Esempio n. 1
 def test_issue_9011(self):
     # Issue 9011: compilation of an unary minus expression changed
     # the meaning of the ST, so that a second compilation produced
     # incorrect results.
     st = parser.expr('-3')
     code1 = parser.compilest(st)
     self.assertEqual(eval(code1), -3)
     code2 = parser.compilest(st)
     self.assertEqual(eval(code2), -3)
Esempio n. 2
 def test_issue_9011(self):
     # Issue 9011: compilation of an unary minus expression changed
     # the meaning of the ST, so that a second compilation produced
     # incorrect results.
     st = parser.expr('-3')
     code1 = parser.compilest(st)
     self.assertEqual(eval(code1), -3)
     code2 = parser.compilest(st)
     self.assertEqual(eval(code2), -3)
Esempio n. 3
 def test_compile_filename(self):
     st = parser.expr('a + 5')
     code = parser.compilest(st)
     self.assertEqual(code.co_filename, '<syntax-tree>')
     code = st.compile()
     self.assertEqual(code.co_filename, '<syntax-tree>')
     for filename in ('', b'',
                      bytearray(b''), memoryview(b'')):
         code = parser.compilest(st, filename)
         self.assertEqual(code.co_filename, '')
         code = st.compile(filename)
         self.assertEqual(code.co_filename, '')
     self.assertRaises(TypeError, parser.compilest, st, list(b''))
     self.assertRaises(TypeError, st.compile, list(b''))
Esempio n. 4
 def test_compile_filename(self):
     st = parser.expr('a + 5')
     code = parser.compilest(st)
     self.assertEqual(code.co_filename, '<syntax-tree>')
     code = st.compile()
     self.assertEqual(code.co_filename, '<syntax-tree>')
     for filename in ('', b'', bytearray(b''),
         code = parser.compilest(st, filename)
         self.assertEqual(code.co_filename, '')
         code = st.compile(filename)
         self.assertEqual(code.co_filename, '')
     self.assertRaises(TypeError, parser.compilest, st, list(b''))
     self.assertRaises(TypeError, st.compile, list(b''))
def get_real_roots(_eq):
    terms = [token[1] for token in tokenize.generate_tokens(StringIO(_eq).readline) if token[1]]  # Better eq.split()

        final_term = int("".join(terms[-2:]))  # Constant
    except ValueError:
        print("Invalid expression:", _eq, ", final term must be an integer constant")
        return "Error"

    _eq = parser.compilest(parser.expr(_eq))  # Parses string expression into executable code
    possible_roots = get_divisors(final_term)
    _roots = [x for x in possible_roots if eval(_eq) == 0]

    return _roots
Esempio n. 6
def find_executable_linenos(filename):
    """return a dict of the line numbers from executable statements in a file

    Works by finding all of the code-like objects in the module then searching
    the byte code for 'SET_LINENO' terms (so this won't work one -O files).

    import parser

    prog = open(filename).read()
    ast = parser.suite(prog)
    code = parser.compilest(ast, filename)

    # The only way I know to find line numbers is to look for the
    # SET_LINENO instructions.  Isn't there some way to get it from
    # the AST?

    return _find_LINENO(code)
Esempio n. 7
def _esoteric_source(src):
    if str_check(src):
        return parser.suite(src).compile()
    if is_ast_node(src):
        if isinstance(src, ast.ClassDef):
            node = ast.Module([src])
        elif (isinstance(src, ast.Module) and
              isinstance(src.body[0], ast.ClassDef)):
            node = src
            raise TypeError(f'build_class() using an ast node as the '
                                f'class body it must be a ast.Class node '
                                f'or an ast.Module node whose .body[0] is '
                                f'a Class')
        return compile(node, '<ast.Class>', 'exec')
    if isinstance(src, (tuple, list)):
        src = parser.sequence2st(src)
    if isinstance(src, parser.STType):
        if not parser.issuite(src):
            raise TypeError(f'build_class() the parser syntax tree objects '
                            f'must be a "suite"')
        return parser.compilest(src)
Esempio n. 8
 def test_issue_9011(self):
     st = parser.expr('-3')
     code1 = parser.compilest(st)
     self.assertEqual(eval(code1), -3)
     code2 = parser.compilest(st)
     self.assertEqual(eval(code2), -3)
Esempio n. 9
 def test_compile_suite(self):
     st = parser.suite('x = 2; y = x + 3')
     code = parser.compilest(st)
     globs = {}
     exec(code, globs)
     self.assertEqual(globs['y'], 5)
Esempio n. 10
 def test_compile_expr(self):
     st = parser.expr('2 + 3')
     code = parser.compilest(st)
     self.assertEqual(eval(code), 5)
Esempio n. 11
def dump_and_modify(node):
    name = symbol.sym_name.get(node[0])
    if name is None:
        name = token.tok_name.get(node[0])
    print(name, '', end='')
    for i in range(1, len(node)):
        item = node[i]
        if type(item) is type([]):
            if name == 'NUMBER':
                node[i] = repr(int(item) + 1)

ast = parser.expr('1 + 3')
list = ast.tolist()

ast = parser.sequence2st(list)
eval_input testlist test or_test and_test not_test comparison expr xor_expr and_expr shift_expr arith_expr term factor power atom NUMBER '1'
PLUS '+'
term factor power atom NUMBER '3'
[Finished in 0.2s]
Esempio n. 12
    def ParseAndCompileUserFunctionString(self, inString):

        # shift user functions into numpy namespace at run time, not import time
        numpySafeTokenList = []
        for key in list(self.functionDictionary.keys()):
            numpySafeTokenList += self.functionDictionary[key]
        for key in list(self.constantsDictionary.keys()):
            numpySafeTokenList += self.constantsDictionary[key]

        # no blank lines of text, StringIO() allows using file methods on text
        stringToConvert = ''
        rawData = io.StringIO(inString).readlines()

        for line in rawData:
            stripped = line.strip()
            if len(stripped) > 0:  # no empty strings
                if stripped[0] != '#':  # no comment-only lines
                    stringToConvert += stripped + '\n'

        # convert brackets to parentheses
        stringToConvert = stringToConvert.replace('[', '(').replace(']', ')')

        if stringToConvert == '':
            raise Exception(
                'You must enter some function text for the software to use.')

        if -1 != stringToConvert.find('='):
            raise Exception(
                'Please do not use an equals sign "=" in your text.')

        st = parser.expr(stringToConvert)
        tup = st.totuple()
        tokens = self.GetTokensFromTupleParsingHelper(tup)

        if '^' in tokens:
            raise Exception(
                'The caret symbol "^" is not recognized by the parser, please substitute double asterisks "**" for "^".'

        if 'ln' in tokens:
            raise Exception(
                "The parser uses log() for the natural log function, not ln(). Please use log() in your text."

        if 'abs' in tokens:
            raise Exception(
                "The parser uses fabs() for the absolute value, not abs(). Please use fabs() in your text."

        if 'EXP' in tokens:
            raise Exception(
                "The parser uses lower case exp(), not upper case EXP(). Please use lower case exp() in your text."

        if 'LOG' in tokens:
            raise Exception(
                "The parser uses lower case log(), not upper case LOG(). Please use lower case log() in your text."

        # test for required reserved tokens
        tokenNames = list(set(tokens) - set(numpySafeTokenList))
        if 'X' not in tokenNames:
            raise Exception(
                'You must use a separate upper case "X" in your function to enter a valid function of X.'
        if 'Y' not in tokenNames:
            raise Exception(
                'You must use a separate upper case "Y" in your function to enter a valid function of Y.'

        self._coefficientDesignators = sorted(
            list(set(tokenNames) - set(['X', 'Y'])))

        if len(self._coefficientDesignators) == 0:
            raise Exception(
                'I could not find any equation parameter or coefficient names, please check the function text'

        # now compile code object using safe tokens with integer conversion
        self.safe_dict = locals()
        for f in numpySafeTokenList:
            self.safe_dict[f] = eval('numpy.' + f)

        # convert integer use such as (3/2) into floats such as (3.0/2.0)
        st = parser.expr(stringToConvert)
        stList = parser.st2list(st)
        stList = self.RecursivelyConvertIntStringsToFloatStrings(stList)
        st = parser.sequence2st(stList)

        # later evals re-use this compiled code for improved performance in EvaluateCachedData() methods
        self.userFunctionCodeObject = parser.compilest(st)
Esempio n. 13
 def eval(self, expression):
     """Evaluate an expression within the namespace of the instance."""
     # pylint: disable=eval-used,no-self-use
     return eval(parser.compilest(parser.expr(expression))) or ""
Esempio n. 14
 def test_compile_expr(self):
     st = parser.expr('2 + 3')
     code = parser.compilest(st)
     self.assertEquals(eval(code), 5)
Esempio n. 15
def get_code(source, source_name):
    translated_source = translate_tokens(source)
    tree = get_parse_tree(translated_source, source_name)
    transformed = Transform(tree).get_st()
    code = compilest(transformed, filename=source_name)
    return code
Esempio n. 16
 def test_compile_suite(self):
     st = parser.suite("x = 2; y = x + 3")
     code = parser.compilest(st)
     globs = {}
     exec code in globs
     self.assertEqual(globs["y"], 5)
Esempio n. 17
	print(name, '', end = '')
	for i in range(1, len(node)):
		item = node[i]
		if type(item) is type([]):
			if name == 'NUMBER':
				node[i] = repr(int(item) + 1)

ast = parser.expr('1 + 3')
list = ast.tolist()

ast = parser.sequence2st(list)

eval_input testlist test or_test and_test not_test comparison expr xor_expr and_expr shift_expr arith_expr term factor power atom NUMBER '1'
PLUS '+'
term factor power atom NUMBER '3'
[Finished in 0.2s]

Esempio n. 18
            arg = l[1]
        print command, arg

convert_to_binwhy LOAD_FAST argument PYTHON BYTECODE(test)

print '***'
import parser
#st = parser.expr('a + 5') # eval
st = parser.suite('a = 5') # exec
print parser.isexpr(st)
print parser.issuite(st)

code = parser.compilest(st)
print dir(code)
#code = st.compile('')
print 'argc : ', code.co_argcount           # number of arguments (not including * or ** args)
print 'consts : ', code.co_consts           # tuple of constants used in the bytecode
print 'names : ', code.co_names             # tuple of names of local variables
print 'nlocals : ', code.co_nlocals         # number of local variables
print 'code : ', code.co_code               # string of raw compiled bytecode
print 'var names : ', code.co_varnames      # tuple of names of arguments and local variables
print 'stack size :', code.co_stacksize     # virtual machine stack space required
print a
Esempio n. 19
 def test_compile_suite(self):
     st = parser.suite('x = 2; y = x + 3')
     code = parser.compilest(st)
     globs = {}
     exec(code, globs)
     self.assertEquals(globs['y'], 5)
Esempio n. 20
    def ParseAndCompileUserFunctionString(self, inString):

        # shift user functions into numpy namespace at run time, do not import time
        numpySafeTokenList = []
        for key in list(self.functionDictionary.keys()):
            numpySafeTokenList += self.functionDictionary[key]
        for key in list(self.constantsDictionary.keys()):
            numpySafeTokenList += self.constantsDictionary[key]

        # to shift user functions such as "power" into the numpy namespace "numpy.power" for evaluation
        for token in numpySafeTokenList:
            exec(token + " = numpy." + token)

        # no blank lines of text, StringIO() allows using file methods on text
        stringToConvert = ""
        rawData = StringIO.StringIO(inString).readlines()

        for line in rawData:
            stripped = line.strip()
            if len(stripped) > 0:  # no empty strings
                if stripped[0] != "#":  # no comment-only lines
                    stringToConvert += stripped + "\n"

        # convert brackets to parentheses
        stringToConvert = stringToConvert.replace("[", "(").replace("]", ")")

        if stringToConvert == "":
            raise Exception("You must enter some function text for the software to use.")

        if -1 != stringToConvert.find("="):
            raise Exception('Please do not use an equals sign "=" in your text.')

        st = parser.expr(stringToConvert)
        tup = st.totuple()
        tokens = self.GetTokensFromTupleParsingHelper(tup)

        if "^" in tokens:
            raise Exception(
                'The caret symbol "^" is not recognized by the parser, please substitute double asterisks "**" for "^".'

        if "ln" in tokens:
            raise Exception(
                "The parser uses log() for the natural log function, not ln(). Please use log() in your text."

        if "abs" in tokens:
            raise Exception("The parser uses fabs() for the absolute value, not abs(). Please use fabs() in your text.")

        if "EXP" in tokens:
            raise Exception(
                "The parser uses lower case exp(), not upper case EXP(). Please use lower case exp() in your text."

        if "LOG" in tokens:
            raise Exception(
                "The parser uses lower case log(), not upper case LOG(). Please use lower case log() in your text."

        # test for required reserved tokens
        tokenNames = list(set(tokens) - set(numpySafeTokenList))
        if "X" not in tokenNames:
            raise Exception('You must use a separate upper case "X" in your function to enter a valid function of X.')
        if "Y" not in tokenNames:
            raise Exception('You must use a separate upper case "Y" in your function to enter a valid function of Y.')

        self._coefficientDesignators = sorted(list(set(tokenNames) - set(["X", "Y"])))

        if len(self._coefficientDesignators) == 0:
            raise Exception(
                "I could not find any equation parameter or coefficient names, please check the function text"

        # now compile code object using safe tokens
        self.safe_dict = dict([(k, locals().get(k, None)) for k in numpySafeTokenList])

        # now compile code object using safe tokens with integer conversion
        self.safe_dict = dict([(k, locals().get(k, None)) for k in numpySafeTokenList])

        # convert integer use such as (3/2) into floats such as (3.0/2.0)
        st = parser.expr(stringToConvert)
        stList = parser.st2list(st)
        stList = self.RecursivelyConvertIntStringsToFloatStrings(stList)
        st = parser.sequence2st(stList)

        # later evals re-use this compiled code for improved performance in EvaluateCachedData() methods
        self.userFunctionCodeObject = parser.compilest(st)