def create_features(self, sentences):
        Build training instances.
        @return: list(features), list(action) for each state while parsing each sentence
        train_x, train_y = [], []
        with tqdm(total=len(sentences)) as prog:
            for sent in sentences:
                # arcs = [(head, dependent, deprel)]
                state = ParserState([self.root_token], sent, [])  # FIXME
                while state.buffer or len(state.stack) > 1:
                    gold_t = state.get_oracle()
                    if gold_t is None:
                    state.step(gold_t)  # perform transition

        return train_x, train_y
    def parse(self, sentences, model, conllu=False):
        @param sentences: a list of (list Token).
        @param model: a trained parser model.
        @param conllu: if True prints the parsed sentences in CoNLL-U format.
        vsentences = self.vectorize(sentences)

        UAS = LAS = all_tokens = 0.0
        for sent, vsent in zip(sentences, vsentences):
            if not conllu: print('.', end='')  # show progress
            state = ParserState([self.root_token], vsent, [])  # FIXME
            while state.buffer or len(state.stack) > 1:
                feats = state.extract_features(self)
                trans = model.predict([feats])[0].argmax()
                if not state.step(trans):
                    break  # if transition is not feasible
            if conllu:
                for j, t in enumerate(sent):
                    head = deprel = 0
                    for arc in state.arcs:
                        if arc[1].id ==
                            head = arc[0].id
                            deprel = arc[2]
                        str(j + 1), t.form, '_', t.pos, '_', '_',
                        str(head), self.id2dep[deprel], '_', '_'
            for arc in state.arcs:
                pred_h = arc[0].id
                gold_h = arc[1].head
                UAS += pred_h == gold_h
                pred_l = arc[2]
                gold_l = arc[1].deprel
                LAS += pred_h == gold_h and pred_l == gold_l
                all_tokens += 1
        UAS /= all_tokens
        LAS /= all_tokens
        return UAS, LAS