Esempio n. 1
def load_trajectories(conn, ss_id, param_dict):
  e_id   = execute_query(conn,
               """select expjobs_insert({0}, Null, Null, Null, Null, Null)""".format(ss_id))

  trj_list_fn = os.path.join(param_dict['trj_dir'], param_dict['trj_list_fn'])
  pdb_fn = os.path.join(param_dict['pdb_dir'], param_dict['pdb_fn'])

  with open(trj_list_fn, 'r') as ifp:
    fn_list = ifp.readlines()

  fn_list = map(lambda t: t.split(',')[1].rstrip(), fn_list)


  for dcd_fn in fn_list:
    trj_id = execute_query(conn,
                 """select trajectories_insert({0}, Null, Null, Null, Null)""".format(e_id))
    trj_fn = os.path.join(param_dict['trj_dir'], dcd_fn)

    step = 1
    l = mddb_parser.get_trjectory_length(pdb_fn, trj_fn)
    chunk_size = 10
    num_chunks = int(math.ceil(float(l)/chunk_size))
    cur = conn.cursor()
    for i in xrange(0, num_chunks):
      start = i * chunk_size
      stop  = min(start + chunk_size, l)

      print "trj_id: ", trj_id, "      range: ", start, "->", stop \
            ,"    total: ", l, "         time: ",

      st_io  = mddb_parser.parse_trajectory_range_to_buffer(trj_id, pdb_fn, trj_fn, start, stop, step)

      cur = conn.cursor()
      cur.copy_from(st_io, 'AtomPositions', columns=('trj_id', 't', 'atom_id', 'x', 'y', 'z'))

Esempio n. 2
  def load(self, conn, result_dir, d, local_paths):
    d['prefix'] = result_dir
    out_fns = self.__class__.get_output_fns(d)

    trj_id = d['trj_id']
    e_id   = d['e_id'] 
    sim_fn = out_fns['sim_fn']
    trj_fn = out_fns['trj_fn']
    nrg_fn = out_fns['nrg_fn']
    vel_fn = out_fns.get('vel_fn')

    print "simulation file: ", sim_fn
    print "trajectory file: ", trj_fn
    ap_t_name = 'trj_{0}_ap'.format(trj_id)
    pf_t_name = 'trj_{0}_pf'.format(trj_id)
    step = 1
    l = mddb_parser.get_trjectory_length(sim_fn, trj_fn)
    chunk_size = 100000
    num_chunks = int(math.ceil(float(l)/chunk_size))
    cur = conn.cursor()
    for i in xrange(0, num_chunks):
      start = i * chunk_size
      stop  = min(start + chunk_size, l)
      print "trj_id: ", trj_id, "      range: ", start, "->", stop \
            ,"    total: ", l, "         time: ",
      crd_st_io = mddb_parser.parse_trajectory_range_to_buffer(trj_id, sim_fn, trj_fn, start, stop, step)

      if vel_fn and os.path.isfile(vel_fn):
        print "velocity file: ", vel_fn
        if os.path.splitext(vel_fn)[1] == '.dcd':

        vel_st_io = mddb_parser.parse_trajectory_range_to_buffer(trj_id, sim_fn, vel_fn, start, stop, step)
        if vel_st_io != None:
          cur.copy_from(vel_st_io, 'AtomVelocities', columns=('trj_id', 't', 'atom_id', 'x', 'y', 'z'))
      if crd_st_io == None:
        print "Empty string returned"
        return False
      st = "select create_NewAtomPositions_table(E'{0}', {1});".format(ap_t_name, trj_id)
      cur.copy_from(crd_st_io, ap_t_name, columns=('trj_id', 't', 'atom_id', 'x', 'y', 'z'))
      cur.execute('create index {0}Index on {0} (trj_id, t);'.format(ap_t_name))
      cur.execute("select compute_features ({0}, E'{1}', E'{2}')".format(e_id, ap_t_name, pf_t_name))
      cur.execute('insert into AtomPositions select * from {0}'.format(ap_t_name))
      cur.execute('insert into ConformationSpace select * from {0}'.format(pf_t_name))
      cur.execute("drop table if exists {0}".format(ap_t_name))
      cur.execute("drop table if exists {0}".format(pf_t_name))
    with open(nrg_fn, 'r') as ifp:
      table_width = len(ifp.readline().split())
      if table_width == 3:
        cur.copy_from(ifp, 'Energies', columns=('trj_id', 't', 'total'))
      elif table_width == 16:
        cur.copy_from(ifp, 'Energies', columns=('trj_id', 't', 'bond', 'angle', 'dihed',
                                                'imprp', 'elect', 'vdw', 'boundary',
                                                'misc', 'kinetic', 'total', 'temp', 'potential',
                                                'total3', 'tempavg'))
    return True