Esempio n. 1
def tool_contract_to_meta_task(tc, max_nchunks):
    """Shim layer to load tool contracts and convert them to MetaTask type

    # there needs to be special attention here. This is side stepping all the
    # validation layers used in the rest of the code.

    def _get_ft(x_):
        return REGISTERED_FILE_TYPES[x_]

    schema_option_d = {opt['required'][0]: opt for opt in tc.task.options}

    # resolve strings to FileType instances
    input_types = validate_provided_file_types([_get_ft(x.file_type_id) for x in tc.task.input_file_types])
    output_types = validate_provided_file_types([_get_ft(x.file_type_id) for x in tc.task.output_file_types])
    _spe = os.path.splitext
    output_file_names = [ (_spe(x.default_name)[0], ft.ext) for x,ft in zip(tc.task.output_file_types, output_types) ]

    task_type = validate_task_type(tc.task.is_distributed)

    if isinstance(tc.task, ScatterToolContractTask):
        meta_task = _to_meta_scatter_task(tc, task_type, input_types, output_types, schema_option_d, max_nchunks, 'chunk-key')
    elif isinstance(tc.task, GatherToolContractTask):
        meta_task = _to_meta_gather_task(tc, task_type, input_types, output_types, schema_option_d)
    elif isinstance(tc.task, ToolContractTask):
        meta_task = _to_meta_task(tc, task_type, input_types, output_types, schema_option_d, output_file_names)
        raise TypeError("Unsupported Type {t} {x}".format(x=tc.task, t=type(tc.task)))

    return meta_task
Esempio n. 2
def tool_contract_to_meta_task(tc, max_nchunks):
    """Shim layer to load tool contracts and convert them to MetaTask type

    # there needs to be special attention here. This is side stepping all the
    # validation layers used in the rest of the code.

    def _get_ft(x_):
        return REGISTERED_FILE_TYPES[x_]

    schema_option_d = {opt["required"][0]: opt for opt in tc.task.options}

    # resolve strings to FileType instances
    input_types = validate_provided_file_types([_get_ft(x.file_type_id) for x in tc.task.input_file_types])
    output_types = validate_provided_file_types([_get_ft(x.file_type_id) for x in tc.task.output_file_types])
    _spe = os.path.splitext
    output_file_names = [(_spe(x.default_name)[0], ft.ext) for x, ft in zip(tc.task.output_file_types, output_types)]

    task_type = validate_task_type(tc.task.is_distributed)

    if isinstance(tc.task, ScatterToolContractTask):
        meta_task = _to_meta_scatter_task(
            tc, task_type, input_types, output_types, schema_option_d, max_nchunks, "chunk-key"
    elif isinstance(tc.task, GatherToolContractTask):
        meta_task = _to_meta_gather_task(tc, task_type, input_types, output_types, schema_option_d)
    elif isinstance(tc.task, ToolContractTask):
        meta_task = _to_meta_task(tc, task_type, input_types, output_types, schema_option_d, output_file_names)
        raise TypeError("Unsupported Type {t} {x}".format(x=tc.task, t=type(tc.task)))

    return meta_task