def moore(graph, initial_partition, simple=False): iter_count = 0 if simple: p = simplemoore(initial_partition, graph) return ps.PartitionSet(p) else: current_partition = initial_partition while True: new_partition = moore_iteration(graph, current_partition.partitions) iter_count += 1 if len(current_partition.partitions) == len(new_partition): print('Moore finished with {} iterations'.format(iter_count)) return ps.PartitionSet(new_partition) else: current_partition = ps.PartitionSet(new_partition)
def default_initial_partition(g): partitions = [] already_in_partition = set() for s in g.states: s_edge_labels = set([oedge[0] for oedge in s.outedges]) # print("Current state: {}\n\tOutedges: {}".format(, s.outedges))# if not partitions: prt = pt.Partition(s) # print("\tCreating initial partition with s")# partitions.append(prt) already_in_partition.add(s) else: # Removed fail_count for p in partitions: # Solved bug with p.outedges (it was a list, so we must index position) p_edge_labels = set([oedge[0] for oedge in p.outedges[0]]) # print("\tCurrent partition: {}\n\t\tOutedges: {}".format(, p.outedges))# if (p_edge_labels == s_edge_labels): # print("\t\t s added to partition") p.add_to_partition(s) already_in_partition.add(s) if s not in already_in_partition: # print("\t\tCreating new partition with s") prt = pt.Partition(s) partitions.append(prt) already_in_partition.add(s) # print() # print() return ps.PartitionSet(partitions)
def moore_by_parts(graph, initial_partition, n_iter = -1): #By default, it applies the regular moore algorithm if n_iter == -1: current_partition = moore(graph, initial_partition) elif n_iter == 0: return initial_partition else: current_partition = initial_partition.partitions for i in range(0, n_iter): current_partition = moore_iteration(graph, current_partition) current_partition = ps.PartitionSet(current_partition) return current_partition
with open( '../dcgram_files/ternary_even_shift/results/machines/dmarkov/dmark_D6.yaml', 'r') as f: machine = yaml.load(f) all_oedges = [state.outedges for state in machine.states] morphs = [] for oedges in all_oedges: curr_morph = [0, 0, 0] for oedge in oedges: label = oedge[0] curr_morph[int(label)] = oedge[-1] morphs.append(curr_morph) kmeans = k(n_clusters=3, random_state=0).fit(morphs) clusters = [[] for i in range(kmeans.n_clusters)] for i in range(len(morphs)): clusters[kmeans.labels_[i]].append(machine.states[i]) initial_pt = [] for p in clusters: partition = pt.Partition() for state in p: partition.add_to_partition(state) initial_pt.append(partition) initial_pt = ps.PartitionSet(initial_pt, alphabet=['0', '1', '2']) final_pt = m.moore_by_parts(machine, initial_pt, n_iter=3)
def clusterize(machine, L, D, K, moore_iter = -1, label_length = 1, machine_original = None, \ name = 'ternary_even_shift', save_plot = True, version = 'v1'): all_oedges = [state.outedges for state in machine.states] morphs = [] # define label for files if not default Moore's algorithm execution if moore_iter != -1: moore_label = '_moore_{}_iter'.format(moore_iter) else: moore_label = '' # Normalize morphs for oedges in all_oedges: curr_morph = [0] * len(machine.index_labels) for oedge in oedges: label = oedge[0] curr_morph[machine.index_labels[label]] = oedge[-1] morphs.append(curr_morph) # print('Morphs:\n{}'.format(morphs)) centers = get_initial_centroids(morphs, K) closest_cluster, kmeans_centers = custom_kmeans(morphs, K, centers, machine.state_prob) closest_cluster = [int(i) for i in closest_cluster] clusters = [[] for i in closest_cluster] for i in range(len(morphs)): clusters[closest_cluster[i]].append(morphs[i]) if save_plot: idx = 0 plot_label = ['bo', 'g*', 'c^', 'ms', 'yp', 'kh', 'rd', 'b>', 'r<'] * 5 for c in clusters: plt.plot([x[0] for x in c], [y[1] for y in c], plot_label[idx], alpha=0.7) idx += 1 plt.plot([x[0] for x in kmeans.cluster_centers_], [y[1] for y in kmeans.cluster_centers_], 'r+', markersize=15) plt.axis([-0.05, 1.05, -0.05, 1.05]) # plt.title('Agrupamento de morphs para D = {}, K = {}'.format(D, K)) plt.ylabel('$P(0)$') plt.xlabel('$P(1)$') plt.savefig( f'../dcgram_files/{name}_{version}/results/plots/kmeans_dmark_D{D}_K{K}_clusters{moore_label}_n{label_length}.png' ) plt.gcf().clear() #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #MOORE clusters = [[] for i in closest_cluster] # print(f"Clusterization check") for i in range(len(morphs)): cluster_index = closest_cluster[i] # print(f"\tCenter: {kmeans.cluster_centers_[state_idx]}, Outedge: {machine.states[i].outedges}") clusters[cluster_index].append(machine_original.states[i]) # Fix empty clusters problem clusters = [c for c in clusters if c] # Split cluster if two or more states have differente outedges new_clusters = [] for c in clusters: new_clusters_dict = dict() for st in c: key = ''.join([oedge[0] for oedge in st.outedges]) if key in new_clusters_dict: new_clusters_dict[key].append(st) else: new_clusters_dict[key] = [st] for new_c in new_clusters_dict.values(): new_clusters.append(new_c) initial_pt = [] for p in new_clusters: partition = pt.Partition() for state in p: partition.add_to_partition(state) initial_pt.append(partition) initial_pt = ps.PartitionSet(initial_pt) with open( f'../dcgram_files/{name}_{version}/results/machines/dcgram/before_redefine/initial_D{D}_K{K}{moore_label}_n{label_length}.yaml', 'w') as f: yaml.dump(initial_pt, f) final_pt = m.moore_by_parts(machine_original, initial_pt, n_iter=moore_iter) with open( f'../dcgram_files/{name}_{version}/results/machines/dcgram/before_redefine/dcgram_D{D}_K{K}{moore_label}_n{label_length}.yaml', 'w') as f: yaml.dump(final_pt, f) new_pt = final_pt.redefine_partition(machine_original) with open(f'../dcgram_files/{name}_{version}/results/machines/dcgram/dcgram_D{D}_K{K}{moore_label}_n{label_length}.yaml'\ , 'w') as f: yaml.dump(new_pt, f) return new_pt