_d, dC_AX_12p[i_speed], dynamixel_id[i_speed], goal_speed)

    # identical to the frame size
    MIN_X = 0
    MAX_X = 640
    MIN_Y = 480
    MAX_Y = 0
    # number of individual colors for input -> ['blue', 'green']
    b_tObj = object_draw_bioloid.tracking_bioloid(1, 1)
    # set maximum limits {x, y} of frame
    b_tObj.axis_init(640, 480)
    # initialization triangles

    # HSV - coordinates of the detected object
    lower_hsv = {'green': (17, 71, 78), 'blue': (97, 63, 34)}

    upper_hsv = {'green': (27, 255, 255), 'blue': (164, 223, 184)}
    # initialization colors for ectangle around the object

    # initialization colors for circle and rectangle around the object
    colors_cr = {'green': (0, 255, 0), 'blue': (255, 0, 0)}

    # start recording
    mult_t = cv2.VideoCapture(device)

    if not (mult_t.isOpened()):

    # set frame parameters
    mult_t.set(frame_width, 640)
    mult_t.set(frame_height, 480)

    while True:
        _, frame_mT =

        hsv = cv2.cvtColor(frame_mT, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)

        blur = cv2.GaussianBlur(hsv, (5, 5), 0)

        # ============================== detection object ==============================
        for color_k, _ in upper_hsv.items():
            # initialization matrix {kernel}
            kernel_m = np.ones((7, 7), np.uint8)
            # comparison
            mask_m = cv2.inRange(blur, lower_hsv[color_k], upper_hsv[color_k])
            # open structure {kernel matrix} -> MORPH_OPEN
            open_morph = cv2.morphologyEx(mask_m, cv2.MORPH_OPEN, kernel_m)
            # find contours
            res_cnts = cv2.findContours(open_morph.copy(), cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL,
            obj_center = None

            for obj_num, obj_contour in enumerate(res_cnts):
                # calculation object perimeter
                obj_perimeter = cv2.arcLength(obj_contour, True)
                approx = cv2.approxPolyDP(obj_contour, 0.02 * obj_perimeter,
                if 6 < len(approx) < 15:
                    # calculation area of the object
                    obj_area = cv2.contourArea(obj_contour)
                    # calculation circularity: formula {4 * pi * Area/(perimeter^2)}
                    obj_circ = ((4 * math.pi * obj_area) /
                                (obj_perimeter * obj_perimeter))

                    # condition of size {area} -> object
                    if (5 < obj_area < 1000) and (0.3 < obj_circ < 1.5):
                        # detect coordinates of the object contour {circle}
                         y_c), obj_radius = cv2.minEnclosingCircle(obj_contour)
                        obj_center = (int(x_c), int(y_c))
                        obj_radius = int(obj_radius)
                        # detect coordinates of the object contour {rectangle}
                        x_r, y_r, obj_w, obj_h = cv2.boundingRect(obj_contour)
                        # draw rectangle and circle
                        obj_rect = cv2.rectangle(frame_mT, (x_r, y_r),
                                                 (x_r + obj_w, y_r + obj_h),
                                                 colors_cr[color_k], 2)
              , obj_center, int(obj_radius),
                                   colors_cr[color_k], 2)
                        # initialization string for the object {text}
                        str_aux_x = 'Dx:' + str(int(x_c))
                        str_aux_y = 'Dy:' + str(int(y_c))
                        # adding text {coordinates}
                        cv2.putText(obj_rect, str_aux_x,
                                    (int(x_r - 0.5), int(y_r - 20)),
                                    cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5,
                                    colors_cr[color_k], 2)
                        cv2.putText(obj_rect, str_aux_y,
                                    (int(x_r - 0.5), int(y_r - 5)),
                                    cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5,
                                    colors_cr[color_k], 2)

                        if color_k == 'blue' and int(x_c) > 340:
                            b_tObj.loop_draw_object(int(x_c), int(y_c),
                                                    color_k, 0)
                        elif color_k == 'green' and int(x_c) < 260:
                            b_tObj.loop_draw_object(int(x_c), int(y_c),
                                                    color_k, 0)

                        # calculation angle

                        # set position {right hand}
                        is_mM_dx_Id3 = is_motor_moving(p_d, dC_AX_12p[0],

                        if is_mM_dx_Id3 == 0:
                            set_position(p_d, dC_AX_12p[0], dynamixel_id[0],

                        # set position {left hand}
                        is_mM_dx_Id4 = is_motor_moving(p_d, dC_AX_12p[1],

                        if is_mM_dx_Id4 == 0:
                            set_position(p_d, dC_AX_12p[1], dynamixel_id[1],

# show the result in the main frame
        cv2.imshow("Bioloid Humanoid", frame_mT)
        # ending condition
        if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'):

# exit communication
    if s_p.close_serialPort():
        print('Serial port communication terminated.')

    # output
    return mult_t