def test_mismatched(): assert is_balanced("This is a string with )))))(((((( wrong order") == -1
def test_withstring(): assert is_balanced("this is a (string) with open and close") == 0
def test_jumbled_up(): assert is_balanced("(()()))()") == -1
def test_will_it_break(): assert is_balanced("()())(())(())(((") == -1
def test_three(): assert is_balanced("(((this is some text)))some more text") == 0
def test_empty(): assert is_balanced("") == 0
def test_no_paren(): assert is_balanced("this is text no parenthesis") == 0
def test_three_unballanced(): assert is_balanced("(((text))))(") == -1
def test_greater_than_one(): assert is_balanced("(((") == 1
def test_bug(): assert is_balanced("()(") == 1
def test_isone(): assert is_balanced("(") == 1
def test_isneg(): assert is_balanced(")") == -1
def test_iszero(): assert is_balanced("( )") == 0