def __init__(self, working_directory, sample_type, thread, fastq_list, info_dict, map_type): self.working_directory = working_directory self.thread = thread self.sample_type = sample_type self.map_type = map_type self.info_dict = info_dict self.fastq_list = fastq_list self.file_list = [] self.paths = GetPaths() os.chdir(self.working_directory)
def __init__(self, working_directory, map_type, sample_type, library_matching_id, thrds, issplitchr): self.get_paths = GetPaths() self.main_directory = working_directory self.folder_directory = working_directory + "/" + map_type self.working_directory = working_directory + "/" + map_type + "/Mapping" self.map_type = map_type self.sample_type = sample_type self.library_matching_id = library_matching_id self.threads = thrds self.bundle_dir = self.get_paths.ref_dir + "hg19_bundle" self.split_chr = issplitchr self.file_list = [] os.chdir(self.working_directory)
def __init__(self, working_directory, map_type, sample_type, library_matching_id, thrds, gatk_tools): self.get_paths = GetPaths() self.working_directory = working_directory self.map_type = map_type self.sample_type = sample_type self.library_matching_id = library_matching_id self.threads = thrds self.bundle_dir = self.get_paths.ref_dir + "hg19_bundle" self.gatk_tools = False if gatk_tools == "Yes": self.gatk_tools = True else: self.gatk_tools = False os.chdir(self.working_directory)
def __init__(self, variant_annotater, wd, sample_name, thread_v, will_annotate, annotate_all): self.get_paths = GetPaths() self.working_directory = wd os.chdir(self.working_directory) print(self.working_directory) self.sample_name = sample_name self.v_annotater = variant_annotater self.threads = str(thread_v) if annotate_all: self.annotate_files = glob.glob("*.vcf") else: self.annotate_files = will_annotate self.humandb = self.get_paths.annovar + "humandb_38/" self.xref = self.get_paths.annovar + "example/gene_fullxref.txt" self.annovar_dir = self.get_paths.annovar + "" self.file_list = []
def __init__(self, working_directory, map_type, sample_type, library_matching_id, thrds, trim): """ Parameters ---------- working_directory : str The folder directory of where fastq files are in map_type : str Mapping algorithm decision: Bwa or Bowtie2 sample_type : str Type of sample: Tumor or Germline library_matching_id : str ID of patient which own the sample thrds : str Number of cores that wanted to use bundle_dir : str Path directory for reference files file_list : str List of files that created in this step trim : str "Yes" or "No" option must be used. Use "Yes" in order to trim fastq files. """ self.get_paths = GetPaths( ) # Get paths of algorithms inside module if working_directory[-1] == "/" or working_directory[-1] == "\\": self.working_directory = working_directory[:-1] else: self.working_directory = working_directory self.map_type = map_type self.sample_type = sample_type self.library_matching_id = library_matching_id self.threads = str( thrds) # in case of given as integer it convert to string #self.bundle_dir = self.get_paths.ref_dir + "hg19_bundle" # contains reference bundle self.bundle_dir = self.get_paths.ref_dir # contains reference bundle self.folder_directory = self.working_directory if trim == "Yes": self.trim = True self.working_directory = self.working_directory + "/QC" else: self.trim = False self.file_list = [] self.delete_file_list = [] os.chdir(self.working_directory)
def __init__(self, variant_caller, thrds, map_type, germline_bam, wd, tumor_bam, sample_name, tumor_only, tumor_interval=None, germline_interval=None): self.get_paths = GetPaths( ) # Get paths of algorithms inside module self.working_directory = wd up_dir = str(self.working_directory).split("/")[:-1] self.folder_directory = "/".join(up_dir) os.chdir(self.working_directory) print(self.working_directory) self.v_caller = variant_caller self.map_type = map_type self.output_name = self.map_type + "_" + self.v_caller + "_" + sample_name self.threads = str(thrds) self.ref_dir = self.get_paths.ref_dir + "Homo_sapiens_assembly38.fasta" # contains reference files self.tumor_bam = tumor_bam self.germline_bam = germline_bam if tumor_only == "Yes": self.tumor_only_mode = True else: self.tumor_only_mode = False # If selected variant caller is Mutect2 from GATK3 if variant_caller == "Mutect2_gatk3": self.tumor_interval = tumor_interval self.germline_interval = germline_interval self.realign_target = self.tumor_interval + " " + self.germline_interval
def __init__(self, folder): self.folder = folder self.get_paths = GetPaths() self.ref_dir = self.get_paths.ref_dir + "Homo_sapiens_assembly38.fasta"
def create_index(lastbam, function, threads, step): indexcol = "java -Dpicard.useLegacyParser=false -jar " + GetPaths( ).picard_path + " BuildBamIndex -I " + lastbam log_command(indexcol, function, threads, step) return lastbam[:-3] + "bai"
def __init__(self, normal_file, normal_target_interval): self.get_paths = GetPaths() self.normal_bam = normal_file self.normal_interval = normal_target_interval self.output_vcf = "output." + str(self.normal_bam).split("/")
def create_index(lastbam, function, threads, step): indexcol = "java -jar " + GetPaths( ).picard_path + " BuildBamIndex I=" + lastbam log_command(indexcol, function, threads, step) return lastbam[:-3] + "bai"