Esempio n. 1
    def reset_world(self, world):
        # random properties for agents
        # add agents
        world.agents = [MortalAgent() for i in range(self.num_agents)]
        for i, agent in enumerate(world.agents):
   = 'agent %d' % i
            agent.collide = False
            agent.silent = True
            agent.terminated = False
            agent.size = _AGENT_SIZE
            agent.state.p_pos = np.random.uniform(-1, +1, world.dim_p)
            agent.state.p_vel = np.zeros(world.dim_p)
            agent.state.c = np.zeros(world.dim_c)
            agent.color = np.array([0.35, 0.35, 0.85])
            agent.previous_observation = None

        # shuffle landmarks to make sure hazard is not in same index
        for landmark in world.landmarks:
            landmark.state.p_pos = np.random.uniform(-1, +1, world.dim_p)
            landmark.state.p_vel = np.zeros(world.dim_p)
            # properties for landmarks
            if isinstance(landmark, RiskRewardLandmark) and landmark.is_hazard:
                #TODO: make colors heatmap of risk probability over all bounds
                landmark.color = np.array([
                    landmark.risk_fn.get_failure_probability(0, 0) + .1, 0, 0
                landmark.hazard_tag = 1.0
                landmark.color = np.array([0.25, 0.25, 0.25])
                landmark.hazard_tag = 0.0
 def reset_world(self, world):
     # add agents with random properties
     world.agents = [MortalAgent() for i in range(self.num_agents)]
     for i, agent in enumerate(world.agents): = 'agent %d' % i
         agent.terminated = False
         agent.collide = True
         agent.silent = True
         agent.size = DP.agent_size
         agent.color = np.array([0.35, 0.35, 0.85])
     # random properties for landmarks
     for i, landmark in enumerate(world.landmarks):
         landmark.color = np.array([0.25, 0.25, 0.25])
     goal = np.random.choice(world.landmarks)
     goal.color = np.array([0.15, 0.65, 0.15])
     for i, obstacle in enumerate(world.obstacles):
         obstacle.color = np.array([0.90, 0.40, 0.40])
     # set random initial states
     for agent in world.agents:
         agent.state.p_pos = np.random.uniform(-1, +1, world.dim_p)
         agent.state.p_vel = np.zeros(world.dim_p)
         agent.state.c = np.zeros(world.dim_c)
     for landmark in world.landmarks:
         landmark.state.p_pos = np.random.uniform(-1, +1, world.dim_p)
         landmark.state.p_vel = np.zeros(world.dim_p)
     for obstacle in world.obstacles:
         obstacle.state.p_pos = np.random.uniform(-1, +1, world.dim_p)
         obstacle.state.p_vel = np.zeros(world.dim_p)
Esempio n. 3
    def reset_world(self, world):
        # find agent size as function of number of agents baselined off simple_spread 3-agent case
        agent_size = 0.15 * np.sqrt(3.0 / float(self.num_agents))
        # random properties for agents
        # add agents
        world.agents = [MortalAgent() for i in range(self.num_agents)]
        for i, agent in enumerate(world.agents):
   = 'agent_%d' % i
            agent.collide = True
            agent.silent = True
            agent.terminated = False
            agent.size = agent_size
            agent.state.p_pos = np.random.uniform(-1, +1, world.dim_p)
            agent.state.p_vel = np.zeros(world.dim_p)
            agent.state.c = np.zeros(world.dim_c)
            agent.color = np.array([0.35, 0.35, 0.85])
            agent.previous_observation = None

        # shuffle landmarks to make sure hazard is not in same index
        for landmark in world.landmarks:
            # rename landmarks to preserve label ordering in joint state (see mager/
   = 'landmark_%d' % i
            landmark.state.p_pos = np.random.uniform(-1, +1, world.dim_p)
            landmark.state.p_vel = np.zeros(world.dim_p)
            landmark.hazard_tag = 0.0
            landmark.color = np.array([0.25, 0.25, 0.25])
Esempio n. 4
 def reset_world(self, world):
     # random properties for agents
     # add agents
     world.agents = [MortalAgent() for i in range(self.num_agents)]
     for i, agent in enumerate(world.agents): = 'agent %d' % i
         agent.collide = True
         agent.silent = True
         agent.terminated = False
         agent.size = _AGENT_SIZE
         agent.state.p_pos = np.random.uniform(-1, +1, world.dim_p)
         agent.state.p_vel = np.zeros(world.dim_p)
         agent.state.c = np.zeros(world.dim_c)
         agent.color = np.array([0.35, 0.35, 0.85])
    def reset_world(self, world):
        # random properties for agents
        # add agents
        world.agents = [MortalAgent() for i in range(self.num_agents)]
        for i, agent in enumerate(world.agents):
   = 'agent %d' % i
            agent.collide = True
            agent.silent = True
            agent.terminated = False
            agent.size = _AGENT_SIZE
            agent.state.p_pos = np.random.uniform(-1, +1, world.dim_p)
            agent.state.p_vel = np.zeros(world.dim_p)
            agent.state.c = np.zeros(world.dim_c)
            agent.color = np.array([0.35, 0.35, 0.85])
            agent.previous_observation = None

        # shuffle landmarks to make sure hazard is not in same index
        for landmark in world.landmarks:
            landmark.state.p_pos = np.random.uniform(-1, +1, world.dim_p)
            landmark.state.p_vel = np.zeros(world.dim_p)
Esempio n. 6
    def reset_world(self, world):
        # random properties for agents
        # add agents
        world.agents = [MortalAgent() for i in range(self.num_agents)]
        for i, agent in enumerate(world.agents):
   = 'agent %d' % i
            agent.collide = True
            agent.silent = True
            agent.terminated = False
            agent.size = _AGENT_SIZE
            agent.max_observation_distance = _MAX_OBSERVATION_DISTANCE
            agent.state.p_pos = np.random.uniform(-1, +1, world.dim_p)
            agent.state.p_vel = np.zeros(world.dim_p)
            agent.state.c = np.zeros(world.dim_c)
            agent.color = np.array([0.35, 0.35, 0.85])

        for landmark in world.landmarks:
            landmark.state.p_pos = np.random.uniform(-1, +1, world.dim_p)
            landmark.state.p_vel = np.zeros(world.dim_p)

        # randomize terminal locations, but regularize to ensure conistent distances
        origin_state, destination_state = self.spawn_terminals(world)
        world.origin_terminal_landmark.state.p_pos = origin_state
        world.destination_terminal_landmark.state.p_pos = destination_state