if y == 3: y = 0 z += 1 cube.material.texture = f"/tmp/{node['id']}.jpg" cube.info = node["edge_media_to_caption"]["edges"][0]["node"][ "text" ] scene.add_object(node["id"], cube) def select(list): global scene print(list[0].info) scene.huds["hud"].children["info"].label = list[0].info scene.active_observer.target_object = list[0] scene.on_select = select scene.create_clock("fetch_instagram", 0.1, fetch_instagram) hud = Hud() hud.set_font(font_file) text = Text( label="Instagram Photos", color=(1, 1, 1), position=(0, 0), size=(800, 600) ) hud.add_child("info", text) scene.add_object("hud", hud) scene.run()
def select(list): global game global score_board for obj in list: if not obj.visible: continue obj.hide() score_board += 1 game.huds["hud"].children[ "score"].label = f"Number of balloons popped: {score_board}" game.create_clock("balloon-creator", 1, create_balloon) game.create_clock("move-balloons", 0.005, move_balloons) game.on_select = select hud = Hud() text = Text( label="Hit Space to start popping the balloons!", position=(10, 10), color=(1, 1, 1), size=(300, 100), ) hud.add_child("info", text) score = Text( label="Number of balloons popped: 0", position=(10, 40), color=(1, 1, 1),