Esempio n. 1
def main(lPattSettings, dSysSettings, dPattEval, dPatt):

    # =================================================================
    # Get the needed data

    # System settings:
    inxPS = dSysSettings['inxPS']      # Current index of patterns
                                       # settings (patterns type)

    inxPP = dSysSettings['inxPP']      # Current index of patterns pack

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------
    # Get the number of patterns in a pack (size of a pattern pack)

    dMemory = dSysSettings['dMemory']      # Memory configuration dictionary

    nMaxPacks = dMemory['nMaxPacks']        # The maximum number of packs
                                            # with patterns

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------
    # Get the patterns settings:

    dPattsPar = lPattSettings[inxPS-1]    # Current patterns configuration
                                          # dictionary

    strType = dPattsPar['strType']        # Type of patterns generator

    # =================================================================

    # =================================================================
    # Move the current index of patterns pack forward

    # Move the index forward
    inxPP = inxPP + 1

    # Store the index of a patterns pack
    dSysSettings['inxPP'] = inxPP

    # =================================================================

    # =================================================================

    # Get the file storing settings
    (bPattStore, strPattsDIRName) = \

    # =================================================================

    # =================================================================
    # Choose the correct patterns generator

    # ----------------------------------------------------------
    # ANGIE
    if strType == 'ANGIE':

        # Generate a pack of patterns
        dPatt = _angie.generate_patterns(dPattsPar, dSysSettings)
        #dPatt = _angie_naive.generate_patterns(dPattsPar, dSysSettings)
        #dPatt = _angie_c.generate_patterns(dPattsPar, dSysSettings)

    # ----------------------------------------------------------
    # ----------------------------------------------------------
    elif strType == 'ARS':

        # Generate a pack of patterns
        dPatt = _ars.generate_patterns(dPattsPar, dSysSettings)

    # ----------------------------------------------------------
    # ----------------------------------------------------------
    elif strType == 'JS':

        # Generate a pack of patterns
        dPatt = _js.generate_patterns(dPattsPar, dSysSettings)

    # ----------------------------------------------------------

    # Unknown type of pattern generator
        print('ERROR: >> %s << is unknown type of patterns generator.!') % \

    # ----------------------------------------------------------

    # =================================================================

    # =================================================================
    # Store the patterns?
    if bPattStore == 1:

        # Generate a file name to store the current pack of patterns
        strPattFileName = '%s/%spatterns%d_%d.dat' % \
                          (strPattsDIRName, strType, inxPS, inxPP)

        # Store the pack of patterns in a file
        pk1_file = open(strPattFileName, 'wb')
        cPickle.dump(dPatt, pk1_file)

    # =================================================================

    # =================================================================
    return (lPattSettings, dSysSettings, dPattEval, dPatt)
Esempio n. 2
import pates
from pates.generators.ars import _ars

if __name__ == '__main__':

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Generate ARS patterns

    # Dictionary with patterns parameters

    dPattsPar = {}                  # Invoke dictionary

    dPattsPar['tS'] = 1e-3          # Duration of a sampling pattern [1 ms]

    dPattsPar['Tg'] = 1e-6          # Sampling grid period  [1 us]

    dPattsPar['fR'] = 100e3         # Average sampling ratio [100 kHz]

    dPattsPar['iVar'] = 1           # The variance parameter

    dPattsPar['nPatts'] = 1e3       # The number of patterns to be generated

    # Run the ARS generator
    dPatt = _ars.generate_patterns(dPattsPar, {})

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Store ARS patterns in a file
    res_file = open('ARS_patterns.dat', 'wb')
    cPickle.dump(dPatt, res_file)