Esempio n. 1
import arcpy
import parcelclass
from arcpy import env
env.workspace = "P:/py3200k/Homework/Exercise_12/Exercise12"
fc = "parcels.shp"
cursor = arcpy.da.SearchCursor(fc, ["FID", "Landuse", "Value"])
for row in cursor:
    myparcel = parcelclass.Parcel(row[1], row[2])
    mytax = myparcel.assessment()
    print "{0}: {1}".format(row[0], mytax)
Esempio n. 2
import parcelclass
myparcel = parcelclass.Parcel("SFR", 125000)
print "Land use: ", myparcel.landuse
mytax = myparcel.assessment()
print "Tax assessment: ", mytax
import parcelclass
fc = "C:/EsriPress/Python/Data/Exercise12/parcels.shp"
cursor = arcpy.SearchCursor(fc)
for row in cursor:
    fid = row.getValue("FID")
    landuse = row.getValue("Landuse")
    value = row.getValue("Value")
    parcel = parcelclass.Parcel(landuse, value)
    print str(fid) + ": " + str(parcel.assessment())
del row
del cursor
Esempio n. 4
# Name: David Espinola
#Date: April 21, 2019
#Description: Challenge 2- You are given a feature class called parcels.shp located in the Exercise12 folder that contains the following fields:
#FID, Shape, Landuse and Value. Modify the script so that it determines the property tax for each parcel and stores these values in a list.append
#You should use the class created in the script-the class can remain unchanged. Print the values of the final list as follows:
# FID: <property tax>
import arcpy
import parcelclass  #import the parcel class so it can be called used in this script
arcpy.env.workspace = "C:/GEO6533/Python/Data/Exercise12"  #set workspace
fc = "parcels.shp"  #set feature class to be used
list = []  #initialize an empty list
cursor = arcpy.da.SearchCursor(
    fc, ["FID", "Landuse", "Value"
         ])  #create a search cursor to access fields in parcels feature class

for row in cursor:  #iterate through rows of feature class using cursor object
    myparcel = parcelclass.Parcel(
        row[1], row[2]
    )  #instantiate a parcel object and pass to it Landuse and Value parameters
    mytax = myparcel.assesment(
    )  #call the assesmnet method of the myparcel object to calculate tax for the parcel
    list.append(mytax)  #append tax for parcel to list
    print "FID{0}: ".format(row[0]) + str(
        mytax)  #print the FID and taxes for each feature in feature class