Esempio n. 1
    def UpdateCinema(self, view, datadescription):
        if not view.IsA("vtkSMRenderViewProxy") == True:

        def get_nearest(eye, at, up, phis, thetas):
            """ returns phi and theta settings that most closely match current view """
            #todo: derive it instead of this brute force search
            best_phi = None
            best_theta = None
            best_dist = None
            best_up = None
            dist1 = math.sqrt(sum(math.pow(eye[x]-at[x],2) for x in [0,1,2]))
            for t,p in ((x,y) for x in thetas for y in phis):
                theta_rad = (float(t)) / 180.0 * math.pi
                phi_rad = float(p) / 180.0 * math.pi
                pos = [
                    float(at[0]) - math.cos(phi_rad)   * dist1 * math.cos(theta_rad),
                    float(at[1]) + math.sin(phi_rad)   * dist1 * math.cos(theta_rad),
                    float(at[2]) + math.sin(theta_rad) * dist1
                nup = [
                    + math.cos(phi_rad) * math.sin(theta_rad),
                    - math.sin(phi_rad) * math.sin(theta_rad),
                    + math.cos(theta_rad)
                dist = math.sqrt(sum(math.pow(eye[x]-pos[x],2) for x in [0,1,2]))
                updiff = math.sqrt(sum(math.pow(up[x]-nup[x],2) for x in [0,1,2]))
                if best_dist == None or (dist<best_dist and updiff<1.0):
                    best_phi = p
                    best_theta = t
                    best_dist = dist
                    best_up = updiff
            return best_phi, best_theta

        import paraview.cinemaIO.cinema_store as CS
        import paraview.cinemaIO.explorers as explorers
        import paraview.cinemaIO.pv_explorers as pv_explorers

        pm = servermanager.vtkProcessModule.GetProcessModule()
        pid = pm.GetPartitionId()

        #load or create the cinema store for this view
        import os.path
        vfname = view.cpFileName
        vfname = vfname[0:vfname.rfind("_")] #strip _num.ext

        fname = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(vfname),
        fs = CS.FileStore(fname)
        except IOError:

        def float_limiter(x):
            #a shame, but needed to make sure python, java and (directory/file)name agree
            if isinstance(x, (float)):
                #return '%6f' % x #arbitrarily chose 6 decimal places
                return '%.6e' % x #arbitrarily chose 6 significant digits
                return x

        #add record of current time to the store
        timestep = datadescription.GetTimeStep()
        time = datadescription.GetTime()
        view.ViewTime = time
        formatted_time = float_limiter(time)
            tprop = fs.get_parameter('time')
        except KeyError:
            tprop = CS.make_parameter('time', [formatted_time])
            fs.add_parameter('time', tprop)

        parameters = []
        tracks = []

        #fixed track for time
        fnpattern = "{time}/"

        #make up track for each variable
        vals = []
        names = []
        for track in self.__CinemaTracksList:
            proxy = track['proxy']
            #rep = servermanager.GetRepresentation(proxy, view)
            #if not rep or rep.Visibility == 0:
            #    #skip if track if not visible in this view
            #    continue
            name = track['name']
            #make unique
            idx = 0
            while name in names:
                name = track['name'] + str(idx)
                idx = idx+1
            fnpattern = fnpattern + "{"+name+"}/"
            proxy = track['proxy']
            smproperty = track['smproperty']
            valrange = list(float_limiter(x for x in track['valrange']))
            fs.add_parameter(name, CS.make_parameter(name, valrange))
            tracks.append(pv_explorers.Templated(name, proxy, smproperty))
            #save off current value for later restoration
            vals.append([proxy, smproperty, list(proxy.GetPropertyValue(smproperty))])

        #make track for the camera rotation
        cinemaOptions = view.cpCinemaOptions
        if cinemaOptions and cinemaOptions.get('camera') == 'Spherical':
            fnpattern = fnpattern + "{phi}/{theta}/"
            if 'initial' in cinemaOptions:
                eye = cinemaOptions['initial']['eye']
                at = cinemaOptions['initial']['at']
                up = cinemaOptions['initial']['up']
                phis = list(float_limiter(x for x in cinemaOptions['phi']))
                thetas = list(float_limiter(x for x in cinemaOptions['theta']))
                best_phi, best_theta = get_nearest(eye, at, up, phis, thetas)
                fs.add_parameter("phi", CS.make_parameter('phi', phis, default=best_phi))
                fs.add_parameter("theta", CS.make_parameter('theta', thetas, default=best_theta))
                eye = view.CameraPosition
                at = view.CameraFocalPoint
                phis = list(float_limiter(x for x in cinemaOptions['phi']))
                thetas = list(float_limiter(x for x in cinemaOptions['theta']))
                fs.add_parameter("phi", CS.make_parameter('phi', phis))
                fs.add_parameter("theta", CS.make_parameter('theta', thetas))
            dist = math.sqrt(sum(math.pow(eye[x]-at[x],2) for x in [0,1,2]))
            #rectify for cinema exporter
            up = [math.fabs(x) for x in view.CameraViewUp]
            uppest = 0;
            if up[1]>up[uppest]: uppest = 1
            if up[2]>up[uppest]: uppest = 2
            cinup = [0,0,0]
            tracks.append(pv_explorers.Camera(at, cinup, dist, view))
            #save off current value for later restoration
            vals.append([view, 'CameraPosition', list(eye)])
            vals.append([view, 'CameraFocalPoint', list(at)])
            vals.append([view, 'CameraViewUp', list(up)])

        fnpattern = fnpattern[:-1] #strip trailing /
        imgext = view.cpFileName[view.cpFileName.rfind("."):]
        fnpattern = fnpattern + imgext
        fs.filename_pattern = fnpattern

        #at current time, run through parameters and dump files
        e = pv_explorers.ImageExplorer(fs, parameters, tracks, view=view, iSave=(pid==0))

        if pid == 0:

        #restore values to what they were at beginning for next view
        for proxy, property, value in vals:
            proxy.SetPropertyWithName(property, value)

        return os.path.basename(vfname)
Esempio n. 2
    def UpdateCinema(self, view, datadescription):
        if not view.IsA("vtkSMRenderViewProxy") == True:

        import paraview.cinemaIO.cinema_store as CS
        import paraview.cinemaIO.explorers as explorers
        import paraview.cinemaIO.pv_explorers as pv_explorers

        pm = servermanager.vtkProcessModule.GetProcessModule()
        pid = pm.GetPartitionId()

        #load or create the cinema store for this view
        import os.path
        vfname = view.cpFileName
        vfname = vfname[0:vfname.rfind("_")]  #strip _num.ext

        fname = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(vfname), "cinema",
                             os.path.basename(vfname), "info.json")
        fs = CS.FileStore(fname)
        except IOError:
        fs.add_metadata({'type': 'parametric-image-stack'})

        def float_limiter(x):
            #a shame, but needed to make sure python, java and (directory/file)name agree
            if isinstance(x, (float)):
                return '%6f' % x  #arbitrarily chose 6 decimal places
                return x

        #add record of current time to the store
        timestep = datadescription.GetTimeStep()
        time = datadescription.GetTime()
        view.ViewTime = time
        formatted_time = float_limiter(time)
            tprop = fs.get_parameter('time')
        except KeyError:
            tprop = CS.make_parameter('time', [formatted_time])
            fs.add_parameter('time', tprop)

        parameters = []
        tracks = []

        #fixed track for time
        fnpattern = "{time}/"

        #make up track for each variable
        vals = []
        names = []
        for track in self.__CinemaTracksList:
            proxy = track['proxy']
            #rep = servermanager.GetRepresentation(proxy, view)
            #if not rep or rep.Visibility == 0:
            #    #skip if track if not visible in this view
            #    continue
            name = track['name']
            #make unique
            idx = 0
            while name in names:
                name = track['name'] + str(idx)
                idx = idx + 1
            fnpattern = fnpattern + "{" + name + "}/"
            proxy = track['proxy']
            smproperty = track['smproperty']
            valrange = list(float_limiter(x for x in track['valrange']))
            fs.add_parameter(name, CS.make_parameter(name, valrange))
            tracks.append(pv_explorers.Templated(name, proxy, smproperty))
            #save off current value for later restoration
                [proxy, smproperty,

        #make track for the camera rotation
        cinemaOptions = view.cpCinemaOptions
        if cinemaOptions['camera'] == 'Spherical':
            fnpattern = fnpattern + "{phi}/{theta}/"
            phis = list(float_limiter(x for x in cinemaOptions['phi']))
            thetas = list(float_limiter(x for x in cinemaOptions['theta']))
            fs.add_parameter("phi", CS.make_parameter('phi', phis))
            fs.add_parameter("theta", CS.make_parameter('theta', thetas))
            eye = view.CameraPosition
            at = view.CameraFocalPoint
            dist = math.sqrt(
                sum(math.pow(eye[x] - at[x], 2) for x in [0, 1, 2]))
            #rectify for cinema exporter
            up = [math.fabs(x) for x in view.CameraViewUp]
            uppest = 0
            if up[1] > up[uppest]: uppest = 1
            if up[2] > up[uppest]: uppest = 2
            cinup = [0, 0, 0]
            cinup[uppest] = 1
            tracks.append(pv_explorers.Camera(at, cinup, dist, view))
            #save off current value for later restoration
            vals.append([view, 'CameraPosition', list(eye)])
            vals.append([view, 'CameraFocalPoint', list(at)])
            vals.append([view, 'CameraViewUp', list(up)])

        fnpattern = fnpattern[:-1]  #strip trailing /
        imgext = view.cpFileName[view.cpFileName.rfind("."):]
        fnpattern = fnpattern + imgext
        fs.filename_pattern = fnpattern

        #at current time, run through parameters and dump files
        e = pv_explorers.ImageExplorer(fs,
                                       iSave=(pid == 0))
        e.explore({'time': formatted_time})

        if pid == 0:

        #restore values to what they were at beginning for next view
        for proxy, property, value in vals:
            proxy.SetPropertyWithName(property, value)

        return os.path.basename(vfname)
Esempio n. 3
    def UpdateCinema(self, view, datadescription):
        """ called from catalyst at each timestep to add to the cinema "SPEC A" database """
        if not view.IsA("vtkSMRenderViewProxy") == True:

            import paraview.cinemaIO.cinema_store as CS
            import paraview.cinemaIO.explorers as explorers
            import paraview.cinemaIO.pv_explorers as pv_explorers
        except ImportError as e:
            paraview.print_error("Cannot import cinema")

        def get_nearest(eye, at, up, phis, thetas):
            """ returns phi and theta settings that most closely match current view """
            #todo: derive it instead of this brute force search
            best_phi = None
            best_theta = None
            best_dist = None
            best_up = None
            dist1 = math.sqrt(
                sum(math.pow(eye[x] - at[x], 2) for x in [0, 1, 2]))
            for t, p in ((x, y) for x in thetas for y in phis):
                theta_rad = (float(t)) / 180.0 * math.pi
                phi_rad = float(p) / 180.0 * math.pi
                pos = [
                    float(at[0]) -
                    math.cos(phi_rad) * dist1 * math.cos(theta_rad),
                    float(at[1]) +
                    math.sin(phi_rad) * dist1 * math.cos(theta_rad),
                    float(at[2]) + math.sin(theta_rad) * dist1
                nup = [
                    +math.cos(phi_rad) * math.sin(theta_rad),
                    -math.sin(phi_rad) * math.sin(theta_rad),
                dist = math.sqrt(
                    sum(math.pow(eye[x] - pos[x], 2) for x in [0, 1, 2]))
                updiff = math.sqrt(
                    sum(math.pow(up[x] - nup[x], 2) for x in [0, 1, 2]))
                if best_dist == None or (dist < best_dist and updiff < 1.0):
                    best_phi = p
                    best_theta = t
                    best_dist = dist
                    best_up = updiff
            return best_phi, best_theta

        pm = servermanager.vtkProcessModule.GetProcessModule()
        pid = pm.GetPartitionId()

        #load or create the cinema store for this view
        import os.path
        vfname = view.cpFileName
        vfname = vfname[0:vfname.rfind("_")]  #strip _num.ext

        fname = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(vfname), "cinema",
                             os.path.basename(vfname), "info.json")
        fs = CS.FileStore(fname)
        except IOError:
        fs.add_metadata({'type': 'parametric-image-stack'})

        def float_limiter(x):
            #a shame, but needed to make sure python, javascript and (directory/file)name agree
            if isinstance(x, (float)):
                #return '%6f' % x #arbitrarily chose 6 decimal places
                return '%.6e' % x  #arbitrarily chose 6 significant digits
                return x

        #add record of current time to the store
        timestep = datadescription.GetTimeStep()
        time = datadescription.GetTime()
        view.ViewTime = time
        formatted_time = float_limiter(time)
            tprop = fs.get_parameter('time')
        except KeyError:
            tprop = CS.make_parameter('time', [formatted_time])
            fs.add_parameter('time', tprop)

        parameters = []
        tracks = []

        #fixed track for time
        fnpattern = "{time}/"

        #make up track for each variable
        vals = []
        names = []
        for track in self.__CinemaTracksList:
            proxy = track['proxy']
            #rep = servermanager.GetRepresentation(proxy, view)
            #if not rep or rep.Visibility == 0:
            #    #skip if track if not visible in this view
            #    continue
            name = track['name']
            #make unique
            idx = 0
            while name in names:
                name = track['name'] + str(idx)
                idx = idx + 1
            fnpattern = fnpattern + "{" + name + "}/"
            proxy = track['proxy']
            smproperty = track['smproperty']
            valrange = list(float_limiter(x for x in track['valrange']))
            fs.add_parameter(name, CS.make_parameter(name, valrange))
            tracks.append(pv_explorers.Templated(name, proxy, smproperty))
            #save off current value for later restoration
                [proxy, smproperty,

        #make track for the camera rotation
        cinemaOptions = view.cpCinemaOptions
        if cinemaOptions and cinemaOptions.get('camera') == 'Spherical':
            fnpattern = fnpattern + "{phi}/{theta}/"
            if 'initial' in cinemaOptions:
                eye = cinemaOptions['initial']['eye']
                at = cinemaOptions['initial']['at']
                up = cinemaOptions['initial']['up']
                phis = list(float_limiter(x for x in cinemaOptions['phi']))
                thetas = list(float_limiter(x for x in cinemaOptions['theta']))
                best_phi, best_theta = get_nearest(eye, at, up, phis, thetas)
                    "phi", CS.make_parameter('phi', phis, default=best_phi))
                    CS.make_parameter('theta', thetas, default=best_theta))
                eye = view.CameraPosition
                at = view.CameraFocalPoint
                phis = list(float_limiter(x for x in cinemaOptions['phi']))
                thetas = list(float_limiter(x for x in cinemaOptions['theta']))
                fs.add_parameter("phi", CS.make_parameter('phi', phis))
                fs.add_parameter("theta", CS.make_parameter('theta', thetas))
            dist = math.sqrt(
                sum(math.pow(eye[x] - at[x], 2) for x in [0, 1, 2]))
            #rectify for cinema exporter
            up = [math.fabs(x) for x in view.CameraViewUp]
            uppest = 0
            if up[1] > up[uppest]: uppest = 1
            if up[2] > up[uppest]: uppest = 2
            cinup = [0, 0, 0]
            cinup[uppest] = 1
            tracks.append(pv_explorers.Camera(at, cinup, dist, view))
            #save off current value for later restoration
            vals.append([view, 'CameraPosition', list(eye)])
            vals.append([view, 'CameraFocalPoint', list(at)])
            vals.append([view, 'CameraViewUp', list(up)])

        fnpattern = fnpattern[:-1]  #strip trailing /
        imgext = view.cpFileName[view.cpFileName.rfind("."):]
        fnpattern = fnpattern + imgext
        fs.filename_pattern = fnpattern

        #at current time, run through parameters and dump files
        e = pv_explorers.ImageExplorer(fs,
                                       iSave=(pid == 0))
        e.explore({'time': formatted_time})

        if pid == 0:

        #restore values to what they were at beginning for next view
        for proxy, property, value in vals:
            proxy.SetPropertyWithName(property, value)

        return os.path.basename(vfname)
Esempio n. 4
    def UpdateCinema(self, view, datadescription):
        if not view.IsA("vtkSMRenderViewProxy") == True:

        import paraview.cinemaIO.cinema_store as CS
        import paraview.cinemaIO.explorers as explorers
        import paraview.cinemaIO.pv_explorers as pv_explorers

        pm = servermanager.vtkProcessModule.GetProcessModule()
        pid = pm.GetPartitionId()

        #load or create the cinema store for this view
        import os.path
        vfname = view.cpFileName
        vfname = vfname[0:vfname.rfind("_")] #strip _num.ext

        fname = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(vfname),
        fs = CS.FileStore(fname)
        except IOError:

        def float_limiter(x):
            #a shame, but needed to make sure python, java and (directory/file)name agree
            if isinstance(x, (float)):
                return '%6f' % x #arbitrarily chose 6 decimal places
                return x

        #add record of current time to the store
        timestep = datadescription.GetTimeStep()
        time = datadescription.GetTime()
        view.ViewTime = time
        formatted_time = float_limiter(time)
            tprop = fs.get_parameter('time')
        except KeyError:
            tprop = CS.make_parameter('time', [formatted_time])
            fs.add_parameter('time', tprop)

        parameters = []
        tracks = []

        #fixed track for time
        fnpattern = "{time}/"

        #make up track for each variable
        vals = []
        names = []
        for track in self.__CinemaTracksList:
            proxy = track['proxy']
            #rep = servermanager.GetRepresentation(proxy, view)
            #if not rep or rep.Visibility == 0:
            #    #skip if track if not visible in this view
            #    continue
            name = track['name']
            #make unique
            idx = 0
            while name in names:
                name = track['name'] + str(idx)
                idx = idx+1
            fnpattern = fnpattern + "{"+name+"}/"
            proxy = track['proxy']
            smproperty = track['smproperty']
            valrange = list(float_limiter(x for x in track['valrange']))
            fs.add_parameter(name, CS.make_parameter(name, valrange))
            tracks.append(pv_explorers.Templated(name, proxy, smproperty))
            #save off current value for later restoration
            vals.append([proxy, smproperty, list(proxy.GetPropertyValue(smproperty))])

        #make track for the camera rotation
        cinemaOptions = view.cpCinemaOptions
        if cinemaOptions['camera'] == 'Spherical':
            fnpattern = fnpattern + "{phi}/{theta}/"
            phis = list(float_limiter(x for x in cinemaOptions['phi']))
            thetas = list(float_limiter(x for x in cinemaOptions['theta']))
            fs.add_parameter("phi", CS.make_parameter('phi', phis))
            fs.add_parameter("theta", CS.make_parameter('theta', thetas))
            eye = view.CameraPosition
            at = view.CameraFocalPoint
            dist = math.sqrt(sum(math.pow(eye[x]-at[x],2) for x in [0,1,2]))
            #rectify for cinema exporter
            up = [math.fabs(x) for x in view.CameraViewUp]
            uppest = 0;
            if up[1]>up[uppest]: uppest = 1
            if up[2]>up[uppest]: uppest = 2
            cinup = [0,0,0]
            tracks.append(pv_explorers.Camera(at, cinup, dist, view))
            #save off current value for later restoration
            vals.append([view, 'CameraPosition', list(eye)])
            vals.append([view, 'CameraFocalPoint', list(at)])
            vals.append([view, 'CameraViewUp', list(up)])

        fnpattern = fnpattern[:-1] #strip trailing /
        imgext = view.cpFileName[view.cpFileName.rfind("."):]
        fnpattern = fnpattern + imgext
        fs.filename_pattern = fnpattern

        #at current time, run through parameters and dump files
        e = pv_explorers.ImageExplorer(fs, parameters, tracks, view=view, iSave=(pid==0))

        if pid == 0:

        #restore values to what they were at beginning for next view
        for proxy, property, value in vals:
            proxy.SetPropertyWithName(property, value)

        return os.path.basename(vfname)