def test_decode_entities(self): # Assert HMTL entity decoder (e.g., "&" => "&") for a, b in ( ("&", "&"), ("&", "&"), ("&", "&"), (" ", u"\xa0"), ("&foo;", "&foo;")): self.assertEqual(web.decode_entities(a), b) print "pattern.web.decode_entities()"
def get_random_walkthrough_instruction(char_limit=95): with open(ROOT_PATH + '/games.txt') as f: game_url = '' + random.choice([ g for g in f.readlines() if not g.startswith('#') ]).strip() print game_url game_page = URL(game_url).read() # Look for General FAQs general_faqs = Element(game_page)('h2.title:contains(General)') if not general_faqs: print 'No FAQs found for', game_url return None walkthroughs = [ elem.href for elem in general_faqs[0].parent.parent('td:first-child a') ] walkthrough_url = '{}?print=1'.format(random.choice(walkthroughs)) print walkthrough_url walkthrough_page = URL(walkthrough_url).read() walkthrough_text = decode_entities(' '.join( span.content for span in Element(walkthrough_page)('pre > span'))) #.replace('\r\n', '\n') lower_walkthrough_text = walkthrough_text.lower() if any(word in lower_walkthrough_text for word in filter_words): print 'bishoujo/adult visual novel found' return None # Strip all blocks of multiple spaces, ignore space blocks in the # beginning of the line. clean_lines = [] for line in walkthrough_text.splitlines(): match = RE_LEADING_WHITESPACE.match(line) if match: leading_whitespace = match.groups()[0] else: leading_whitespace = '' line = leading_whitespace + RE_REPEATING_WHITESPACE.sub('\\1.\n\\2', line.lstrip()) clean_lines.append(line) no_whitespace_text = '\n'.join(clean_lines) # Cleanup clean_lines = [] for line in no_whitespace_text.splitlines(): if continue # Try catch headings like this and terminate the top sentence. # "Headline # Stuff about it" line_added = False if line.startswith('\t') or line.startswith(' '): if not clean_lines: continue prev_line = clean_lines[-1] if not prev_line: continue if not (prev_line.startswith('\t') or prev_line.startswith(' ')) and \ (prev_line.strip()[-1].isalpha() or prev_line.strip()[-1] == ':'): prev_line = prev_line.rstrip() if prev_line: if prev_line[-1].isalpha(): prev_line += '.' else: prev_line = prev_line[:-1] + '.' clean_lines[-1] = prev_line clean_lines.append(line.rstrip()) line_added = True if not line_added: clean_lines.append(line.rstrip()) clean_text = '\n'.join(clean_lines) # Remove enumerations such as: # 1. hello -> hello. # 2. world world. clean_text = RE_ENUMERATED_LIST.sub('\\1.\n', clean_text) ptree = parsetree(clean_text) interesting_sentences = [] for s in ptree: sentence_string = s.string sentence_string_lower = sentence_string.lower() if sentence_string.startswith(('I', "I ' m", '(')): continue # Filter How/Why/What/Where... if s[0].type == 'WRB': continue if sentence_string_lower.startswith('will'): continue if any(w.lower() in bad_words for w in sentence_string.split()): continue if (s[0].type == 'VB' and s[0].string.lower() != 'quit'): interesting_sentences.append(sentence_string) elif (len(s.words) >= 2 and (s.words[0].string.lower(), s.words[1].string.lower()) in [('do', "n't"), ('use', 'the')]): interesting_sentences.append(sentence_string) else: # Allow for any sentence with a verb. if any(word.type == 'VB' for word in s.words): interesting_sentences.append(sentence_string) restored_sentences = [ s.replace(' , ', ', '). \ replace('|', ''). \ replace(u' ’ ', " ' "). \ replace(' ; ', ', '). \ replace(' .', '. '). \ replace(" 's ", "'s "). \ replace(" ' s ", "'s "). \ replace("s ' ", "s' "). \ replace(u" ’ s ", "'s "). \ replace(" 'll ", "'ll "). \ replace(" ' ll ", "'ll "). \ replace(" n't", "n't"). \ replace(" 're ", "'re "). \ replace(" ' re ", "'re "). \ replace(" 've ", "'ve "). \ replace(" ' ve ", "'ve "). \ replace('$ ', '$'). \ replace(" ( ", " ("). \ replace(" )", ")"). \ replace(" [ ", " ["). \ replace(" ]", "]"). \ replace(" { ", " {"). \ replace(" }", "}"). \ replace(' :', ':'). \ replace(' ?', '?'). \ replace('. .', '.'). \ # replace('* *', '**'). \ # replace('*', ''). \ replace(' !', '!').strip() for s in interesting_sentences ] restored_sentences = [ s for s in restored_sentences if not any(substr in s for substr in filter_substrings) ] short_sentences = list(set(s for s in restored_sentences if len(s) <= char_limit and len(s.split()) > 2)) if not short_sentences: return None random_sentence = random.choice(short_sentences) return random_sentence