def solve_problem(eigs, filename=None, use_stdout=False, use_tr=False): # Get the A matrix A = create_random_problem(eigs) # Create the other problem data b = np.random.uniform(size=len(eigs)) Acon = np.random.uniform(size=len(eigs)) bcon = np.random.uniform() problem = Quadratic(A, b, Acon, bcon) if use_tr: # Create the trust region problem max_lbfgs = 10 tr_init_size = 0.05 tr_min_size = 1e-6 tr_max_size = 10.0 tr_eta = 0.25 tr_penalty_gamma = 10.0 qn = ParOpt.LBFGS(problem, subspace=max_lbfgs) tr = ParOpt.pyTrustRegion(problem, qn, tr_init_size, tr_min_size, tr_max_size, tr_eta, tr_penalty_gamma) tr.setMaxTrustRegionIterations(500) # Set up the optimization problem tr_opt = ParOpt.pyParOpt(tr, 10, ParOpt.BFGS) if filename is not None and use_stdout is False: tr_opt.setOutputFile(filename) # Set the tolerances tr_opt.setAbsOptimalityTol(1e-8) tr_opt.setStartingPointStrategy(ParOpt.AFFINE_STEP) tr_opt.setStartAffineStepMultiplierMin(0.01) # Set optimization parameters tr_opt.setArmijoParam(1e-5) tr_opt.setMaxMajorIterations(5000) tr_opt.setBarrierPower(2.0) tr_opt.setBarrierFraction(0.1) # optimize tr.setOutputFile(filename + '_tr') tr.optimize(tr_opt) else: # Set up the optimization problem max_lbfgs = 10 opt = ParOpt.pyParOpt(problem, max_lbfgs, ParOpt.BFGS) if filename is not None and use_stdout is False: opt.setOutputFile(filename) # Set optimization parameters opt.setArmijoParam(1e-5) opt.setMaxMajorIterations(5000) opt.setBarrierPower(2.0) opt.setBarrierFraction(0.1) opt.optimize() return
problem.setPrefix(args.prefix) if use_tr: # Create the quasi-Newton Hessian approximation qn_subspace_size = 25 qn = ParOpt.LBFGS(problem, subspace=qn_subspace_size) # Trust region problem parameters tr_size = 0.01 tr_max_size = 0.02 tr_min_size = 1e-6 eta = 0.25 tr_penalty = 10.0 # Create the trust region problem tr = ParOpt.pyTrustRegion(problem, qn, tr_size, tr_min_size, tr_max_size, eta, tr_penalty) # Create the ParOpt problem opt = ParOpt.pyParOpt(tr, qn_subspace_size, ParOpt.NO_HESSIAN_APPROX) # Set the penalty parameter internally in the code. These must be # consistent between the trust region object and ParOpt. opt.setPenaltyGamma(tr_penalty) # Set parameters for ParOpt in the subproblem opt.setMaxMajorIterations(500) opt.setAbsOptimalityTol(1e-6) # Don't update the quasi-Newton method opt.setQuasiNewton(qn) opt.setUseQuasiNewtonUpdates(0) # Set the design variable bounds
def plot_it_all(problem, use_tr=False): ''' Plot a carpet plot with the search histories for steepest descent, conjugate gradient and BFGS from the same starting point. ''' # Set up the optimization problem max_lbfgs = 20 opt = ParOpt.pyParOpt(problem, max_lbfgs, ParOpt.BFGS) opt.checkGradients(1e-6) # Create the data for the carpet plot n = 150 xlow = -4.0 xhigh = 4.0 x1 = np.linspace(xlow, xhigh, n) ylow = -3.0 yhigh = 3.0 x2 = np.linspace(ylow, yhigh, n) r = np.zeros((n, n)) for j in range(n): for i in range(n): fail, fobj, con = problem.evalObjCon([x1[i], x2[j]]) r[j, i] = fobj # Assign the contour levels levels = np.min(r) + np.linspace(0, 1.0, 75)**2 * (np.max(r) - np.min(r)) # Create the plot fig = plt.figure(facecolor='w') plt.contour(x1, x2, r, levels) plt.plot([0.5 - yhigh, 0.5 - ylow], [yhigh, ylow], '-k') colours = [ '-bo', '-ko', '-co', '-mo', '-yo', '-bx', '-kx', '-cx', '-mx', '-yx' ] for k in range(len(colours)): # Optimize the problem problem.x_hist = [] if use_tr: # Create the quasi-Newton Hessian approximation qn = ParOpt.LBFGS(problem, subspace=2) # Create the trust region problem tr_init_size = 0.05 tr_min_size = 1e-6 tr_max_size = 10.0 tr_eta = 0.25 tr_penalty_gamma = 10.0 tr = ParOpt.pyTrustRegion(problem, qn, tr_init_size, tr_min_size, tr_max_size, tr_eta, tr_penalty_gamma) # Set up the optimization problem tr_opt = ParOpt.pyParOpt(tr, 2, ParOpt.BFGS) # Optimize tr.optimize(tr_opt) # Get the optimized point x, z, zw, zl, zu = tr_opt.getOptimizedPoint() else: opt.resetQuasiNewtonHessian() opt.setInitBarrierParameter(0.1) opt.setUseLineSearch(1) opt.optimize() # Get the optimized point and print out the data x, z, zw, zl, zu = opt.getOptimizedPoint() # Copy out the steepest descent points popt = np.zeros((2, len(problem.x_hist))) for i in range(len(problem.x_hist)): popt[0, i] = problem.x_hist[i][0] popt[1, i] = problem.x_hist[i][1] plt.plot(popt[0, :], popt[1, :], colours[k], label='ParOpt %d' % (popt.shape[1])) plt.plot(popt[0, -1], popt[1, -1], '-ro') # Print the data to the screen g = np.zeros(2) A = np.zeros((1, 2)) problem.evalObjConGradient(x, g, A) print('The design variables: ', x[:]) print('The multipliers: ', z[:]) print('The objective gradient: ', g[:]) print('The constraint gradient: ', A[:]) ax = fig.axes[0] ax.set_aspect('equal', 'box') plt.legend()
def solve_problem(eigs, filename=None, data_type='orthogonal', use_tr=False): # Create a random orthogonal Q vector if data_type == 'orthogonal': B = np.random.uniform(size=(n, n)) Q, s, v = np.linalg.svd(B) # Create a random Affine matrix Affine = create_random_spd(eigs) else: Q = np.random.uniform(size=(n, n)) Affine = np.diag(1e-3 * np.ones(n)) # Create the random right-hand-side b = np.random.uniform(size=n) # Create the constraint data Acon = np.random.uniform(size=n) bcon = 0.25 * np.sum(Acon) # Create the convex problem problem = ConvexProblem(Q, Affine, b, Acon, bcon) if use_tr: # Create the trust region problem max_lbfgs = 10 tr_init_size = 0.05 tr_min_size = 1e-6 tr_max_size = 10.0 tr_eta = 0.25 tr_penalty_gamma = 10.0 qn = ParOpt.LBFGS(problem, subspace=max_lbfgs) tr = ParOpt.pyTrustRegion(problem, qn, tr_init_size, tr_min_size, tr_max_size, tr_eta, tr_penalty_gamma) tr.setMaxTrustRegionIterations(500) tr.setTrustRegionTolerances(1e-5, 1e-4, 0.0) # Set up the optimization problem tr_opt = ParOpt.pyParOpt(tr, 10, ParOpt.BFGS) if filename is not None: tr_opt.setOutputFile(filename) # Set the tolerances tr_opt.setAbsOptimalityTol(1e-8) tr_opt.setStartingPointStrategy(ParOpt.AFFINE_STEP) tr_opt.setStartAffineStepMultiplierMin(0.01) # Set optimization parameters tr_opt.setArmijoParam(1e-5) tr_opt.setMaxMajorIterations(5000) tr_opt.setBarrierPower(2.0) tr_opt.setBarrierFraction(0.1) # optimize tr.setOutputFile(filename + '_tr') tr.optimize(tr_opt) # Get the optimized point from the trust-region subproblem x, z, zw, zl, zu = tr_opt.getOptimizedPoint() else: # Set up the optimization problem max_lbfgs = 50 opt = ParOpt.pyParOpt(problem, max_lbfgs, ParOpt.BFGS) if filename is not None: opt.setOutputFile(filename) # Set optimization parameters opt.setArmijoParam(1e-5) opt.setMaxMajorIterations(5000) opt.setBarrierPower(2.0) opt.setBarrierFraction(0.1) opt.optimize() # Get the optimized point x, z, zw, zl, zu = opt.getOptimizedPoint() return x