def snaptomap(points, mmap): """ Snap the points in _points_ to nearest non missing values in _mmap_. Can be used to move gauge locations to the nearest rivers. Input: - points - map with points to move - mmap - map with points to move to Return: - map with shifted points """ points = pcr.cover(points, 0) # Create unique id map of mmap cells unq = pcr.nominal(pcr.cover(pcr.uniqueid(pcr.defined(mmap)), pcr.scalar(0.0))) # Now fill holes in mmap map with lues indicating the closes mmap cell. dist_cellid = pcr.scalar(pcr.spreadzone(unq, 0, 1)) # Get map with values at location in points with closes mmap cell dist_cellid = pcr.ifthenelse(points > 0, dist_cellid, 0) # Spread this out dist_fill = pcr.spreadzone(pcr.nominal(dist_cellid), 0, 1) # Find the new (moved) locations npt = pcr.uniqueid(pcr.boolean(pcr.ifthen(dist_fill == unq, unq))) # Now recreate the original value in the points maps ptcover = pcr.spreadzone(pcr.cover(points, 0), 0, 1) # Now get the org point value in the pt map nptorg = pcr.ifthen(npt > 0, ptcover) return nptorg
def subcatch_stream(ldd, stream, threshold): """ Derive catchments based upon strahler threshold Input: ldd -- pcraster object direction, local drain directions stream -- pcraster object direction, streamorder threshold -- integer, strahler threshold, subcatchments ge threshold are derived output: stream_ge -- pcraster object, streams of strahler order ge threshold subcatch -- pcraster object, subcatchments of strahler order ge threshold """ # derive stream order # stream = pcr.streamorder(ldd) stream_ge = pcr.ifthen(stream >= threshold, stream) stream_up_sum = pcr.ordinal( pcr.upstream(ldd, pcr.cover(pcr.scalar(stream_ge), 0))) # detect any transfer of strahler order, to a higher strahler order. transition_strahler = pcr.ifthenelse( pcr.downstream(ldd, stream_ge) != stream_ge, pcr.boolean(1), pcr.ifthenelse( pcr.nominal(ldd) == 5, pcr.boolean(1), pcr.ifthenelse( pcr.downstream(ldd, pcr.scalar(stream_up_sum)) > pcr.scalar(stream_ge), pcr.boolean(1), pcr.boolean(0)))) # make unique ids (write to file) transition_unique = pcr.ordinal(pcr.uniqueid(transition_strahler)) # derive upstream catchment areas (write to file) subcatch = pcr.nominal(pcr.subcatchment(ldd, transition_unique)) return stream_ge, subcatch
def overview(self, msr, pollution_threshold=2): """Give the overview of costs and for dem and minor embankments. """ msr_type = msr.settings.loc['msr_type', 1] name = msr_type + '_' + msr.settings.loc['ID'] # Separate between clean and polluted areas area_clean = pcr.ifthen(self.pollution_zones >= pollution_threshold,\ pcr.nominal(1)) area_polluted = pcr.ifthen(self.pollution_zones < pollution_threshold,\ pcr.nominal(1)) area_clean = pcr.defined(msr.area) & pcr.defined(area_clean) area_clean = pcr.ifthen(area_clean, pcr.boolean(1)) area_polluted = pcr.defined(msr.area) &\ pcr.defined(area_polluted) area_polluted = pcr.ifthen(area_polluted, pcr.boolean(1)) # Calculate costs and stddev for all earthwork types. flpl_low_values = self.dem_lowering(msr, area_polluted) minemb_low_values = self.minemb_lowering(msr, area_polluted) groyne_lowering_values = self.groyne_lowering(msr) cost_ew = pd.concat( [flpl_low_values, groyne_lowering_values, minemb_low_values]) cost_df = cost_ew.iloc[:, 0:1].T cost_df.index = [name] std_df = cost_ew.iloc[:, 1:2].T std_df.index = [name] return cost_df, std_df
def subcatch_stream(ldd, stream, threshold): """ Derive catchments based upon strahler threshold Input: ldd -- pcraster object direction, local drain directions stream -- pcraster object direction, streamorder threshold -- integer, strahler threshold, subcatchments ge threshold are derived output: stream_ge -- pcraster object, streams of strahler order ge threshold subcatch -- pcraster object, subcatchments of strahler order ge threshold """ # derive stream order # stream = pcr.streamorder(ldd) stream_ge = pcr.ifthen(stream >= threshold, stream) stream_up_sum = pcr.ordinal(pcr.upstream(ldd, pcr.cover(pcr.scalar(stream_ge), 0))) # detect any transfer of strahler order, to a higher strahler order. transition_strahler = pcr.ifthenelse(pcr.downstream(ldd, stream_ge) != stream_ge, pcr.boolean(1), pcr.ifthenelse(pcr.nominal(ldd) == 5, pcr.boolean(1), pcr.ifthenelse(pcr.downstream(ldd, pcr.scalar(stream_up_sum)) > pcr.scalar(stream_ge), pcr.boolean(1), pcr.boolean(0)))) # make unique ids (write to file) transition_unique = pcr.ordinal(pcr.uniqueid(transition_strahler)) # derive upstream catchment areas (write to file) subcatch = pcr.nominal(pcr.subcatchment(ldd, transition_unique)) return stream_ge, subcatch
def readPCRmapClone(v,cloneMapFileName,tmpDir,absolutePath=None,isLddMap=False,cover=None,isNomMap=False): # v: inputMapFileName or floating values # cloneMapFileName: If the inputMap and cloneMap have different clones, # resampling will be done.'read file/values: '+str(v)) if v == "None": PCRmap = str("None") elif not re.match(r"[0-9.-]*$",v): if absolutePath != None: v = getFullPath(v,absolutePath) # print(v) sameClone = isSameClone(v,cloneMapFileName) if sameClone == True: PCRmap = pcr.readmap(v) else: # resample using GDAL: output = tmpDir+'' warp = gdalwarpPCR(v,output,cloneMapFileName,tmpDir,isLddMap,isNomMap) # read from temporary file and delete the temporary file: PCRmap = pcr.readmap(output) if isLddMap == True: PCRmap = pcr.ifthen(pcr.scalar(PCRmap) < 10., PCRmap) if isLddMap == True: PCRmap = pcr.ldd(PCRmap) if isNomMap == True: PCRmap = pcr.ifthen(pcr.scalar(PCRmap) > 0., PCRmap) if isNomMap == True: PCRmap = pcr.nominal(PCRmap) co = 'rm '+str(tmpDir)+'*.*' cOut,err = subprocess.Popen(co, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=open('/dev/null'),shell=True).communicate() else: PCRmap = pcr.scalar(float(v)) if cover != None: PCRmap = pcr.cover(PCRmap, cover) co = None; cOut = None; err = None; warp = None del co; del cOut; del err; del warp stdout = None; del stdout stderr = None; del stderr return PCRmap
def test_001(self): """ nonspatial and pcr2numpy """ nrRows, nrCols, cellSize = 5, 8, 1.0 west, north = 0.0, 0.0 pcraster.setclone(nrRows, nrCols, cellSize, west, north) value = 1.23456 nonspatial = pcraster.scalar(value) array = pcraster.pcr2numpy(nonspatial, numpy.nan) for row in range(0, nrRows): for col in range(0, nrCols): self.assertAlmostEqual(array[row][col], value) value = 3 nonspatial = pcraster.nominal(value) array = pcraster.pcr2numpy(nonspatial, numpy.nan) for row in range(0, nrRows): for col in range(0, nrCols): self.assertAlmostEqual(array[row][col], value) value = True nonspatial = pcraster.boolean(value) array = pcraster.pcr2numpy(nonspatial, numpy.nan) for row in range(0, nrRows): for col in range(0, nrCols): self.assertAlmostEqual(array[row][col], value)
def stringVector2raster(inShp, inField, cloneFile, outMap, title=None): """Rasterizes a string field in inShp to a PCRaster map. The unique values in the shapefile are converted to nominal values. The values and strings are contained in the legend of the output map on disk Input: inShp: input shapefile, inField: field to be rasterized outMap: PCRaster map written to disk """ # add a column to a copy of the shapefile gdf = gpd.read_file(inShp) classes = gdf[inField].unique() outField = 'TMP_FIELD' lut = {classes[k]: k + 1 for k in range(len(classes))} gdf[outField] = gdf.apply(lambda row: lut[row[inField]], axis=1) gdf_subset = gdf.loc[:, ['geometry', inField, 'TMP_FIELD']] gdf_subset.to_file('tmp.shp') #-rasterize the copy of the shapefile and report the map with the legend. pcrMap = vector2raster('ESRI Shapefile', cloneFile, 'tmp.shp', outField) reportMapWithLegend(pcr.nominal(pcrMap), outMap,\ {v:k for k,v in lut.iteritems()},\ title = title) return pcr.readmap(outMap)
def testNonSpatialConversions(self): nonSpatialValue = pcraster.mapmaximum( pcraster.readmap("")) # Ordinal. nonSpatial = pcraster.ordinal(nonSpatialValue) self.assertEqual(bool(nonSpatial), True) self.assertEqual(int(nonSpatial), 124) self.assertEqual(float(nonSpatial), 124.0) # Nominal. nonSpatial = pcraster.nominal(nonSpatialValue) self.assertEqual(bool(nonSpatial), True) self.assertEqual(int(nonSpatial), 124) self.assertEqual(float(nonSpatial), 124) # Boolean. nonSpatial = pcraster.boolean(nonSpatialValue) self.assertEqual(bool(nonSpatial), True) self.assertEqual(int(nonSpatial), 1) self.assertEqual(float(nonSpatial), 1.0) # Scalar. nonSpatial = pcraster.scalar(pcraster.mapmaximum("")) self.assertEqual(bool(nonSpatial), True) self.assertEqual(int(nonSpatial), 14) self.assertEqual(float(nonSpatial), 14.0)
def zonalSumArea(nominalMap, areaClass): """Memory efficient method to sum up the surface area of the different classes in the nominal map. Separate by the regions in areaClass input: nominalMap: nominal map, e.g. ecotope map areaClass: regions to compute surface areas over """ #-create a pointMap of the output locations, one for each areaClass outputPointMap = pcrr.pointPerClass(areaClass) #-iniate output DataFrame dfInit = pcrr.getCellValues(outputPointMap, mapList = [areaClass], columns = ['areaClass']) #-loop over the classes in nominalMap and compute the summed area per areaClass IDs = np.unique(pcr.pcr2numpy(nominalMap, -9999))[1:] dfList = [] for ID in IDs[:]: pcrID = pcr.nominal(ID) pcr.setglobaloption('unittrue') IDArea = pcr.ifthen(nominalMap == pcrID, pcr.cellarea()) sectionSum = pcr.areatotal(IDArea, areaClass) df = pcrr.getCellValues(outputPointMap, [sectionSum], [ID]) # df columns = rowIdx, colIdx, ID df = df.drop(['rowIdx', 'colIdx'], axis=1) dfList.append(df) dfOut = dfInit.join(dfList) #return dfInit, df, dfOut, dfList return dfOut
def remove_thd(thin_dams, removal_area): """ Remove the thin dams within the removal area. ---------- Parameters thin_dams: Polygon GeoDataFrame with D-Flow FM thin dams removal_area: Boolean PCRaster map with area to be removed. Raster is converted to a polygon, and the difference with the thin dams is determined. """ removal_area = pcr.nominal(removal_area + 10000), '') mapIO.pcr2Shapefile('', 'mask.shp', 'areas') pols = gpd.GeoDataFrame.from_file('mask.shp') pols = pols[pols.areas > 0] pols = explode(gpd.GeoDataFrame(geometry=pols.buffer(0))) # remove self-intersections from polygonized rasters # print 'Removing thin dams...' # select using polygon. This is the neat way of cutting out pieces of # the thin dam polygons. thd_rem = thin_dams['geometry'].difference(pols.geometry.unary_union) thd_rem = gpd.GeoDataFrame(thd_rem[thd_rem.area > 2].reset_index()) thd_rem.rename(columns={0: 'geometry'}, inplace=True) out_gdf = thd_rem.loc[:, ['geometry', 'label']] out_gdf = explode(out_gdf) out_gdf['label'] = [ '%s_%s' % (ii, ii + 1) for ii in range(1, len(out_gdf) + 1, 1) ] return out_gdf
def readPCRmapClone(v,cloneMapFileName,tmpDir,absolutePath=None,isLddMap=False,cover=None,isNomMap=False): # v: inputMapFileName or floating values # cloneMapFileName: If the inputMap and cloneMap have different clones, # resampling will be done. print(v) if v == "None": PCRmap = str("None") elif not re.match(r"[0-9.-]*$",v): if absolutePath != None: v = getFullPath(v,absolutePath) # print(v) sameClone = isSameClone(v,cloneMapFileName) if sameClone == True: PCRmap = pcr.readmap(v) else: # resample using GDAL: output = tmpDir+'' warp = gdalwarpPCR(v,output,cloneMapFileName,tmpDir,isLddMap,isNomMap) # read from temporary file and delete the temporary file: PCRmap = pcr.readmap(output) if isLddMap == True: PCRmap = pcr.ifthen(pcr.scalar(PCRmap) < 10., PCRmap) if isLddMap == True: PCRmap = pcr.ldd(PCRmap) if isNomMap == True: PCRmap = pcr.ifthen(pcr.scalar(PCRmap) > 0., PCRmap) if isNomMap == True: PCRmap = pcr.nominal(PCRmap) co = 'rm '+str(tmpDir)+'*.*' cOut,err = subprocess.Popen(co, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=open('/dev/null'),shell=True).communicate() else: PCRmap = pcr.scalar(float(v)) if cover != None: PCRmap = pcr.cover(PCRmap, cover) co = None; cOut = None; err = None; warp = None del co; del cOut; del err; del warp stdout = None; del stdout stderr = None; del stderr return PCRmap
def testNonSpatialConversions(self): nonSpatialValue = pcraster.mapmaximum(pcraster.readmap("")) # Ordinal. nonSpatial = pcraster.ordinal(nonSpatialValue) self.assertEqual(bool(nonSpatial), True) self.assertEqual(int(nonSpatial), 124) self.assertEqual(float(nonSpatial), 124.0) # Nominal. nonSpatial = pcraster.nominal(nonSpatialValue) self.assertEqual(bool(nonSpatial), True) self.assertEqual(int(nonSpatial), 124) self.assertEqual(float(nonSpatial), 124) # Boolean. nonSpatial = pcraster.boolean(nonSpatialValue) self.assertEqual(bool(nonSpatial), True) self.assertEqual(int(nonSpatial), 1) self.assertEqual(float(nonSpatial), 1.0) # Scalar. nonSpatial = pcraster.scalar(pcraster.mapmaximum("")) self.assertEqual(bool(nonSpatial), True) self.assertEqual(int(nonSpatial), 14) self.assertEqual(float(nonSpatial), 14.0)
def _parseLine(self, line, lineNumber, nrColumns, externalNames, keyDict): line = re.sub("\n", "", line) line = re.sub("\t", " ", line) result = None # read until first comment content = "" content, sep, comment = line.partition("#") if len(content) > 1: collectionVariableName, sep, tail = content.partition(" ") if collectionVariableName == self._varName: tail = tail.strip() key, sep, variableValue = tail.rpartition(" ") if len(key.split()) != nrColumns: tmp = re.sub("\(|\)|,", "", str(key)) msg = "Error reading %s line %d, order of columns given (%s columns) does not match expected order of %s columns" % ( self._fileName, lineNumber, len(key.split()) + 2, int(nrColumns) + 2) raise ValueError(msg) variableValue = re.sub('\"', "", variableValue) tmp = None try: tmp = int(variableValue) if self._dataType == pcraster.Boolean: tmp = pcraster.boolean(tmp) elif self._dataType == pcraster.Nominal: tmp = pcraster.nominal(tmp) elif self._dataType == pcraster.Ordinal: tmp = pcraster.ordinal(tmp) elif self._dataType == pcraster.Ldd: tmp = pcraster.ldd(tmp) else: msg = "Conversion to %s failed" % (self._dataType) raise Exception(msg) except ValueError, e: try: tmp = float(variableValue) if self._dataType == pcraster.Scalar: tmp = pcraster.scalar(tmp) elif self._dataType == pcraster.Directional: tmp = pcraster.directional(tmp) else: msg = "Conversion to %s failed" % (self._dataType) raise Exception(msg) except ValueError, e: variableValue = re.sub("\\\\", "/", variableValue) variableValue = variableValue.strip() path = os.path.normpath(variableValue) try: tmp = pcraster.readmap(path) except RuntimeError, e: msg = "Error reading %s line %d, %s" % ( self._fileName, lineNumber, e) raise ValueError(msg)
def premcloop(self): self.clone = pcr.boolean(cfg.cloneString) self.dem = pcr.scalar(cfg.dem) self.createInstancesPremcloop() # required for reporting as numpy self.locations = pcr.cover(pcr.nominal(cfg.locations), 0), 'locats') self.forestNoForest = pcr.boolean(cfg.forestNoForest) idMap = pcr.uniqueid(self.clone) oneLocationPerArea = pcr.areamaximum(idMap, self.forestNoForest) == idMap self.locationsForParameters = pcr.cover( pcr.nominal( pcr.scalar(pcr.ifthen(oneLocationPerArea, self.forestNoForest)) + 1), 0)
def readPCRmapClone(v, cloneMapFileName, tmpDir, absolutePath=None, isLddMap=False, cover=None, isNomMap=False): # v: inputMapFileName or floating values # cloneMapFileName: If the inputMap and cloneMap have different clones, # resampling will be done. logger.debug('read file/values: ' + str(v)) if v == "None": #~ PCRmap = str("None") PCRmap = None # 29 July: I made an experiment by changing the type of this object. elif not re.match(r"[0-9.-]*$", v): if absolutePath != None: v = getFullPath(v, absolutePath) # print v # print cloneMapFileName sameClone = isSameClone(v, cloneMapFileName) if sameClone == True: PCRmap = pcr.readmap(v) else: # resample using GDAL: output = tmpDir + '' warp = gdalwarpPCR(v, output, cloneMapFileName, tmpDir, isLddMap, isNomMap) # read from temporary file and delete the temporary file: PCRmap = pcr.readmap(output) if isLddMap == True: PCRmap = pcr.ifthen(pcr.scalar(PCRmap) < 10., PCRmap) if isLddMap == True: PCRmap = pcr.ldd(PCRmap) if isNomMap == True: PCRmap = pcr.ifthen(pcr.scalar(PCRmap) > 0., PCRmap) if isNomMap == True: PCRmap = pcr.nominal(PCRmap) if os.path.isdir(tmpDir): shutil.rmtree(tmpDir) os.makedirs(tmpDir) else: PCRmap = pcr.spatial(pcr.scalar(float(v))) if cover != None: PCRmap = pcr.cover(PCRmap, cover) co = None cOut = None err = None warp = None del co del cOut del err del warp stdout = None del stdout stderr = None del stderr # SM: revisit this PCRmap = pcr.pcr2numpy(PCRmap, np.nan) return PCRmap
def _parseLine(self, line, lineNumber, nrColumns, externalNames, keyDict): line = re.sub("\n","",line) line = re.sub("\t"," ",line) result = None # read until first comment content = "" content,sep,comment = line.partition("#") if len(content) > 1: collectionVariableName, sep, tail = content.partition(" ") if collectionVariableName == self._varName: tail = tail.strip() key, sep, variableValue = tail.rpartition(" ") if len(key.split()) != nrColumns: tmp = re.sub("\(|\)|,","",str(key)) msg = "Error reading %s line %d, order of columns given (%s columns) does not match expected order of %s columns" %(self._fileName, lineNumber, len(key.split()) + 2, int(nrColumns) + 2) raise ValueError(msg) variableValue = re.sub('\"', "", variableValue) tmp = None try: tmp = int(variableValue) if self._dataType == pcraster.Boolean: tmp = pcraster.boolean(tmp) elif self._dataType == pcraster.Nominal: tmp = pcraster.nominal(tmp) elif self._dataType == pcraster.Ordinal: tmp = pcraster.ordinal(tmp) elif self._dataType == pcraster.Ldd: tmp = pcraster.ldd(tmp) else: msg = "Conversion to %s failed" % (self._dataType) raise Exception(msg) except ValueError, e: try: tmp = float(variableValue) if self._dataType == pcraster.Scalar: tmp = pcraster.scalar(tmp) elif self._dataType == pcraster.Directional: tmp = pcraster.directional(tmp) else: msg = "Conversion to %s failed" % (self._dataType) raise Exception(msg) except ValueError,e: variableValue = re.sub("\\\\","/",variableValue) variableValue = variableValue.strip() path = os.path.normpath(variableValue) try: tmp = pcraster.readmap(path) except RuntimeError, e: msg = "Error reading %s line %d, %s" %(self._fileName, lineNumber, e) raise ValueError(msg)
def spatialInterpolation2PCR(fieldArray, pcrType, MV): #-interpolates the field array to the full extent field = pcr.numpy2pcr(pcrType, fieldArray, MV) cellID = pcr.nominal(pcr.uniqueid(pcr.defined(field))) zoneID = pcr.spreadzone(cellID, 0, 1) if pcrType == pcr.Scalar: field = pcr.areaaverage(field, zoneID) else: field = pcr.areamajority(field, zoneID) return field
def sample(self, expression): """ Sampling the current values of 'expression' at the given locations for the current timestep """ arrayRowPos = self._userModel.currentTimeStep( ) - self._userModel.firstTimeStep() #if isinstance(expression, float): # expression = pcraster.scalar(expression) try: # store the data type for tss file header if self._spatialDatatype == None: self._spatialDatatype = str(expression.dataType()) except AttributeError as e: datatype, sep, tail = str(e).partition(" ") msg = "Argument must be a PCRaster map, type %s given. If necessary use data conversion functions like scalar()" % ( datatype) raise AttributeError(msg) if self._spatialIdGiven: if expression.dataType() == pcraster.Scalar or expression.dataType( ) == pcraster.Directional: tmp = pcraster.areaaverage(pcraster.spatial(expression), pcraster.spatial(self._spatialId)) else: tmp = pcraster.areamajority(pcraster.spatial(expression), pcraster.spatial(self._spatialId)) col = 0 for cellIndex in self._sampleAddresses: value, valid = pcraster.cellvalue(tmp, cellIndex) if not valid: value = Decimal("NaN") self._sampleValues[arrayRowPos][col] = value col += 1 else: if expression.dataType() == pcraster.Scalar or expression.dataType( ) == pcraster.Directional: tmp = pcraster.maptotal(pcraster.spatial(expression))\ / pcraster.maptotal(pcraster.scalar(pcraster.defined(pcraster.spatial(expression)))) else: tmp = pcraster.mapmaximum(pcraster.maptotal(pcraster.areamajority(pcraster.spatial(expression),\ pcraster.spatial(pcraster.nominal(1))))) value, valid = pcraster.cellvalue(tmp, 1) if not valid: value = Decimal("NaN") self._sampleValues[arrayRowPos] = value if self._userModel.currentTimeStep() == self._userModel.nrTimeSteps(): self._writeTssFile()
def empty_measure(eco_clone): """Create an empty river measure.""" empty_map = pcr.scalar(mapIO.emptyMap(eco_clone.pcr_map)) empty_eco = measures.LegendMap(pcr.nominal(empty_map), eco_clone.legend_df) settings = pd.DataFrame( {1: ['lowering', 'dummy']}, index=['msr_type', 'ID'], ) msr = measures.Measure(settings, empty_map, empty_map, empty_eco, empty_map, empty_map, empty_map, empty_map) return msr
def test_9(self): """ test ifthenelse and nonspatial arguments """ pcraster.setclone(1, 3, 1, 1, 1) cond = pcraster.numpy2pcr(pcraster.Boolean, numpy.array([[1, 0, 5]], numpy.int8), 5) # Test some Python data types in condition res = ifthenelse(True, pcraster.boolean(1.0), pcraster.boolean(0)) self.assertEqual(pcraster.cellvalue(res, 1, 1), (True, True)) self.assertEqual(pcraster.cellvalue(res, 1, 2), (True, True)) self.assertEqual(pcraster.cellvalue(res, 1, 3), (True, True)) res = ifthenelse(False, pcraster.boolean(1.0), pcraster.boolean(0)) self.assertEqual(pcraster.cellvalue(res, 1, 1), (False, True)) self.assertEqual(pcraster.cellvalue(res, 1, 2), (False, True)) self.assertEqual(pcraster.cellvalue(res, 1, 3), (False, True)) res = ifthenelse(5, pcraster.boolean(1.0), pcraster.boolean(0)) self.assertEqual(pcraster.cellvalue(res, 1, 1), (True, True)) self.assertEqual(pcraster.cellvalue(res, 1, 2), (True, True)) self.assertEqual(pcraster.cellvalue(res, 1, 3), (True, True)) res = ifthenelse(0, pcraster.boolean(1.0), pcraster.boolean(0)) self.assertEqual(pcraster.cellvalue(res, 1, 1), (False, True)) self.assertEqual(pcraster.cellvalue(res, 1, 2), (False, True)) self.assertEqual(pcraster.cellvalue(res, 1, 3), (False, True)) # Spatial condition res = ifthenelse(cond, pcraster.boolean(1.0), pcraster.boolean(0)) self.assertEqual(pcraster.cellvalue(res, 1, 1), (True, True)) self.assertEqual(pcraster.cellvalue(res, 1, 2), (False, True)) self.assertEqual(pcraster.cellvalue(res, 1, 3)[1], False) # Non-spatial condition res = ifthenelse(pcraster.boolean(1.0), pcraster.nominal(3.0), pcraster.nominal(2)) self.assertEqual(pcraster.cellvalue(res, 1, 1), (3, True)) self.assertEqual(pcraster.cellvalue(res, 1, 2), (3, True)) self.assertEqual(pcraster.cellvalue(res, 1, 3), (3, True))
def selectCatchments(ldd, pitsMap, pitsDict, continentList, cloneMap): catchments = pcr.ifthen(pcr.boolean(pcr.readmap(cloneMap)) == 0, pcr.scalar(1)) for continent in pitsDict.iterkeys(): continentNr = pitsDict[continent][0] pitsContinent = pitsDict[continent][1:] print 'updating catchments for ', continent for pitNr in pitsContinent: pitMap = pcr.ifthen(pitsMap == pitNr, pcr.scalar(continentNr)) catchment = pcr.catchment(ldd, pcr.nominal(pitMap)) catchment = pcr.ifthen(pcr.boolean(catchment) == 1, catchment) catchments = pcr.cover(catchments, pcr.scalar(catchment)) return catchments
def xyzWAQUA2Pcr(xyzFile, gridIDMap, cloneFile): """read an WAQUA .xyz file into a raster map xyzFile: x,y,z,m,n,id column file with a one line header gridIDmap: pcraster map with the rgf grid cell IDs cloneFile: pcraster clonefile to be used in col2map """ xyz = np.loadtxt(xyzFile, delimiter=',', skiprows=1) xyzPointMap = col2map(xyz, cloneFile, args='-S -a -m -999999') xyzAreaMap = pcr.areaaverage(xyzPointMap, pcr.nominal(gridIDMap)) return xyzAreaMap
def test_002(self): """ nonspatial and pcr_as_numpy """ nrRows, nrCols, cellSize = 3, 2, 1.0 west, north = 0.0, 0.0 pcraster.setclone(nrRows, nrCols, cellSize, west, north) nonspatial = pcraster.nominal(5) with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context_manager: array = pcraster.pcr_as_numpy(nonspatial) self.assertEqual(str(context_manager.exception), "Argument is non-spatial, only spatial PCRaster data types are supported")
def initiate_modflow(self):"Initializing pcraster modflow.") # initialise self.pcr_modflow = None self.pcr_modflow = pcr.initialise(pcr.clone()) # grid specification - one layer model top = self.dem_average bottom = top - self.totalGroundwaterThickness self.pcr_modflow.createBottomLayer(bottom, top) # specification for the boundary condition (IBOUND, BAS package) # - active cells only in landmask # - constant head for outside the landmask ibound = pcr.ifthen(self.landmask, pcr.nominal(1)) ibound = pcr.cover(ibound, pcr.nominal(-1)) self.pcr_modflow.setBoundary(ibound, 1) # specification for conductivities (BCF package) horizontal_conductivity = self.kSatAquifer # unit: m/day # set the minimum value for transmissivity; (Deltares's default value: 10 m2/day) minimimumTransmissivity = 10. horizontal_conductivity = pcr.max(minimimumTransmissivity, \ horizontal_conductivity * self.totalGroundwaterThickness) / self.totalGroundwaterThickness vertical_conductivity = horizontal_conductivity # dummy values, as one layer model is used self.pcr_modflow.setConductivity(00, horizontal_conductivity, \ vertical_conductivity, 1) # specification for storage coefficient # - correction due to the usage of lat/lon coordinates primary = pcr.cover(self.specificYield * self.cellAreaMap/(pcr.clone().cellSize()*pcr.clone().cellSize()), 0.0) primary = pcr.max(1e-20, primary) secondary = primary # dummy values as we used layer type 00 self.pcr_modflow.setStorage(primary, secondary, 1) # set drain package self.set_drain_package()
def area_total_value(values, area_class): """Calculate the total value over the area class. values: map with values area_class: project area of the measure Returns a float with the total value over the area class. """ area_total = pcr.areatotal(pcr.scalar(values), pcr.nominal(area_class)) total_value, _ = pcr.cellvalue(pcr.mapmaximum(area_total), 1, 1) if total_value <= -3.40282346638e+38: # return 0 if only missing values total_value = 0 return total_value
def testNonSpatialCreation(self): value = 198329008 nonSpatial = pcraster.nominal(value) self.assertEqual(pcraster.cellvalue(nonSpatial, 1)[0], value) # OK value = 10000 i = 0 while i < 100: nonSpatial = pcraster.nominal(value) self.assertEqual(pcraster.cellvalue(nonSpatial, 1)[0], value) value += 13 i += 1 # Not OK bugzilla144 = False if not bugzilla144: print("skipped bugzilla144") else: value = 198329008 i = 0 while i < 100: nonSpatial = pcraster.nominal(value) self.assertEqual(pcraster.cellvalue(nonSpatial, 1)[0], value) value += 13 i += 1 # Bug is in the _PCRaster/ # newNonSpatialIntegralField code. # CW Jul-14/2008 CW can not trace it back to newNonSpatialIntegralField value = 198329012 nonSpatial = pcraster.nominal(value) self.assertEqual(pcraster.cellvalue(nonSpatial, 1)[0], value) value = 198329020 nonSpatial = pcraster.nominal(value) self.assertEqual(pcraster.cellvalue(nonSpatial, 1)[0], value)
def sample(self, expression): """ Sampling the current values of 'expression' at the given locations for the current timestep """ arrayRowPos = self._userModel.currentTimeStep() - self._userModel.firstTimeStep() #if isinstance(expression, float): # expression = pcraster.scalar(expression) try: # store the data type for tss file header if self._spatialDatatype == None: self._spatialDatatype = str(expression.dataType()) except AttributeError as e: datatype, sep, tail = str(e).partition(" ") msg = "Argument must be a PCRaster map, type %s given. If necessary use data conversion functions like scalar()" % (datatype) raise AttributeError(msg) if self._spatialIdGiven: if expression.dataType() == pcraster.Scalar or expression.dataType() == pcraster.Directional: tmp = pcraster.areaaverage(pcraster.spatial(expression), pcraster.spatial(self._spatialId)) else: tmp = pcraster.areamajority(pcraster.spatial(expression), pcraster.spatial(self._spatialId)) col = 0 for cellIndex in self._sampleAddresses: value, valid = pcraster.cellvalue(tmp, cellIndex) if not valid: value = Decimal("NaN") self._sampleValues[arrayRowPos][col] = value col += 1 else: if expression.dataType() == pcraster.Scalar or expression.dataType() == pcraster.Directional: tmp = pcraster.maptotal(pcraster.spatial(expression))\ / pcraster.maptotal(pcraster.scalar(pcraster.defined(pcraster.spatial(expression)))) else: tmp = pcraster.mapmaximum(pcraster.maptotal(pcraster.areamajority(pcraster.spatial(expression),\ pcraster.spatial(pcraster.nominal(1))))) value, valid = pcraster.cellvalue(tmp, 1) if not valid: value = Decimal("NaN") self._sampleValues[arrayRowPos] = value if self._userModel.currentTimeStep() == self._userModel.nrTimeSteps(): self._writeTssFile()
def pt_flow_in_river(ldd, river): """ Returns all points (True) that flow into the mak river (boolean map with river set to True) :param ldd: Drainage network :param river: Map of river (True River, False non-river) :return ifmap: map with infrlo points into the river (True) :return ctach: catchment of each of the inflow points """ dspts = pcr.downstream(ldd, pcr.cover(river, 0)) dspts = pcr.ifthenelse(pcr.cover(river, 0) == 1, 0, dspts) catch = pcr.subcatchment(ldd, pcr.nominal(pcr.uniqueid(dspts))) return dspts, catch
def test_003(self): """ pcr2numpy should not run out of memory """ nrRows, nrCols, cellSize = 200, 200, 1.0 west, north = 0.0, 0.0 pcraster.setclone(nrRows, nrCols, cellSize, west, north) raster = pcraster.uniform(1) process = psutil.Process(os.getpid()) mem = process.memory_info() init_mem = mem.rss / 2**10 nr_iterations = 50 mem_increase = False # small memory increase can occur at runtime # allow for, but less than iterations * size(raster) max_diff = 400 for it in range(0, nr_iterations): pcraster.pcr2numpy(raster, numpy.nan) mem = process.memory_info() curr_mem = mem.rss / 2**10 if curr_mem - init_mem > max_diff: mem_increase = True raster = pcraster.spatial(pcraster.boolean(1)) for it in range(0, nr_iterations): pcraster.pcr2numpy(raster, numpy.nan) mem = process.memory_info() curr_mem = mem.rss / 2**10 if curr_mem - init_mem > max_diff: mem_increase = True raster = pcraster.nominal(pcraster.uniform(1) * 10) for it in range(0, nr_iterations): pcraster.pcr2numpy(raster, numpy.nan) mem = process.memory_info() curr_mem = mem.rss / 2**10 if curr_mem - init_mem > max_diff: mem_increase = True self.assertEqual(mem_increase, False)
def __init__(self, input_files,\ output_files,\ modelTime,\ main_tmp_dir = "/dev/shm/"): DynamicModel.__init__(self) self.input_files = input_files self.output_files = output_files self.modelTime = modelTime # main temporary directory self.main_tmp_dir = main_tmp_dir+"/"+vos.get_random_word() # make the temporary directory if not exist yet try: os.makedirs(self.main_tmp_dir) except: os.system('rm -r '+str(self.main_tmp_dir)+'*') os.makedirs(self.main_tmp_dir) # clone map for pcraster process - depend on the resolution of the basin/catchment map pcr.setclone(self.input_files["basin30minmap"]) self.clone_map = pcr.boolean(1.0) # # catchment ids map self.catchment = pcr.nominal(\ pcr.readmap(self.input_files["basin30minmap"])) self.catchment = pcr.ifthen(pcr.scalar(self.catchment) > 0.0,\ self.catchment) # cell area map self.cell_area = pcr.cover(pcr.readmap(self.input_files["area30min_map"]), 0.0) # prepare grace monthly and annual anomaly time series self.pre_process_grace_file() # prepare model monthly and annual anomaly time series self.pre_process_model_file() # prepare object for writing netcdf files: self.output = OutputNetcdf(self.input_files["area30min_map"]) self.output.createNetCDF(self.output_files['basinscale_tws_month_anomaly']['grace'], "lwe_thickness","m") self.output.createNetCDF(self.output_files['basinscale_tws_month_anomaly']['model'], "pcrglobwb_tws","m") self.output.createNetCDF(self.output_files['basinscale_tws_annua_anomaly']['grace'], "lwe_thickness","m") self.output.createNetCDF(self.output_files['basinscale_tws_annua_anomaly']['model'], "pcrglobwb_tws","m")
def __init__(self, input_files,\ output_files,\ modelTime,\ tmpDir = "/dev/shm/"): DynamicModel.__init__(self) # self.input_files = input_files self.output_files = output_files self.tmpDir = tmpDir self.modelTime = modelTime pcr.setclone(self.input_files["model_cell_area"]) clone_map = pcr.boolean(1) # cell area (m2) self.cell_area = vos.readPCRmapClone(\ self.input_files["model_cell_area"],\ self.input_files["model_cell_area"],\ self.tmpDir) # resampling factor: ratio between target (coarse) and original (fine) resolution self.resample_factor = round( vos.getMapAttributes(self.input_files["one_degree_id"],'cellsize')/\ vos.getMapAttributes(self.input_files["model_cell_area"],'cellsize')) # unique ids for upscaling to one degree resolution (grace resolution) self.one_degree_id = pcr.nominal(\ vos.readPCRmapClone(\ self.input_files["one_degree_id"],\ self.input_files["model_cell_area"],\ self.tmpDir)) # object for reporting at coarse resolution (i.e. one arc degree - grace resolution) self.output = OutputNetcdf(self.input_files["one_degree_id"], self.input_files["model_cell_area"]) # preparing the netcdf file at coarse resolution: self.output.createNetCDF(self.output_files['one_degree_tws']['model'], "pcrglobwb_tws","m") # # edit some attributes: attributeDictionary = {} attributeDictionary['description'] = "One degree resolution total water storage (tws), upscaled from PCR-GLOBWB result. " self.output.changeAtrribute(self.output_files['one_degree_tws']['model'],\ attributeDictionary)
def testDeepCopyRasterNonSpatial(self): pcraster.setclone("validated/") raster = pcraster.boolean(1) tmp = copy.deepcopy(raster) self.assertEqual(True, self.arbitraryMapEquals(raster, tmp)) raster1 = pcraster.nominal(1) tmp1 = copy.deepcopy(raster1) self.assertEqual(True, self.arbitraryMapEquals(raster1, tmp1)) raster2 = pcraster.ordinal(1) tmp2 = copy.deepcopy(raster2) self.assertEqual(True, self.arbitraryMapEquals(raster2, tmp2)) raster3 = pcraster.scalar(1) tmp3 = copy.deepcopy(raster3) self.assertEqual(True, self.arbitraryMapEquals(raster3, tmp3)) raster4 = pcraster.directional(1) tmp4 = copy.deepcopy(raster4) self.assertEqual(True, self.arbitraryMapEquals(raster4, tmp4)) raster5 = pcraster.ldd(1) tmp5 = copy.deepcopy(raster5) self.assertEqual(True, self.arbitraryMapEquals(raster5, tmp5))
def readPCRmapClone(v,cloneMapFileName,tmpDir,absolutePath=None,isLddMap=False,cover=None,isNomMap=False,inputEPSG="EPSG:4326",outputEPSG="EPSG:4326",method="near"): # v: inputMapFileName or floating values # cloneMapFileName: If the inputMap and cloneMap have different clones, # resampling will be done. logger.debug('read file/values: '+str(v)) if v == "None": PCRmap = str("None") elif not re.match(r"[0-9.-]*$",v): if absolutePath != None: v = getFullPath(v,absolutePath) # print(v) sameClone = isSameClone(v,cloneMapFileName) if sameClone == True: PCRmap = pcr.readmap(v) else: # resample using GDAL: output = tmpDir+'' # if no re-projection needed: if inputEPSG == outputEPSG or outputEPSG == None: warp = gdalwarpPCR(v,output,cloneMapFileName,tmpDir,isLddMap,isNomMap) else: warp = gdalwarpPCR(v,output,cloneMapFileName,tmpDir,isLddMap,isNomMap,inputEPSG,outputEPSG,method) # read from temporary file and delete the temporary file: PCRmap = pcr.readmap(output) if isLddMap == True: PCRmap = pcr.ifthen(pcr.scalar(PCRmap) < 10., PCRmap) if isLddMap == True: PCRmap = pcr.ldd(PCRmap) if isNomMap == True: PCRmap = pcr.ifthen(pcr.scalar(PCRmap) > 0., PCRmap) if isNomMap == True: PCRmap = pcr.nominal(PCRmap) if os.path.isdir(tmpDir): shutil.rmtree(tmpDir) os.makedirs(tmpDir) else: PCRmap = pcr.scalar(float(v)) if cover != None: PCRmap = pcr.cover(PCRmap, cover) co = None; cOut = None; err = None; warp = None del co; del cOut; del err; del warp stdout = None; del stdout stderr = None; del stderr return PCRmap
def correction_per_aquifer(self, id): id = float(id); print id # identify aquifer mask aquifer_landmask = pcr.ifthen(self.margat_aquifer_map == pcr.nominal(id), pcr.boolean(1)) # obtain the logarithmic value of Margat value exp_margat_thick = pcr.cellvalue(\ pcr.mapmaximum(\ pcr.ifthen(aquifer_landmask, pcr.ln(self.margat_aquifer_thickness))), 1)[0] # obtain the logarithmic values of 'estimated thickness' exp_approx_thick = pcr.ifthen(aquifer_landmask, pcr.ln(self.approx_thick)) exp_approx_thick_array = pcr.pcr2numpy(exp_approx_thick, vos.MV) exp_approx_thick_array = exp_approx_thick_array[exp_approx_thick_array <> vos.MV] exp_approx_thick_array = exp_approx_thick_array[exp_approx_thick_array < 1000000.] # identify percentile exp_approx_minim = np.percentile(exp_approx_thick_array, 2.5); exp_approx_maxim = np.percentile(exp_approx_thick_array, 97.5); # correcting exp_approx_thick_correct = ( exp_approx_thick - exp_approx_minim ) / \ ( exp_approx_maxim - exp_approx_minim ) exp_approx_thick_correct = pcr.max(0.0, exp_approx_thick_correct ) exp_approx_thick_correct *= pcr.max(0.0,\ ( exp_margat_thick - exp_approx_minim ) ) exp_approx_thick_correct += pcr.min(exp_approx_minim, exp_approx_thick) # maximum thickness exp_approx_thick_correct = pcr.min(exp_margat_thick, exp_approx_thick_correct) # corrected thickness correct_thickness = pcr.exp(exp_approx_thick_correct) return correct_thickness
def pcr_coast(dem, points): """ project points to coast with nearest neighbourhood finds coastal cells based on dem with NoDataValues and the locations of boundary conditions at sea using pcr spread the a nearest neighbor interpolation of the point ids is done for coastal cells :param dem: pcr dem :param points: pcrmap with ids in cells :returns: pcr map with location ids projected to coastline """ # clump areas based on NoDataValues in dem dem_NoDataValues = pcr.cover(pcr.ifthenelse(dem > -9999, pcr.boolean(0), pcr.boolean(1)), pcr.boolean(1)) # find number of boundary conditions in area where dem_novalue pcr.setglobaloption("nondiagonal") # only top, bottom, left, right area_nbounds = pcr.areatotal(pcr.scalar(points), pcr.clump(dem_NoDataValues)) * pcr.scalar(dem_NoDataValues) pcr.setglobaloption("diagonal") # diagonal again # make sea (True) and land (False) mask if np.any(pcr.pcr2numpy(area_nbounds,-9999) > 0): sea = pcr.ifthenelse(area_nbounds > 0, pcr.boolean(1), pcr.boolean(0)) else: sea = dem_NoDataValues # find coast based on sea in neighboring cells and at land (sea = 0) coast = pcr.ifthenelse((pcr.window4total(pcr.scalar(sea)) > pcr.scalar(0)) & (sea == pcr.boolean(0)), pcr.boolean(1), pcr.boolean(0)) # move points to nearest sea cell(s) point_dist = pcr.ifthenelse(sea, pcr.spread(points, 0, 1), 1E31) # distance from each point for sea cells nnpoints = pcr.ifthenelse(sea, pcr.spreadzone(points, 0, 1), 0) # closest point for sea cells dist2sea = pcr.areaminimum(point_dist, nnpoints) # shortest distance to each point to sea points_in_sea = pcr.nominal(pcr.ifthenelse(dist2sea == point_dist, nnpoints, 0)) # map points to nearest sea cell # map point at sea to coastline according to shortest distance over sea res = pcr.ifthenelse((pcr.scalar(sea) + pcr.scalar(coast)) >= 1, pcr.scalar(1), 1E31) # mask out non sea or coast cells ids_coastline = pcr.scalar(pcr.spreadzone(points_in_sea, 0, res)) * pcr.scalar(coast) return ids_coastline, points_in_sea
def evaluateAllModelResults(self,globalCloneMapFileName,\ catchmentClassFileName,\ lddMapFileName,\ cellAreaMapFileName,\ pcrglobwb_output,\ analysisOutputDir="",\ tmpDir = None): # temporary directory if tmpDir == None: tmpDir = self.tmpDir+"/edwin_grdc_" # output directory for all analyses for all stations analysisOutputDir = str(analysisOutputDir) self.chartOutputDir = analysisOutputDir+"/chart/" self.tableOutputDir = analysisOutputDir+"/table/" # if analysisOutputDir == "": self.chartOutputDir = "chart/" if analysisOutputDir == "": self.tableOutputDir = "table/" # # make the chart and table directories: os.system('rm -r '+self.chartOutputDir+"*") os.system('rm -r '+self.tableOutputDir+"*") os.makedirs(self.chartOutputDir) os.makedirs(self.tableOutputDir) # cloneMap for all pcraster operations pcr.setclone(globalCloneMapFileName) cloneMap = pcr.boolean(1) self.cell_size_in_arc_degree = vos.getMapAttributesALL(globalCloneMapFileName)['cellsize'] lddMap = pcr.lddrepair(pcr.readmap(lddMapFileName)) cellArea = pcr.scalar(pcr.readmap(cellAreaMapFileName)) # The landMaskClass map contains the nominal classes for all landmask regions. landMaskClass = pcr.nominal(cloneMap) # default: if catchmentClassFileName is not given if catchmentClassFileName != None: landMaskClass = pcr.nominal(pcr.readmap(catchmentClassFileName)) # model catchment areas and cordinates catchmentAreaAll = pcr.catchmenttotal(cellArea, lddMap) / (1000*1000) # unit: km2 xCoordinate = pcr.xcoordinate(cloneMap) yCoordinate = pcr.ycoordinate(cloneMap) for id in self.list_of_grdc_ids:"Evaluating simulated discharge to the grdc observation at "+str(self.attributeGRDC["id_from_grdc"][str(id)])+".") # identify model pixel self.identifyModelPixel(tmpDir,catchmentAreaAll,landMaskClass,xCoordinate,yCoordinate,str(id)) # evaluate model results to GRDC data self.evaluateModelResultsToGRDC(str(id),pcrglobwb_output,catchmentClassFileName,tmpDir) # write the summary to a table summary_file = analysisOutputDir+"summary.txt" #"Writing the summary for all stations to the file: "+str(summary_file)+".") # # prepare the file: summary_file_handle = open(summary_file,"w") # # write the header summary_file_handle.write( ";".join(self.grdc_dict_keys)+"\n") # # write the content for id in self.list_of_grdc_ids: rowLine = "" for key in self.grdc_dict_keys: rowLine += str(self.attributeGRDC[key][str(id)]) + ";" rowLine = rowLine[0:-1] + "\n" summary_file_handle.write(rowLine) summary_file_handle.close()
def _parseLine(self, line, lineNumber, nrColumns, externalNames, keyDict): line = re.sub("\n","",line) line = re.sub("\t"," ",line) result = None # read until first comment content = "" content,sep,comment = line.partition("#") if len(content) > 1: collectionVariableName, sep, tail = content.partition(" ") if collectionVariableName == self._varName: tail = tail.strip() key, sep, variableValue = tail.rpartition(" ") if len(key.split()) != nrColumns: tmp = re.sub("\(|\)|,","",str(key)) msg = "Error reading %s line %d, order of columns given (%s columns) does not match expected order of %s columns" %(self._fileName, lineNumber, len(key.split()) + 2, int(nrColumns) + 2) raise ValueError(msg) variableValue = re.sub('\"', "", variableValue) tmp = None try: tmp = int(variableValue) if self._dataType == pcraster.Boolean: tmp = pcraster.boolean(tmp) elif self._dataType == pcraster.Nominal: tmp = pcraster.nominal(tmp) elif self._dataType == pcraster.Ordinal: tmp = pcraster.ordinal(tmp) elif self._dataType == pcraster.Ldd: tmp = pcraster.ldd(tmp) else: msg = "Conversion to %s failed" % (self._dataType) raise Exception(msg) except ValueError as e: try: tmp = float(variableValue) if self._dataType == pcraster.Scalar: tmp = pcraster.scalar(tmp) elif self._dataType == pcraster.Directional: tmp = pcraster.directional(tmp) else: msg = "Conversion to %s failed" % (self._dataType) raise Exception(msg) except ValueError as e: variableValue = re.sub("\\\\","/",variableValue) variableValue = variableValue.strip() path = os.path.normpath(variableValue) try: tmp = pcraster.readmap(path) except RuntimeError as e: msg = "Error reading %s line %d, %s" %(self._fileName, lineNumber, e) raise ValueError(msg) # test if key is an external name transformedKeys = [] counter = 0 for k in key.split(): k = k.strip() if externalNames[counter].get(k): transformedKeys.append(externalNames[counter].get(k)) else: transformedKeys.append(k) counter += 1 key = tuple(transformedKeys) if not key in keyDict: tmp = re.sub("\(|\)|,","",str(key)) msg = "Error reading %s line %d, %s unknown collection index" %(self._fileName, lineNumber, tmp) raise ValueError(msg) if not keyDict[key] is None: tmp = re.sub("\(|\)|,","",str(key)) msg = "Error reading %s line %d, %s %s already initialised" %(self._fileName, lineNumber, self._varName, tmp) raise ValueError(msg) keyDict[key] = tmp
ldd = pcr.lddrepair(pcr.ldd(ldd)) ldd = pcr.lddrepair(ldd) # - landmask landmask = pcr.ifthen(pcr.defined(ldd), pcr.boolean(1.0)) # - cell area cell_area = vos.readPCRmapClone(input_files['cell_area_05min'], clone_map_file, output_files['tmp_folder']) # read the hydrological year msg = "Reading the hydrological year types" + ":" hydro_year_type = pcr.nominal(\ vos.readPCRmapClone(input_files['hydro_year_05min'], input_files['clone_map_05min'], output_files['tmp_folder'], None, False, None, True)) hydro_year_type = pcr.cover(hydro_year_type, pcr.nominal(1.0)) # loop through every year msg = "Merging two hydrologyical years for the following variables:" # for i_year in range(str_year, end_year + 1): for var in variable_names:
def testScalar2Nominal(self): scalarMap = pcraster.readmap("") self.assertEqual(scalarMap.dataType(), pcraster.VALUESCALE.Scalar) nominalMap = pcraster.nominal(scalarMap) self.assertEqual(nominalMap.dataType(), pcraster.VALUESCALE.Nominal)
def subcatch_order_b( ldd, oorder, sizelimit=0, fill=False, fillcomplete=False, stoporder=0 ): """ Determines subcatchments using the catchment order This version tries to keep the number op upstream/downstream catchment the small by first dederivingatchment connected to the major river(the order) given, and fill up from there. Input: - ldd - oorder - order to use - sizelimit - smallest catchments to include, default is all (sizelimit=0) in number of cells - if fill is set to True the higer order catchment are filled also - if fillcomplete is set to True the whole ldd is filled with catchments. :returns sc, dif, nldd; Subcatchment, Points, subcatchldd """ # outl = find_outlet(ldd) # large = pcr.subcatchment(ldd,pcr.boolean(outl)) if stoporder == 0: stoporder = oorder stt = pcr.streamorder(ldd) sttd = pcr.downstream(ldd, stt) pts = pcr.ifthen((pcr.scalar(sttd) - pcr.scalar(stt)) > 0.0, sttd) maxorder = pcraster.framework.getCellValue(pcr.mapmaximum(stt), 1, 1) dif = pcr.uniqueid(pcr.boolean(pcr.ifthen(stt == pcr.ordinal(oorder), pts))) if fill: for order in range(oorder, maxorder): m_pts = pcr.ifthen((pcr.scalar(sttd) - pcr.scalar(order)) > 0.0, sttd) m_dif = pcr.uniqueid( pcr.boolean(pcr.ifthen(stt == pcr.ordinal(order), m_pts)) ) dif = pcr.uniqueid(pcr.boolean(pcr.cover(m_dif, dif))) for myorder in range(oorder - 1, stoporder, -1): sc = pcr.subcatchment(ldd, pcr.nominal(dif)) m_pts = pcr.ifthen((pcr.scalar(sttd) - pcr.scalar(stt)) > 0.0, sttd) m_dif = pcr.uniqueid( pcr.boolean(pcr.ifthen(stt == pcr.ordinal(myorder - 1), m_pts)) ) dif = pcr.uniqueid( pcr.boolean(pcr.cover(pcr.ifthen(pcr.scalar(sc) == 0, m_dif), dif)) ) if fillcomplete: sc = pcr.subcatchment(ldd, pcr.nominal(dif)) cs, m_dif, stt = subcatch_order_a(ldd, stoporder) dif = pcr.uniqueid( pcr.boolean( pcr.cover( pcr.ifthen(pcr.scalar(sc) == 0, pcr.ordinal(m_dif)), pcr.ordinal(dif), ) ) ) scsize = pcr.catchmenttotal(1, ldd) dif = pcr.ordinal(pcr.uniqueid(pcr.boolean(pcr.ifthen(scsize >= sizelimit, dif)))) sc = pcr.subcatchment(ldd, dif) # Make pit ldd nldd = pcr.lddrepair(pcr.ifthenelse(pcr.cover(dif, 0) > 0, 5, ldd)) return sc, dif, nldd
ldd = pcr.lddrepair(pcr.ldd(ldd)) ldd = pcr.lddrepair(ldd) # - landmask landmask = pcr.ifthen(pcr.defined(ldd), pcr.boolean(1.0)) # - cell area cell_area = vos.readPCRmapClone(input_files['cell_area_05min'], clone_map_file, output_files['tmp_folder']) # set the basin map msg = "Setting the basin map" + ":" basin_map = pcr.nominal(\ vos.readPCRmapClone(input_files['basin_map_05min'], input_files['clone_map_05min'], output_files['tmp_folder'], None, False, None, True)) #~ pcr.aguila(basin_map) # - extend/extrapolate the basin basin_map = pcr.cover(basin_map, pcr.windowmajority(basin_map, 0.5)) basin_map = pcr.cover(basin_map, pcr.windowmajority(basin_map, 0.5)) basin_map = pcr.cover(basin_map, pcr.windowmajority(basin_map, 0.5)) basin_map = pcr.cover(basin_map, pcr.windowmajority(basin_map, 1.0)) basin_map = pcr.cover(basin_map, pcr.windowmajority(basin_map, 1.5)) basin_map = pcr.ifthen(landmask, basin_map) #~ pcr.aguila(basin_map) msg = "Redefining the basin map (so that it is consistent with the ldd map used in PCR-GLOBWB):" # - calculate the upstream area of every pixel:
def testOrdinal2Nominal(self): ordinalMap = pcraster.ordinal(pcraster.readmap("")) self.assertEqual(ordinalMap.dataType(), pcraster.VALUESCALE.Ordinal) nominalMap = pcraster.nominal(ordinalMap), "") self.assertEqual(nominalMap.dataType(), pcraster.VALUESCALE.Nominal)
def getParameterFiles( self, currTimeStep, cellArea, ldd, initial_condition_dictionary=None ): # parameters for Water Bodies: fracWat # waterBodyIds # waterBodyOut # waterBodyArea # waterBodyTyp # waterBodyCap # cell surface area (m2) and ldd self.cellArea = cellArea ldd = pcr.ifthen(self.landmask, ldd) # date used for accessing/extracting water body information date_used = currTimeStep.fulldate year_used = currTimeStep.year if self.onlyNaturalWaterBodies == True: date_used = self.dateForNaturalCondition year_used = self.dateForNaturalCondition[0:4] # fracWat = fraction of surface water bodies (dimensionless) self.fracWat = pcr.scalar(0.0) if self.useNetCDF: self.fracWat = vos.netcdf2PCRobjClone( self.ncFileInp, "fracWaterInp", date_used, useDoy="yearly", cloneMapFileName=self.cloneMap, ) else: self.fracWat = vos.readPCRmapClone( self.fracWaterInp + str(year_used) + ".map", self.cloneMap, self.tmpDir, self.inputDir, ) self.fracWat = pcr.cover(self.fracWat, 0.0) self.fracWat = pcr.max(0.0, self.fracWat) self.fracWat = pcr.min(1.0, self.fracWat) self.waterBodyIds = pcr.nominal(0) # waterBody ids self.waterBodyOut = pcr.boolean(0) # waterBody outlets self.waterBodyArea = pcr.scalar(0.0) # waterBody surface areas # water body ids if self.useNetCDF: self.waterBodyIds = vos.netcdf2PCRobjClone( self.ncFileInp, "waterBodyIds", date_used, useDoy="yearly", cloneMapFileName=self.cloneMap, ) else: self.waterBodyIds = vos.readPCRmapClone( self.waterBodyIdsInp + str(year_used) + ".map", self.cloneMap, self.tmpDir, self.inputDir, False, None, True, ) # self.waterBodyIds = pcr.ifthen( pcr.scalar(self.waterBodyIds) > 0.0, pcr.nominal(self.waterBodyIds) ) # water body outlets (correcting outlet positions) wbCatchment = pcr.catchmenttotal(pcr.scalar(1), ldd) self.waterBodyOut = pcr.ifthen( wbCatchment == pcr.areamaximum(wbCatchment, self.waterBodyIds), self.waterBodyIds, ) # = outlet ids self.waterBodyOut = pcr.ifthen( pcr.scalar(self.waterBodyIds) > 0.0, self.waterBodyOut ) # TODO: Please also consider endorheic lakes! # correcting water body ids self.waterBodyIds = pcr.ifthen( pcr.scalar(self.waterBodyIds) > 0.0, pcr.subcatchment(ldd, self.waterBodyOut), ) # boolean map for water body outlets: self.waterBodyOut = pcr.ifthen( pcr.scalar(self.waterBodyOut) > 0.0, pcr.boolean(1) ) # reservoir surface area (m2): if self.useNetCDF: resSfArea = ( 1000.0 * 1000.0 * vos.netcdf2PCRobjClone( self.ncFileInp, "resSfAreaInp", date_used, useDoy="yearly", cloneMapFileName=self.cloneMap, ) ) else: resSfArea = ( 1000.0 * 1000.0 * vos.readPCRmapClone( self.resSfAreaInp + str(year_used) + ".map", self.cloneMap, self.tmpDir, self.inputDir, ) ) resSfArea = pcr.areaaverage(resSfArea, self.waterBodyIds) resSfArea = pcr.cover(resSfArea, 0.0) # water body surface area (m2): (lakes and reservoirs) self.waterBodyArea = pcr.max( pcr.areatotal( pcr.cover(self.fracWat * self.cellArea, 0.0), self.waterBodyIds ), pcr.areaaverage(pcr.cover(resSfArea, 0.0), self.waterBodyIds), ) self.waterBodyArea = pcr.ifthen(self.waterBodyArea > 0.0, self.waterBodyArea) # correcting water body ids and outlets (exclude all water bodies with surfaceArea = 0) self.waterBodyIds = pcr.ifthen(self.waterBodyArea > 0.0, self.waterBodyIds) self.waterBodyOut = pcr.ifthen( pcr.boolean(self.waterBodyIds), self.waterBodyOut ) # water body types: # - 2 = reservoirs (regulated discharge) # - 1 = lakes (weirFormula) # - 0 = non lakes or reservoirs (e.g. wetland) self.waterBodyTyp = pcr.nominal(0) if self.useNetCDF: self.waterBodyTyp = vos.netcdf2PCRobjClone( self.ncFileInp, "waterBodyTyp", date_used, useDoy="yearly", cloneMapFileName=self.cloneMap, ) else: self.waterBodyTyp = vos.readPCRmapClone( self.waterBodyTypInp + str(year_used) + ".map", self.cloneMap, self.tmpDir, self.inputDir, False, None, True, ) # excluding wetlands (waterBodyTyp = 0) in all functions related to lakes/reservoirs # self.waterBodyTyp = pcr.ifthen( pcr.scalar(self.waterBodyTyp) > 0, pcr.nominal(self.waterBodyTyp) ) self.waterBodyTyp = pcr.ifthen( pcr.scalar(self.waterBodyIds) > 0, pcr.nominal(self.waterBodyTyp) ) self.waterBodyTyp = pcr.areamajority( self.waterBodyTyp, self.waterBodyIds ) # choose only one type: either lake or reservoir self.waterBodyTyp = pcr.ifthen( pcr.scalar(self.waterBodyTyp) > 0, pcr.nominal(self.waterBodyTyp) ) self.waterBodyTyp = pcr.ifthen( pcr.boolean(self.waterBodyIds), self.waterBodyTyp ) # correcting lakes and reservoirs ids and outlets self.waterBodyIds = pcr.ifthen( pcr.scalar(self.waterBodyTyp) > 0, self.waterBodyIds ) self.waterBodyOut = pcr.ifthen( pcr.scalar(self.waterBodyIds) > 0, self.waterBodyOut ) # reservoir maximum capacity (m3): self.resMaxCap = pcr.scalar(0.0) self.waterBodyCap = pcr.scalar(0.0) if self.useNetCDF: self.resMaxCap = ( 1000.0 * 1000.0 * vos.netcdf2PCRobjClone( self.ncFileInp, "resMaxCapInp", date_used, useDoy="yearly", cloneMapFileName=self.cloneMap, ) ) else: self.resMaxCap = ( 1000.0 * 1000.0 * vos.readPCRmapClone( self.resMaxCapInp + str(year_used) + ".map", self.cloneMap, self.tmpDir, self.inputDir, ) ) self.resMaxCap = pcr.ifthen(self.resMaxCap > 0, self.resMaxCap) self.resMaxCap = pcr.areaaverage(self.resMaxCap, self.waterBodyIds) # water body capacity (m3): (lakes and reservoirs) self.waterBodyCap = pcr.cover( self.resMaxCap, 0.0 ) # Note: Most of lakes have capacities > 0. self.waterBodyCap = pcr.ifthen( pcr.boolean(self.waterBodyIds), self.waterBodyCap ) # correcting water body types: # Reservoirs that have zero capacities will be assumed as lakes. self.waterBodyTyp = pcr.ifthen( pcr.scalar(self.waterBodyTyp) > 0.0, self.waterBodyTyp ) self.waterBodyTyp = pcr.ifthenelse( self.waterBodyCap > 0.0, self.waterBodyTyp, pcr.ifthenelse( pcr.scalar(self.waterBodyTyp) == 2, pcr.nominal(1), self.waterBodyTyp ), ) # final corrections: self.waterBodyTyp = pcr.ifthen( self.waterBodyArea > 0.0, self.waterBodyTyp ) # make sure that all lakes and/or reservoirs have surface areas self.waterBodyTyp = pcr.ifthen( pcr.scalar(self.waterBodyTyp) > 0.0, self.waterBodyTyp ) # make sure that only types 1 and 2 will be considered in lake/reservoir functions self.waterBodyIds = pcr.ifthen( pcr.scalar(self.waterBodyTyp) > 0.0, self.waterBodyIds ) # make sure that all lakes and/or reservoirs have ids self.waterBodyOut = pcr.ifthen( pcr.scalar(self.waterBodyIds) > 0.0, self.waterBodyOut ) # make sure that all lakes and/or reservoirs have outlets # for a natural run (self.onlyNaturalWaterBodies == True) # which uses only the year 1900, assume all reservoirs are lakes if ( self.onlyNaturalWaterBodies == True and date_used == self.dateForNaturalCondition ): "Using only natural water bodies identified in the year 1900. All reservoirs in 1900 are assumed as lakes." ) self.waterBodyTyp = pcr.ifthen( pcr.scalar(self.waterBodyTyp) > 0.0, pcr.nominal(1) ) # check that all lakes and/or reservoirs have types, ids, surface areas and outlets: test = ( pcr.defined(self.waterBodyTyp) & pcr.defined(self.waterBodyArea) & pcr.defined(self.waterBodyIds) & pcr.boolean( pcr.areamaximum(pcr.scalar(self.waterBodyOut), self.waterBodyIds) ) ) a, b, c = vos.getMinMaxMean(pcr.cover(pcr.scalar(test), 1.0) - pcr.scalar(1.0)) threshold = 1e-3 if abs(a) > threshold or abs(b) > threshold: logger.warning("Missing information in some lakes and/or reservoirs.") # at the beginning of simulation period (timeStepPCR = 1) # - we have to define/get the initial conditions # if currTimeStep.timeStepPCR == 1: self.getICs(initial_condition_dictionary) # For each new reservoir (introduced at the beginning of the year) # initiating storage, average inflow and outflow # self.waterBodyStorage = pcr.cover(self.waterBodyStorage, 0.0) self.avgInflow = pcr.cover(self.avgInflow, 0.0) self.avgOutflow = pcr.cover(self.avgOutflow, 0.0) # cropping only in the landmask region: self.fracWat = pcr.ifthen(self.landmask, self.fracWat) self.waterBodyIds = pcr.ifthen(self.landmask, self.waterBodyIds) self.waterBodyOut = pcr.ifthen(self.landmask, self.waterBodyOut) self.waterBodyArea = pcr.ifthen(self.landmask, self.waterBodyArea) self.waterBodyTyp = pcr.ifthen(self.landmask, self.waterBodyTyp) self.waterBodyCap = pcr.ifthen(self.landmask, self.waterBodyCap) self.waterBodyStorage = pcr.ifthen(self.landmask, self.waterBodyStorage) self.avgInflow = pcr.ifthen(self.landmask, self.avgInflow) self.avgOutflow = pcr.ifthen(self.landmask, self.avgOutflow)
index = 0 # for posCnt # set clone and define land mask region pcr.setclone(landmask05minFile) landmask = pcr.defined(pcr.readmap(landmask05minFile)) landmask = pcr.ifthen(landmask, landmask) # cell area at 5 arc min resolution cellArea = vos.readPCRmapClone(cellArea05minFile, cloneMapFileName,tmp_directory) cellArea = pcr.ifthen(landmask,cellArea) # ids for every 30 arc min grid: uniqueIDs30min = vos.readPCRmapClone(uniqueIDs30minFile, cloneMapFileName,tmp_directory) uniqueIDs30min = pcr.nominal(pcr.ifthen(landmask, uniqueIDs30min)) for iYear in range(staYear,endYear+1): for iMonth in range(1,12+1): timeStamp = datetime.datetime(int(iYear),int(iMonth),int(1),int(0)) fulldate = '%4i-%02i-%02i' %(int(iYear),int(iMonth),int(1)) print fulldate monthRange = float(calendar.monthrange(int(iYear), int(iMonth))[1]) print(monthRange) index = index + 1 for iVar in range(0,len(varNames)): # reading values from the input netcdf files (30min)
landmask = pcr.defined(pcr.readmap(clone_map)) # class map file name: #~ class_map_file_name = "/home/sutan101/data/aqueduct_gis_layers/aqueduct_shp_from_marta/" #~ class_map_file_name = "/home/sutan101/data/aqueduct_gis_layers/aqueduct_shp_from_marta/" #~ class_map_file_name = "/home/sutan101/data/processing_whymap/version_19september2014/" #~ class_map_file_name = "/home/sutan101/data/processing_whymap/version_19september2014/" class_map_file_name = str(sys.argv[2]) class_map_default_folder = "/home/sutan101/data/aqueduct_gis_layers/aqueduct_shp_from_marta/" if class_map_file_name == "state": class_map_file_name = class_map_default_folder + "/" if class_map_file_name == "drainage_unit": class_map_file_name = class_map_default_folder + "/" if class_map_file_name == "aquifer": class_map_file_name = class_map_default_folder + "/" if class_map_file_name == "country": class_map_file_name = "/home/sutan101/data/country_shp_from_tianyi/" # reading the class map class_map = pcr.nominal(pcr.uniqueid(landmask)) if class_map_file_name != "pixel": class_map = vos.readPCRmapClone(class_map_file_name, clone_map, tmp_directory, None, False, None, True, False) class_map = pcr.ifthen(pcr.scalar(class_map) > 0.0, pcr.nominal(class_map)) # time selection start_year = int(sys.argv[3]) end_year = int(sys.argv[4]) # cell_area (unit: m2) cell_area = pcr.readmap("/data/hydroworld/PCRGLOBWB20/input5min/routing/") segment_cell_area = pcr.areatotal(cell_area, class_map) # extent of aquifer/sedimentary basins: sedimentary_basin = pcr.cover(pcr.scalar(pcr.readmap("/home/sutan101/data/sed_extent/")), 0.0) cell_area = sedimentary_basin * cell_area
attributeDictionary['comment' ] = "None" # additional attribute defined in PCR-GLOBWB attributeDictionary['description'] = "prepared by Edwin H. Sutanudjaja" # initiate the netcd object: tssNetCDF = MakingNetCDF(cloneMapFile = cloneMapFileName, \ attribute = attributeDictionary, \ cellSizeInArcMinutes = cellSizeInArcMinutes) # making netcdf files: for var in variable_names: tssNetCDF.createNetCDF(output[var]['file_name'], var, output[var]['unit']) # class (country) ids uniqueIDsFile = "/projects/0/dfguu/users/edwin/data/country_shp_from_tianyi/" uniqueIDs = pcr.nominal(\ vos.readPCRmapClone(uniqueIDsFile, cloneMapFileName, tmp_directory, None, False, None, True)) uniqueIDs = pcr.readmap(uniqueIDsFile) uniqueIDs = pcr.ifthen(pcr.scalar(uniqueIDs) >= 0.0, uniqueIDs) # landmask landmask = pcr.defined(pcr.readmap(landmask05minFile)) landmask = pcr.ifthen(landmask, landmask) # - extending landmask with uniqueIDs landmask = pcr.cover(landmask, pcr.defined(uniqueIDs)) # extending class (country) ids max_step = 5 for i in range(1, max_step+1, 1): cmd = "Extending class: step "+str(i)+" from " + str(max_step) print(cmd)
def evaluateAllBaseflowResults(self,globalCloneMapFileName,\ catchmentClassFileName,\ lddMapFileName,\ cellAreaMapFileName,\ pcrglobwb_output,\ analysisOutputDir="",\ tmpDir = None): # temporary directory if tmpDir == None: tmpDir = self.tmpDir+"/edwin_iwmi_" # output directory for all analyses for all stations analysisOutputDir = str(analysisOutputDir) self.chartOutputDir = analysisOutputDir+"/chart/" self.tableOutputDir = analysisOutputDir+"/table/" # if analysisOutputDir == "": self.chartOutputDir = "chart/" if analysisOutputDir == "": self.tableOutputDir = "table/" # # make the chart and table directories: os.system('rm -r '+self.chartOutputDir+"*") os.system('rm -r '+self.tableOutputDir+"*") os.makedirs(self.chartOutputDir) os.makedirs(self.tableOutputDir) # cloneMap for all pcraster operations pcr.setclone(globalCloneMapFileName) cloneMap = pcr.boolean(1) lddMap = pcr.lddrepair(pcr.readmap(lddMapFileName)) cellArea = pcr.scalar(pcr.readmap(cellAreaMapFileName)) # The landMaskClass map contains the nominal classes for all landmask regions. landMaskClass = pcr.nominal(cloneMap) # default: if catchmentClassFileName is not given if catchmentClassFileName != None: landMaskClass = pcr.nominal(pcr.readmap(catchmentClassFileName)) for id in self.list_of_grdc_ids:"Evaluating simulated annual baseflow time series to IWMI baseflow time series at "+str(self.attributeGRDC["id_from_grdc"][str(id)])+".") # evaluate model results to GRDC data self.evaluateBaseflowResult(str(id),pcrglobwb_output,catchmentClassFileName,tmpDir) # write the summary to a table summary_file = analysisOutputDir+"baseflow_summary.txt" #"Writing the summary for all stations to the file: "+str(summary_file)+".") # # prepare the file: summary_file_handle = open(summary_file,"w") # # write the header summary_file_handle.write( ";".join(self.grdc_dict_keys)+"\n") # # write the content for id in self.list_of_grdc_ids: rowLine = "" for key in self.grdc_dict_keys: rowLine += str(self.attributeGRDC[key][str(id)]) + ";" rowLine = rowLine[0:-1] + "\n" summary_file_handle.write(rowLine) summary_file_handle.close()
clone_map_file, output_files['tmp_folder'], None, True) ldd = pcr.lddrepair(pcr.ldd(ldd)) ldd = pcr.lddrepair(ldd) # - landmask landmask = pcr.ifthen(pcr.defined(ldd), pcr.boolean(1.0)) # set the the cell id for every half arc-degree cell msg = "Setting the cell id for every half arc-degree cell" + ":" cell_ids_30min = pcr.nominal(\ vos.readPCRmapClone(input_files['cell_ids_30min' ], clone_map_file, output_files['tmp_folder'], None, False, None, True)) # set the cell areas for 5 arc-min and half arc-degree cells msg = "Setting the cell areas for 5 arc-min and half arc-degree cells" + ":" # - 5 arc-min cell_area = vos.readPCRmapClone(input_files['cell_area_05min'], clone_map_file, output_files['tmp_folder']) cell_area = pcr.ifthen(landmask, cell_area) # - 30 arc-min cell_area_30min = pcr.areatotal(cell_area, cell_ids_30min)
def subcatch_stream(ldd, threshold, stream=None, min_strahler=-999, max_strahler=999, assign_edge=False, assign_existing=False, up_area=None, basin=None): """ Derive catchments based upon strahler threshold Input: ldd -- pcraster object direction, local drain directions threshold -- integer, strahler threshold, subcatchments ge threshold are derived stream=None -- pcraster object ordinal, stream order map (made with pcr.streamorder), if provided, stream order map is not generated on the fly but used from this map. Useful when a subdomain within a catchment is provided, which would cause edge effects in the stream order map min_strahler=-999 -- integer, minimum strahler threshold of river catchments to return max_strahler=999 -- integer, maximum strahler threshold of river catchments to return assign_unique=False -- if set to True, unassigned connected areas at the edges of the domain are assigned a unique id as well. If set to False, edges are not assigned assign_existing=False == if set to True, unassigned edges are assigned to existing basins with an upstream weighting. If set to False, edges are assigned to unique IDs, or not assigned output: stream_ge -- pcraster object, streams of strahler order ge threshold subcatch -- pcraster object, subcatchments of strahler order ge threshold """ # derive stream order if stream is None: stream = pcr.streamorder(ldd) stream_ge = pcr.ifthen(stream >= threshold, stream) stream_up_sum = pcr.ordinal(pcr.upstream(ldd, pcr.cover(pcr.scalar(stream_ge), 0))) # detect any transfer of strahler order, to a higher strahler order. transition_strahler = pcr.ifthenelse(pcr.downstream(ldd, stream_ge) != stream_ge, pcr.boolean(1), pcr.ifthenelse(pcr.nominal(ldd) == 5, pcr.boolean(1), pcr.ifthenelse(pcr.downstream(ldd, pcr.scalar(stream_up_sum)) > pcr.scalar(stream_ge), pcr.boolean(1), pcr.boolean(0)))) # make unique ids (write to file) transition_unique = pcr.ordinal(pcr.uniqueid(transition_strahler)) # derive upstream catchment areas (write to file) subcatch = pcr.nominal(pcr.subcatchment(ldd, transition_unique)) # mask out areas outside basin if basin is not None: subcatch = pcr.ifthen(basin, subcatch) if assign_edge: # fill unclassified areas (in pcraster equal to zero) with a unique id, above the maximum id assigned so far unique_edge = pcr.clump(pcr.ifthen(subcatch==0, pcr.ordinal(0))) subcatch = pcr.ifthenelse(subcatch==0, pcr.nominal(pcr.mapmaximum(pcr.scalar(subcatch)) + pcr.scalar(unique_edge)), pcr.nominal(subcatch)) elif assign_existing: # unaccounted areas are added to largest nearest draining basin if up_area is None: up_area = pcr.ifthen(pcr.boolean(pcr.cover(stream_ge, 0)), pcr.accuflux(ldd, 1)) riverid = pcr.ifthen(pcr.boolean(pcr.cover(stream_ge, 0)), subcatch) friction = 1./pcr.scalar(pcr.spreadzone(pcr.cover(pcr.ordinal(up_area), 0), 0, 0)) # *(pcr.scalar(ldd)*0+1) delta = pcr.ifthen(pcr.scalar(ldd)>=0, pcr.ifthen(pcr.cover(subcatch, 0)==0, pcr.spreadzone(pcr.cover(riverid, 0), 0, friction))) subcatch = pcr.ifthenelse(pcr.boolean(pcr.cover(subcatch, 0)), subcatch, delta) # finally, only keep basins with minimum and maximum river order flowing through them strahler_subcatch = pcr.areamaximum(stream, subcatch) subcatch = pcr.ifthen(pcr.ordinal(strahler_subcatch) >= min_strahler, pcr.ifthen(pcr.ordinal(strahler_subcatch) <= max_strahler, subcatch)) return stream_ge, pcr.ordinal(subcatch)